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EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008 - February 25th

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  • Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

    <table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;"><tbody><tr><td class="nav" align="center">

    Rates Chicks and Lat ..!!
    </td></tr><tr><td class="auther" align="right">
    ور :
    QALUBAIYA - Ahmad Mansour:
    </td></tr><tr><td align="right"> Poultry prices continued their rise insanity in the main bourse able
    لغ سعر
    The price per kilo of White Chicks ten pounds and half and municipal "red" 12 pounds and 5.13 pounds frozen.
    Major General Abdel Youssef Stock Exchange chairman attributed to a shortage in supply of the high prices of fodder, as well as meat, which exceeded 35 pounds ..

    His accountant Hamdi Dasuki Deputy Executive of the Stock Exchange that there is another cause of the problem is reduced to half before.

    Al Wafd



    • Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

      Hat tip Pugmom

      <table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>
      <table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td>44268 </td><td> ‏السنة 132-العدد Year 132 - Issue </td><td> 2008 2008 </td><td> فبراير February </td><td> 18 18 </td><td> ‏11 من صفر 1429 هـ 11 1429 e </td><td> الأثنين Monday </td></tr></tbody></table>
      </td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr><td align="center"><!--container2-->
      </td></tr><tr><td align="center"><!--container3-->
      </td></tr><tr><td><table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td width="10">
      </td><td align="center"><!--heads--> اكتشاف بؤرتين جديدتين للانفلونزا بالغربية وكفر الشيخ Discovery of new foci of avian heat and Kafr El-Sheikh
      دراسة السماح بتداول الطيور الحية لحين استكمال المجازر Study to allow the circulation of live birds until the completion of massacres

      <!--heade--><table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;" bgcolor="#ffffec" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td colspan="5" align="right" bgcolor="#ffffec">
      كتب ـ فتحي عبدالعال‏:‏ Fathi Abdel Aal wrote:
      </td></tr><tr><td colspan="5" align="right" bgcolor="#ffffec"><table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;" align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="66"><tbody><tr><td align="center"></td></tr><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#ffffff"> امين اباظة Amin Abaza </td></tr></tbody></table>
      أعلنت وزارة الزراعة واستصلاح الأراضي أنه تم اكتشاف بؤرتين جديدتين لإنفلونزا الطيور في التربية المنزلية احداهما في المحلة الكبري بالغربية‏,‏ والثانية بكفر الشيخ وتم إعدام جميع الطيور المجاورة للبؤرتين وخصوصا الدواجن التي لم يتم تحصينها‏.‏ The Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, it was discovered new foci of avian influenza in the household of Education, one in Mehalla Al-story, and the second Azhar Sheikh has been executing all birds adjacent to foci, especially poultry that have not been vaccinated.

      وأؤضح الدكتور صابر عبدالعزيز مدير إدارة الأوبئة وأمراض الدواجن أن الوزارة تدرس حاليا السماح بتداول الطيور الحية لحين استكمال المجازر التي تستوعب كامل الانتاج وذلك لمواجهة ارتفاع أسعار الدواجن في الأسواق‏.‏

      وقال إن الحملة القومية مستمرة في عملها بالقري‏,‏ حيث تم تحصين‏26‏ مليون طائر خلال الشهرين الماضيين‏,‏ وتوفير‏45‏ مليون جرعة لقاح بمديريات الطب البيطري بالمحافظات‏.‏ He said that the ongoing national campaign in its villages, which were vaccinated 26 million birds over the past two months, and provide 45 million doses of vaccine Bmderiaat veterinary medicine nationwide.

      وأشار الدكتور حامد سماحة رئيس الهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية إلي أن اللجنة القومية للمكافحة وافقت علي عرض التقرير الذي اعدته وزارة الزراعة حول سياسة التعويض الشاملة عن الخسائر الناجمة عن المرض تمهيدا لعرضه علي مجلس الوزراء لاقراره‏.‏ And Dr Hamed Samaha Chairman of the General Authority for Veterinary Services Committee of the National Counter agreed to the presentation of the report prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture on policy overall compensation for losses resulting from the disease in preparation for submission to the Cabinet for approval.

      واضاف انه يجري حاليا وضع الأسس والقواعد التي يتم علي أساسها صرف التعويضات الشاملة لمربي ومنتجي الدواجن وتحمل جميع الجهات المعنية مسئولياتها‏,‏ ومنها المنظمات الحكومية والأهلية والقطاعان العام والخاص‏.‏ He is currently laying the foundations and rules by which payment of compensation to breeders and the overall poultry producers and assume responsibilities of all concerned, including non-governmental and private organizations and the public and private sectors.

      واكد ان التقرير تضمن أن اجمالي ما تم صرفه من تعويضات خلال المرحلة الماضية حتي اغسطس‏2006‏ بلغ‏169‏ مليون جنيه‏,‏ مشيرا إلي أن التقرير اقترح فرض رسوم محددة علي مدخلات قطاع الدواجن المستوردة والدواجن المجمدة فضلا عن مشاركة اتحاد منتجي الدواجن وتخصيص تلك المبالغ لصغار المنتجين المضارين‏.‏ He emphasized that the report had said that that was cashed compensation during the last stage until August 2006 amounted to 169 million pounds, adding that the report suggested the imposition of specific duties on inputs imported poultry sector and frozen poultry, as well as the participation of the Federation of poultry producers and the allocation of Those amounts to small producers.

      He announced that he would set up a fund to support follow-up and control system for the early detection of infection is funded by donors and fees for senior producers, and the formation of a committee to compensation representative of all relevant actors, such as the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Authority for Veterinary Services and the Federation of poultry producers and Central Laboratory for control of poultry productionجن


      • Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

        machine translation -

        New hotbeds of &#171;bird flu&#187; heat and Kfraheik

        Salem wrote Mitwalli 18/2/2008

        A body of public services as the emergence of new infections Berti disease avian influenza governorates of the West and Kafr El-Sheikh, where the veterinary services Bamahafeztin execute infected birds within regions.

        Said Dr. Sabir Abdul Aziz, general manager of epidemics and diseases of poultry body, the disease goals in education and rural household, pointing out that scored the first in the village of Al Hatem Hassan of the Centre Mahala Al-Gharbiya governorate,

        While the second case of rural education in the village of Kantara Agriculture, Kafr El-Sheikh governorate, and that he would decide birds in the area of injury and 3 streets adjacent to the site if the birds were not immune to the bird flu.

        He added Abdulaziz told &#171;Egyptian today&#187; was completely vaccinated 26 million birds free rural education since the start of the second campaign to combat the disease, which began last December, and it is currently being updated immunizations governorates through 45 million doses ready for use by the departments of veterinary medicine governorates.

        He disclosed that he is currently studying alternative solutions for handling birds between provinces and controls necessary to ensure the application of safety rules is vital for the transport and handling birds between governorates.

        He pointed out that current energy of the massacres poultry enough to accommodate 55&#37; of the total production of poultry, pointing out that the ministry provided facilities for the establishment of new massacres to accommodate poultry production Egypt's poultry and bird of million by the year 2011.


        • Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

          6 cases of detention of suspected avian influenza Basapthm
          الغربية علي أبودشيش:
          West Aboudecic:
          احتجز مستشفي حميات طنطا وزفتي والمحلة 6 حالات جديدة للاشتباه في إصابتهم بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور وهم لسيدتين من مدينة المحلة الكبري وتم حجزهما بحميات المحلة الكبري وعامل وطفل بمركز زفتي وتم حجزهم بحميات زفتي وعامل وسيدة بمركز طنطا وتم حجزهما بحميات طنطا علي الفور تم عزلهم وأخذ عينات من الدم ومسحة من الحلق لإرسالها إلي المعامل المركزية للتأكد من إصابتهم من عدمه.

          Detained Hospital Dietetic Tanta and Residence and Mahala 6 new cases of suspected bird flu illness

          They are two women from the town of Mahala was Hdzhma Bhmyat Mahala and working and child Residence status was confined Bhmyat Place, a working woman and the status of Tanta was Hdzhma Bhmyat Tanta were immediately isolated and sampling of blood and the appearance of the throat to be sent to central laboratories to ensure that infected or not.


          • Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

            Egyptian girl tests positive for bird flu-MENA

            Mon 25 Feb 2008, 22:52 GMT

            [-] Text [+] CAIRO, Feb 25 (Reuters) - A 4-year-old Egyptian girl tested positive for bird flu on Monday, the 44th confirmed human case in the Arab world's most populous country, state news agency MENA said.

            Ministry of Health spokesman Abdel Rahman Shaheen said the girl had been treated with the antiviral drug tamiflu and had been transferred from Minya province to a hospital in Cairo, the agency said.

            The girl is suffering from a high fever and is having trouble breathing because she has inflammation of one of her lungs.

            Four Egyptian women died from bird flu in December. Their deaths broke a 5-month pause in human cases in Egypt and brought to 19 the number of Egyptians who have died of the H5N1 bird flu virus since it emerged in Egypt in early 2006.

            It is the third winter the virus has struck after lying low during Egypt's hot summers, when it is much less likely to spread from one carrier to another.

            Around 5 million households in Egypt depend on poultry as a main source of food and income, and the government has said this makes it unlikely the disease can be eradicated despite a large-scale poultry vaccination programme.

            WHO officials have said the bird flu virus was now considered endemic in Egypt.

            Deaths from bird flu total more than 230 worldwide since 2003 and have been reported in several African and Asian countries, as well as in Turkey and Azerbaijan. Egypt has been the hardest-hit country outside of Asia.

            Health experts fear the virus could mutate into a form that spreads easily from one person to another, possibly triggering a pandemic that could kill millions. (Writing by Aziz El-Kaissouni) (; +20 2 2578 3290/1; Reuters Messaging:


            • Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008 - February 25th

              New thread for Egypt Human Cases:

