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Florida Public Information Resources and Hotlines

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  • Florida Public Information Resources and Hotlines

    CONTACT: PUBLIC INFORMATION (ESF 14): (850) 921-0217

    <TABLE dir=ltr cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=7 width=409 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top height=7>Additional Public Information Resources and Hotlines


    <TABLE dir=ltr cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=7 width=549 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=16>Attorney General?s fraud hotline for price gouging.

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=16>1-866-966-7226

    </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=25>Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner gas price-gouging hotline.

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=25>1-800-HELP-FLA (1-800-435-7352)
    1-800-640-0886 TTY

    </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=7>Fishermen who wish to contact BP.

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=7>1-800-440-0858

    </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=25>To report tarballs or other evidence of oil on Florida?s coastline call the Rapid Response Team.

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=25>1-866-448-5816

    </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=16>Report oiled wildlife to the Joint Information Center.

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=16>1-866-557-1401

    </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=44>Seabirds and shorebirds are protected by law. Report anyone harming or harassing these birds or nest disturbances to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=44>1-888-404-FWCC (3922)


    <TABLE dir=ltr cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=7 width=560 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=16>Florida State Parks camping or cabin reservations

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=16>1-850-245-2157

    </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=7>To file a claim with BP.

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=7>1-800-440-0858

    </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=25>Florida Department of Financial Services small business assistance hotline.

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=25>1-850-413-3089 or toll-free at 1-877-MY-FL-CFO (1-877-693-5236)

    </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=25>Business Owner Insurance Coverage Hotline

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=25>850-413-3100 or toll free 1-800-342-2762 TDD: 850-410-9700

    </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=16>Report injured or oiled animals to the Wildlife Distress Hotline.

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=16>1-866-557-1401

    </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=16>BP?s community information line and volunteer line.

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=16>1-866-448-5816

    </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=44>To register as a consultant, contractor, vendor, or submit information on alternative response technology, services, products, vessels of opportunities, or suggestions.

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=44>1-281-366-5511

    </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=25>Florida Relay Services, the communications link for people who are Hearing Impaired.

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=25>711

    </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=16>Florida Department of Emergency Management TTY

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=16>1-800-226-4329 TTY

    </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=16>Joint Information Center Twitter Updates

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=16>

    </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=16>Joint Information Center Facebook Updates

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width="50%" height=16>Deepwater Horizon Response

    About Floridas Deepwater Horizon Program Deepwater Horizon Group (2023).JPG On April 20, 2010, the offshore oil drilling platform Deepwater Horizon exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, causing the largest oil spill in U.S. history. As a result of the disaster, three funding streams were created: compensation for injury/damage under the Natural Resource Damage Assessment
    "Safety and security don't just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear."
    -Nelson Mandela

  • #2
    Re: Florida Public Information Resources and Hotlines

    BP oil spill offices open in Escambia

    Pensacola News Journal ? May 13, 2010

    BP has opened an office at 3960 Navy Boulevard, Suites 16 & 17, to serve the citizens of Escambia County with oil spill-related claims.

    The office is open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., seven days a week, until further notice, an Escambia County news release said

    BP recommends anyone with a claim call 1 (800) 440-0858 to help expedite the process. By calling this number, adjusters can get basic information prior to a complainant's visit.

    The BP community office also is open at 435 E. Government St., and representatives are available to answer questions about volunteering, the vessels of opportunity program, or any other oil spill-related questions.

    The number to reach that office is (850) 912-560.

    For more information, please visit

    "Safety and security don't just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear."
    -Nelson Mandela


    • #3
      Re: Florida Public Information Resources and Hotlines

      Boyas implementadas en el Area de ?Big Bend? en la Florida agregan recursos al Programa Centinela

      FECHA: Junio 26. 2010 17:24:53 CST

      N?meros telef?nicos importantes
      ? Para reportar crudo en el litoral ? para ofrecer sus servicios como voluntario: (866) 448-5816
      ? Para sugerir servicios, productos ? tecnolog?a alterna para ayudar en la operaci?n: (281) 366-5511
      ? Para ofrecer su buque como recurso voluntario al Programa de Buques Voluntarios (EEUU: Vessel of Opportunity Program): (281) 366-5511
      ? Para presentar reclamo para da?os sufridos: (800) 440-0858
      ? Para reportar fauna contaminada por el crudo: (866) 557-1401

      MIAMI - Tres boyas se han implementado cerca de Cabo San Blas, el punto m?s meridional del Condado Franklin , Florida, para ayudar a supervisar las corrientes de agua en el ?rea de Big Bend. Una cuarta boya fue desplegada para supervisar las aguas al norte del Eddy Franklin.

      Las boyas, auto-localizadas, con referencias del marcador de boyas (SLDMB), son desplegables en el aire, un est?ndar oceanogr?fico de superficies que informan sus posiciones de GPS cada 30 minutos, a trav?s de un sistema de sat?lite a un centro de sistema operacional de Guardacostas. Los miembros del Mando Unificado de puesto de mando de la pen?nsula de Florida (FPCP) est?n utilizando estas boyas adicionales para obtener m?s informaci?n sobre el movimiento de aguas cerca de la Pen?nsula de la Florida y el Eddy Franklin. Un avi?n de ala fija HC-144 ?Ocean Sentry? del centro de entrenamiento de aviaci?n de Guardacostas en Mobile, Alabama, despleg? las primeras tres boyas. El cuarto fue desplegado desde un avi?n de ala fijada C-130 de la Guardia Costera de la Estaci?n A?rea de Clearwater, Florida. Los SLDMB se utilizan rutinariamente por la Guardia Costera durante casos de b?squeda y rescate para determinar las corrientes del oc?ano superficial de la escena. Doce boyas ya est?n desplegadas en el Golfo de M?xico para apoyar a los ocean?grafos del equipo HAZMAT de NOAA en Seattle, que realizan diariamente las previsiones de la marea negra.
      El FPCP sigue vigilando por signos de invasi?n de aceite a trav?s del Programa Centinela, as? como los esfuerzos de vigilancia del departamento de protecci?n ambiental de Florida y la Comision de Pesca y Conservaci?n de Vida Silvestre de la Florida. Las actividades incluyen patrullas de aviones, buques y veh?culos a lo largo del norte de los condados costero de la Florida. Los barcos de motor, Sea Sun y Ocean Star est?n patrullando activamente el bucle actual al oeste de las Tortugas Secas, usando las observaciones visuales y redes de colecci?n para supervisar y evaluar esta ?rea. El Richard L. Becker est? patrullando una amplia regi?n del central del Golfo de M?xico para ofrecer supervisi?n en tiempo real y superficie cerca de la Franklin de Eddy.

      Las trayectorias de la derivas de todas las barcazas Guardacostas , actualmente desplegados en el Golfo de M?xico se pueden verse en: [USF dritf locations]
      Last edited by LaMenchos; July 6, 2010, 09:45 AM. Reason: add website translation to English

