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Power of the Mighty Mississippi used to beat back oil spill

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  • Power of the Mighty Mississippi used to beat back oil spill

    Power of the Mighty Mississippi used to beat back oil spill
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    by Maya Rodriguez / Eyewitness News
    Posted on May 12, 2010 at 9:01 PM
    Updated today at 8:02 AM

    As a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico continues to spread, federal, state and local officials are looking at a number of ways to try and keep the oil away from the coast. One idea includes harnessing the power of the mighty Mississippi River to protect the state's coastal marshes.

    "We're going to have peak water, in about five more days, coming down the Mississippi River," said Garret Graves of the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority.

    State officials have opened up six diversions along the river, from St. Charles Parish to Plaquemines Parish. The diversions allow the Mississippi waters to act as a flushing system for the coast.

    "It really could provide a fresh water wedge potentially against encroaching oil," said Tim Doody, president of the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority East.

    One path the water is traveling through includes the Caernarvon diversion, on the border between St. Bernard and Plaquemines Parishes. Fresh water is moving through there at 8,000 cubic feet per second.

    "We're trying to get as much fresh water as we can into both the Barataria Basin and Breton Sound area on the east bank," Graves said.

    While the diversions are expected to keep some of the oil out of the coastal marshes, they could have some unintended consequences. Fresh water could throw off the salinity levels along the coast, affecting fisheries and estuaries. The alternative, though, is considered far worse.

    "The ecological disaster that is this oil spill, far outweighs the potential for harm," Doody said.

    Full text and video at:
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