Dramatic Kinneret Discovery: Climate Crisis Ruined Ancient Empires
By: Jewish Press Staff
Published: October 22nd, 2013
Researchers of the Kinneret have concluded that a climate crisis 3,200 years ago brought about the collapse of regional empires.
A study of fossil pollen particles in sediments extracted from the bottom of the Sea of Galilee has revealed evidence of a climate crisis that traumatized the Near East from the middle of the 13th to the late 12th century BCE. The crisis brought about the collapse of the great empires of the Bronze Age.
"In a short period of time, the entire world of the Bronze Age crumbled," explains Tel Aviv University archaeologist Prof. Finkelstein. "The Hittite empire, Egypt of the Pharaohs, the Mycenaean culture in Greece, the copper producing kingdom located on the island of Cyprus, the great trade emporium of Ugarit on the Syrian coast and the Canaanite city-states under Egyptian hegemony ? all disappeared and only after a while were replaced by the territorial kingdoms of the Iron Age, including Israel and Judah.?...
By: Jewish Press Staff
Published: October 22nd, 2013
Researchers of the Kinneret have concluded that a climate crisis 3,200 years ago brought about the collapse of regional empires.
A study of fossil pollen particles in sediments extracted from the bottom of the Sea of Galilee has revealed evidence of a climate crisis that traumatized the Near East from the middle of the 13th to the late 12th century BCE. The crisis brought about the collapse of the great empires of the Bronze Age.
"In a short period of time, the entire world of the Bronze Age crumbled," explains Tel Aviv University archaeologist Prof. Finkelstein. "The Hittite empire, Egypt of the Pharaohs, the Mycenaean culture in Greece, the copper producing kingdom located on the island of Cyprus, the great trade emporium of Ugarit on the Syrian coast and the Canaanite city-states under Egyptian hegemony ? all disappeared and only after a while were replaced by the territorial kingdoms of the Iron Age, including Israel and Judah.?...