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Scientists: Bacteria spreading in warming oceans

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  • Scientists: Bacteria spreading in warming oceans

    Sep. 13, 2011

    Scientists: Bacteria spreading in warming oceans

    DON MELVIN, Associated Press

    BRUSSELS (AP) — Warning: The warming of the world's oceans can cause serious illness and may cost millions of euros (dollars) in health care.
    That is the alarm sounded in a paper released online Tuesday on the eve of a two-day conference in Brussels.

    The 200-page paper is a synthesis of the findings of more than 100 projects funded by the European Union since 1998. It was produced by Project CLAMER, a collaboration of 17 European marine institutes.

    The paper says the rising temperature of ocean water is causing a proliferation of the Vibrio genus of bacteria, which can cause food poisoning, serious gastroenteritis, septicemia and cholera.

    Read more - AP

    CLAMER Conference

    Living with a warming ocean:

    European research and public perception of climate change impacts in the marine environment

    15 September 2011, Royal Academy of Sciences, Brussels

    More at the Clamer Project website:

    Climate Change and Marine Ecosystem Research

    Climate Change and Marine Ecosystem - Research Results

    Link to full report
    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

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