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Mainland China Swine Flu news

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  • Mainland China Swine Flu news

    Guangdong emergency contact with the H1N1 Type A influenza cases on the same plane passengers
    May 2, 2009
    People in Guangzhou on May 2 (Xinhua Tang Wei) at the press today from the Health Department of Guangdong Province was informed that before the Hong Kong H1N1 influenza A one cases of confirmed influenza cases, the cases of Mexico took a ride flight to Shanghai AM098 in April 30, 2009 arrived in Shanghai.
    目前广东已经联络上乘坐同个航班到达广东41名旅客中的30名,目前尚余11位未与当地疾病预防控制中心取 得联系,卫生部门已发公告并正通过各种办法联络旅客。
    At present, Guangdong has been contacted by flights with 41 passengers arrive in Guangdong in the 30, the remaining 11 did not with the local Center for Disease Control and Prevention to contact the health department has issued notice and are through a variety of ways to contact the passenger.
    Health Department of Guangdong Province held an emergency meeting of relevant experts to assess the impact of the situation in Guangdong to study the deployment of emergency measures.
    In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Health, Health Department of Guangdong Province has decided to haul passengers for a 7-day medical observation.
    So far have found the area and follow-up of 30 people found no abnormalities.
    专家呼吁公众不必恐慌,要注意个人卫生和公共卫生,一旦出现咳嗽、发热等症状,要到正规的医院 就诊。
    Experts urge the public not to panic, it is necessary to observe good personal hygiene and public health, in the event of a cough, fever and other symptoms, to a regular hospital.
    另据了解,五一假期,广州各家定点医院的发热门诊如常24小时开放,医护人员放弃休假,值班严防甲型H1N 1流感。
    It is understood that the holiday, Guangzhou various hospitals of fever clinics open 24 hours a day as usual, health care workers give up the vacation, on duty to prevent influenza H1N1 influenza.
    The number of stable patients with fever and no patients with suspected infection.
    The number of pharmacies in Guangzhou Banlangen, disposable masks are selling, some pharmacies and even out of stock.
    广东省疾控中心专家指出,只有佩戴高过滤性的口罩,才能有效预防病毒;建议市民注意通风透气更有利于防病, 更重要的是要采取常洗手、避免去人多的地方。
    CDC experts have pointed out that Guangdong Province, only to wear the high-filter masks, in order to effectively prevent virus; the public is advised to pay attention to ventilation is more conducive to disease prevention and, more importantly, to take regular hand-washing, avoiding crowded places to go.
    对于市民热衷采购板蓝根,广州中医药大学温病专家钟嘉熙教授指出,这次甲型H1N1流感感染者有腹泻症状, 中医认为可能受寒,而板蓝根药性偏寒,多吃反而会加重症状。
    Keen for the public procurement Banlangen, Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine temperature Professor Zhong Jiaxi disease experts pointed out that the Type A H1N1 influenza infection have diarrhea symptoms, Chinese medicine that might catch cold, and the partial nature Banlangen cold, it will increase the symptoms of eating.

  • #2
    Re: Mainland China Swine Flu news

    See also above the South China Sea Pearl dali dead drift [Photo]
    2009年04月29日09:10 打印已有评论394条
    At 9:10 on April 29, 2009 大洋网 【Medium Small】 【Print】 there to comment 0
    Recently, in the Pearl River (Guangdong) above the South China Sea Dali, on a daily basis to a number of dead drift, from the 10-30 range.
    Moldy dead swelling, more decomposed to reveal a small number of ribs, the shore can also smell the rancid odor smell.
    The dead continue to emerge may be the upper reaches of the Pearl River in the village abandoned by private farmers for the public to think of "swine flu."
    Yesterday (27), Dali Service Center of Agriculture and Forestry recovered near the scene heard 10 dead.
    (Ho Tao Lan)


    • #3
      Re: Mainland China Swine Flu news

      Beijing and Hong Kong, 15 patients had no contact with influenza-like symptoms (Figure)

      请看博讯热点: 猪流感爆发
      Boxun see hot: the outbreak of swine flu

      ( <SMALL>博讯北京时间2009年5月02日</SMALL> <SMALL>转载</SMALL> )
      <SMALL>(Boxun Beijing May</SMALL> 2, <SMALL>2009 reprint)</SMALL> <!--bodystart-->

      来源:千龙网北京5月2日讯(记者石磊)今天下午,北京地坛医院召开新闻发布会,地坛医院新闻发言人、副院 长成军介绍了地坛医院对在该院进行集中医学观察的15名与香港确诊的甲型H1N1流感患者亲密接触者的有关 情况。

      Source: Beijing Qianlong Network's May 2 (Reporter Shi Lei) this afternoon in Beijing Ditan Hospital held a news conference, press spokesman for the Ditan Hospital, Cheng Jun, vice president of Ditan Hospital, introduced in the hospital for focus on medical observation of 15 alpha and the Hong Kong H1N1 influenza confirmed close contacts of patients with the situation.

      At present, these 15 were in stable condition, there is no influenza-like symptoms.

      据成军介绍,地坛医院在今日共接受了15名需医学观察的甲型H1N1流感患者;此前报道的17名亲密接触者 中,另外两名分别在江苏和河北当地被追访到,已实施有效隔离。

      According to Chen, the Ditan Hospital today received a total of 15 medical observation to be the alpha in patients with H1N1 influenza; previously reported 17 close contacts, the other two in Jiangsu and Hebei追访locally that have been the implementation of effective quarantine.

      Introduced into the military, the 15 suspected patients, adults and children; 5 of them foreign nationals.

      成军表示,这15名需进行医学观察的亲密接触者由北京疾控中心专业人员进行甲型H1N1流感检 测。

      Chen said that the 15 required close medical observation of contacts professionals from Beijing CDC Influenza Type A H1N1 detection.

      Currently, 15 close contacts of cases are very good, no symptoms of fever and bad.
      根据相关规定,这15名亲密接触者需要在地坛医院进行7天的医学观察,确定没有感染甲型H1N1后,即可出 院。

      In accordance with the relevant provisions of, this 15 close contacts need to Ditan hospital seven days of medical observation, determines that there is no H1N1 influenza infection, it can be discharged.


      Beijing Ditan Hospital has 600 beds and, if necessary, that could double to 840.
      目前医院首批可启动的病床有179间,共298张床,其中40%为单间,其余为双人间或三人间 。

      At present, the first can start the hospital has 179 beds, a total of 298 beds, of which 40% were single, and the rest for the double or triple room.

      In addition, ICU wards with negative pressure 8, ready to treat diagnosed patients.
      医院所有病房内均设有空气消毒设备;清洁区域和污染区域之间有门禁控制人员出入,极大地减少了交叉感染的可 能。

      Hospital all wards are equipped with air disinfection equipment; a clean pollution regional and regional staff have access to access control, greatly reducing the possibility of cross-infection.

      据了解,4月30日,抵达上海的墨西哥航空公司AM098航班上的一位乘客由上海飞抵香港,被确诊为甲型H 1N1流感患者。

      It is understood that the April 30, arrived in Shanghai AM098 Mexicana Airlines flight, a passenger flew from Shanghai to Hong Kong, was diagnosed with alpha in patients with H1N1 influenza.

      Which patients with the same plane of 17 passengers, arrived in Beijing from Shanghai, are close contacts need to focus on medical observation.


      • #4
        Re: Mainland China Swine Flu news

        Hong Kong's first case of H1N1 influenza cases alpha visitors to trace the same flight
        <STYLE id=_Custom_Style_>.h1 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 22pt; MARGIN: 17pt 0cm 16.5pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 240%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify}.h2 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify}.h3 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify}DIV.union { FONT-SIZE: 14px; LINE-HEIGHT: 18px}DIV.union TD { FONT-SIZE: 14px; LINE-HEIGHT: 18px}.h1 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 22pt; MARGIN: 17pt 0cm 16.5pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 240%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify}.h2 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify}.h3 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify}.union { FONT-SIZE: 14px; LINE-HEIGHT: 18px}.union TD { FONT-SIZE: 14px; LINE-HEIGHT: 18px}</STYLE>
        AP】 evening of May 1, the alpha-one cases of confirmed cases of H1N1 influenza, the patient was Mexicans, Mexico aboard the flight to Shanghai on April 30 in the morning, arrived in Shanghai, and then switch to China Eastern Airlines MU505 In the afternoon arrived at the Hong Kong flight.

        "Nanfang Dushi Bao" reported that the Ministry of Health on May 2 zero informed about the specific cases, and asked for Shanghai, Beijing and Guangdong health authorities immediately AM098 all passengers on the flight in close contact with persons in accordance with isolation and a period of seven days of medical observation. Also sought to identify the flight as soon as possible to the other provinces have the passengers, inform the relevant provinces and to take immediate verification of the corresponding control measures.

        April 30 arrived from Mexico, flights to Shanghai, a total of 176 passengers, 13 crew members. At present, the 13 crew members have received medical observation and 176 visitors are tracked. Patients with Mexico looking for the same plane passengers in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Beijing, Hebei, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Yunnan and other areas as well as Taiwan. Time to deadline date, arrived in Canton in the 28 passengers (non-previously reported 41 people) have all been found, but a dozen other cities are still unaccounted for.

        Beijing: isolation 15
        AM098 take 17 people from Mexico to fly to Shanghai, then to Beijing. At present, the Beijing Ditan Hospital has 15 of them medical observation in isolation, have been found abnormal symptoms. Another 2 were transferred to Hebei and Jiangsu.
        Hebei: 1 segregation
        AM098 ride from Mexico to fly to Shanghai, then to Beijing, and then transferred to Hebei. After briefing in Beijing, Hebei Province, disease control departments to追访that medical observation and quarantine.
        Jiangsu: isolation 16
        AM098 ride from Mexico to fly to Shanghai, Shanghai notification 10 to Jiangsu, Beijing, Fujian 1 to the briefing of Jiangsu, at the same time there are 4 people to the local disease prevention and control institutions of self-reported. Of these 16 were all isolated medical observation.
        Zhejiang: isolation 6
        AM098 ride from Mexico to fly to Shanghai, then transferred to Zhejiang. 3 man-made Mexican, 1 man-made American citizen, 2 people of Chinese nationality, of which 4 are now in Hangzhou, 2 people in Yiwu City. The spot is now under medical observation in isolation, has not been unusual symptoms.
        Yunnan: isolation 6
        AM098 ride from Mexico to Shanghai in the afternoon of April 30 this six passengers transit via Shanghai to Kunming, Kunming to be all one to the designated isolation hospital for a period of seven days of medical observation. At present, their normal physical condition.
        Guangdong: 28 were isolated
        AM098 ride from Mexico to fly to Shanghai, then transferred to Guangdong, the Ministry of Health informed the original 41 people, followed by disease control departments of Guangdong Province to verify the correction, and ultimately to 30 people in Guangzhou, the other 11 people to change the future of Guangdong tour. As of early this morning, the final news is that there are 2 people have found in Shanghai, and the remaining 28 were all contacted.
        Taiwan: Hong Kong 27
        AM098 travel to Shanghai from Mexico, followed by immigrants arrived in Taiwan seven flights. At present, Taiwan has to master one of the whereabouts of 26 tourists, one after another to carry out sampling, there is still a search for Taiwanese visitors.
        Shanghai: 48 were isolated
        As of last night, from Mexico AM098 take the passengers to fly to Shanghai, with Shanghai as the destination of the 48 passengers have been found, and were focused on medical observation isolation.


        • #5
          Re: Mainland China Swine Flu news

          Originally posted by Treyfish View Post
          See also above the South China Sea Pearl dali dead drift [Photo]
          2009年04月29日09:10 打印已有评论394条
          At 9:10 on April 29, 2009 大洋网 【Medium Small】 【Print】 there to comment 0
          Recently, in the Pearl River (Guangdong) above the South China Sea Dali, on a daily basis to a number of dead drift, from the 10-30 range.
          Moldy dead swelling, more decomposed to reveal a small number of ribs, the shore can also smell the rancid odor smell.
          The dead continue to emerge may be the upper reaches of the Pearl River in the village abandoned by private farmers for the public to think of "swine flu."
          Yesterday (27), Dali Service Center of Agriculture and Forestry recovered near the scene heard 10 dead.
          (Ho Tao Lan)

          Treyfish -

          Can you clarify the "what" species the: "dead continue to emerge may be the upper reaches of the Pearl River. . . ."


          Thanks - E


          • #6
            Re: Mainland China Swine Flu news

            Hi E. I understood it to be pigs.


            • #7
              Re: Mainland China Swine Flu news

              Originally posted by hawkeye View Post
              Hi E. I understood it to be pigs.

              thanks me too - just wanted to be sure - thx - E


              • #8
                Re: Mainland China Swine Flu news

                CHINA - H1N1 flu elsewhere is highlighting problems in the pork supply chain, including a sharp drop in the wholesale price.

                Official sources report industry insiders saying that the influenza A (H1N1) flu virus has contributed to a slide in the wholesale price of pork in Guangdong province.

                "A lot of difficulties emerged in the industry of pig feeding and selling since last year, such as having an excess of supply over demand," added Zhou Hong, a deputy secretary of Guangdong feeding stuff industry association, who pointed out that other factors were the main reason behind the slide in prices.

                "Competition in the market has turned more severe but the A(H1N1) virus has aggregated the difficulties."

                According to Mr Zhou, the reason for much of the oversupply began several years ago when the number of pigs being farmed fell sharply in the second half of 2006 after a strain of fever spread widely among piglets.

                The size of the herd that year was 17 per cent smaller than the previous year, and the price of pork in 2007 and the first four months of 2008 rose quickly because of the shortage in supply.

                "A kilogram of pork was sold at 20 yuan ($2.90) at that time ? double the price of the previous year," he said.

                The soaring pork price enticed an influx of businessmen to invest in the industry, resulting in the supply of pork recovering and soon outstripping demand.

                Consequently, the price started to drop last May, he said.

                "The wholesale price of a kilogram of pork dropped from 20 yuan to 12 yuan last year," Mr Zhou explained.

                "The price in the first four months of this year kept dropping," said Chen Sheng, president of Guangdong Tiandi Food Group, adding that the wholesale price for one kilogram of pork fell to less than 10 yuan last month, he added.

                At the start of the H1N1 flu outbreak, when the disease was being referred to as 'swine flu', people began to have concerns about eating pork, even though medical experts assured the virus could not be caught by eating pork.

                He warned that if the wholesale price of a kilogram of pork remained below 10 yuan in the fall, many pig farmers might lose confidence in the business.

                Masks, meanwhile, and anti-flu drugs are very popular in the market area of Guangdong. Many pharmacies in Guangzhou asked a customer to buy no more than two masks, and some anti-flu drugs have sold out, according to the report.



                • #9
                  Re: Mainland China Swine Flu news

                  China warns of growing domestic flu risk despite declining global new cases

                  <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=453><TBODY><TR><TD class=t10blk width=383>08:08, May 07, 2009
                  <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=453><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width=238><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=t14blk></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=453><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>China faces a growing risk of the influenza A/H1N1 spreading into its mainland although the worldwide increase of new cases is in decline, Vice Health Minister Zhang Mao said here Wednesday.

                  "Chinese medical experts believe the epidemic will continue to spread across the globe and China must remain vigilant," Zhang told a video conference on the prevention and control of the disease.

                  A 25-year-old male Mexican was confirmed on Friday in Hong Kong to be infected with influenza A/H1N1, and those who were in close contact with him have been put under quarantine in 19 mainland provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions as well as Hong Kong and Macao.


                  In the past week, China has initiated a joint prevention and control mechanism, adopted strict quarantine of people, goods and vehicles entering its border, stepped up epidemic monitoring and made active medical preparations for emergencies.

                  "The measures are proved to be timely, forceful and effective, as no A/H1N1 cases have been reported on the mainland and those in close contact with the confirmed Hong Kong case are under effective control," he said.

                  Zhang said the slowed increase of new cases might be due to the active prevention measures most countries have taken. Although no international travel warning has been issued, countries have all beefed up customs quarantine and other virus containing efforts.

                  "Autumn and winter might see the second wave of outbreak and the virus might mutate into a more fierce variety, so we must be fully prepared," he said.

                  He urged health authorities to beef up epidemic surveillance, reporting, treatment and research, and called for better preparation work including medicine storage and vaccine research and production. He also underlined the role of traditional Chinese medicine in combating the virus.


                  Zeng Guang, chief epidemiologist of China's Center for Disease Control, said China has to be prepared for the "worst scenario" as it faces direr challenges of a possible flu epidemic, given its high population density, an enormous migrating population and uneven disease control capacities in different regions.

                  "The results could be more disastrous in China than in other parts of the world. That's why China is on the alert against the A/H1N1 flu," he told Xinhua on Wednesday.

                  "We should never be caught off guard, because currently we still do not know much about the disease, and what will happen in the future,"
                  he said.

                  Zeng said one important lesson learnt by the World Health Organization and China following the SARS outbreak in 2003 was to use drastic measures to stem the spread of the virus.

                  "The spread of the A/H1N1 flu is slower than it should be after the world has acted to monitor and contain it. But if we lower our vigilance, it will spread more quickly," he warned.

                  QUARANTINE DEFENDED

                  Zeng defended China's move to put under quarantine some foreigners from countries where the A/H1N1 flu cases were reported, saying that was to protect the health of the Chinese public.

                  "We should always prepare for the worst scenario while working towards the best results," he said.

                  A leading administrative law expert, Ma Huaide, vice president of the China University of Political Science and Law, also defended the government's measures to prevent an epidemic outbreak.

                  He told Xinhua on Wednesday that the laws allow administrative authorities to quarantine those who have, or were suspected to have, highly infectious diseases.

                  Ma was interviewed hours after a Mexican jet flew scores of its nationals home from cities across China early Wednesday, after they were quarantined for taking the same flight with the confirmed Hong Kong case.

                  The measures triggered Mexican claims of discrimination, although China took the position that this was a case equivalent to the country's Class A, or most dangerous, infectious diseases, such as plague and cholera.

                  China learned from its experience during the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in 2003, Ma said.

                  "The country has improved its legal system to deal with such public health emergencies," he said. "The system has provided a legal basis for the government to carry out its disease prevention measures."

                  Under the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, medical authorities are entitled to isolate patients who have contracted Class A infectious diseases and disease carriers for treatment, and to treat suspected patients individually in isolation at designated places until a definite diagnosis is made.

                  Those in close contact with patients, disease carriers or suspected patients should be kept under medical observation at designated places, it stipulates.

                  The Border Quarantine Law also empowered border inspection authorities to quarantine people coming from countries where infectious diseases were epidemic, Ma added.

                  "Both laws apply to foreigners while they are in Chinese territory ... it is absolutely legal for Chinese health authorities to put the Mexican crew and passengers into quarantine," Ma said.

                  Ma stressed that during an epidemic, the government had even greater rights.

                  Under the Emergency Regulations on Public Health Contingencies and Measures for the Prevention issued by the State Council, or the cabinet, in 2003 following the outbreak of SARS, authorities could even force patients into quarantine, seal off workplaces and schools and summarily incinerate or entomb the bodies of deceased patients, to prevent an epidemic from spreading.

                  The A/H1N1 virus is confirmed to be responsible for at least 29deaths in Mexico and two in the United States, and the World Health Organization has counted 1,490 people infected around the globe so far.

                  WHO PRAISE

                  A World Health Organization (WHO) officer on Wednesday praised China's efforts to prevent a possible pandemic of the virus.

                  "Overall, WHO feels that China has handled the situation with influenza A/H1N1 quite well," said Vivian Tan, communications officer with the WHO China, in a written reply to Xinhua.

                  "China's experiences with SARS and avian influenza have prepared it well for the current situation with influenza A/H1N1,"she said.

                  However, the officer warned that "if it turns into a pandemic, China will probably not be spared."

                  What's important is to mitigate the impact of the pandemic by focusing on early detection, public information, social distancing and treatment, she said.

                  The 1.3 billion-populated country has mobilized several governmental sectors including Ministries of Health, Agriculture, Foreign Affairs and China Center for Disease Control to be engaged in prevention of the influenza's outbreak.

                  The State Council, China's Cabinet, has added 5 billion yuan (725 million U.S. dollars) for flu prevention and control work to nationwide health education campaigns about the virus.

                  The WHO officer said China's proactive response and multi-sectoral approach are crucial to ensuring a well-coordinated response.


                  A plane sent to fetch 98 Chinese citizens from Mexico arrived in Shanghai Wednesday afternoon. All on board were in normal condition, the city's quarantine bureau said.

                  The plane landed at Pudong International Airport at 4:32 p.m. The passengers, along with a Shanghai-based infectious disease specialist who accompanied them, were sent to a hotel for quarantine.

                  China sent the flight under an agreement with Mexico, which has been battling an A/H1N1 flu outbreak, to send back each other's nationals.

                  The Shanghai Quarantine Bureau checked the health of all the people on the plane on its arrival, and sterilized the aircraft, luggage and waste.

                  China suspended direct flights from Mexico to Shanghai starting Saturday after the 25-year-old Mexican was diagnosed with A/H1N1 flu in Hong Kong.


                  Those passengers who have been under quarantine since May 1 for taking the same flight with the Mexican young man will be free to go by 6 a.m. Thursday if they show no flu-like symptoms, the health ministry said.

                  The passengers are now scattered in 19 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities on the Chinese mainland.

                  None of them had yet showed any flu-like symptoms as of 12 a.m. Wednesday, according to the ministry.

                  In anther development, 25 Canadian students were released Wednesday from medical surveillance in northeast China's Jilin Province.

                  The overseas students at Northeast Normal University were put under observation at a hotel immediately after flying to Changchun, capital of Jilin, on May 2, from Canada via Beijing.

                  The students have displayed no influenza A/H1N1-like symptoms, including fever and sore throat, the Jilin Provincial Publicity Department said late Wednesday.





                  • #10
                    Re: Mainland China Swine Flu news

                    急寻and suspected cases in China with a total of 150 passengers
                    请看博讯热点: 猪流感爆发
                    Boxun see hot: the outbreak of swine flu
                    ( <SMALL>博讯北京时间2009年5月11日</SMALL> <SMALL>转载</SMALL> )
                    <SMALL>(Boxun Beijing May</SMALL> 11, <SMALL>2009 reprint)</SMALL> <!--bodystart-->
                    Source: Xinhua
                    Core Tip: with the mainland's first suspected influenza H1N1 patients arrived in Chengdu on the same plane a total of 150 passengers.
                    四川省卫生厅呼吁,9日乘坐3u8882航班回成都的旅客和知情者,尽快与当地卫生部门取得联 系。
                    Sichuan Provincial Health Department called for 3u8882 take flight on the 9th of the passengers and return to Chengdu in the know, as soon as possible to contact local health authorities.
                    With close contact with suspected cases of taxi drivers have been found, and has put in isolation.

                    The evening of 10 informed the Ministry of Health, the mainland of China found that the first suspected cases of influenza H1N1 influenza.
                    记者从四川省卫生厅了解到,事件发生后,四川省迅速启动应对措施和联防联控工作机制,对疫情防控进行专门研 究和部署。
                    The reporter learned from the Sichuan Provincial Health Department was informed that after the incident in Sichuan Province to start the rapid response and working mechanism of joint prevention and control of epidemic prevention and control of specialized research and deployment.
                    At present, there is close contact with suspected cases of taxi drivers have also been found, and has put in isolation.

                    5月10日下午,卫生部接到四川省卫生厅报告,四川省人民医院发现1例发热病例,根据临床表现和实验室检验 结果,初步诊断为甲型H1N1流感疑似病例。
                    The afternoon of May 10, the Ministry of Health received a report of Health Department of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Province People's Hospital found that one cases of fever, according to clinical manifestations and laboratory test results, the initial diagnosis of suspected cases of influenza type H1N1.
                    At present, patients have been transferred to hospitals in Chengdu isolation and treatment of infectious diseases, and its treatment in the process of close contacts has also taken measures to medical observation.

                    四川省卫生厅副厅长王正荣介绍说,省卫生厅已在第一时间将疑似病例乘坐航班、交通工具和中途停留情况,向卫 生部、西南民航管理局、出入口检验检疫局等部门通报,并对疑似病例就诊的省人民医院进行了终末消毒,疑似患 者就诊过程中的密切接触者也已采取医学观察措施。
                    Sichuan Province, Wang Zhengrong, deputy director of the Health Department said that the Ministry of Health has been in the first suspected cases will take the flights, transport and stopovers, and to the Ministry of Health, South West Civil Aviation Authority, Inspection and Quarantine Bureau and other departments informed of the import and export, and treatment of suspected cases of the Provincial People's Hospital conducted a terminal disinfection treatment of patients with suspected close contacts in the process also has taken measures to medical observation.
                    10 evening 20 o'clock, Health Department has sent samples of patients with suspected Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention testing laboratory for review.

                    It is reported that by 9, a total of 3U8882 flight 150 passengers.
                    In this regard, is to the relevant provinces and cities in Sichuan Province and the province made an investigation letter to search for patients with other close contacts.
                    四川省卫生厅呼吁,9日上午乘坐3U8882航班回成都的旅客和知情者,尽快与当地卫生部门取 得联系。
                    Sichuan Provincial Health Department call by 9 am flight back to Chengdu 3U8882 passengers and insiders, as soon as possible to contact local health authorities.

                    It is understood that the Ministry of Health dispatched a group of experts has arrived in Chengdu guide treatment and prevention and control work.



                    • #11
                      Re: Mainland China Swine Flu news

                      Mainland China found the first suspected cases of influenza H1N1 influenza <!--标题--><!--时间-->
                      2009年05月10日22:35 来源:中国新闻网
                      At 22:35 on May 10, 2009 Source
                      : China News Net
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                      By May 10 Beijing Xinhua informed the Ministry of Health on the 10th night, the mainland of China found the first suspected cases of influenza H1N1 influenza.
                      The first suspected cases of influenza type H1N1 in Chengdu after the plane directly to the Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital for treatment.
                      Patients have been transferred to hospitals in Chengdu isolation and treatment of infectious diseases, the treatment of close contacts have been isolated for observation.
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                      五月十日下午,卫生部接到四川省卫生厅报告,四川省人民医院发现一例发热病例,根据临床表现和实验室检验结 果,初步诊断为甲型H1N1流感疑似病例。
                      The afternoon of May 10, the Ministry of Health received a report of Health Department of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Province People's Hospital found a case of fever, according to clinical manifestations and laboratory test results, the initial diagnosis of suspected cases of influenza type H1N1.
                      Patients with a certain package, M, the three-year-old, the current study of a university in the United States.
                      患者于五月七日由美国圣路易斯经圣保罗到日本东京,五月八日从东京乘NW029航班于五月九日凌晨一时三十 分抵达北京首都国际机场,并于同日十时五十分从北京起飞,乘川航3U8882航班于十三时十七 分抵达成都。
                      May 7 patients in the United States by St. Paul to St. Louis, Tokyo, Japan, May 8 flight from Tokyo by NW029 in at 1:30 on May 9, arrived in Beijing Capital International Airport, and on the same day 10:50 to take off from Beijing, by Sichuan Airlines 3U8882 flight arrived at 13:17 Chengdu.
                      卫生部通报指出,患者五月九日在北京至成都航程中自觉发热,伴有咽痛、咳嗽、鼻塞和极少量流涕等症状,在成 都下机后自感不适,遂直接到四川省人民医院就诊。
                      The circular pointed out that the Ministry of Health, May 9 patients in the flight from Beijing to Chengdu, consciously fever, accompanied by pharyngodynia, cough, stuffy nose and a very small number of symptoms such as runny nose, in Chengdu after the self-inductance of the plane does not, then go directly to the Sichuan People's Hospital for treatment.
                      The morning of May 10, Sichuan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention detected twice the review, the results of Type A H1N1 influenza virus are weakly positive.
                      四川省卫生厅组织省内专家组进行会诊,按照《甲型H1N1流感诊疗方案(2009年试行版第一版)》,初步 诊断患者为甲型H1N1流感疑似病例。
                      Sichuan Province Health Organization expert group for consultation, in accordance with the "Type A H1N1 influenza treatment program (the pilot version of the first edition in 2009)", for initial diagnosis in patients with suspected cases of influenza type H1N1.
                      The Ministry of Health has sent a group of experts arrived in Chengdu on the 10th to guide treatment and prevention and control work.
                      卫生部要求四川省卫生部门加强患者临床救治,做好相关流行病学调查和密切接触者追踪,立即将患者标本送往中 国疾病预防控制中心进行实验室复核检测。
                      Sichuan Province, the Ministry of Health asked health departments to enhance their clinical treatment, epidemiological investigations, and do a good job related to close contact tracing, were immediately sent to patients in China Center for Disease Control and Prevention testing laboratory for review.
                      卫生部已通知有关省市紧急寻找与该患者有密切接触的旅客,并呼吁乘坐上述航班的乘客和知情者尽快与当地卫生 部门取得联系。
                      Ministry of Health has notified the relevant provinces and cities in search of the emergency patients in close contact with visitors and called for by the passengers of these flights and in the know as soon as possible to contact local health authorities.
                      Ministry of Health has informed WHO of the situation, the countries and regions.


