Serious epidemic situation in Jiangxi emergency relief allocated 40 tons of bleaching fine piece

2010年06月29日08:35 中国江西新闻网 】 【 打印共有评论0
At 08:35 on the June 29, 2010 in Jiangxi, China News Networkbig middle small 】 【 PrintTotal comments 0
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6月28日下午,江西省救灾防疫工作电视电话会议召开,副省长谢茹出席会议并讲话,江西省卫生厅厅长李利主 持会议。

June 28 afternoon, disaster prevention work in Jiangxi Province teleconference meeting, Xie Ru, vice governor, attended the meeting, the Jiangxi Provincial Health Department Director Li Li chaired the meeting.

The meeting on the epidemic prevention work in the province to carry out disaster relief situations, post-disaster epidemic prevention and disaster plans.
(Jiangxi network's beams and are photo)
中国江西新闻网6月28日南昌讯(记者 梁加均报道)6月28日下午,江西省救灾防疫工作电视电话会议召开,副省长谢茹出席会议并讲话,江西省卫生厅厅长 李利主持会议。

Jiangxi, China News on June 28 Nanchang (Reporter beams and are reported) June 28 afternoon, disaster prevention work in Jiangxi teleconference meeting, Xie Ru, vice governor, attended the meeting, the Jiangxi Provincial Health Department Director Li Li presided meeting.

The meeting on the epidemic prevention work in the province to carry out disaster relief situations, post-disaster epidemic prevention and disaster plans.
记者从会上了解到,洪水导致全省140个乡镇卫生院和部分县级医疗机构受灾,直接经济损失约1 .2亿元。

News from the meeting that floods the province part of 140 township hospitals and county health agencies affected, the direct economic losses of about 120,000,000 yuan.

Currently is in the midst of flood relief and the key summer period prone infectious diseases, disaster prevention at present.

Water-and food-borne disease outbreaks increased risk of epidemic situation is very serious disaster
The meeting pointed out, is currently in flood relief and the key summer period prone infectious diseases, disaster prevention at present.
迅 速改善灾区卫生环境难度大,未来几天持续高温,灾区水源性和食源性疾病暴发的风险增加;大量灾民居住在临时 安置点,人群密切接触,导致流行性腮腺炎等经呼 吸道传播的传染病流行的风险增加;洪涝灾害可能造成动物和病媒生物栖息环境的变化,虫媒及自然疫源性传染病 发病的风险不断增加;经过前一阶段紧张繁重的抗 洪抢险工作,受灾群众和抗洪军民体力透支,身体疲惫,免疫力降低,容易感染各种疾病的风险不断 增加。
Rapid improvement in environmental health disaster is difficult, the next few days, continuous high temperature, water-affected areas, and the risk of foodborne disease outbreaks increase; large number of victims living in temporary shelters, people in close contact, resulting in the spread of mumps such as respiratory diseases by increased risk of epidemic; flood disaster may result in animals and vector habitat changes in the environment, insect and natural foci of increased risk of infectious diseases; after the previous stage intense heavy fight against floods, flood affected people and civil-military exhaustion, physical fatigue, reduced immunity, susceptible to increased risk of various diseases.
Focus on strengthening disaster medical care, medical services and post-disaster health epidemic
会议部署了下一阶段救灾防疫工作,抓好四项重点工作,加强灾区群众的医疗救治、医疗服务和灾后 卫生防疫。
The meeting arranged the next phase of relief and preventing diseases, grasping the four priorities, strengthening the people of disaster areas to medical care, medical services and post-disaster epidemic prevention.
抓 好安置点卫生防疫工作,确保饮食饮水安全、确保环境卫生处理到位、确保健康教育宣传有效;抓好灾区爱国卫生 运动,高度重视灾后环境卫生清理、退水地区的环 境消杀灭及灾后农村饮水安全;抓好受灾群众医疗卫生服务,强化现场医疗救援,加强受灾群众的医疗救治,积极 开展巡回医疗卫生服务;抓好夏季传染病防控工 作,加强痢疾、霍乱等夏季肠道传染病、血吸虫病、手足口病防控,完善传染病疫情监测和报告处置,确保疫情得 到及时有效处理。
Grasp settlements health and epidemic prevention work, to ensure food safety of drinking water to ensure sanitation processes are in place to ensure effective health education programs; grasp hit patriotic health campaign, attaches great importance to environmental health disaster clean-up, withdrawal of the environment of water consumption in rural areas to kill and post-disaster safety of drinking water; grasp the disaster medical and health services, strengthen the on-site medical assistance, strengthening of the disaster medical treatment, active in mobile medical and health services; grasp Disease Control in the summer to strengthen dysentery, cholera and other intestinal infectious diseases in summer, schistosomiasis prevention and control of hand, foot and mouth disease, improve the monitoring and reporting disposal of infectious diseases, to ensure timely and effective disease treatment.
全省各级卫生行政主管部门要明确职责;强化领导责任制,主要领导要靠前指挥、要严格执行24小时值班和领导 带班制度,强化卫生防疫信息报告工作;重点对重灾区救灾防疫措施落实情况进行督导。
Provincial health administrative departments at all levels must be a clear; to strengthen the leadership responsibility system, the main leaders assume command, to strictly enforce the 24-hour duty and leadership with a class system, strengthening health and disease prevention information reporting; focus on the worst-hit disaster prevention measures in place conduct supervision.
Towards catastrophe no epidemics after the goal, to win a full victory in flood relief work.
Affected the health system across the province about 120 million yuan in direct economic losses
记者从会上了解到, 截至6月26日,全省共140个乡镇卫生院和部分县级医疗机构受到洪水侵袭,医疗工作用房毁损面积7571 5.4平方米,倒塌房屋608间,造成危房1910间;损坏设备223台,并损失大量药物和医疗器械 。
News from the meeting that, as of June 26, a total of 140 township hospitals across the province and some county-level medical institutions are flooding, destruction of medical work space area of 75715.4 square meters, 608 houses collapsed, causing dangerous 1910 ; damaged equipment 223 sets, and losing a lot of drugs and medical equipment.
Affected the health system across the province about 120 million yuan of direct economic losses.
Emergency allocated 40 tons of bleaching fine piece of Fuzhou hit Sterilization work has been in full swing
截 止6月26日15时,全省各级卫生系统共派出医疗、防疫队559支2690人次,救治伤病人数9140人, 巡诊灾民67734人次,消毒面积达 1008.1万平方米,发放救灾防疫宣传材料361.8万份,紧急下拨漂白精片40吨、高效氟氯氰菊酯5吨 、消毒液3万瓶、氟哌酸8万板、皮肤病药品 5000人份等救灾防疫药品。
Ended at 3:00 p.m. on the June 26, the province has sent the health system at all levels of medical care, epidemic prevention team 559 2690 visits victims in 9140 the number of people, itinerant victims of 67 734 passengers, disinfection area of 10,081,000 square meters, release promotional materials disaster prevention 3.618 million copies, fine piece of emergency allocated 40 tons of bleaching, high Cyfluthrin 5 tons, 30,000 bottles of disinfectant, norfloxacin 80 000 plates, 5,000 copies of dermatology drugs prevention drugs such as disaster relief.
Changkai levee breach occurred after medical treatment carried out in Fuzhou disaster medical team working at the provincial level there are 68.
抚州市卫生局紧急抽调了市、区两级医疗卫生机构100余名医疗人员,分组派驻到17个受灾群众安置点,对紧 急接收的受灾群众开展医疗卫生服务。
Fuzhou City Bureau of Health Emergency transferred the city and district levels, more than 100 medical institutions medical staff, group deployed to the affected people in 17 settlements of the affected people received emergency medical and health services carried out.
At present, Fuzhou has hit full swing disinfection work.