2010年05月10日21:19 来源:中国新闻网
At 9:19 p.m. on the May 10, 2010 Source: China News Net Comment 【Font: Big ↑ ↓ Small 】 <!--时间--><!--图片搜索-->
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<!--图片搜索--><!--正文--><!--放大缩小字体功能--> 中新社长沙5月10日电(记者刘双双)当前仍是手足口病等传染病的流行季节。
China news agency, Changsha, May 10 (Reporter Liu Shuangshuang) - Present is hand, foot and mouth disease epidemic season.
湖南省卫生厅10日透露,湖南省手足口病疫情近期显著上升,2010年4月份全省报告手足口病18375例 ,死亡35例。
10, said Health Department of Hunan Province, Hunan Province, outbreaks of HFMD recently increased significantly, in April 2010 the province reported 18,375 cases of hand, foot and mouth disease, the death of 35 cases.
At the same time, critically ill patients is below the county level are mostly behind children in rural areas. <table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td>
After entering in April, around the hand, foot and mouth disease in Hunan severe, sharp increase in deaths.
Statistics show that in March, the province reported 2,844 cases of hand, foot and mouth disease, 10 died.
湖南省疾控中心专家介绍,湖南省散发病例中,67%感染的是EV71病毒,重症患者大多是县级以下的农村留 守儿童。
CDC experts in Hunan Province, Hunan Province, sporadic cases, 67% of the EV71 virus infection, severe illness mostly behind children in rural areas below the county level.
由于地处偏僻、交通不便,加上留守儿童的监护人爷爷奶奶就诊意识多不强,导致他们错过了最佳治 疗时间。
Because it is remote, inconvenient transportation, the guardian of children left with grandparents visits more awareness is not strong, led them to miss the best treatment time.
湖南省卫生厅要求,各地要继续加大工作力度,落实针对性预防控制措施,进一步做好学校、托幼机构等重点单位 场所的疫情防控工作,防止聚集爆发疫情的发生。
Hunan Provincial Health Department has urged localities to continue to intensify efforts to implement targeted prevention and control measures to further improve the schools, nurseries and other key units in place of the epidemic prevention and control work together to prevent the occurrence of outbreaks.
同时,5月份以来,湖南部分地方遭受严重的洪涝灾害,卫生部门要求各受灾地区要认真做好霍乱、伤寒、其它感 染性腹泻等肠道传染病和自然疫源性疾病的预防控制工作,确保大灾之后无大疫。
Meanwhile, May has been part of Hunan Province where severe floods, the health sector requires the affected areas to do a good job of cholera, typhoid, diarrhea, other intestinal infectious diseases and natural foci of disease prevention and control work to ensure that no big epidemic after a large disaster