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Qingdao is now four cases of severe cases of hand, foot and mouth disease caused by two viruses
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Leads to the mid-March, hand, foot and mouth disease has started coming to the fore.
从2010年1月1日到3月14日,青岛市共报告手足口病例114例,比去年同期上升了17. 53% 。

From January 1, 2010 to March 14, Qingdao City, reported a total of 114 cases of hand, foot and mouth cases in the previous year increased by 17.53%.

3月17日,市卫生局通报青岛市传染病疫情情况,作为丙类法定传染病的?第一祸首?,手足口病今年形势仍然 比较严峻,可能出现共同流行局面。

March 17, Qingdao Municipal Health Bureau inform the epidemic situation of infectious diseases, as a Class C of legal infectious diseases "first culprit", hand, foot and mouth disease this year, the situation remains grim, the co-epidemic situation that may arise.


Qingdao appear four cases of severe cases of hand, foot and mouth disease
17日上午市儿童医院传染科观察室内,4岁的玲玲(化名)在打吊瓶,玲玲是上周日(14日)来到医院,经过 检查被确诊为手足口病。

Morning of the 17th Children's Hospital Department of Infectious Diseases observation room, 4-year-old Ling-ling (a pseudonym) in playing bottle on a string, Lingling is the last Sunday (14 days) came to the hospital, after a check has been diagnosed with hand, foot and mouth disease.
玲玲妈妈介绍:?我们从黄岛过来的,当时孩子的幼儿园有个孩子得了手足口病,老师告诉我们最近先别让孩子去 幼儿园了。把孩子接回家没几天,就发烧了,烧了一天,体温都在39℃,当时我也害怕是手足口病,后来再一看 孩子的手上、脚上开始起疱疹了,赶紧带她来了医院。?
Ling-Ling describes her mother: "We come from the Huangdao, when the child's kindergarten kids got hand, foot and mouth disease, the teacher told us recently of the first not let your child go to kindergarten. Has brought the child home a few days on a fever, burning a day, temperature in 39 ℃, I was also afraid of a hand, foot and mouth disease, and later Made in the child's hands and feet beginning herpes, and quickly brought her to the hospital. "
传染病科主任孙建兰说:?这个孩子来得很及时,过来后就赶紧进行了输液、打上人体丙种球蛋白,还有激素。现 在来看,孩子恢复情况很好,疱疹也慢慢下去了。?
Sun Jianlan, director of infectious diseases, said: "This child has come very timely, coming quickly carried out after the infusion, marked with human gamma globulin, as well as hormones. Now look at the children a good recovery, herpes is also gradually go on. "
据卫生局统计:从今年1月1日到3月14日,共报告重症病例4例,其中1例已经康复出院,2例转为普通病例 ,1例还没有解除重症。
According to Health Department statistics: From January 1 this year, to March 14, severe cases were reported in 4 cases, of which 1 case has been discharged, and 2 cases to general cases, 1 case has not yet lifted severe.
提起这几个重症病号,孙建兰说:?他们来的时候症状一般就是发烧、头疼、恶心,有一个还出现了肺水肿,不过 这几个重症患者都没有上呼吸机,全部按照国家要求的就诊流程进行了治疗。?
Mention these severe sick, Sun Jianlan said: "They came here in general is that symptoms of fever, headache, nausea, there is a pulmonary edema have emerged, but these were not critically ill patients on breathing machines, all in accordance with national requirements The treatment processes of treatment. "
There are two viruses that caused the disease with early onset multi -
青 岛市卫生局副局长魏仁敏介绍:?进入2月份,全省及周边地区手足口病等传染病发病呈现上升态势,本市手足口 病等传染病较去年同期也明显增加。据统 计,2010年1月1日~3月14日,全市共报告手足口病例数比去年同期上升了17.53%。除胶南市外, 全市11区市均有病例报告,病例主要集中在农村 地区和城乡接合部。年龄分布主要集中在6岁以下学龄前儿童,占全部报告病例数的96.49%;其中2~4岁 是发病最多的年龄段,占病例报告总数的 76.32%。散居儿童发病占总数的53.51%;其次为托幼儿童占总数的44.74%;学生占总数的1. 75%。?
Qingdao Municipal Health Bureau deputy director of Ren-Min Description: "into February, the province and its surrounding areas such as hand, foot and mouth disease infectious diseases upward trend, the city hand, foot and mouth disease has also increased significantly over last year. According to statistics, January 1, 2010 ~ March 14, the city reported a total number of cases of hand, foot and mouth last year increased by 17.53% over the same period. In addition to Jiaonan outside the city, the city's 11 regions, and municipalities have reported cases cases are mainly concentrated in rural areas and urban-rural junction Department. age distribution mainly in pre-school children 6 years of age, accounting for 96.49 percent the number of reported cases; of these 2 ~ 4 years of age is the highest incidence of age, accounting for 76.32% of the total number of cases reported. diaspora children in the incidence of the total 53.51 %; followed by preschool children, accounting for 44.74%; students in total 1.75%. "
孙建兰说:?今年手足口病确实出现得比较早,与往年相比同期发病也多。比如说,往年的2月份一月能接诊几个 病例,现在2月要接诊十几个患者。并且,重症病例一般在5月底才会出现,但近年2月份就出现了 重症患儿。?

Sun Jianlan said: "This year is indeed a hand, foot and mouth disease than earlier, compared with previous years the incidence has more than the same period. For example, in January to February in previous years, several cases of admissions, and now in February to more than a dozen patients with admissions . and, in severe cases generally occur until the end of May, but in recent years, in February appeared severe children. "
Why is hand, foot and mouth disease earlier this year, coming to the fore, is also a very strong influence?
孙建兰解释:?今年引起手足口病的病原是EV71和CVA16,其中EV71占的比例更大一些,它的特点是 容易引起重症,CVA16则是轻症较多。另外,EV71喜欢湿热环境,前段时间岛城转热比较快,与天气可能 也有一定关系。?
Sun Jianlan explained: "This year, hand, foot and mouth disease caused by the pathogen is EV71 and CVA16, in which a larger proportion of some of EV71, which is characterized by easily lead to severe, CVA16 is more mild. In addition, EV71 like hot and humid environment, front-end Time Castle transfer heat faster, and the weather may also have a certain relationship. "
据了解,目前从病原学检测阳性检出率为81.48% 。
It is understood that from the positive detection rate of pathogen detection of 81.48%.
其中EV71占阳性标本的68.18% ;CVA16占阳性标本的31.82%。
EV71-positive specimens of which accounted for 68.18%; CVA16-positive specimens accounted for 31.82%.
Detection and analysis of the initial year, may be co-epidemic of EV71 and CVA16 situation.
总之,目前手足口病的流行特点主要表现为疫情来得早、流行强度大、聚集发病多、患者症状重、病原特征复杂等 ,防治形势十分严峻。
In short, the current popularity of hand, foot and mouth disease characterized mainly as the epidemic has come early, popular strength, gathered more than the incidence, symptoms weight, pathogen characteristics and complex, control is extremely critical.
Qingdao Municipal Health Bureau deputy director of Ren-Min pointed out that this year to one month in advance to prevent Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease.
In particular, for childcare agencies achieve "a disease must be closed."
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(Rock Palace) (End)
