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Hong Kong and Taiwan have been severely hit dust pollution index rose to its highest

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  • Hong Kong and Taiwan have been severely hit dust pollution index rose to its highest

    Hong Kong and Taiwan have been severely hit dust pollution index rose to its highest 2010 Nian 03 Yue 22 Ri 15:46 China News Net
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    受到华北沙尘暴及东北季侯风南移影响,香港空气质素22日明显转差,环保署大部分监测站,空气污染指数更录 得破纪录300的严重水平,市民上街要掩鼻而行。
    Subject to dust storms in North China and Northeast monsoon southward, the local air quality deterioration in 22, obviously, the EPD has most of the stations, the air pollution index was recorded in a serious level of record-breaking 300 people took to the streets to their noses with their deeds.

    Weather information indicates that in the history of the strongest wave of sand and dust storms wreak havoc in northern Taiwan yesterday, this morning continued to spread to the south, including Tainan, Chiayi and other 10 stations the concentration of suspended particles per hour, more than 1,000 micrograms per hour, so that local residents miserable.

    台湾环保部门表示,今天中午以后北部地区空气渐趋正常浓度,但受高压影响,中南部扩散条件较差,影响时间可 能持续到明天,民众仍需防范。
    Taiwan's environmental protection department, said at noon today in the northern region after the air is becoming a normal concentration, but under the high-pressure effects of the proliferation of poor conditions in central and southern affect the time is likely to continue until tomorrow, people still need to guard against.

    台当局“环保署”监测处长朱雨其表示,气象预报显示,后天(24日)又将有锋面通过台湾,由于目前大陆华北 地区仍持续出现沙尘天气,届时可能又有一波沙尘跟随锋面侵袭台湾。
    Taiwan authorities "EPD" Monitoring Director Chu Yu-its, said weather forecasts showed that the day after tomorrow (24 days) in turn has front through Taiwan, because the mainland continued to occur in North China dust weather, there may be another wave of dust following the invasion front Taiwan.

    就有台湾网友针对这场有史以来最严重的沙尘天气笑说,“站一天下来,会不会变成兵马俑啊?”也有网友玩笑说 ,真的是“沙很大”,她放在外面的摩托车,座椅上厚厚一层黄沙,简直像停放在建筑工地旁的赃车 。
    Taiwanese users have the most serious against this dust weather with a smile, "stand down one day, will become the Terra Cotta Warriors ah?" Have User joke that is really a "sand lot," she put out motorcycle, seats on the thick layer of yellow sand, just like the stolen vehicle parked near a construction site.

    据悉,这场沙尘让台湾很多医院急诊室多了一些“不速之客”,就有医院称当日眼睛不适就诊的患者 激增三成。
    It is learned that this dust so that Taiwan, many hospitals emergency rooms over a number of "uninvited guest", there is eye irritation that day hospital treatment said the surge of patients into three.
    Physician reminders, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and respiratory disorders such pneumoconiosis patients with relatively poor, it is best to stay indoors and go out less.

    具体到台湾各地情景:大高雄地区一片灰蒙,高雄市包括楠梓、小港等地空气质量监测站测得的数据,悬浮微粒浓 度更是平日的10倍,空气质量明显变差,摩托车骑士口罩不离身,多座50层高楼等超高建筑,全都隐没在沙尘 里。
    Specific to the parts of Taiwan scenario: 1 Hui Meng Greater Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung City, including Nantzu, Kaohsiung and other places for air quality monitoring station data, the concentration of suspended particles is 10 times the normal, air quality deteriorated significantly, motorcyclists masks not leave the body, more than a dozen 50-story building and other high-rise buildings, all hidden in the dust inside.

    Pingtung area in the sky clear a layer of "gray" and many sensitive people have been hastened to wear a mask.
    Environmental Protection Agency has ordered the studies on the dangers factories cut production, reduce air pollution.

    在台中,三处监测站测得的沙尘暴数值,都已超过标准值,达到有害人体程度,台中市教育处长张光铭已请学校减 少安排户外活动,建议学童自备口罩、护目镜,如果天气不炎热,可穿长袖衣服。
    In Taichung, three stations measured values of the dust storms, have exceeded the standard value, reaching levels harmful to human body, Taichung City Education Director Zhang Guangming has requested the schools to reduce outdoor activities, it is recommended students bring their own masks, goggles, if the weather does not hot, can wear long-sleeved clothing.

    Taichung County monitoring station measured air pollution index increased sharply linear.
    People complained that the more sun the more dirty clothes, standing at a height afar, as if covered with "yellow fog."

    台东市能见度就低,平常能见度达15公里的台东降至4、5公里;悬浮微粒值从早上的每立方米35微克,一路 飙到177微克。
    Taitung City visibility is low, usually up to 15 km visibility dropped to 4,5 km of Taitung; suspended particulate values from the morning of 35 micrograms per cubic meter, all the way had risen to 177 micrograms.

    台湾北部、东北部也受沙尘暴影响,悬浮微粒背景值可能达300微克,为正常值的6倍,空气品质 达不良等级。
    Northern Taiwan, north-east are also affected by dust storms, suspended particles may reach the background value of 300 micrograms of 6 times the normal value, air quality reached unhealthy levels.

    In Hong Kong, south of the dyed yellow dust on the 22nd Hong Kong's sky, so that the air pollution index rose to its highest ever recorded.
    In the dust invasion, the Hong Kong air quality is evident from 22 midnight to deteriorate.
    上午出门的市民可感受到风力轻微的空气中的尘土味,悬浮的沙尘更将楼宇和天空“漂黄”,窗台外亦可见落满细 尘。
    The morning the wind out of the public may feel a slight taste of dust in the air, suspended dust even buildings and sky "drift yellow" bay window can also be found outside covered with fine dust.

    香港环境保护署表示,来自华北的沙尘随东北季侯风南移,令香港的空气污染指数升至甚高或严重水 平。
    Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department, said the dust from northern China with the northeast monsoon southward, so that Hong Kong's air pollution index rose to a high or severe level.

    环保署22日午间发布的数据显示,港岛东区空气污染指数达441,为“严重”水平;铜锣湾、中环等繁华商业 街区的污染指数均超过380;九龙半岛的旺角达431;地势不利空气流通的观塘地区的指数最高 ,达453。
    EPA 22 noon to data released showed that the Eastern District of air pollution index reached 441, as "serious" level; Causeway Bay, Central and other busy commercial district of pollution index of more than 380; Mong Kok, Kowloon Peninsula and up to 431; topography of the negative air flow the highest index of the Kwun Tong area, reaching 453.
    The best Motoo the air pollution index reached 192, as "very high" level.

    环保署助理署长莫伟泉对媒体表示,这是香港自记录空气污染指数从来录到的最严重的情形,且范围 遍及全香港。
    Mr Mok Wai-chuen, Assistant Director of Environmental Protection told the media that this is the air pollution index in Hong Kong since records has never been recorded to the most serious cases, and will cover the whole of Hong Kong.

    Hong Kong Observatory forecasts, 23 hours later, Hong Kong will turn southeast wind blowing, when air conditions will be improved.
