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China - 570 Dead Pigs in River in Zhejiang Province - Cause Unknown

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  • China - 570 Dead Pigs in River in Zhejiang Province - Cause Unknown

    Zhejiang Qiantang River 570 dead pigs investigation could not determine whether the source of the epidemic

    2010年03月19日07:09 來源:京華時報
    At 07:09 on March 19, 2010 Source: Beijing Times
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    To 18 noon, Hangzhou Qiantang River downstream of salvage to the long dead pigs had reached 570.

    Zhejiang Agriculture Department has begun to examine the body from the dead pigs found on the ear tag and hold its origin.

    The highest concentration of hog carcasses in small gravel hill gate bend away from the Xiaoshan District, water treatment plant intake point third less than a kilometer.

    120 bodies recovered dead pigs
    18日中午,在錢塘江下游的小礫山閘河灣垃圾臨時上岸點,打撈船上的工作人員不停地打撈江面上的漂浮物,岸 邊擺放著五六隻白色的動物屍體袋。
    18 noon, in the Qiantang River downstream of small gravel hill gate bend refuse temporary landing point, the salvage ship's staff kept the surface of floating objects salvaged river, the shore stocked with 56 animals, the white body bags.
    Bloody soaked bag, emitting a thick stench.
    Bag filled with dead-born piglets soon, per head is only about 50 cm long, have been highly decomposed, organs are directly exposed.

    從9日開始一直在現場打撈的袁吉森說,現在物業公司的8艘打撈船不停工作,工作人員也從原來的60人增加到 了120人。
    From 9 began have been recovered at the scene YUAN Ji-Sen, said the property is now the company's eight non-stop work of salvage ship, staff members from the original 60 to 120 people.

    Qiantang River is responsible for salvage work, Hai-Zhen Huang, general manager of Seawall Property Management Limited, said the dead pigs salvaged rarely left ear was also marked.
    Big pig farms should be removed first, ear tag and then cadavers, as well as a dead pig in the whole ears were cut off directly.

    Unable to determine whether the outbreak
    杭州市農業局畜牧處處長傅憲華說,一般浮起被發現的死豬至少在水裏浸泡了半個月,都高度腐爛,已經無法通過 屍檢查出死因,因此當天就進行了無害化處理。
    Director of Animal Husbandry Department, Agricultural Bureau, Hangzhou, Fu Xian-hua said that in general the dead pigs were found to float in the water soaking for at least half a month, have a high degree of decay, has been unable to identify the cause of death by autopsy, so the same day were innocent treatment.
    Fu Xian-hua believes that a large number of dead pigs is concentrated in the lower reaches of the Qiantang River was discovered in early sixties with a flood event of the winter.
    Some pigs may be dead, directly discarded or buried deep enough, due to be rushed into river floods, the flow downstream.

    Fu Xian-hua believes that hog carcasses found in some small, some died of priority, should not focus on death.
    But now we can not conclude that farms along the river valley is not the epidemic occurred.
    It can be concluded that the dead pig farmers free to discard the phenomenon has still not been radical.

    From the small number of dead pigs found on the ear tag body has been sent to the Agriculture Department of Zhejiang Province, inspection, investigation of his sources.

    The highest concentration of hog carcasses in small gravel hill gate bend away from the Xiaoshan District, water treatment plant intake point third less than a kilometer.
    Nearby residents have expressed concern that suspected such a concentrated animal body floating objects will affect drinking water safety.
