[Source: OIE, full page: (LINK). Edited.]
Low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry) ,China (People's Rep. of)
Information received on 04/04/2013 from Dr Zhang Zhongqui, Director General , China Animal Disease Control Centre, Veterinary Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing, China (People's Rep. of)
Low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry) ,China (People's Rep. of)
Information received on 04/04/2013 from Dr Zhang Zhongqui, Director General , China Animal Disease Control Centre, Veterinary Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing, China (People's Rep. of)
- Summary
- Report type Immediate notification
- Date of start of the event 04/04/2013
- Date of pre-confirmation of the event 04/04/2013
- Report date 04/04/2013
- Date submitted to OIE 04/04/2013
- Reason for notification New strain of a listed disease
- Manifestation of disease Sub-clinical infection
- Causal agent Low pathogenic avian influenza virus
- Serotype H7N9
- Nature of diagnosis Laboratory (basic), Laboratory (advanced)
- This event pertains to the whole country
- New outbreaks
- Summary of outbreaks
- Total outbreaks: 1
- Outbreak Location - SHANGHAI ( Huhuai agricultural products wholesale market, Songjiang, Shanghai )
- Total animals affected: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Birds - ? - 1 - 0 - 0 - 0
- Outbreak statistics: Species - Apparent morbidity rate - Apparent mortality rate - Apparent case fatality rate - Proportion susceptible animals lost*
- Birds - ** - ** - 0.00% - **
- * Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter;
- ** Not calculated because of missing information;
- Total animals affected: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Outbreak Location - SHANGHAI ( Huhuai agricultural products wholesale market, Songjiang, Shanghai )
- Total outbreaks: 1
- Summary of outbreaks
- Epidemiology
- Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
- Unknown or inconclusive
- Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
- Epidemiological comments
- Up to date there is no evidence that China human H7N9 cases come from this pigeon case.
- Further investigations are on-going.
- Control measures
- Measures applied
- Control of wildlife reservoirs
- Quarantine
- Movement control inside the country
- Screening
- Zoning
- Disinfection of infected premises/establishment(s)
- Dipping / Spraying
- No vaccination
- No treatment of affected animals
- Measures to be applied
- Stamping out
- Measures applied
- Diagnostic test results
- Laboratory name and type: Harbin veterinary research institute, Chinese academy of agricultural sciences ( OIE?s Reference Laboratory )
- Tests and results: Species - Test - Test date - Result
- Birds - gene sequencing - 04/04/2013 - Positive
- Birds - haemagglutination inhibition test (HIT) - 04/04/2013 - Positive
- Birds - pathogen isolation by egg inoculation - 04/04/2013 - Positive
- Birds - reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) - 04/04/2013 - Positive
- Tests and results: Species - Test - Test date - Result
- Laboratory name and type: Harbin veterinary research institute, Chinese academy of agricultural sciences ( OIE?s Reference Laboratory )
- Future Reporting
- The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.