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Human H7N9 Cases March 5, 2014 (confirmed cases: 3, confirmed deaths: 1 ) (suspected cases: 0, suspected deaths:0)
Health and Family Planning Commission of Guangdong Province on March 5 briefing, the Guangzhou new confirmed cases of H7N9 avian influenza case of human infection.
The case is a male, 75 years old, Guangzhou locals live in Panyu District, Guangzhou City. Due to multiple organ failure died on March 1; confirmed retrospectively on March 3.
An earlier Foshan City case, confirmed on February 5, was discharged on February 28; a Guangzhou case, confimred on February 11, was discharged on February 27; a February 14 confirmed case also was discharged on February 28.
A Guangzhou case confirmed on February 19, died after developing multiple organ failure on March 2.
On March 4 Department of Health received notification of a confirmed case of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza. The Patient is a female, a year and a half, long-term resident in Hong Kong, was 5 to 27 February to live in Shunde District, has been cured. Shunde District Health health department has carried out epidemiological investigations and close contacts under medical observation.
BEIJING, March 5, according to news website Jiangsu Provincial Health Department, Jiangsu Provincial Health Department informed the 5th, Jiangsu new confirmed cases of H7N9 avian influenza case of human infection.
The patient is a male, 36 years old, confirmed on 5 March morning in Xuzhou City, the expert group was infected with bird flu diagnosis confirmed cases of human H7N9. Before the onset has been engaged in the processing of live poultry sales. Patients currently Xuzhou treatment in a hospital in a critical condition.
Re: China - Shandong - Tai'an City found one imported case of human avian influenza H7N9 - 59 year old man
From Shandong Health Department;
Tai'an City found one case of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza imported cases
Article category: [headlines] Date: [2014-03-04]
Health and Family Planning Commission of Shandong Province 3 months 4 days(March 4th) Bulletin, Tai'an City found one case of human infection of H7N9 avian influenza imported cases.
Ryu patient, male, 59 years old, farmer. Before the onset of workers in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province .2 months 25 days (Feb 25th) Patients with fever, hold breath and other symptoms;3 months 2 days (March 2nd)Symptoms, patient self return visits Tai'an City; 4 days, the panel determined that the patient is a human infected with H7N9 avian influenza imported cases. Critically ill patients with hypertension and diabetes and other basic diseases, the current provincial, municipal expert group is to treat.
Tai'an City found one case of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza imported cases
2014-03-05 08:00 Source: Dazhong Daily
□ reporter Wang Kai Wang Qingsong correspondent reported
newspaper Jinan, March 4 hearing today 22:30, informed the Ministry of Health and Family Planning Commission, Tai'an City found H7N9 bird flu imported cases one case of human infection.
Ryu patient, male, 59 years old, farmer. Before the onset of workers in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province. February 25 occurs in patients with fever, hold breath and other symptoms; March 2 symptoms, patient self return visits Tai'an City; March 4, after the Group of Experts determined that the patient was infected with H7N9 imported human cases of avian influenza. Currently, patients in critical condition and accompanied by hypertension and diabetes and other underlying disease, provincial and municipal expert group is to treat.
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