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China - Media: Guizhou officials deny warning against dead birds to prevent monkeypox infections, "CDC refutes rumors" - September 25, 2022

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  • China - Media: Guizhou officials deny warning against dead birds to prevent monkeypox infections, "CDC refutes rumors" - September 25, 2022

    Not sure what the denial is about exactly. Dead birds? Monkeypox infections? Dead birds transmitting monkeypox?

    "Stay away from dead birds, beware of monkeypox infection?" CDC refutes rumors!

    Bright Net 2022-09-25 09:56:53

    Recently, a message released by the "Guizhou Center for Disease Control and Epidemic Prevention" has been circulating on the Internet: "From now on, whether in the community courtyard or other places, if there are dead birds and swallows, do not touch them with your hands, keep away, and notify the property at the same time. Or call the CDC and let them deal with it. If you have children at home, you must emphasize it, and I hope everyone will pay attention!
    (bird flu or monkeypox) to prevent the start of another round of biological warfare in the United States in advance, everyone, everyone, pay attention! Forwarded notifications from other groups. If you see a bird that can't fly, can't walk, or is struggling on the ground, you must not catch it, for fear of monkeypox infection. The community has notified it, and I hope everyone will pay attention. "
    Relevant personnel of the Guizhou Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that Guizhou CDC has never released this news!

    At the same time, the Guizhou Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention has not set up an "epidemic prevention center"!
    According to public reports, there are currently no monkeypox cases reported in mainland China, including Guizhou. (Except for the "imported" case. link ) The main source of infection for monkeypox transmission is rodents and primates infected with monkeypox virus, including monkeys, chimpanzees, humans, etc., rather than birds.
    Viruses enter the human body through mucous membranes and broken skin. Humans are mainly infected by contact with infected animal lesion exudates, blood, and other body fluids, or by being bitten or scratched by infected animals. Human-to-human transmission is mainly through close contact, and contact with virus-contaminated items may also be infected, and it can also be transmitted vertically through the placenta. Droplet transmission has yet to be confirmed, but it will not be transmitted through aerosols.
    The general public please pay attention to the official WeChat account of "Guizhou CDC", so as to keep abreast of authoritative information released by official channels, and do not believe or spread rumors!
