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People with overweight and/or diabetes are more vulnerable to effects of chikungunya

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  • People with overweight and/or diabetes are more vulnerable to effects of chikungunya

    Tuesday, 29 Sep, 2015

    The most vulnerable to the effects of population chikungunya are under one year of age, over 65 and people with chronic conditions like diabetes mellitus.

    In cases where the patient has two of the above conditions, aggravates the situation, and take care late, could result in death, said Marco de la Fuente, a member of the Mexican Society of Diabetes.

    The specialist explained that does not mean that the fever is deadly for these patients, but are more likely to suffer serious complications because their immune system is weaker.

    "When there is some kind of aggregate sickness stress is generated in diabetic patients, and in this situation, have changes, mainly hormones, causing changes in glucose levels and causes in general a patient, even with good control, to a disease like dengue or chikungunya present a general imbalance, "he said.

    He stressed that the worst scenario for a person with diabetes is the rapid dehydration, which alone causes imbalance, but when added to other symptoms, and previous renal impairment may exacerbate the problem.

    "The problem is that patients may have neuropathies that cause pain in different parts of time and causes chikunguya myalgia (muscle pain) and joint ailments, if this adds the discomfort is more intense, and if the person does not it has an adequate control, the risk is higher, "he said.

    He noted that about 80 percent of people with diabetes do not have a regulated treatment; in this regard, he noted that if the disease is dealt with health care needs, the impact is less.

    "Chikungunya it affects children, aged 65 and is in the range where there are many diabetic patients, so the age and condition factor makes them more vulnerable," he explained.

    Meanwhile, Simon Barquera Cervera, director of the Research Center for Nutrition Policy and researcher at the National Institute of Public Health, said that obesity is also an element of risk to this disease.

    "People with chronic degenerative diseases tend to have high levels of harmful molecules such as glucose in the blood, or l?pids of poor quality, affecting the immune system and generate an inflammatory reaction causing a phenomenon of immunosuppression, ie defends worst one obese person to a healthy normal weight. If a person weighs many kilos more, it strives to double the immune system, "he said.
    Se?alan que en casos extremos de atenci?n m?dica tard?a podr?a provocar la defunci?n del paciente por complicaciones.
    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

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