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Chikungunya in Belgium

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  • Chikungunya in Belgium,32777

    ************************************************** *******
    A ProMED-mail post
    ProMED-mail is a program of the
    International Society for Infectious Diseases

    Date: Wed 26 Apr 2006
    From: Marjan Van Esbroeck <>

    The following imported cases of chikungunya (CHIK) virus infection have
    been reported during the past months in Belgium. The serology has been
    performed by IFAT in the laboratory of Prof Dr B Fleischer and Dr C
    Drosten, Robert Nocht Institute, Hamburg, Germany. All patients were
    positive for IgM and IgG antibodies.

    46 year old male, source of infection: Reunion
    40 year old female, source of infection: Reunion
    40 year old male, source of infection: Reunion
    41 year old female, source of infection: Reunion
    34 year old female, source of infection: Mauritius
    39 year old female, source of infection: Reunion
    59 year old male, source of infection: Reunion
    48 year old female, source of infection: Mauritius
    28 year old female, source of infection: Madagascar
    61 year old female, source of infection: Mauritius/Reunion
    44 year old female, source of infection: Mauritius
    49 year old male, source of infection: Mauritius

    Marjan Van Esbroeck, MD
    Medical Services
    Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp
    Nationalestraat 155

    [ProMED-mail is most grateful for Dr Marjan Van Esbroeck's contribution of
    the report of the imported cases of CHIK in Belgium. As of the beginning of
    2005, besides the countries within the Indian Ocean basin, CHIK cases have
    also been reported in Germany, France, Switzerland, China (Hong Kong, SAR),
    and Belgium. Undoubtedly, all these cases are imported cases from the
    endemic Indian Ocean region. Fortunately, so far, no secondary
    dissemination of CHIK has been found
    . - Mod.RY]

  • #2
    Re: Chikungunya in Belgium

    "Undoubtedly, all these cases are imported cases from the
    endemic Indian Ocean region. Fortunately, so far, no secondary
    dissemination of CHIK has been found. - Mod.RY"

    It is nice to know that Mod.RY has proclaimed himself omnipotent.

    I see nothing in this report that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that all these cases were imported.

    Furthermore I see nothing in this report to disprove secondary dissemination of CHIK.


    • #3
      Re: Chikungunya in Belgium

      Re. secondary dissemination -- a HCW came down with Chik somewhere in France last month -- they had a hard time explaining why:

      babelfished from French:

      Chikungunya: first contamination confirmed in metropolis
      vendredi 31 mars 2006, 12h00

      Can the disease be transmitted by blood way? The assumption is advanced in any case by the experts. Because a nurse having carried out a blood levy on a person infected by the chikungunya is carrying the virus today.

      Another possibility selected: the puncture of an arrived mosquito of the Meeting in the luggage of the patient.
      At all events, the ministry for Health very takes this business with the serious one. Xavier Bertrand asked the medical Institute of Day before besides "to lead without delay an investigation of contamination".

      The Ministry in addition points out "the importance of the usual precautions which the professionals of health must follow when they practise blood taking away, in particular the wearing of gloves". Eh yes apparently it is still not a natural gesture...

      Retrouvez les derniers articles, photos et vidéos. Suivez toute l'actu en direct grâce à nos partenaires et nos contenus exclusifs.

      vendredi 31 mars 2006, 12h00
      Chikungunya : premi&#232;re contamination confirm&#233;e en m&#233;tropole

      La maladie peut-elle se transmettre par voie sanguine ? L'hypoth&#232;se est avanc&#233;e en tout cas par les experts. Car une infirmi&#232;re ayant proc&#233;d&#233; &#224; un pr&#233;l&#232;vement sanguin sur une personne infect&#233;e par le chikungunya est aujourd'hui porteuse du virus.

      Autre possibilit&#233; retenue : la piq&#251;re d'un moustique arriv&#233; de la R&#233;union dans les bagages de la patiente. Quoi qu'il en soit, le minist&#232;re de la Sant&#233; prend cette affaire tr&#232;s au s&#233;rieux. Xavier Bertrand a d'ailleurs demand&#233; &#224; l'Institut de Veille sanitaire "de conduire sans d&#233;lai une enqu&#234;te de contamination".

      Le Minist&#232;re rappelle par ailleurs "l'importance des pr&#233;cautions habituelles que doivent suivre les professionnels de sant&#233; lorsqu'ils pratiquent des pr&#233;l&#232;vements sanguins, notamment le port de gants". Eh oui apparemment ce n'est toujours pas un geste naturel...

      Sources: Minist&#232;re de la Sant&#233;, 30 mars 2006
      ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


      • #4
        Re: Chikungunya in Belgium

        See attached MSDS sheet.

        LABORATORY-ACQUIRED INFECTIONS: At least 39 reported cases


        PRIMARY HAZARDS: Accidental parenteral inoculation, aerosols
        "Predictable is Preventable" by Safety Expert Dr. Gordon Graham.

