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Panama, influenza 2016: 64 deaths and 4150 hospitalized - national alert declared

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  • Panama, influenza 2016: 64 deaths and 4150 hospitalized - national alert declared

    35 hospitalized for influenza viruses circulating in Panama

    The Ministry of Health (MoH) reported that an alert is in effect for the increase in cases of severe acute respiratory infection (SARI), with higher prevalence of influenza A (H1N1), which causes a serious risk in the population evolution. info Ingl?s version Virus A (H1N1): Call for support to WHO for supply of antiviral reports of increased virus A (H1N1) The company announced that, to date, has the record of 43 cases of this infection, including two fallecimientos.De this group, 35 people are hospitalized in various hospitals in the capital (Arnulfo Arias Madrid Hospital of Pediatrics, San Fernando, National Hospital complex). 15 remain in intensive care and 20 salas.En press conference, health authorities said they have a million vaccines to address this situation
    Last edited by tetano; June 2, 2016, 04:04 PM.

  • #2
    Health investigates whether patient death is from H1N1 Influenza

    Health Minister, Javier Terrientes reported that it is investigating whether the death of a patient who was admitted to hospital in Oc? Sergio Nu?ez, H1N1.La patient is 62, arrived at the hospital without vital signs today in hours madrugada.La were able to confirm information on a tour in the new Anita Moreno hospital La Villa de Los Santos.Inform? hospital that progress is 43.29%.

    El ministro de Salud, Javier Terrientes informó que se está investigando si la muerte de una paciente que ingresó al hospital Sergio Nuñez en Ocú, se trata de H1N1.La paciente de 62 años, llegó al hospital sin signos vitales en el día de hoy en horas de la madrugada.


    • #3
      Two new deaths bring to seven the victims of influenza A in Panama

      The Social Security Fund of Panama today reported the death of two patients with influenza A in the central hospital of this entity in the capital, bringing to seven the number of fatalities from the disease so far this year in the country.The two new deaths were confirmed by the national chief of Epidemiology, social security Fund (CSS), Rudick Kant said the social security institution in a comunicado.Kant explained that last night killed a 36-year-old which it was moved to the complex CSS Hopitalario last Friday from a private medical center, and this morning a 59-year-old woman had other hematologic complications.

      So far, 23 patients with confirmed influenza A in the CSS, 19 at the Hospital, of which 4 have died, 13 remain hospitalized and 2 have been given of alta.Los four patients are children admitted to Hospital Pediatric Specialties, of which two are hospitalized and two have returned to their homes.


      • #4
        First death from influenza A (H1N1) in Veraguas

        It is confirmed in the province of Veraguas, the first death with the virus A (H1N1) and is about a woman. In addition, there are five positive cases, one of those of a person who stays with fans in the Intensive Care Unit of the Regional Hospital Dr. Luis "Chicho" F?brega.Rafael Andrade, director of the hospital, asked the public to avoid attending the nosocomio if not necessary and time of visit to the families of patients is restricted to avoid having the spread of virus.Andrade requests understanding of the community, while maintaining that the five cases and the death of the person were confirmed by laboratory specialists Gorgas Memorial Hospital in the capital city.

        Se confirma en la provincia de Veraguas, la primera muerte con el virus A (H1N1) y se trata de una mujer. Además, hay cinco casos positivos, uno de estos de una persona que permanece con ventiladores en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del hospital regional doctor Luis "Chicho" Fábrega. Rafael Andrade, director del centro hospitalario, pide a la población que se evite asistir al nosocomio si no es necesario y la hora de la visita a los familiares de los pacientes es restringida para evitar que haya la propagación del virus.


        • #5
          Death toll from A (H1N1) increases

          The death toll from the virus of influenza A (H1N1) in Panama rose to five yesterday the health minister himself, Francisco Javier Terrientes.HospitalizadosEl health minister said that so far some 117 hospitalized cases of recorded 22 which remain in the intensive care unit in various public and private hospitals in the country.The fifth victim is a 63 year old woman in the province of Veraguas, which infected the virus and, according to doctors, only survived hours. Precisely, a call to this group of society, the elderly and children, make health authorities to be the first to be vaccinated because they are the most vulnerable to virus.Terrientes he said the government is making an investment of 3.5 million dollars for vaccines, conferences taking place in different parts of the country and are completely free.

          La cifra de muertos a causa del virus de influenza A (H1N1) en Panamá se elevó a cinco informó ayer el propio ministro de Salud, Francisco Javier Terrientes.HospitalizadosEl titular de Salud explicó que hasta el momento se registran unos 117 casos hospitalizados, de los cuales 22 permanecen en la unidad de cuidados intensivos en diferentes hospitales públicos y privados del país.


          • #6
            Health: 197 people hospitalized with influenza

            Until Monday, June 6, 2016, some 197 people are hospitalized for influenza in the country.

            So he was announced by Health Minister, Francisco Javier Terrientes, who indicated that the number of patients in intensive care remains at 22 five deceased. The official said that hospitalized hospitals are being held in the Ministry of Health, Social Security and private hospitals. Following the epidemiological alert issued, Terrientes recalled that the population at risk is being vaccinated, free of charge, at various health centers in the country. The population at risk is made up of under five years, over 60 and those with chronic diseases. These criteria are part of international standards managed by the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), stressed the minister.

            Hasta este lunes 6 de junio de 2016 unas 197 personas se encuentran hospitalizadas en el país por influenza. Así lo dio a conocer el ministro de Salud, Francisco Javier Terrientes, quien indicó que la cifra de pacient...


            • #7
              Panama adds 75 new cases of H1N1 in 48 hours

              Panama, June 7 (Prensa Latina) A total of 75 new cases of H1N1 are added today to the 117 reported last Sunday by the Ministry of Health of Panama, which maintains an operational vaccination to prevent the spread of virus.For this, the central government has made available to the population, especially the most vulnerable groups, one million doses of vaccines, and seek 500 billion more to the Pan American Health Organization, in the midst of an epidemiological alert decreed last week. the national head of Comprehensive Care Program of the Ministry of Health (MoH), Itzel Hewitt said that since last April 22 conduct vaccination campaigns, which intensified after the fifth fatality reported last Saturday.

              The conference, he said, are especially targeting children under five years old, adults over 60, people in risky conditions due to the condition of chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma and hipertensi?n.Seg?n the latest health report released yesterday, so far 192 people remain hospitalized, 19 of them in care units intensivos.Ante the progression of the disease, the MoH announced several measures to curb the spread between them avoid physical contact such as kissing and shaking hands and reduce time visit in hospitals and the number of roommates in inpatient wards and emergency rooms.


              • #8
                Patient dies from the virus A (H1N1) in the hospital in Aguadulce

                The Ministry of Health (MoH) in Cocle confirmed death from the virus influenza A (H1N1) a man of 78 who arrived on 31 May to hospital Rafael Estevez in Aguadulce with a severe case from the community of Aguas Blancas of Penonom?.El patient was treated but died in the hospital and then received the test results that indicated that it was positive for a (H1N1) .The MoH also confirmed two positive cases of the virus in a pregnant district Ol? and a one year Barrios Unidos of Aguadulce, which are estables.Ana Maria Martin, regional director of the MoH in Cocle, said they continue the dissemination through the media and health personnel of preventive measures so that the public about the disease and can know what to do to avoid it.

                El Ministerio de Salud (Minsa) en Coclé confirmó la muerte por el virus de la influenza A (H1N1) de un hombre de 78 años que llegó el 31 de mayo al hospital Rafael Estévez de Aguadulce con un cuadro grave desde la comunidad de Aguas Blancas de Penonomé.El paciente fue atendido, pero falleció en el nosocomio y luego recibieron los resultados de las pruebas que indicaban que era positivo a A (H1N1).


                • #9
                  Infant dies in Cocle and expect results to confirm the cause

                  The Ministry of Health expects test results sent to the Gorgas Memorial Institute to determine whether the death of a child of one year, Nata was resident or not by the virus influenza A (H1N1). The less than one year, as announced by the regional health director Cocle, Ana Maria Martin, lived in Nata and Monday afternoon was taken to hospital Rafael Estevez in Aguadulce with a severe case of pneumonia, but died in the transfer. "You can not confirm whether it was for A (H1N1) because tests are sent and these are disclosed results in five days and when it is determined that he died less since the confirmed time there is only one case death was the adult over 78 years of aguadulce arrived at the hospital and lived in White Penonom? waters, "Martin said.


                  • #10
                    310 people hospitalized with influenza

                    The Ministry of Health announced that the referral center for infectious diseases, located on the fourth floor of the hospital on December 24, before the epidemiological alert has been declared reactivated.

                    El ministro de Salud, Francisco Javier Terrientes, confirmó este miércoles 8 de junio que en todo el país hay 310 personas hospitalizadas, a causa de la influenza. 176 de los hospitalizados están en instalaciones del ...


                    • #11
                      Ministry of Health confirms 10 deaths from A (H1N1)

                      Deaths from the virus A (H1N1) continue to increase. Today the Ministry of Health confirmed three new victims, increasing to 10 deaths Nacional.A the metropolitan region level there are five deaths, two in the district of San Miguelito and in the provinces of Cocle, Veraguas and Colon one case was reported in each una.Las infected statistics also grew, according to the latest report from the Ministry of Health, there are 399 cases. Only yesterday, the institution recorded 310 cases.


                      • #12
                        Increase to 12 deaths from A (H1N1) in Panama

                        Virus influenza A (A1N1) has already caused 12 victims confirmed by the Ministry of Health (MoH). The last two deaths, of which he now report the Director General of Health, Itza Barahona de Mosca, correspond to the metropolitan region and Panama Oeste.Entre deaths, five cases correspond to the metropolitan region, four in the district of San Miguelito, and in the provinces of Colon, Cocle and Panama Oeste, one case in each una.De victims, five are women and seven are men, the director General of Health reported. Similarly, the number of infected influenza continues to increase. The latest report MoH today indicates that 547 cases are counted. Only yesterday the institution recorded 379 cases.



                        • #13
                          Half of deaths from A (H1N1) had no 'risk factors'

                          Three healthy people, who were free of risk factors, died victims of influenza A (H1N1) confirmed the fact salud.El Ministry has taken the government by surprise and strategy to combat the crisis, which has been focusing exclusively in stakeholders, including under four years, the elderly and people with diseases cr?nicas.En the last two days two new deaths were recorded, one corresponding to the metropolitan region and another in the region of West Panama, where there was registration of such deaths, reported Itza Barahona, director General of Health MoH.
                          Regarding the 12 deaths, Lourdes Garcia, national chief of epidemiology at the Social Security Fund (CSS), said that 50% are people with 60 years or more and with a risk factor such as leukemia, lupus, heart failure and diabetes.


                          • #14
                            Panama Government enacts health alert becouse the spread of influenza

                            Panama, June 10 (EFE) .- The Government of Panama announced today that it declared a national health alert to the risk of spread of the disease caused by the influenza virus, H1N1 type which has caused 12 deaths in recent weeks. " given the increase in cases of influenza and the situation facing the country, the Ministry of Health (MoH) considers urgent and compelling the country to declare a health alert ", ruled the council of ministers in an official decree released hoy.Con the declaratory all public entities is ordered to make available the MoH all economic, physical and human resources required to prevent and control enfermedad.Adem?s authorizes the ministry and the Social Security Fund to use the exceptional recruitment process for addressing "health contingency".



                            • #15
                              MoH: 'The outbreak of A (H1N1) is more lethal than in previous years'

                              A 547 the number of hospitalized because of influenza A (H1N1) people rose, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH) .In this total, 57 patients remain detained in various intensive care wards throughout the pa?s.Adicional these figures, deaths rose to 12, confirmed the autoridades.Pero addition to these figures, the MoH said that this outbreak of influenza has a special concern them. It is the rapid effect on the microbe causing organisms that adquieren.Lourdes Garcia, an epidemiologist at the MoH said that deaths have always occurred by the A (H1N1) in Panama, but the risk of death increased with this new appearance germ.

                              A 547 se elevó el número de personas hospitalizadas a causa del virus A (H1N1), según el Ministerio de Salud (Minsa).De ese total, 57 pacientes se mantienen recluidos en diversas salas de cuidados intensivos en todo el país.Adicional a estas cifras, las muertes se incrementaron a 12, confirmaron las autoridades.

