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Increase in AH1N1 cases in Honduras- total 16 deaths

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  • Increase in AH1N1 cases in Honduras- total 16 deaths


    They fear increased influenza A (H1N1) in Honduras

    Monday, 03 August 2009
    03 August 2009 11:18 Tegucigalpa, Aug 3 (PL) Five people killed, nearly 200 patients and over a hundred suspected cases today typify the behavior of the epidemic in Honduras by the virus A (H1N1), which is spread increasing.

    Health authorities reported that the most recent death occurred yesterday in the capital Chest Hospital, where a week ago attended the patient in question, a man of 45 years of age with severe respiratory infection.

    The director of this hospital, Nora Maradiaga, told the press that the country is doomed to a pandemic outbreak, only in Tegucigalpa, illustrated, there are massive infections of students.

    At the hospital where she works, one of the largest in the nation, "Every day we are taking 18 people suspected of having this disease, mostly students from private schools."

    Just two weeks ago looked at four patients a day, but now they are 18 and that is to pay attention to the matter, the expert stressed.

    Pregnant women, obese people, children and adults with a history asthma, hypertension and cardiologists are among the most vulnerable to this type of human influenza.

    According to local experts, influenza A (H1N1) could reach levels in the coming days, as is the case in Costa Rica, where he reported the death of 21 infected.

    A report of the Honduran newspaper La Tribuna, published Monday, says that at the national level there are over one hundred suspects, pending confirmation from the party last June and July because they were exhausted reagents for laboratory testing.

    ocs / MJM

  • #2
    Re: Increase in AH1N1 cases in Honduras- total 6 deaths


    Suman 6 deaths from influenza A/H1N1
    The total number of 220 infected, only four departments free influenza A/H1N1
    02.08.09 - Updated: 03.08.09 02:26 pm - Lilian Mejia. Editorial Media: lilian.mejia @

    San Pedro Sula. ,


    The Honduras Ministry of Health announced today that the dead by the influenza A H1N1 rose to six when registering two new victims, while the total 231 confirmed cases and about 1,500 suspects.

    "We have six dead," he told the press the Honduran Health Minister, Mario Villafranca, and indicated that patients suspected of suffering from influenza A is around 1,500. "

    The Director of Health Surveillance, Marco Antonio Pinel, stated that the two new confirmed victims are a doctor from Roatan (Caribbean) and a man who lived in Tegucigalpa, where both died in hospital last week.

    Pinel said in separate statements that there are 231 confirmed cases of the disease and insisted that people take preventive measures recommended by the Health Ministry to counter it.

    The first case of influenza A in Honduras was confirmed on May 21 last and the first who died on June 22, according to health records.
    Both officials said they had suggested to the authorities to suspend the local football matches in San Pedro Sula (North) as a preventive measure, since in that city and surrounding area is a high incidence of the disease but has not announced the postponement of any event.

    Preventive programs against influenza A in Honduras could be affected this week, like other activities of the Ministry of Health, announced a strike by the union rejection of this institution in the overthrow of President Manuel Zelaya, on June 28, and in defense of their achievements at work.

    Spread of virus

    According to the National Virology Laboratory in Tegucigalpa, the virus has spread almost all over the country free of infection, leaving only four departments, they are: Columbus, Intibuc?, Ocotepeque and Valle.

    The indifference of the people and the rainy weather could continue to increase the infection and death if not re-implement preventive measures.

    Julio Rodriguez, director of the Metropolitan Region of Health, reported that work had fallen by 50 percent due to the ongoing strike of employees of Health.

    "We had a plan for intervention in schools, but employees have joined protests and this has affected us," lamented the doctor.
    The doctor said that with the available human resources have made efforts to maintain vigilance, but in the activities against the disease are not.

    Only at the center of Miguel Paz Barahona Health has treated more than 150 districts and colonies, but their employees have closed the facility several times.

    Instructions WHO

    Victor Borjas, an epidemiologist from the Department of Cort?s Region, said that as instructed by the World Health Organization (WHO) should be less important to worry about counting of cases and to ensure that patients are receiving suspicious and positive treatment .

    "With proper management of patients to avoid the outcome of death we are experiencing," said the specialist.
    Borjas reported that when a patient is suspected to control focus, namely that researchers move a brigade where the case for people having the same symptoms.

    He added that many citizens do not attend because query cases are mild, but recommended to go to hospital to have their samples taken and discarded or provide treatment if they are suspects.

    Samples 24 / 7

    The epidemiologist said that the Region of California Department of Health is working through the system 24 / 7, meaning that if someone needs to take a sample can do so 24 hours a day, seven days a week. "The majority of samples are taken during office hours, but there is a warning that they know where people can call a suspect case and sent to the laboratory staff, "Borjas said.

    The doctor explained that whether it is influenza type A, B or C use different techniques.

    Public Health, the technique is called Indirect Immuno Fluorescence (IIF), the private sector is used Test Pack, a rapid test. In the opinion of the physician, the IFI is the most reliable, so people with symptoms or epidemiologic link to go to health centers or hospitals.

    "The rapid test does not use it because it is the least reliable," said the official.

    Classified as H1N1 for taking the test chain reaction Polymerase chain reaction (PCR).


    The first death was confirmed on June 12, was a woman of 23 years with six weeks of gestation.

    The second death was another woman of 32 years and the two latest victims were reported last week a girl a year and a man of 39 years, candidate for mayor of Potrerillos.

    Nine deaths in El Salvador

    San Salvador. 595 El Salvador amount of swine flu infection and 80 suspects awaiting confirmation, health authorities reported. Meanwhile, the number of deaths has now reached nine.

    According to a bulletin of the National Health System, to date, patients have been confirmed infected with the A/H1N1 virus in 75 of the 262 municipalities.

    There are 80 suspects and 181 people under medical supervision after having contact with any of the contagion.
    The department of San Salvador, with 319 infections, leading to the statistics of HIV positive cases, followed by La Libertad, 172. The authorities in San Salvador, capital of the province and the country have strengthened controls over the so-called "holidays agostino, which have been held since the first of August until the next six days to honor the local patron saint, the Divino Salvador del Mundo . To prevent new infections have been installed positions emphasis.



    • #3
      Re: Increase in AH1N1 cases in Honduras- total 7 deaths


      Reach the 278 cases of influenza A (H1N1)

      Cover, August 13 National Home, 2009

      TEGUCIGALPA .- The numbers of people infected with influenza A (H1N1) have skyrocketed in recent days, health authorities announced Thursday that the number of confirmed cases rose to 278, with eleven newly diagnosed.
      Daily evaluated many suspected the disease.

      Health authorities yesterday reported Wednesday that a child under 14 years in a state of pregnancy was certified as a death by influenza A (H1N1) and two more than were confirmed clinically.

      The new fatality was a young woman originally from Tegucigalpa, his death was recorded yesterday in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Hospital School where a few hours before, had been hospitalized in critical health.

      The results of this case were certified by the laboratory of Virology of the National Health Ministry, which are tabulated on a daily basis hundreds of samples, which are beginning to exhaust some input as part of treatment.

      The information was issued by the director of the Hospital del T?rax, Nora Maradiaga, who said that three pregnant women that die due to influenza A (H1N1) and increased the alert level one to two means suspending other activities to engage only with the pandemic.

      This means that these patients do not require an emergency, your surgery will be postponed to another date not set as the medical specialists in pulmonology focus on caring for patients in ICU and observation rooms.

      "So far, it has confirmed the death of another patient of 14 years who was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital School, so we recorded three deaths among pregnant women in the country," Maradiaga said.

      The official indicated that pregnant women are becoming the target of the deadly epidemic vulnerable, so every pregnant woman should take care appropriate for this non-contagious disease.
      Deaths from H1N1
      1.La first fatality from influenza A (H1N1) is a young housewife of 23 years, six weeks pregnant. The couple, originally from Santa Rosa de Copan, died on June 13, 2009 three hours after it admitted to hospital Occidente.2.La second victim was a woman of 32 years, originally from a community of Paradise, which expired College Hospital in the July 21 2009 after several hours of being admitted to Alvarado Hospital comes from the eastern pa?s.3. The third is a girl born in 18 months, resident and native of Cologne Rivera Hernandez de San Pedro Sula, that his death was recorded in the Mario Catarino Rivas Hospital on July 4 after being seen at a private clinic that regi?n.4. A man of 38 years municipal mayoral candidate Potrerillos Cort?s, and a resident of this town. After being treated at a private clinic, he was transferred in critical condition Healthcare Hospital Mario Catarino Rivas and died on 22 junio.5. The fifth deceased is a man of 45 years, his occupation is unknown, from the community of Pespire, Choluteca, and died in the Hospital del T?rax August 2 after five days of hospitalizaci?n.6. This case is a medical professional for 28 years, originating in the department of Islas de la Bahia who died on August 2 in IHSS, which two weeks earlier had given birth to a beautiful child, which fortunately is in perfect health conditions.

      7. The last fatality of the new virus is a girl originally from Tegucigalpa that his death was recorded yesterday in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Hospital School where a few hours before, had been hospitalized in critical health.


      • #4
        Re: Increase in AH1N1 cases in Honduras- total 7 deaths


        Outbreak of influenza A H1N1 is unstoppable
        Nationally there are 294 confirmed cases. The city reported 27% of patients. Already 27 schools where suspected contagion. Nine were closed
        14.08.09 - Updated: 14.08.09 09:59 pm - Nusly Car?as: @ nusly.carias

        Tegucigalpa, Honduras

        The nose and mouth are the doors through which the influenza virus A H1N1 enters and begins to take over their victims.

        That's because the tiny droplets of saliva that a person expelled by talking, sneezing or coughing could fall up to a meter away and then inserted into the lungs of people.

        Infection, without apparent pain, after a few hours becomes a real torment for the sick, as the muscle and joints can lead to prostrate.

        Furthermore, headache and fever are so intense and can lead to moments of gravity, which may worsen if the lungs are downloading a virus, the level of requiring mechanical ventilation.

        The cases of patients who needed hospitalization in intensive care units at the national level has been minimal, according to health authorities.

        At the National Institute Cardiopulmonary (Chest) were 10 patients who have required hospitalization this week, between children and adults.

        Pregnant women who have taken law enforcement have increased in recent weeks, as explained Nora Maradiaga, director of the Thorax.

        Capital vulnerable

        The number of suspected patients treated at the Chest in the last few hours is 50 patients per day, because the cases have skyrocketed in the capital. Tegucigalpa reported that an estimated 27 percent of cases nationwide.

        In this city are 28 schools that remain in the list of suspects to be among his students the deadly virus. Of these institutions, and 9 were closed for a period of one week. Seven colleges and two schools.

        The facilities of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (SERNA) were also closed after detecting some suspected cases.

        The head of the Secretariat of Health, Mario No? Villafranca, in statements to HRN Tegucigalpa that is having a worrying upturn, it warned people not to take appropriate preventive measures can reach the capital San Pedro Sula, a city reported a greater number of cases throughout the republic.

        Register of cases

        Nationally, the incidence of HIV is 3.2 per hundred thousand inhabitants, according to Health epidemiological report.

        The age range of victims is between 5 months to 87 years, while the male: female ratio is 1 to 1, according to the epidemiological surveillance department of Health.

        Confirmation of cases was achieved in 17 of the 20 health regions of the country.

        At the national level have been identified 294 patients positive for the disease, because yesterday it was reported 16 new cases. Manuel Gamero, head of networks and services, said the health regions that so far most of the reported cases are the Metropolitan Region of the Central District and San Pedro Sula.

        The number of deaths from the disease has been reduced to six in the country.

        According to Gamero, the latest death was announced by one of the Chest was not correct because the patient of 14 years, in a state of pregnancy is in the process of recovery.

        "The patient is still in ICU (Intensive Care Unit Chest), has since responded to treatment with Tamiflu and is out of danger at this time," the official said.

        It also is awaiting the results to be carried to a girl of 13 years originally from Juticalpa, Olancho, because it is suspected that he died from influenza A H1N1.

        For the identification of the virus is necessary for a doctor to make a detailed clinical examination and background investigation of other patients, contacts and travel.

        Diagnosis is made by identifying the virus in secretions from the nose or larynx, or by studying blood.

        Positive cases should be confirmed through laboratory testing, such as RT-PCR, real-time or by a viral culture.


        Elsa Palou The epidemiologist said that several medical professionals have been infected with the virus by not having the equipment necessary for their personal protection.

        For its part, Gamero denied that there is a shortage of inputs and to ensure that it has been given priority attention to cases of influenza A H1N1 in the country.

        "What has happened is that health workers have neglected prevention measures," said

        Tamiflu for the treatment of patients is 10 tablets for a period of five days.

        If still show some symptoms, there is a new dose.

        The experts have reported that people can be contagious from one day before symptoms begin to manifest until 7 days after they became ill. Children, especially small ones, can reach up to ten days with symptoms.

        Hospital School

        The care of patients suspected of H1N1 influenza A in the hospital campus has been rescheduled for next Monday, as reported by Octavio Alvarenga, director of medical care. According to the specialist, the institution was equipped to care for patients that are identified in the hospital.

        57 suspected cases are those that have been treated at the main hospital to date.

        * Promise: The authorities promised that the hospital school from Monday to start operating the tent to care for patients suspected of carrying the virus...


        • #5
          Re: Increase in AH1N1 cases in Honduras- total 6 deaths


          "Resurrect" young man whose death was reported by influenza AH1N1

          National August 15, 2009

          TEGUCIGALPA .- In a confusing reporting of deaths from influenza A (H1N1), health authorities had to "resurrect" a girl who was left for dead and apologize to the public. This is the case of a pregnant teenager, which was said died of aggressive virus and fortunately still alive.
          To date there are six nationally AH1N1 influenza deaths.

          To date there are six nationally AH1N1 deaths from influenza.

          A girl of 14 years continues to receive medical care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the School and Hospital last Wednesday, in an urgent meeting of health officials, the fatality as formalized by influenza A (H1N1), according to statements director of the Hospital del T?rax, Nora Maradiaga.

          Last Wednesday, in interviews he gave to the national press, the official confirmed that the reported death of a young woman in a state of pregnancy because of the flu. It also announced that two more people were in the certification process, while leaving a meeting with hospital directors and officers of the Ministry of Health.

          The director of networks and services of the Ministry of Health, Manuel Gamero, reported yesterday that the killing was ruled out, which was confirmed as the number seven. According to Gamero, were surprised when they knew that the alleged deceased remains hospitalized.
          The medical staff has become the "white" of the disease, but not for lack of biosecurity measures, but by neglecting prevention.

          The medical staff has become the "white" of the disease, but not for lack of biosecurity measures, but by neglecting prevention.

          "We have 16 new cases of influenza, with a total of 94 and we stand with six deaths from this disease, two more are in the IP and confirmed cases will appear in the statistics that we are going to make soon, "said Gamero.

          The official argued that the latest death reported as positive for infection by the pandemic, it was a mistake now and in any case these will be officially informed by the authorities at central level.

          In relation to the last 16 infected, said that patients are school age to seniors, but for now do not have the data distribution of the cases, ie, their origin, so it advised people not to neglect the prevention.

          One concern in the health system is that the medical personnel is becoming a target of contagion, "and it is not for lack of bio-material, but because they do not take precautionary measures when patients respond, as they say : home blacksmith knife stick. "

          "Those who are not taking action are more doctors and common people is that it is taking these measures."

          That was the case of two doctors from the hospital school serving patients who were infected, like other medical professionals in the west. Also for the same reason a doctor originally expired Island Bay and nurses have resulted in some infected public and private centers throughout the country.
          > swap


          • #6
            Re: Increase in AH1N1 cases in Honduras- total 7 deaths


            Tegucigalpa, under attack by the H1N1 virus
            Positive cases rose to 315 over the weekend. Seven are dead
            16.08.09 - Updated: 16.08.09 08:19 pm - Writing:

            Tegucigalpa, Honduras

            The influenza virus A H1N1 has its sights on the capital. Keeping meticulous records of each case has become almost impossible for health authorities and that the spread appears to be uncontrollable.

            In the capital are 29 schools which have reported suspect cases and positive for the disease, forcing health authorities to close seven schools during the previous week. Mario No? Villafranca, Health Minister explained that the spread is expected to go down because people are taking preventive measures.

            "In this we must acknowledge the work of the media that his information led to the population measures of prevention," said Noah Villafranca. Preventive measures such as washing hands frequently, avoid greeting of kissing and hand, to avoid going to crowded places are the actions that prevent infection.

            Today it was announced Monday that several institutes were closed for a week would be a student again after performing the work of disinfecting the premises. And in recent weeks that the Central District showed a resurgence of the pandemic reaching 26 percent of positive cases have been detected nationwide. The metropolitan area of San Pedro Sula, is so far one of the most affected by the spread of the disease, as it maintains 35 percent of cases.

            At the Region of Central America, Honduras and Nicaragua are the countries with the lowest number of deaths caused by the deadly virus.

            Virus Lethal

            A virus H1N1 is a deadly virus that until a few months remained hidden. Respiratory tract of their prey are the main target area.

            After a sneeze or cough takes to catch new victims and patients suffering from chronic respiratory disease may require several days of hospitalization.

            The patients show symptoms such as fever higher than 39 degrees, headache and muscular strong, nasal, and even vomiting, a situation that forces them to go to health centers.

            Doctors to assess the symptoms of patients suffering from discovering that influenza A H1N1, the deadly virus that arrived in the country in late April and has targeted 315 people in its path of infection. So far seven deaths were recorded, among which there are pregnant women and children.

            Health staff has not escaped the infection of influenza virus A H1N1.

            Suspected positive cases triple, since it is estimated that for each positive sample, between 15 and 20 people have been attacked by the disease but in some cases the symptoms are not visible.

            * Symptoms: Symptoms such as fever, headache and muscle pain, abdominal pain and vomiting are the main samples of the virus.


            • #7
              Re: Increase in AH1N1 cases in Honduras- total 7 deaths


              Given by teenager killed by influenza A recovers and soon will give birth

              National August 17, 2009

              TEGUCIGALPA .- "My daughter is happy because it will take your child, because she had had an acute asthma attack and no influenza A (H1N1)," said Ms Delmira Mairena, mother of the young pregnant 14 years that physicians declared dead by the swine flu.
              Delmira Mairena Roberto Velasquez and her husband's medical record showing that her daughter has no influenza A (H1N1).

              Delmira Mairena Roberto Velasquez and her husband's medical record showing that her daughter has no influenza A (H1N1).

              Neither aggressiveness of influenza A, much less confusing notification of health authorities were to prevent the teen pulled strength while debating between life and death, with a lung infection that his body was deteriorating.

              Constant prayers, night and day, Mairena and her husband were heard by the Divine Creator, she began to give signs of life and improvement, which brought hope and joy to the parents of the young who are now in their care in the third floor of City Hospital School.

              Health authorities confirmed last week and the seventh fatality was a teenager, who had three days after making the clarification that the patient is still hospitalized, recovering from his health.

              "We have done great damage, because while we were watching at the bedside of my daughter giving strength, all my family called my cell phone to ask what had happened to my little girl, of course I told them that it was improving, but I hardly believe, "said the woman.

              At the moment the patient is emerging from an asthma attack that remained unconscious for over a week, but now begins to talk with their parents, saying that is going to care much fruit she carries in her womb.

              "My family is now calling me to go ask the patient as follows and with great joy that I say is better each day that the doctors tell us they are responding well and that their evolution is flattering," he said.

              According to the interview, the pregnant woman was admitted to the Hospital School on August 4, with a severe bronchial infection that remained between life and death, but a timely intervention by the doctors managed to win the battle for fulminant influenza A (H1N1).

              According to the clinical report, the girl was about six days under artificial respiration, and reached out of the crisis, which now begins its recovery process.

              Health confirmed 19 cases

              Health Minister Mario No? Villafranca, reported yesterday that the number of victims by the influenza A (H1N1) is seven and have so far been 315 confirmed cases of the disease. Figures that manage the health system indicate that there are 600 thousand suspected cases, patients treated in different centers throughout the country.

              The flu is affecting most of the population under 15 years, with the department of Cort?s that still has the highest incidence, with a rate of 51 percent, while recognizing that in Comayagua and Francisco Moraz?n, the trend is upwards.

              In this regard, the minister did not rule out that in the coming days to carry out temporary closure of schools in the latter two departments but the impact is being presented in them is quite high.

              Finally, the official said one of the concerns in the health system is that the medical personnel is becoming a target of contagion, "and it is not for lack of bio-material, but because they do not take precautionary measures when addressing patients, as they say in house blacksmith knife stick. "


              • #8
                Re: Increase in AH1N1 cases in Honduras- total 7 deaths


                7 hospitalized pregnant women with symptoms of influenza AH1N1

                National August 20, 2009

                TEGUCIGALPA .- Deaths from influenza A (H1N1) could amount to eight, the authorities of the School Hospital reported the death of a resident of 38 years, originally from Tegucigalpa, who was hospitalized in critical condition and health of a few hours expired.

                The case was made known by the infectologists this facility, Tito Alvarado, who attended the patient who has all the characteristics of the disease and also reported that about seven pregnant women are hospitalized for suspicion of a possible contagion.

                The capital was admitted to the emergency room of Internal Medicine of this hospital, on August 18, in a coma due to a severe asthmatic box allegedly caused by influenza A (H1N1). That's why, hours after expired and conduct studies and rigor in the next few hours will be announced the results.

                Moreover, Alvarado explained that the internal parturients by this virus are in a narrow room of Mother and Child, to avoid a mass infection among the people there are, however, so far only one has been confirmed the disease while the rest is only suspected.

                Denied CARE

                Unfortunately, not all pregnant women are fortunate enough to be addressed promptly to get to health centers.

                A young woman with 48 weeks of gestation who sought medical help at the Chest Hospital and the Hospital School, was rejected by the staff of both institutions.

                That is the case Lastenia Nicole Hernandez (24), originally from the colony San Miguel de Tegucigalpa, who for two weeks has been moved to the main hospital, with fever, body ache and severe flu-like processes.

                "I'm one weeks in the Hospital and the Chest Hospital here in school, praying that I meet and not have wanted to meet me only because I have no references to them and then tell me the reference in the chest and there is no medical I am afraid it is getting serious by my pregnancy, "said Hernandez, her belly sob?ndose widened.

                The mother, in desperation to seek medical care, are accommodated in chairs under the tent located in the outskirts of the hospital complex, where they are receiving the suspects of carrying this disease. There was finally evaluated.

                Hernandez remains relatively "in that I do not assessed Hospital School, I just spray and not further aggravate estarme that I medicated myself with antibiotics, because when I go to the health center dispatched me to the chest and no longer find where to go .

                In this situation, the specialist said that Alvarado did not pay attention to a pregnant woman is very risky, because such patients are much more vulnerable to symptoms of the virus which can even cause death.

                He also said that the patient who died could be the eighth fatality of influenza in the country, but should await the results of laboratories. In turn, it awaits the outcome of the autopsy of a woman who showed symptoms of Olancho suspected influenza.


                • #9
                  Re: Increase in AH1N1 cases in Honduras- total 8 deaths


                  Suman eight dead by A H1N1 in Honduras
                  The positive cases identified by laboratory tests are kept in 342
                  26.08.09 - Updated: 26.08.09 01:47 pm - Writing:

                  Tegucigalpa, Honduras

                  Health authorities reported Wednesday the eighth fatality from influenza A H1N1 in Honduras.

                  This is a 26-year-old from Hope, Intibuc?, who died last week from influenza Chest Hospital, said Dr. Mario Antonio Pinel, chief warden of the Ministry of Health.

                  Pinel said they were investigating a likely pregnancy of the female.

                  Most of the swine flu cases recorded in San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa, the two largest and most populated cities in the country, detailing the doctor.

                  The positive cases identified by laboratory tests are held in 342.

                  The official stressed that there is an outbreak of cases of A H1N1 in Siguatepeque and Danli, which are controlled through the patrol and comprehensive care of the Ministry of Health, terminated.

                  In Latin America, the swine flu deaths exceed 1,300, being the region with more deaths in the world.

                  The influenza A (H1N1) has killed 1.799 people worldwide, mostly in the Americas since its emergence in late March, according to latest WHO data.

                  WHO declared the first influenza pandemic of the century on 11 June. In total, 170 countries have confirmed cases.

                  According to one study, 51% of those killed by the flu were between 20 and 49.


                  • #10
                    Re: Increase in AH1N1 cases in Honduras- total 8 deaths


                    Women of 26 years is the eighth fatality from influenza

                    National August 27, 2009

                    TEGUCIGALPA .- A 26 year old woman yesterday became the eighth victim of the dreaded virus of influenza A (H1N1), health authorities confirmed. Also reported two more deaths as a result of the virus which are ready to be formalized.

                    Health authorities confirmed eight new patients infected with the deadly virus, which amounted to 371 cases.

                    The unfortunate, originating Intibuc?, expired on Aug. 20 at the Chest Hospital, those of 4:45 pm, after two days in hospital with his health deteriorating, the product of a severe pneumonia that box damaged his lungs snatching life.

                    Confirmation of the new death was announced by the Head of Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health, Marco Pinel, who said the death of this patient was registered in the national virology laboratories.

                    "We processed 13 deaths, of which eight were positive by the pandemic virus (H1N1) among the eight positive results, unfortunately, is a confirmed case of a fellow who died, that death is the eighth record in the country, "Pinel said.

                    He added that apart from the death are being processed more than two samples are attributed to a woman and a child, which did not provide many details, but said "these two cases, we will be creating awareness among today and tomorrow."

                    However, infected patients confirmed eight new cases and therefore amount to 371, with dozens of suspects awaiting results.

                    MORE DEATHS
                    Pregnant women, diabetics and hypertensives are more vulnerable to influenza A H1N1.

                    About those who would be the ninth and tenth victim, Pinel said that analyze tests "another native of Tegucigalpa deceased, you can also say that is highly positive, as we mentioned earlier the child, who is from San Pedro Sula.

                    "Take the case of a patient who is highly suspicious and we believe that we have a picture in Honduras more or less stable, because the tendency of the virus to spread more slowly, contrary to what we were expecting with this new wave."

                    The pandemic in Honduras has killed six women, a man and a boy, but the numbers could reach 10 this day, according to reports gathered in virology.

                    However, Pinel said "we are introducing new outbreaks that are detected in a timely manner in order to control them in this same way and some of these outbreaks have been reported to us are located precisely in the area of Siguatepeque and the other in the Paradise. "

                    The behavior of the disease is changing in recent days as a beginning of the pandemic in the country the hardest hit area was the valley of Sula and Tegucigalpa and surrounding areas now are under the same conditions of risk.

                    The physician called on the population not to neglect preventive measures against the spread of this disease, it is a virus that circulates freely, which initially attacked children and now adults, especially pregnant women and other groups of people at high risk.

                    The flu has hatchery processes that if they can park in one place, "does great harm and have started to have outbreaks in places associated with populations as schools, prisons and children's homes and thus we can enumerate."

                    He extended that to make an assessment of deadly bird behavior in the country, the fact is that there is a decline of the disease, both in the north as central, "but we must be careful not neglected because we have new growth.


                    • #11
                      Re: Increase in AH1N1 cases in Honduras- total 8 deaths

                      Increase to 10 killed by H1N1 in Honduras

                      To date four pregnant women have been killed by H1N1

                      27.08.09 - Updated: 28.08.09

                      TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS

                      The deaths of a child and a woman rose to 10 deaths from H1N1 flu in Honduras, which are recorded at least 381 confirmed cases, today reported a medical source.

                      "We already have 10 patients who have died and so far we have 381 cases confirmed by lab," he told reporters the head of Health Surveillance, Ministry of Health of Honduras, Marco Antonio Pinel.

                      Until last Wednesday, the dead were eight confirmed cases 371. The two new victims killed in recent days, but until now it was confirmed that due to influenza A, said.

                      Pinel said the boy was a year and a half old, was from the town of Macuelizo, western department of Santa Barbara, and died at the Mario Catarino Rivas Hospital in San Pedro Sula (north). The woman was a woman from the southern region, he added, without elaborating.

                      The first case of influenza A in Honduras was confirmed on 21 May and the first death on June 22, according to medical records.

                      Pregnant women are most affected

                      Pregnant women are more likely to go to the hospital to get influenza A/H1N1, explained the specialist Tito Alvarado.

                      The disease has resulted in the country the death of eight people, four of them pregnant. A cascade of toxins are nested in the influenza A/H1N1 virus.

                      A biological bomb to reach the airways of victims from respiratory failure to generate severe pneumonia, which causes death.

                      And is that pregnant women have become a group of the most fragile population against the epidemic, infectious diseases Tito Alvarado explained.

                      In recent weeks, members of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, have developed new recommendations for treatment of victims in case of pregnant women.

                      "In serious cases can double doses of Tamiflu, which means that we can apply 150 milligrams per dose until the patient has improved," said the specialist.

                      The standard treatment is two tablets daily of Tamiflu for five days.

                      For newborns, it is now recommended to apply the medicine in infants three months thereafter, contrary to what was known until a few weeks, as it only applied to children over one year.

                      "For a mother to give birth when the symptoms present, the newborn must be removed from the mother and be fed breast milk through a bottle," he added.

                      HIV Patients

                      Currently, patients with HIV should be considered as priority to receive treatment at the time of presenting symptoms of the disease.

                      According to the doctor, the doctors before applying the medication for influenza should be sure that the victim before the virus, because otherwise it would generate resistance.

                      People infected with the virus, since the first hours begin to suffer the attack of the disease and transmit without having developed symptoms.

                      The positive cases registered in the country add up to 371, most of which are in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula.

                      "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                      • #12
                        Re: Increase in AH1N1 cases in Honduras- total 10 deaths

                        Translation: Spanish » English .

                        CRÉDITOS: NTX / MFRC Ago-28 17:07 hrs The victim was a woman of 52 years

                        Tegucigalpa, Honduras HONDURAS .- today reported its ninth human death from influenza caused by H1N1 virus, on the death of a woman of 52 years of age at the Chest Hospital in Havana.

                        The patient was from the capital and was admitted to the center since last Aug. 24.

                        The head of the Epidemiology Department of the Ministry of Health, Marco Pinel, said there was another late-a child of two years with the symptoms of the disease and that in the coming hours as the labs could add as the tenth victim.

                        Pinel said the Hondurans totaling 373 infected with the H1N1 virus, which are out of danger, but more people detained in hospital with flu symptoms awaiting confirmation from the laboratories.

                        CREDITS: NTX / MFRC Aug-28 17:07 pm


                        • #13
                          Re: Increase in AH1N1 cases in Honduras- total 10 deaths

                          Translation: Spanish ? English

                          The dead rise to ten per A/H1N1
                          According to the latest report, 381 cases of the deadly disease have been confirmed across the country
                          28.08.09 - Updated: 29.08.09 11:25 am - Writing:

                          Tegucigalpa, Honduras

                          The deaths of a child and a woman rose to ten deaths from H1N1 flu in the country, which recorded 381 cases confirmed, health authorities reported yesterday.

                          "We have ten patients have died and 381 cases confirmed by lab," said the head of Health Surveillance, Marco Antonio Pinel.

                          The two new victims killed in recent days, but until yesterday it was confirmed that this was due to influenza A/H1N1, said.

                          The deceased child was a year old and was originally from Macuelizo, Santa Barbara.

                          The boy died a few days ago in Mario Catarino Rivas Hospital in San Pedro Sula. The other victim is a woman, 52, who died in a private clinic in the capital.

                          The cases, according to Dr. Pinel, still are analyzed in order to determine what damage occurred in the victims of the degree of disease lead to death.

                          The number of positive cases have also increased because it was revealed ten new patients, for a total of 381 patients in the country since pandemic began.


                          According to the Health Officer, Siguatepeque and Danl? there has been a sudden outbreak of the disease, so that actions are taken to control the virus.

                          "In Siguatepeque and villages suspected patients have been reported at schools, so that cases are investigated and establishing an epidemiological siege," said Pinel.

                          Health officials do not rule in both cities recommend the suspension of classes in schools.

                          "We can confirm that in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula the number affected has decreased in recent days," said the interviewee.

                          San Pedro Sula record 32 percent of patients with influenza A/H1N1 reported in the country, followed by Tegucigalpa with 30 percent of the victims.

                          The department of Cort?s is with 10 per cent of all confirmed and reported Comayagua five percent of the total.
                          Aggregate data

                          The latest epidemiological report of the Pan American Health Organization, PAHO, said that Central America recorded an increase in deaths. Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador are the most affected.

                          Worldwide 2.867 deaths have been identified by the deadly virus, which appeared in late April in Mexico.

                          Confirmed cases in the world exceed the 236 thousand, according to the PAHO report.


                          Investigations into a second global wave does not dispel the fear that new outbreaks can be more aggressive.

                          Tito Alvarado, infectious diseases, explained that in this situation it is recommended that health personnel should avoid creating resistance to the virus between patients.

                          For no ill is necessary to maintain preventive measures such as permanent clean hands with soap and water.

                          It is recommended not to stay in crowded places and staying away from people with flu and cough.

                          If someone is ill at home, keep it occupies an isolated area. If that is not possible, keep a one meter separation between the patient and others.


                          • #14
                            Re: Increase in AH1N1 cases in Honduras- total 10 deaths


                            Child of ten could be the victim, 11 Swine flu

                            Home, Home National August 31, 2009

                            TEGUCIGALPA .- The influenza A (H1N1) would be recording the 11th fatality, health authorities reported today, which also reported four new positive cases of this disease.
                            The medical tents were set up in order to meet the high demand of infection now appear bleak, but at any time could glut.

                            The medical tents were set up in order to meet the high demand of infection now appear bleak, but at any time could glut.

                            Health Minister, Mario Noe Villafranca said that three new laboratory-confirmed infected but were treated on an outpatient basis. It also investigates whether a boy from Comayagua, treated at the Mother and Child Hospital a month ago by the deadly flu expired.

                            "We have 386 confirmed cases, 10 deaths and is the case of a child who died a month ago in the Mother and Child Hospital, which had (meninconsenia) and the results of the tests was found to have influenza A (H1N1), Villafranca said.

                            The official explained that the technical team of Public Health in the coming days will tell whether this death was caused by influenza or on the contrary, due to another disease and was diagnosed by initially said had died. "This would become the 11th death.

                            With regard to the high level of infection of bird said "has almost nationally controlled and only a few places like in Comayagua and El Paraiso, which has been an increase in cases presenting the population under 15 years."

                            Villafranca said that one way to control the epidemic has been the closure of schools and prevention as the best weapon, so you continue with these measures in the coming months, because we expect a new wave of virus.

                            The World Health Organization (WHO) until last week was 236.746 officially reported cases of infection with the H1N1 pandemic virus in 2009, in 183 countries and dependent territories, with a total death toll of 2,800 cases.

                            The risk population remain pregnant women, people with hypertension, asthma and those living with overweight, which to be hospitalized and require intensive care are likely to die by their immune status.
                            > swap


                            • #15
                              Re: Increase in AH1N1 cases in Honduras- total 12 deaths


                              Pregnant woman became victim number 12 of swine influenza

                              National September 5, 2009

                              TEGUCIGALPA .- A woman of 23, pregnant, would be becoming the 12th fatality from influenza A (H1N1), officials of the Hospital School.
                              The air for the evaluation of patients suspected the weekend ran out of weekend service.

                              The air for the evaluation of patients suspected the weekend ran out of weekend service.

                              According to clinical records, the patient was admitted to the emergence of Internal Medicine at this medical center, suffering all the symptoms that characterize the virus associated with severe respiratory disease.

                              The patient, who was 30 weeks gestation, was originally from the neighborhood of Tegucigalpa Breakdown by Top, who has conducted clinical examinations that resulted in his death was due to the new strain.

                              Nevertheless, the formalization of this twelfth death by A (H1N1), shall make known the health authorities at central level next week, like that of a child under 10 years expiring at the Hospital for Mother and Child August.

                              For its part, the director by law Chest Hospital, Odessa Henriquez, reported that three new confirmed cases of influenza, so the figures go up to 404 infected, with 10 deaths and two confirmed in the coming days.

                              Henr?quez said that although in this medical center has reduced the number of people arriving to seek medical attention does not mean that cases have diminished, but there are more available to the public hospitals.

                              He said he was hospitalized for two to three people a day for being suspected of suffering from this pandemic.

                              However, this medical center is devoid of medical personnel at the weekend, which means that the area treage not perform assessments but will respond to emergencies.

