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Costa Rica - First H1N1 death

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  • Costa Rica - First H1N1 death

    Costa Rica - First H1N1 death

    Google translation

    It was first recorded fatality from the human influenza in Costa Rica. A man of 53 years died after a "shock box refract?reo," said Minister of Health, Luisa Avila, before the case becomes the product first death from the disease in Central America.

    EFE Saturday May 9, 2009 12:52

    SAN JOSE .- A man of 53 years died today in Costa Rica because of the human influenza, reported the Health Minister Mar?a Luisa ?vila, who told Radio Columbia to the patient, whose identity was not released , died at 00:20 local time (06.20 GMT) for a failure of your body.

    "Unfortunately the gentleman died today 53 years with a shock refract?reo box, that means multiple organ system fails and blood pressure dropped," in an irreversible manner, explained the minister, compared to the case which became the first death product of the disease in Central America.

    The patient, Avila said, he received all due attention and confirmed he had contacted some 51 people who were already investigated and found to be healthy, without symptoms, and therefore not likely to be incubating the virus.

    The fatality was the only one of the nine human cases of influenza confirmed in Costa Rica who was hospitalized because she had other problems unrelated to the virus that complicated their health: diabetes, asthma and a lung injury identified among other ills.

    Costa Rica has confirmed nine cases of the virus AH1N1 but sent the patient to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, for its acronym in English), United States in order to corroborate the diagnosis.

    The CDC confirmed as eight of the nine positive samples and the ninth is pending the outcome. ?vila Minister reiterated that the epidemiological surveillance system has worked correctly and that although the country is for a couple of weeks in health alert, this is not a state of alarm.

    It also recommended that people maintain recommended hygiene, wash hands frequently, cover mouth and nose when coughing and avoiding going out into the street if you have common flu.

    In any case, go to medical facilities if they identified any symptoms of the disease, such as general body pain, nausea and vomiting, possibly with the fever.

    Data from the Ministry of Health indicate that so far have been analyzed 645 suspected cases of human influenza in the country, of which 555 have been dismissed, nine have been confirmed locally and 81 were found in laboratory studies.

    Spanish text:

    Se registra primera v?ctima mortal de la influenza humana en Costa Rica. Un hombre de 53 a?os falleci? tras "un cuadro de shock refract?reo", explic? la ministra del Salud, Luisa ?vila, ante el caso que se convierte en la primera muerte producto de la enfermedad en Centroam?rica.

    EFE S?bado 9 de Mayo de 2009 12:52

    SAN JOS?.- Un hombre de 53 a?os falleci? hoy en Costa Rica a causa de la influenza humana, inform? la ministra de Salud, Mar?a Luisa ?vila, quien declar? a la emisora Radio Columbia que el paciente, cuya identidad no ha sido dada a conocer, muri? a las 00:20 hora local (06.20 GMT) por una falla general de su organismo.

    "Lamentablemente hoy muri? el se?or de 53 a?os con un cuadro de shock refract?reo, eso significa que varios ?rganos del sistema le fallaron y la presi?n arterial baj?", de forma irreversible, explic? la ministra, frente al caso que se convierte en la primera muerte producto de la enfermedad en Centroam?rica.

    El paciente, asegur? ?vila, recibi? toda la atenci?n debida y confirm? que tuvo contacto con unas 51 personas que ya fueron investigadas y que se encuentran sanas, sin s?ntomas, por lo tanto ya no corren el riesgo de estar incubando el virus.

    La v?ctima mortal era el ?nico de los nueve casos de la influenza humana confirmados en Costa Rica que se encontraba hospitalizado, ya que padec?a otros problemas ajenos al virus que complicaban su estado de salud: diabetes, asma y una lesi?n pulmonar entre otros males identificados.

    Costa Rica ha confirmado nueve casos del virus AH1N1, pero envi? las muestras de los pacientes al Centro de Control y Prevenci?n de Enfermedades (CDC, por su sigla en ingl?s), en Estados Unidos, para corroborar los diagn?sticos.

    El CDC confirm? como positivas ocho de las nueve muestras enviadas y la novena est? pendiente del resultado. La ministra ?vila reiter? que el sistema de vigilancia epidemiol?gica ha trabajado de manera correcta y que, aunque el pa?s se encuentra desde hace un par de semanas en alerta sanitaria, ?ste no es un estado de alarma.

    Tambi?n recomend? a la poblaci?n mantener las medidas higi?nicas recomendadas, lavarse las manos con frecuencia, cubrir nariz y boca al toser y evitar salir a la calle si se tiene gripe com?n.

    En todo caso, acudir a los centros m?dicos si se identifica alg?n s?ntoma de la enfermedad, como dolor general de cuerpo, v?mitos y n?useas, con la intervenci?n de fiebre.

    Datos del ministerio de Salud indican que hasta el momento se han analizado 645 casos sospechosos de la influenza humana en el pa?s, de los cuales se han descartado 555, nueve han sido confirmados localmente y 81 se encuentran en estudio de laboratorios.