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Gangwon-do, avian influenza prevention measures extended operating
(Chuncheon = BUSINESS WIRE ) May 2, 2012 - Gangwon-do the recent highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks in Asia and the help given when the summer migratory counties, Special Dispatch to the Veterinary Service Laboratory surveillance operations and poultry farms to strengthen the promotion separately The 'AI prevention measures up to thirty days' extension is operated by the end of May. currently in Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Vietnam and other Asian countries continued to the occurrence of highly pathogenic AI AI summer by the new influx is a potential possibility. especially in this year Chungnam and Kyonggi wild birds from highly pathogenic switch to the possible low-pathogenic AI (H5, H7) persists detection (6 cases / April based) and have nationwide national crisis warning 'Caution' steps to maintain a situation that is accordingly to help counties , 24 agencies, including Veterinary Service Laboratory maintains an emergency quarantine system and the AI for first responders quickly when uisimchuk originally reported in October last year, in April this year, running seven months' AI prevention measures Situation Room "to the end of May, one month to extend the operation. In addition, the wild birds and poultry during the monitoring inspection pushed ohdeon, Migratory Birds, vehicles and so on farm management and biosecurity activities such as disinfection is planned to continue. In addition, the province introduced the Highly Pathogenic AI place to prevent tension Do chuksanae and outside thoroughly disinfected, such as willingness to promote biosecurity line for animal disease control agency found that yisangchuk (☎ 1588-4060) promptly report to the front to give local governments and farmers were asked to.
Gangwon-do, avian influenza prevention measures extended operating
(Chuncheon = BUSINESS WIRE ) May 2, 2012 - Gangwon-do the recent highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks in Asia and the help given when the summer migratory counties, Special Dispatch to the Veterinary Service Laboratory surveillance operations and poultry farms to strengthen the promotion separately The 'AI prevention measures up to thirty days' extension is operated by the end of May. currently in Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Vietnam and other Asian countries continued to the occurrence of highly pathogenic AI AI summer by the new influx is a potential possibility. especially in this year Chungnam and Kyonggi wild birds from highly pathogenic switch to the possible low-pathogenic AI (H5, H7) persists detection (6 cases / April based) and have nationwide national crisis warning 'Caution' steps to maintain a situation that is accordingly to help counties , 24 agencies, including Veterinary Service Laboratory maintains an emergency quarantine system and the AI for first responders quickly when uisimchuk originally reported in October last year, in April this year, running seven months' AI prevention measures Situation Room "to the end of May, one month to extend the operation. In addition, the wild birds and poultry during the monitoring inspection pushed ohdeon, Migratory Birds, vehicles and so on farm management and biosecurity activities such as disinfection is planned to continue. In addition, the province introduced the Highly Pathogenic AI place to prevent tension Do chuksanae and outside thoroughly disinfected, such as willingness to promote biosecurity line for animal disease control agency found that yisangchuk (☎ 1588-4060) promptly report to the front to give local governments and farmers were asked to.