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Japan - Panasonic's Nanoe Water Found Effective Against Highly Resistent Viruses
Japan - Panasonic's Nanoe Water Found Effective Against Highly Resistent Viruses
Panasonic's Nanoe Water Found Effective Against Highly Resistent Viruses
Osaka, Jan. 26 (Jiji Press)--Panasonic Corp. <6752> said Thursday that its "nanoe" electrostatic atomized water has inhibitory effects against four more viruses, an indication that they are also effective in suppressing new and highly resistant viruses.
Re: Japan - Panasonic's Nanoe Water Found Effective Against Highly Resistent Viruses
From the 2011 American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Show -May 2011
Bactericidal Effectiveness of Electrostatic Atomized Water Particles against Selected Resistant Organisms
I. Kobayashi1, A. Kanayama1, T. Imai2, Y. Asano2; 1Toho Univ., Faculty of Med., Tokyo, JAPAN, 2Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd., Osaka, JAPAN.
Objective: Electrostatic atomized water particles (electrified fine particles water) developed from nanoe technology has been used to remove allergens and as deodorizers. In this study, we evaluated the bactericidal effectiveness of an electrostatic atomizing device against antimicrobial resistant organisms found in the healthcare environment. Methods: A 106 cfu/ml adjusted suspension of multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MDRP), multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (MDRAB), carbapenem resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was prepared in saline tubes. A 1.0 ml sample from each tube was inoculated onto three sterile 5 cm x 5 cm gauze pads. The output end of an electrostatic atomizing device (Electrostatic Atomizer, Panasonic) was placed 15 cm, perpendicularly to the inoculated gauze pads. Gauze was exposed to the atomized water particles (nanoe ions) for up to 2 hours. The experiment was performed within a commercially available 45 L sealed plastic box. At 0.5 hour, 1.0 hour and 2.0 hour intervals after exposure to the atomized water particles, gauze pads were extracted in sterile physiological saline (9 ml). Viability was assessed by subculturing of 10 ml aliquots onto trypticase soy agar plates followed by 18 hour incubation at 35 ?C. Results: There was ≥99% bactericidal effectiveness against each strain after 2 hour exposure to atomized water particles. After 1 hour of exposure, bactericidal effectiveness of MDRP was 99% and below detection level after 2 hours. For MRSA, 1 hour exposure resulted in 99.99% bactericidal effectiveness. Even when gauze pads were not directly exposed to the atomized water particles within the enclosed box, there was a 1/10 reduction in MDRP within the gauze pads. Conclusions: In this initial assessment, we observed the bactericidal effectiveness of short-term electrostatic atomized water particle exposure against resistant organisms. This technology has potential as an intervention tool in reducing contact spread within healthcare institutions.