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Thailand - Unknown Virus Killing Pigs Results in Rising Prices for Pork

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  • Thailand - Unknown Virus Killing Pigs Results in Rising Prices for Pork

    Thailand rose to 120-125 baht per kilogram of pork

    2010年02月07日19:22 中国商务部网站 】 【 打印共有评论0
    At 7:22 p.m. on February 7, 2010 Chinese Ministry of Commerce Website 【Dazhong Xiao】 【Print】 Total Comments 0
    据泰国《世界日报》2月6日报道,泰国养猪农协会主席素拉猜透露,东部、佛统及叻丕府出现幼猪死亡问题,由于大量幼猪死亡,加上天气炎热,导致猪只发育进度缓慢 ,预期将导致猪肉上市量减少,无法满足市场需求,形成价格上涨。
    According to Thailand "World News" February 6 reported that pig farmers in Thailand Association of the President said Surayud guess, Eastern, Nakhon Pathom and Ratchaburi deaths occur in piglets, due to a large number of dead piglets, coupled with the hot weather, resulting in pigs only slow growth is expected to result in reduction in the amount of pork available, unable to meet the market demand, the formation of prices.
    Reduced supply of pork on the market, but there is no change in consumer demand, the imbalance of supply.

    At the same time also affected by the virus is spreading, leading to pig farmers, the cost increase by 30%, it suffered heavy losses.
    为此,养猪农要求政府加紧解决病毒蔓延问题,担心情况犹如以往般,导致大量小型饲养者不支停业 。

    To this end, pig farmers asked the Government to step up to solve the spread of the virus, worried that the situation is like in the traditional manner, leading to closure of a large number of small-scale farmers a moral one.
    商业部报导,内贸厅本月3日公布有多项新鲜食品价格比1月份上涨,包括猪肉,每公斤从115铢 上涨至120-125铢,超过商业部规定每公斤105-110铢的监管范围内。
    The Department of Commerce reported that domestic trade hall on the 3rd of this month released a number of fresh food prices rose more than in January, including pork, from 115 baht per kilogram up to 120-125 baht, more than the Department of Commerce provides 105-110 baht per kilogram regulatory framework.
    The price of chickens since the 64.4 baht per kilogram up to 65-66 baht.
    In addition, prices of vegetables have open heart dishes, Cantonese dishes, coriander, and onion and so on.
