MOH Influenza Pandemic Readiness and Response Plan (updated May 2007) +%28updated+May+2007%29.htm

Main Document

Annex A: Summary of Key Control Measures

Annex B: Surveillance

Annex C: Management of Cases

Annex D: Control Measures in HealthCare Settings

Appendix 1:
Guidelines for the Use of PPE in relation to Protection
Against Influenza in Healthcare Settings
Before and During an Influenza Pandemic

Appendix 2:
Cleaning Guidelines for Healthcare Facilities

Annex E: Management of Contacts

Annex F: Contact Tracing

Appendix 1:
Institution Contact Tracing

Annex G: Quarantine

Annex H: Use of Anti-virals

Annex I: Management of the Dead

Annex J: Border Health Control Measures

Annex K: Crisis Communications

The list of amendments updated in the above plan (May 07) is appended here:
