Re: Laos: H5N1 virus in Xayaboury province, ex- Luang Prabang province, has not spread to humans
I don't know how the government can say this:
"..official Lao news agency KPL reported Tuesday that according to Xayaboury Livestock and Fisheries officials the cause of poultry deaths was in fact Cholera and Newcastle disease.."
when an official filed an OIE report stating this was an H5N1 event (in post 2):
"..Information received on 31/03/2014 from Dr Khambounheuang Bounkhouang , Directeur Général, Département de l'Elevage et des Pêches , Ministère de l'Agriculture et des Forêts , Vientiane capital, Laos.....
Causal agent Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Serotype H5N1
Nature of diagnosis Laboratory (advanced)
This event pertains to a defined zone within the country
New outbreaks (1)
Outbreak 1 - Nator Ngai, Xayabury, XAYABURY
Date of start of the outbreak 13/03/2014
No announcement yet.
Laos: H5N1 virus in Xayaboury province, ex- Luang Prabang province, has not spread to humans
Re: Laos: H5N1 virus in Xayaboury province, ex- Luang Prabang province, has not spread to humans
Lao govt formulates plans for possible bird flu outbreak
Xinhua | 2014-4-3 17:48:07
By Agencies
The Lao government is formulating plans to respond to a possible outbreak of bird flu in the country's northern region at a three-day meeting on the subject in Luang Prabang, according to state-run daily Vientiane Times, Thursday.
According to Vientiane Times the meeting will formulate "plans and measures to prepare and respond to a possible outbreak of bird flu" in Phongsaly, Luang Namtha and Oudomxay provinces.
The meeting was chaired by Office Head of the Government Office Sinlavong Khoutphaythoune and was attended by Minister for Health Eksavang Vongvichit, international organizations and other relevant officials from the capital and northern provinces...
...While the Vientiane Times report stated that an outbreak of H5N1 virus occurred in Nator Xai village of Xayaboury Province, official Lao news agency KPL reported Tuesday that according to Xayaboury Livestock and Fisheries officials the cause of poultry deaths was in fact Cholera and Newcastle disease.
According to Vientiane Times the outbreak occurred when 1,000 chickens and ducks were brought to Xayaboury province via a neighboring country. Half of the animals died in transit while the remainder of the animals were quarantined and culled by local authorities...
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Re: Laos: H5N1 virus in Xayaboury province, ex- Luang Prabang province, has not spread to humans
First H5N1 Bird Flu Outbreak for Five Years in Laos
LAOS - An outbreak of highly pathogenic avian flu is reported in a village poultry flock in the north-west of the country - the first for more than five years.
The veterinary authority sent an Immediate Notification dated 31 March to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).
The report outlines an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza in a village poultry flock at Nator Ngai in the region of Xayabury in north-west Laos. The region borders Thailand.
The outbreak started on 13 March, affecting 457 birds in the flock of 5,142. The remaining birds were destroyed.
According to the report, the affected birds were introduced into the village one week before the outbreak.
The outbreak is now described as 'resolved'.
The presence of the H5N1 sub-type of the virus has been confirmed.
The last outbreak in the country was in December 2008.
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Laos: H5N1 virus in Xayaboury province, ex- Luang Prabang province, has not spread to humans
[Source: OIE, full page: (LINK). Edited.]
Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1, Laos
Information received on 31/03/2014 from Dr Khambounheuang Bounkhouang , Directeur G?n?ral, D?partement de l'Elevage et des P?ches , Minist?re de l'Agriculture et des For?ts , Vientiane capital, Laos
- Summary
- Report type Immediate notification
- Date of start of the event 13/03/2014
- Date of pre-confirmation of the event 18/03/2014
- Report date 31/03/2014
- Date submitted to OIE 31/03/2014
- Reason for notification Reoccurrence of a listed disease
- Date of previous occurrence 12/2008
- Manifestation of disease Clinical disease
- Causal agent Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
- Serotype H5N1
- Nature of diagnosis Laboratory (advanced)
- This event pertains to a defined zone within the country
- New outbreaks (1)
- Outbreak 1 - Nator Ngai, Xayabury, XAYABURY
- Date of start of the outbreak 13/03/2014
- Outbreak status Resolved (31/03/2014)
- Epidemiological unit Village
- Affected animals: Species ? Susceptible ? Cases ? Deaths ? Destroyed ? Slaughtered
- Birds - 5142 ? 457 ? 457 ? 543 ? 0
- Affected population: The affected birds were newly introduced into the village one week before the outbreak.
- Outbreak 1 - Nator Ngai, Xayabury, XAYABURY
- Summary of outbreaks
- Total outbreaks: 1
- Total animals affected: Species ? Susceptible ? Cases ? Deaths ? Destroyed ? Slaughtered
- Birds ? 5142 ? 457 ? 457 ? 543 ? 0
- Outbreak statistics: Species - Apparent morbidity rate - Apparent mortality rate - Apparent case fatality rate - Proportion susceptible animals lost*
- Birds - 8.89% - 8.89% - 100.00% - 19.45%
- *Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
- Total animals affected: Species ? Susceptible ? Cases ? Deaths ? Destroyed ? Slaughtered
- Total outbreaks: 1
- Epidemiology
- Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
- Introduction of new live animals
- Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
- Control measures
- Measures applied
- Quarantine
- Movement control inside the country
- Screening
- Disinfection of infected premises/establishment(s)
- Modified stamping out
- Vaccination prohibited
- No treatment of affected animals
- Measures to be applied
- No other measures
- Measures applied
- Diagnostic test results
- Laboratory name and type ? Species ? Test - Test date ? Result
- National Animal Health Laboratory (National laboratory) ? Birds - real-time PCR - 18/03/2014 ? Positive
- Laboratory name and type ? Species ? Test - Test date ? Result
- Future Reporting
- The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.
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- Summary
Laos: H5N1 virus in Xayaboury province, ex- Luang Prabang province, has not spread to humans
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H5N1 virus in Lao Xayaboury province has not spread to humans
Xinhua | 2014-3-31 17:40:16
By Agencies
Xayaboury Provincial Health Department has found no one was infected with the H5N1 virus after hundreds of animals died from the virus in recent weeks, state-run daily Vientiane Times reported on Monday.
More than 10 people were suffering from influenza like symptoms when the H5N1 outbreak occurred in the Nator Nhay village of the province. A report from the epidemiology section of the Xayaboury Health Department said that screening had indicated nobody has developed H5N1 infections.
Epidemiology section head Siriphone Khanthakone said that most of the individuals in question had developed flu like symptoms due to the weather and were now back home and on the way to recovery.
Local livestock and fisheries officials took swift action culling a large number of poultry in the area to prevent the spread of the virus.
Over 1,000 ducks and chickens were brought to Xayaboury from Luang Prabang province where they had been imported from a neighboring country. Half of the animals died in transit while the remainder were culled by authorities on arrival.
The delivery was provided by a company aiming to supplement the livelihoods of locals by allowing them to raise poultry for their own consumption or for sale...Tags: None
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