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South Korea - Outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 in cats 2023

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  • South Korea - Outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 in cats 2023


    Confirmation of feline highly pathogenic AI in Korea… Quarantine authorities “emergency quarantine and human infection prevention measures”
    Enter 2023.07.25 18:30 Edit 2023.07.25 18:31 Reporter Maeng Chan-ho (

    Two cats AI confirmed in Yongsan-gu, Seoul
    Quarantine headquarters, epidemiological investigation and emergency quarantine
    Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “Investigation of contacts with dead bodies in progress”
    Reporter Maeng Chan-ho

    Highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1 type) was confirmed at a cat shelter in Korea, and quarantine authorities began emergency quarantine.

    The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs announced on the 25th that two cats at a cat shelter in Yongsan-gu, Seoul were confirmed to have highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1 type).

    The two cats were suspected of being infected with respiratory diseases, and as a result of the confirmation test at the Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Quarantine Headquarters on the test samples requested by a private inspection agency, the final confirmation was confirmed on the same day.

    After confirming the doctor's case, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs shared and disseminated the outbreak situation to related organizations such as the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local governments. The city of Seoul implemented emergency quarantine measures such as cleaning and disinfection of the site, access control, and epidemiological investigation through the Quarantine Headquarters.

    Following this confirmation, the quarantine authorities conduct surveillance and inspection of susceptible animal breeding facilities in the surveillance area (within 10 km).

    In addition, quarantine measures such as inspections of epidemiologically related people and facilities and avian influenza surveillance tests are planned for animal protection places and facilities nationwide.

    The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) is implementing measures to prevent human infection of avian influenza, such as contact investigations with the Seoul Metropolitan Government.

    None of the contacts identified so far have symptoms. Contacts classified as a high-risk group are intensively monitored for symptoms for a maximum incubation period of 10 days from the date of last contact.

    On the other hand, in December 2016, highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N6 type) was confirmed in domestic cats, and there have been no cases of human infection to date.​

  • #2
    South Korea: MAFRA Press Release On H5N1 In Cats

    Updated 0920 EDT

    There are unconfirmed reports of cats dying at this shelter for several weeks. While the official number of cats infected sits at 2, it would not be surprising if more infections are discovered as this investigation continues.


    South Korea has a lot of experience with avian H5Nx viruses, and takes them very seriously. In 2014, as H5N1 was in a steep decline, a new, highly virulent H5N8 virus emerged in Korean poultry (likely introduced by migratory birds from China or Siberia) that began H5's resurgence, and eventual spread around the globe.

    In 2014, and again in 2015, dogs on South Korea farms showed signs of HPAI infection (see MAFRA: H5N8 Antibodies Detected In South Korean Dogs (Again)), and in 2018 we looked at a report of H5N6 in domestic cats (see EID Journal: HPAI H5N6 In Domestic Cats - Korea, 2016).

    Also in 2016, we saw the outbreak of H7N2 in hundreds of cats in New York City in late 2016 (see EID Journal: Avian H7N2 Virus in Human Exposed to Sick Cats), which spilled over into several humans.

    Over the past month, we've been following the slow-rolling release of information on H5N1 in cats in Poland (see CDC Statement On H5N1 In Domestic Cats - Poland).

    Today South Korea's Ministry of Agriculture (MAFRA) has announced the detection, and their rapid response, to two cats infected with H5N1 at an animal shelter in Seoul. First the translated press release, then I'll return with a bit more.

    Implementation of emergency quarantine and human infection prevention measures following the confirmation of feline highly pathogenic avian influenza

    2023.07.25 18:21:17 Avian Influenza Prevention Division, Quarantine Policy Bureau

    The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs ( Minister Jeong Hwang-geun , hereinafter the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs ) announced that highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1 type ) was confirmed in two cats at a cat shelter in Yongsan-gu, Seoul .

    The cat was suspected of being infected with a respiratory disease, and as a result of confirming the test sample requested by a private inspection agency at the Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Quarantine Headquarters, it was finally confirmed as highly pathogenic avian influenza on July 25 , 2023 .

    In December 2016 , highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N6 type ) was confirmed in domestic cats , and there have been no cases of human infection to date .

    The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs promptly shared and disseminated the outbreak situation to related organizations such as the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local governments as soon as the confirmed case was confirmed , and implemented emergency quarantine measures such as cleaning , disinfection , and access control at the location through the competent local government ( Seoul Metropolitan City ) and epidemiological investigation at the location through the Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Quarantine Headquarters .

    In addition, according to the confirmation of highly pathogenic avian influenza, quarantine measures such as surveillance and inspection of susceptible animal breeding facilities in the surveillance area ( within 10 km ) , inspection of epidemiologically related persons and facilities, and avian influenza surveillance and inspection of animal protection places and facilities nationwide are planned .

    The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( Chairman Ji Young-mi ) is promptly implementing measures to prevent human infection of avian influenza , such as investigating contact with cat corpses, together with the competent local government . None of the contacts identified so far have symptoms , and contacts classified as high-risk will be intensively monitored for symptoms for a maximum incubation period of 10 days from the date of last contact .

    In addition, as cases of cat outbreaks and cases of human infection through cats are rare, it is requested to comply with active human infection prevention rules in daily life, such as prohibition of contact with dead animals such as wild birds and feces , and hand washing , rather than excessive anxiety . ( See Attachment 1 )

    The government announced that it would do its best to prevent human infection while closely cooperating with local governments to prevent further outbreaks .

    The H5N1 genotype, or strain, in South Korea likely differs from the one in Poland's cats (or in foxes in Finland), but this event could shed more light on how well the virus spreads between cats.

    It is also a reminder that the panoply of H5Nx viruses around the globe are constantly testing their boundaries, and we should expect more surprises ahead.

    Stay tuned.

    All medical discussions are for educational purposes. I am not a doctor, just a retired paramedic. Nothing I post should be construed as specific medical advice. If you have a medical problem, see your physician.


    • #3
      Mass death of 38 cats, caused by avian influenza
      Cho Dong-chan Medical Reporter write
      2023.07.25 14:4

      It has been confirmed that 38 cats died in Korea due to avian influenza. It is the first time in Korea that cats have died from avian influenza, and it is the second time in the world. 40 cats were being protected at a private cat shelter in Seoul, and from the 24th of last month, the cats started dying due to high fever and loss of appetite, and 38 cats died in one month.
      A research team led by Professor Song Dae-seop of the Department of Veterinary Medicine at Seoul National University investigated and confirmed that it was H5N1 avian influenza. Of the 38 dead, 35 were incinerated and 3 were frozen.
      The World Health Organization warned of the dangers of avian influenza by announcing the first case of avian influenza in which 29 cats died in Poland on the 17th. The quarantine authorities said they are conducting an epidemiological investigation and are preparing quarantine measures with domestic and foreign experts.

      Dying for the last month? How many people infected?..​​​​​​


      • #4
        Bird flu outbreak kills nearly 40 cats as shelter forced to quarantine

        The spread of the disease follows a similar slew of cases in Poland, where 25 cats died as a result of the outbreak - although it is not yet clear if they are linked.

        22:55, Tue, Jul 25, 2023 | UPDATED: 22:55, Tue, Jul 25, 2023​

        Bird flu outbreak kills nearly 40 cats as shelter forced to quarantine

        The spread of the disease follows a similar slew of cases in Poland, where 25 cats died as a result of the outbreak - although it is not yet clear if they are linked.

        22:55, Tue, Jul 25, 2023 | UPDATED: 22:55, Tue, Jul 25, 2023
        shelters across South Korea are being investigated following the outbreak (Image: Getty)

        A bird flu outbreak has claimed the lives of nearly 40 cats in the capital of South Korea and sparked a national investigation.

        The cat's shelter in Seoul has been quarantined following what has been described as a "highly unusual" outbreak of the disease.

        South Korea's agriculture ministry today confirmed that tests have confirmed H5N1 avian influenza in two of the cats at the shelter.

        The cats were tested after they started to show symptoms of a respiratory infection.


        At least 38 cats have died after suffering from a high fever, loss of appetite and other symptoms.


        • #5
          S. Korea confirms avian influenza cases in cats for first time in 7 years

          Oh Seok-min
          10:17 July 26, 2023
          SEOUL, July 26 (Yonhap) -- Two cats at an animal shelter in Seoul were confirmed to have been infected with a highly pathogenic avian influenza strain, marking the first infections of the virus in mammals in seven years, the agriculture ministry has said.

          Cats have been found dead at the shelter in Yongsan, central Seoul, since last month...
          It is the first time since 2016 that the country confirmed highly pathogenic AI cases in mammals.

          ... the authorities cordoned off the facility and have implemented quarantine measures.

          People who have had contact with the cats have not shown any symptoms, and there has not been a human AI infection through cats or other mammals.

          .. health authorities are closely monitoring them, as the incubation period for human AI cases is known to be 10 days...


          • #6
            Translation Google

            The world's second 'cat mass death'...caused by highly pathogenic avian influenza

            Input 2023.07.26 14:00
            Jinkyu Sung | Haidak Health Medical Journalist

            Recently, 38 cats died en masse at an animal shelter in Yongsan-gu, Seoul. As a result of the investigation by the authorities, it was finally confirmed that two of the dead cats were infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1 type). It is the first time in 7 years since 2016 that a cat has been infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza in Korea.

            According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, on the 24th of last month, 3 out of 40 cats at the shelter first showed symptoms of high fever and loss of appetite and died, and then 35 cats showed similar symptoms and died one after another at intervals of 1 to 2 days. It is known that two of the 38 animals visited a private veterinary hospital with respiratory symptoms before death.

            An official from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs said, "As a result of examining the sample taken from the veterinary hospital, it was confirmed that he was infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza." "It is difficult to conduct additional tests as most of the other cat corpses have been incinerated, but it seems highly likely that the other dead cats were also infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza because there was a lot of contact between cats."

            The route of infection is believed to be that cats were infected by eating birds infected with avian influenza, but the possibility of transmission between cats is also being investigated without excluding the possibility. In addition, we are analyzing the possibility that this virus is a virus that has been mutated to facilitate mammalian transmission, unlike existing viruses.

            The authorities received reports of suspected cases and notified the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local governments, and the Seoul Metropolitan Government controlled access to the animal shelter, and the Quarantine Headquarters is taking quarantine measures such as epidemiological investigations. The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention plans to monitor close contacts, such as animal shelter employees who are classified as high-risk groups, for symptoms for a maximum incubation period of 10 days.
            The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, "There are very few cases of human infection through cats, so you don't have to worry too much," and advised, "However, you should avoid contact with wild bird carcasses or feces and thoroughly personal hygiene such as washing your hands." It is known that highly pathogenic avian influenza is easily infected when you touch the corpse or feces of an infected bird and touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with your hands. Meanwhile, on the 17th, 29 cats in Poland also died due to highly pathogenic avian influenza infection. The domestic case is the second in the world after the Polish case.

            최근 서울 용산구의 한 동물보호소에서 고양이 38마리가 집단 폐사했다. 당국 조사 결과 폐사한 고양이 중 2마리가 고병원성 조류인플루엔자(H5N1형)에 감염된 것


            2 out of 38 cats killed collectively 'AI confirmed'

            2023-07-26 19:48

            This is Reporter Yoo Chan. [Reporter] At a cat shelter in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, two cats were diagnosed with bird flu, and the government and local governments took an emergency response. [Bae Jin-seon / Seoul City Animal Health Department Team Leader] "Since they are familiar companion animals, we are conducting a thorough investigation on all animals in shelters (Seoul City) in case you worry." Starting with three cats at this shelter on the 24th of last month, cats died every day or two, and 38 out of 40 died. Among them, two samples that showed respiratory symptoms were left to the quarantine authorities at the beginning of this month, and they were positive. Bird flu in cats is rare, but it does happen. In Korea, two stray cats were confirmed in 2016, and in Poland last month, 29 cats tested positive and died en masse. In 2016, in New York City, a veterinarian contracted avian flu through a cat. This is the only reported case of transmission from cats to humans, but it is a different type of virus than the one found in Seoul this time. [Park Jae-woo / Center for New Infectious Disease Response, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]

            This is Channel A News Yuchan.

            Video coverage: Lee Jun-hee
            Video editing: Kang Min

            고양이 두 마리가 조류독감 확진 판정을 받았습니다. 일단 질병관리청은 고양이에서 사람으로 옮긴 사례는 드물지만 위생에 유의해야 한다고 당부했습니다.  유


            • #7
              Korea (Rep. of) - Influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds) (2017-) - Immediate notification


              ANIMAL TYPE

              DISEASE CATEGORY
              Listed disease

              EVENT ID

              Influenza A viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds) (2017-)

              CAUSAL AGENT
              Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus


              START DATE

              Unusual host species



              EVENT STATUS

              END DATE


              REPORT NUMBER
              Immediate notification

              REPORT ID

              REPORT REFERENCE

              REPORT DATE

              REPORT STATUS


              Unknown or inconclusive

              No epidemiological comment


              NEW OUTBREAKS

              OB_122401 - YONGSAN-GU, SEOUL, REPUBLIC OF KOREA


              START DATE

              END DATE






              Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

              Latitude, Longitude
              37.532364 , 126.953955


              MEASURING UNIT


              SpeciesSusceptibleCasesDeathsKilled and Disposed ofSlaughtered/ Killed for commercial useVaccinated
              Domestic cat (WILD)

              NEW - 2 2 - - -
              TOTAL - 2 2 - - -​


              • #8
                Translation Google

                Seoul Metropolitan Government “Avian Influenza Test for Dogs and Cats at Animal Protection Facilities ‘Negative’”

                Input 2023.07.28 (17:40) Edit 2023.07.28 (17:41)

                The Seoul Metropolitan Government announced today (28th) that all 102 dogs and cats in animal shelters were tested for bird flu, and all 102 were negative.

                Previously, on the 25th, two cats at a cat shelter in the Seoul area were infected with bird flu, and the city of Seoul conducted a total inspection of dogs and cats in animal shelters.

                The Seoul Metropolitan Government explained that there were no abnormal signs in the results of surveillance of 430 places, including bird facilities, zoos, and animal cafes within a 10 km radius of the bird flu outbreak.

                The Seoul Metropolitan Government requested, “When caring for animals at animal-related facilities, etc., wear personal protective equipment such as masks and gloves.”

                서울시가 동물보호시설에 있는 개와 고양이를 대상으로 조류 독감을 전수 검사한 결과, 102마리 모두 음성...


                Seoul city, all negative results of 'cat avian influenza' investigation by animal shelter

                Enter 2023-07-28 18:04 | Edit 2023-07-28 18:490

                Seoul city, all negative results of 'cat avian influenza' investigation by animal shelter

                As a result of highly pathogenic avian influenza infection tests conducted on 102 dogs and cats at animal shelters run by cities and autonomous districts, all of them were negative.

                This investigation was conducted to prevent any possible infection in relation to the death of two cats at a private animal shelter in Yongsan-gu on the 25th after being confirmed by highly pathogenic avian influenza.

                The city of Seoul also looked at 430 places, including bird facilities, zoos, and animal cafes within a 10-kilometer radius of the outbreak, and it was confirmed that there were no animals showing suspicious symptoms.

                Previously, two cats in an animal shelter where highly pathogenic avian influenza occurred were also confirmed not to be infected.

                The city of Seoul explained, "To date, there has been no case of avian influenza being transmitted from a cat to a human body, but please observe personal hygiene rules, such as not touching dead bodies or feces of wild birds."

                서울시가 시와 자치구에서 운영하는 동물보호소의 개와 고양이 102마리를 대상으로 고병원성 조류인플루엔자 감염 검사를 시행한 결과 전부 음성이 나왔습니다. 이번 조사는 지난 25일 ...


                • #9
                  South Korea: CDC/MAFRA Statement On 3rd H5N1 Positive Cat In Seoul Animal Shelter


                  Last Tuesday we learned of two H5N1 positive cats at an animal shelter in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, along with media reports indicating that cats had been dying at that shelter for several weeks.

                  Late yesterday South Korea's MAFRA and their CDC released a joint statement on a 3rd H5N1 positive cat, this time from a shelter in Gwanak-gu, Seoul (about 5 miles apart).

                  The translated text follows:

                  (Joint with related ministries) Emergency quarantine and human infection prevention measures following the outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza in felines (Sat, July 29)

                  Post Date 2023-07-29
                  Last modified 2023-07-29
                  Department in charge Emerging Infectious Disease Response Division
                  Contact 043-719-9130

                  Emergency quarantine and preventive measures for human infection following the occurrence of feline highly pathogenic avian influenza pseudo-patients

                  The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (Minister Jeong Hwang-geun, hereinafter the Ministry of Agriculture and Food) announced that a highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5 type) pseudo-patient was confirmed in a cat in a cat shelter in Gwanak-gu, Seoul.

                  The cat in that place visited a nearby animal hospital due to anorexia and respiratory symptoms, died during treatment, and the head of the veterinary hospital reported it to the Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Quarantine Headquarters. (H5 type) It was confirmed as a pseudo-patient.

                  * Currently, additional detailed tests are underway, and it is expected that it will take about 2 to 3 days to determine whether or not it is highly pathogenic.

                  The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs promptly shared and disseminated the situation to related organizations such as the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, local governments, and organizations as soon as confirmed cases were confirmed, and implemented emergency quarantine measures such as washing and disinfection of the affected area and access control through the competent local government (Seoul Metropolitan City).

                  The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Chief Young-mi Ji), along with local governments, is promptly implementing measures to prevent human infection of avian influenza, such as contact investigations on cats.

                  The symptoms of the veterinary hospital workers and protection place officials have been confirmed, and there are no symptoms among the exposed persons confirmed so far.

                  As in the last case of highly pathogenic avian influenza in cats in Yongsan-gu, those exposed to the high-risk group will be intensively monitored for 10 days, the maximum incubation period from the date of last contact.

                  * For reference, as of July 29, there is one person subject to management and no symptoms related to the confirmation of highly pathogenic avian influenza in cats in Yongsan-gu.

                  (Continue . . . )

                  We've been following a similar outbreak in cats in Poland for nearly six weeks, although updates from Polish authorities remain disappointingly infrequent (see here, here, here, and here). Over the past year we've also seen sporadic reports of feline H5N1 infections from France, Italy, the United States (see here & here), and Canada.

                  We've known for nearly 20 years that cats are susceptible to avian flu (see A Brief History Of Avian Influenza In Cats), often acquired from eating infected meat.

                  But in 2016 we saw a highly transmissible (among cats) strain of H7N2 sweep through several New York City animal shelters, infecting hundreds of cats and even a couple of veterinarians (see J Infect Dis: Serological Evidence Of H7N2 Infection Among Animal Shelter Workers, NYC 2016).

                  While cat-to-cat transmission of avian flu appears to be rare, and cat-to-human transmission even more so, the CDC has the following advice for cat owners during this time of heightened H5N1 activity in wild birds and the outdoor environment.

                  Bird flu infections among domestic animals are rare. However, if your pet isshowing signs of illnesssuggesting bird flu virus infection and has been exposed to infected (sick or dead) wild birds/poultry or has eaten raw food containing poultry products, you should immediately contact your pet’s veterinarian or state animal health official.
                  Additionally, monitor your own health and the health of other household members with close contact with your pet for signs of infection, including fever, cough, difficulty breathing/shortness of breath, conjunctivitis (eye tearing, redness, irritation, or discharge from eye), runny or stuffy nose, or diarrhea. It unlikely that pet owners would get sick with bird flu through direct contact with their infected pet, but it is possible.

                  The risk to human health from H5N1 bird flu infections in cats is thought to be low. Current H5N1 outbreaks in poultry and birds (with occasional spillovers into mammals and people) continues to be mostly an animal health issue. However, people should avoid direct and close contact with sick or dead wild birds, poultry, and sick or dead wild animals.

                  CDC has
                  information about precautions to take with wild birds and guidance for pet owners and people who may have direct contact with infected animals.More information about avian influenza is available on the CDC website.

                  All medical discussions are for educational purposes. I am not a doctor, just a retired paramedic. Nothing I post should be construed as specific medical advice. If you have a medical problem, see your physician.


                  • #10

                    More suspected cases of cats with avian influenza reported in Seoul
                    By Kim So-hyun
                    Published : Jul 30, 2023 - 14:13 Updated : Jul 30, 2023 - 15:52

                    Four days after two cats were confirmed to have been infected with avian influenza (AI) at an animal shelter in Seoul, three more suspected AI cases in cats were reported in the city on Saturday.

                    The three suspected cases of H5N1 virus infections were found at a cat shelter in Gwanak-gu, Seoul, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs said, adding that it will take two or three days to find out if the infections were highly pathogenic , resulting in severe morbidity and mortality.

                    Earlier last week, two cats at a shelter in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, were confirmed to have been infected with a highly pathogenic AI strain, marking the first infections of the virus in mammals in seven years in South Korea.

                    The shelter had reported a mysterious case of en masse cat deaths, with 38 of the cats under its care dead since late last month.

                    As the ministry immediately shared the situation with the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, local governments and related agencies, the shelter has been disinfected and kept off limits.

                    The disease control agency and the local administration are looking into those who had contact with the cats and may have AI.

                    So far, no person who has been in contact with the cats has shown symptoms, the authorities said.

                    As in the confirmed cases in Yongsan-gu last week, those categorized as “high-risk,” who have been exposed to suspected cases of AI in cats, will be closely monitored for 10 days from the last day of contact.

                    Only one such person is currently being monitored and has not shown any symptoms yet...​


                    • #11
                      Seoul: 3 (of 10 Cats Tested) Positive for H5 Antibodies At Animal Shelter in Gwanak-gu


                      Yesterday, in South Korea: CDC/MAFRA Statement On 3rd H5N1 Positive Cat In Seoul Animal Shelter, we learned that at least one cat at a second Seoul animal shelter in Seoul. This follows the announcement last week of two cats infected at another shelter in Seoul.

                      Today we learn from the Seoul Metropolitan Government website that 3 cats (of 10 tested) at the shelter have tested positive of H5 antibodies.

                      've machine translated the press release, and the confirmation report below. Korean translations are often syntax challenged, but the gist is easily read in the press release. It gets more interesting in the attached PDF.
                      Jinseon BaeBlue City Leisure Country
                      2023.07.29animal protection department
                      classification environment
                      phone call 02-2133-7651
                      AI antigen (H5) was confirmed in 3 cats at an animal shelter in Gwanak
                      • Suspicion was reported at the veterinary hospital on the 29th, H5 was confirmed in 3 cats as a result of 10 tests
                      • Emergency quarantine measures such as washing and disinfection of the facility and access control, all autonomous districts in the quarantine situation room Expansion to unreported private animal shelters - Plans for animal clinical surveillance and detailed inspection after identifying the current situation
                      • Private organizations and cat protection groups request reporting to the quarantine authorities when operating animal shelters or shelters Please report to, the city will do its best for quarantine
                      ※ For details, please refer to the attached document (below).

                      The attached document (below) is available as a PDF and an .HWP file. The translation below is a little rough, but it hints at concerns over a wider outbreak.

                      Animal Hygiene Laboratory Director
                      Institute of Health and Environment Animal Hygiene Laboratory
                      Animal disease diagnosis team leader related website (menu)

                      Kyungsook Kang
             Confirmation of AI antigen (H5) in 3 cats at animal shelter in Gwanak On the 29th, the veterinary hospital reported suspicion, and as a result of testing 10 animals, H5 was confirmed in three animals. Private organizations and cat protection groups scheduled for close inspection are requested to report to the quarantine authorities when operating animal shelters or shelters, and when operating animal shelters, request reports to the quarantine authorities, and the city will do its best in quarantine

                      The Seoul Metropolitan Government announced today that on July 29th, highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5 type) pseudo-patients were confirmed in three cats at a private animal shelter in Gwanak.

                      010 animals were tested, and the H5 type was confirmed in 3 of them.

                      Suspected patients refer to animals for which there is considerable reason to believe that they have contracted avian influenza as a result of clinical examinations conducted by livestock disease control officers, or animals undergoing close examination.

                      This is the second outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza in two cats at the animal shelter in Yongsan on July 25.

                      Gwanak Animal Sanctuary Cats have been experiencing anorexia, respiratory symptoms since July 23

                      I came to the veterinary clinic and died during the treatment, and the director of the veterinary hospital was in the room on July 29

                      I reported it to the station authorities. As a result of testing by the Seoul Institute of Health and Environment, H5 type It was confirmed.

                      the city implements emergency epidemic prevention measures such as cleaning and disinfection of the facility and access control. Epidemic prevention situation rooms have been set up in all 25 autonomous districts of Seoul. The 18 autonomous districts that are currently operating the epidemic prevention situation room are from the site of the Yongsan period It is an autonomous region within a radius of 10 km.

                      There are additional occurrences in this Gwanak In view of the suspicious situation, it is to be extended to the entire autonomous region.

                      Swiftly address undeclared civilian shelters to prevent further spread It is planned to determine the current situation and conduct clinical examinations and detailed examinations of animals.

                      n accordance with the Animal Protection Act, private animal protection facilities are suspending reporting. I'm having a hard time figuring it out.

                      □ the city has established animal shelters and shelters for animal protection private organizations and cat protection groups.

                      If they are operating, they asked them to report it to their local borough or city. City, when caring for animals in animal-related facilities, etc., personal masks, gloves, etc.

                      Excessive anxiety by wearing protective equipment and washing hands after touching animals

                      Rather, he urged them to focus on personal hygiene.

                      □ Yoo Young-bong, director of the Blue City Leisure Bureau of Seoul, said, "Blocking the spread of avian influenza in cats Public-private partnerships are important to prevent the spread of the virus. We will also work closely with us to do our best to protect citizens and animals."

                      I said.

                      Attachment: Information on the prevention of avian influenza human infection in daily life (Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency)
                      • Wash your hands frequently, and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands.
                      • - AI mainly uses feces such as infected birds, fecal contaminated objects and carcasses, etc.
                      • If you touch your eyes, nose, mouth, etc., after touching your hands, you can spread the virus.
                      • - In rare cases, infection through inhalation of contaminated dust is also possible.
                      • ○ Do not come into contact with carcasses such as wild birds, poultry, and cats.
                      • - In the case of wild birds and stray cats, whose health status is difficult to ascertain, carcasses, feces
                      • Do not touch the back, preferably avoid touch.
                      • If you have a cat or bird in your home, you may be infected with avian influenza.
                      • The probability is actually low.
                      • However, even in this case, the activity of the cat decreases, a lot of drooling, and qi
                      • If you experience drooling, sneezing, shortness of breath and neurological symptoms, wear a mask or gloves
                      • Please wear protective equipment and do not contact directly.
                      • Five.
                      • Visit domestic and foreign avian influenza outbreak facilities and areas and contact with animals
                      • If respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough, and sore throat occur within 10 days afterwards, immediately take jurisdiction
                      • Please report it to your local health center or the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency Call Center (1339).
                      • - Wear a mask if you have respiratory symptoms, and take a break if you cough or sneeze
                      • Cover your mouth and nose with a giro.

                      Stay tuned.

                      All medical discussions are for educational purposes. I am not a doctor, just a retired paramedic. Nothing I post should be construed as specific medical advice. If you have a medical problem, see your physician.


                      • #12
                        Korean MAFRA/CDC: Implementation of Quarantine Measures Following the Confirmation of HPAI H5N1 in Cats in Gwanak-gu


                        In the past hour South Korea's CDC and MAFRA have posted a joint release that confirms the H5 virus detected in cats last week to be HPAI H5N1. As a result, authorities have announced a wide-scale quarantine and surveillance operation.

                        This statement, combined with the last report from the Seoul Metropolitan Government, are indications of how seriously they are taking the threat.
                        The (translated) statement follows.

                        Implementation of quarantine measures following the confirmation of highly pathogenic avian influenza in cats in Gwanak-gu, Seoul

                        2023.07.31 20:00:00 Avian Influenza Prevention Division, Quarantine Policy Bureau

                        The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs ( Minister Jeong Hwang-geun , hereinafter the Ministry of Agriculture and Food ) announced that highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1 type ) was confirmed in a cat at an animal shelter in Gwanak-gu, Seoul .

                        The cat was admitted to the veterinary hospital with respiratory symptoms, etc. , and died during treatment, and the head of the veterinary hospital reported it to the Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Quarantine Headquarters . As a result of the confirmation test of the test sample at the Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Quarantine Headquarters, it was finally confirmed as highly pathogenic avian influenza on July 31 , 2023 .

                        The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs promptly shared and disseminated the outbreak situation to related organizations such as the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , the Ministry of Environment , and local governments as soon as the confirmed case was confirmed , and emergency quarantine measures such as washing and disinfection , access control , and epidemiological investigation of the area through local governments and quarantine areas (10 km) My ) Surveillance and inspection of susceptible animal breeding facilities and epidemiological-related people and facilities are being conducted .

                        The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( Chairman Ji Young-mi ) is promptly implementing measures to prevent human infection of avian influenza, such as contact investigation of cats, together with the competent local government . None of the contacts identified so far have symptoms , and contacts classified as high-risk will be closely monitored for symptoms for a maximum incubation period of 10 days from the date of last contact .

                        The Ministry of Environment ( Minister Han Hwa-jin ) is conducting a survey on avian influenza (AI) infections in wild birds, including resident birds, focusing on migratory bird habitats near highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) outbreak areas , and is conducting a survey on avian influenza (AI) infections in wild birds , including local birds. Cooperation was requested for reporting carcasses ( including mammals ) .

                        * Report : Government Civil Complaint Information Call Center (110) and National Wildlife Disease Management Service (062-949-4381/ 4390)

                        The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs implements quarantine measures as the second case of highly pathogenic avian influenza was confirmed in a cat .

                        In order to identify the actual conditions of infection in cats and analyze the cause of occurrence, the entire city of Seoul (25 cities , counties , and districts ), 5 cities, counties , and districts within the quarantine area ( within 10 km ) , and 24 cities and counties with highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks
                        ・The actual status of avian influenza infection in stray cats in the city will be investigated from August 1st to August 20th , and it is planned to carry out surveillance and inspection of cat breeding grounds , etc.
                        In addition , a simultaneous surveillance and inspection of susceptible animals such as cats in animal shelters is carried out until August 8 , and wild birds ( including resident birds ) are monitored for a month in August in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, focusing on the outbreak area, surroundings, and nearby habitats for migratory birds . * Strengthen surveillance inspections .
                        * ( Catch test ) 35 cases / month → 90 cases / month , ( Faecal examination ) 25 cases / month → 100 cases / month
                        Promote biosecurity rules in animal protection and production facilities through local governments and related organizations to prevent and block highly pathogenic avian influenza , prohibit access to wild birds ( including stray cats ) and install and inspect blocking networks for poultry farms Through this, we plan to do everything possible to prevent the vector from entering the farmhouse .

                        In addition, for nearby poultry farms in local governments, disinfection vehicles and joint control teams are intensively disinfecting access roads to poultry farms and main movement lines of livestock vehicles.

                        The government announced that it would do its best to prevent human infection while closely cooperating with local governments to prevent further outbreaks .

                        Attachment 1. Guidance on prevention of avian influenza human infection in daily life

                        2. AI infection prevention rules for veterinarians , animal shelter managers, etc.

                        All medical discussions are for educational purposes. I am not a doctor, just a retired paramedic. Nothing I post should be construed as specific medical advice. If you have a medical problem, see your physician.


                        • #13
                          Cat AI confirmed again...Quarantine authorities'tactile' in successive cases of infection

                          delivery time2023-07-31 20:34summarybeta
                          Reporter Shin Seon-mi Reporter Shin Seon-mi

                          Mammalian infections are on the rise worldwide…WHO 'Strengthen Monitoring' Recommendation

                          As cases of cats dying after being infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) have been reported one after another, the quarantine authorities are paying attention.
                          This month alone, two cases of highly pathogenic AI in cats were confirmed at two animal shelters in Seoul six days apart.
                          It is the first time in 7 years since 2016 that a highly pathogenic AI in cats has been reported in Korea.
                          2 cases of cat AI infection reported within a week According to the quarantine authorities on the 31st, two cats who died at an animal shelter in Yongsan-gu on the 25th were confirmed as highly pathogenic AI (H5N1 type), and on this day, one cat raised at an animal shelter in Gwanak-gu was found to be 'positive'.
                          In particular, in the case of infection at a shelter in Yongsan-gu on the 25th, only two were confirmed through testing, but it is known that a total of 38 died during the same period, and 'group infection' is suspected.
                          In the case of Gwanak-gu, only one animal that visited the veterinary hospital with respiratory symptoms was tested and confirmed, and it is not known whether there are other infected animals.
                          When additional confirmed cases were reported, the quarantine authorities plan to strengthen quarantine measures and investigate the AI ​​infection status of stray cats throughout Seoul.
                          As the number of tests increases, additional cases of infection may emerge.
                          In addition, there are concerns that AI is spreading to humans through cats.
                          Quarantine authorities currently see this possibility as low.
                          In fact, in the case of this H5N1 type, authorities explained that there have been no cases reported worldwide that spread from birds to humans via cats.
                          However, in preparation for emergencies, the authorities conduct monitoring, focusing on cat contacts.
                          The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) observes contacts classified as a high-risk group for symptoms for a maximum incubation period of 10 days.
                          At 4:28 p.m. on the same day, the city of Seoul requested through a safety information text message, "To prevent human infection of avian influenza, do not touch animal carcasses or feces, and follow personal hygiene rules such as hand washing."
                          The Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food will capture and inspect 90 wild birds, focusing on AI outbreak areas and nearby migratory bird habitats, and conduct 100 fecal tests for the month of August.The capture test is about 3 times larger than the previous one, and the fecal test is 4 times larger.
                          In fact, since the end of 2021, avian influenza (AI) has been prevalent worldwide, and cases of being infected with this virus in mammals are increasing.
                          According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 10 countries, including Spain and the United States, have reported cases of AI infection in mammals since last year.
                          Recently, 29 cases of AI infection in cats in different regions were reported in Poland.
                          In response, the WHO said in a statement on the 12th that "the cases of detecting the H5N1 virus in mammals are rapidly increasing" and "this may lead to the emergence of a new AI virus that can be more harmful to animals and humans."
                          It also urged countries to step up monitoring and information sharing on AI outbreaks.
                          Domestic experts also agreed that we need to keep a close eye on the spread of AI.
                          Na Woon-seong, professor of veterinary medicine at Chonnam National University, said, "While the WHO and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently believe that it is not at a level to be concerned about, we have secured vaccine strains against the H5 virus in preparation for emergencies." It is mutated enough to infect humans, and as the virus proliferates, mutations continue to occur, increasing the risk to humans.”
                          Kim Seung-taek, head of the zoonotic virus research team at the Institut Pasteur Korea, said, "It is judged that the situation does not pose a great threat to humans yet, but we need to be alert and strengthen monitoring."




                          • #14
                            A series of cat AI confirmations…Gyeonggi-do, 65 animal shelters inspected simultaneously

                            delivery time2023-08-01 08:57
                            Gyeonggi-do announced on the 1st that it will conduct a simultaneous test for highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) for animal shelters until the 8th.
                            This test is based on the outbreak of highly pathogenic AI at two private cat protection facilities in Seoul on the 25th and 29th of last month.
                            The test is conducted on 'dead animals', 'animals admitted after June 1st', and 'animals showing suspected symptoms of influenza' among the animals under protection at 65 animal shelters in the Gyeonggi area.

                            Previously, on the 26th and 27th of last month, an emergency clinical surveillance of about 8,000 animals under protection at an animal shelter in the province and a close examination of three direct shelters in Gyeonggi-do were all negative.

                            When AI occurred at an animal shelter in Seoul on the 25th, the province spread the situation and took quarantine measures such as access control and disinfection at 5 veterinary hospitals and animal nursery companies that are epidemiologically related.
                            “There is a concern about the spread of avian influenza infection in dogs and cats, which are susceptible animals to avian influenza,” said Kim Jong-hoon, head of the Livestock Animal Welfare Bureau of Gyeonggi Province. said.
                            In addition to two cases of highly pathogenic AI infection in Korea other than birds, two cats were infected in Pocheon, Gyeonggi Province in 2016, in addition to two cats in Seoul this time.To date, no cases of human infection have been reported.



                            • #15
                              Confirmation of ‘cat AI’ in Seoul… “We also need to trace the routes of the breeding grounds and auction houses.”
                              Register 2023-07-31 16:27
                              Edit 2023-07-31 22:16

                              Reporter Kim Ji-sook

                              Animal organizations “must thoroughly investigate business facilities”
                              Last week, cases in which cats were infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza were confirmed one after another in Yongsan-gu and Gwanak-gu, Seoul. Getty Image Bank
                              Last week, cases in which cats were infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza were confirmed one after another in Yongsan-gu and Gwanak-gu, Seoul.
                              Amid a series of cases where cats contracted avian influenza (AI) at private animal shelters in Yongsan-gu and Gwanak-gu, Seoul, it was argued that the government investigation should be expanded to breeding grounds and auction houses.
                              The animal protection group Animal Rights Action KARA issued a statement on the 31st and urged the government to expand its investigation of infection, which is currently focused on private animal protection facilities, to companion animal breeding grounds, auction houses, and pet shops.

                              Cara of the Animal Rights Action said, “It is important to investigate the root cause and to investigate the infection of highly pathogenic avian influenza in cats and cat breeding grounds.” However, the quarantine authorities prioritize surveillance of cat breeding grounds (animal production establishments) and sales establishments (predicting the possibility of occurrence or increase of disease) than private animal shelters.” He said, “Of course, a more detailed investigation should be conducted by listing breeding grounds, experience animal facilities, and shelters where a large number of cats are concentrated and frequently rotated.”​

                              ​​​​​​Last week, two cats in Yongsan-gu were confirmed with highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1 type), and four cats in Gwanak-gu also died last weekend from avian influenza (H5 type). In response, the government conducted a total inspection of animals at animal protection centers run by cities and autonomous districts (19 locations, 102 dogs and cats), and also conducted a total inspection of about 20 private shelters. Clinical surveillance was also conducted at 430 places, including bird facilities, zoos, and cat cafes within a 10 km radius of the outbreak.

                              However, unlike prompt measures for private animal protection facilities, there were no movement restrictions or suspension of trade for breeding grounds where dense breeding takes place and auction houses where many animals move. Kara CEO Jeon Jin-kyung said, “The animals in the shelter rarely move outside and the circulation is slow, but the breeding ground environment is different. Even if a disease occurs, not only is there no immediate examination or treatment, but hundreds of animals from 40 to 50 breeding farms gather at the auction house and then disperse to the pet shop.” Nine pet auction centers in the metropolitan area hold auctions once or twice a week to auction breeding farm animals, and pet shop operators buy baby animals there. Cats are also traded in the amount of 100 to 200 cats a day on auction day.

                              The Animal Freedom Solidarity also said on the 28th, “As this case of infection occurred in a cat in an indoor shelter, the probability of being infected by a wild bird with avian influenza is extremely low. The government should not limit epidemiological investigations to animal shelters, but expand the scope of investigations to animal experience exhibition facilities and breeding facilities.”

                              Regarding this, a Seoul city official said, “Since the infection occurred in a private protection facility, a thorough investigation of all cases took precedence. Dog and cat cafes, pet shops, and manufacturing industries are also guiding them to check clinical symptoms and conduct tests if they have symptoms of infection.”

                              It is the first time in about 7 years since December 2016 that a cat in Korea has been diagnosed with highly pathogenic avian influenza. There are no domestic cases of human infection with the H5N1 virus. The city of Seoul urged, "There is no case of human infection from a cat, so rather than being overly anxious, please do not touch the corpses or feces of wild birds, and follow personal hygiene rules such as washing your hands."



