5 Jan., Miyagi prefecture announces
genetic test was positive for avian influenza virus
Ichinojo, Toyomuro, Kakuda city, Miyagi prefecture 37.967664,140.74988

*19 farms within a radius of 10 km, no massive fatalities now
kol net
26 Dec.,
2 dead swans at reservoir(pond)area, Ichinojo
simple test was negative
4 Jan.,
a dead swan was positive by NIES' genetic test
MOE designated important surveillance area to the 10 km area in circumference
*NIES = National Institute for Environmental Studies http://www.nies.go.jp/index.html
*MOE = Ministry of the Environment http://www.env.go.jp/en/
specimens transferred to Hokkaido University
the result of confirmation test will be announced in a few days
moe http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/english/web/?wb_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.env.go.jp%2Fnature%2Fdobu tsu%2Fbird_flu%2Fpress%2F120105a.html&wb_lp=JAEN&w b_dis=
sankei news http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/eng...p=JAEN&wb_dis=
kol net http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/eng...p=JAEN&wb_dis= http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/eng...p=JAEN&wb_dis=
nikkei http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/eng...p=JAEN&wb_dis=
mainichi jp http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/eng...p=JAEN&wb_dis=
genetic test was positive for avian influenza virus
Ichinojo, Toyomuro, Kakuda city, Miyagi prefecture 37.967664,140.74988
*19 farms within a radius of 10 km, no massive fatalities now
26 Dec.,
2 dead swans at reservoir(pond)area, Ichinojo
simple test was negative
4 Jan.,
a dead swan was positive by NIES' genetic test
MOE designated important surveillance area to the 10 km area in circumference
*NIES = National Institute for Environmental Studies http://www.nies.go.jp/index.html
*MOE = Ministry of the Environment http://www.env.go.jp/en/
specimens transferred to Hokkaido University
the result of confirmation test will be announced in a few days
moe http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/english/web/?wb_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.env.go.jp%2Fnature%2Fdobu tsu%2Fbird_flu%2Fpress%2F120105a.html&wb_lp=JAEN&w b_dis=
sankei news http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/eng...p=JAEN&wb_dis=
kol net http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/eng...p=JAEN&wb_dis= http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/eng...p=JAEN&wb_dis=
nikkei http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/eng...p=JAEN&wb_dis=
mainichi jp http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/eng...p=JAEN&wb_dis=