[Source: OIE, full page, (LINK). Extract, edited.]
Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan
Information received on 24/02/2011 from Dr Toshiro Kawashima, CVO, Animal Health Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Tokyo , Japan
- Summary
- Report type Follow-up report No. 6
- Start date 15/12/2010
- Date of first confirmation of the event 19/12/2010
- Report date 24/02/2011
- Date submitted to OIE 24/02/2011
- Reason for notification Reoccurrence of a listed disease
- Date of previous occurrence 01/04/2009
- Manifestation of disease Clinical disease
- Causal agent Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
- Serotype H5N1
- Nature of diagnosis Clinical, Laboratory (basic), Laboratory (advanced), Necropsy
- This event pertains to the whole country
- Related reports
- Immediate notification (20/12/2010)
- Follow-up report No. 1 (22/12/2010)
- Follow-up report No. 2 (19/01/2011)
- Follow-up report No. 3 (23/01/2011)
- Follow-up report No. 4 (04/02/2011)
- Follow-up report No. 5 (14/02/2011)
- Follow-up report No. 6 (24/02/2011)
- New outbreaks
- Outbreak 1 - Uki-machi, Isahaya city, NAGASAKI
- Date of start of the outbreak 12/02/2011
- Outbreak status Resolved (12/02/2011)
- Epidemiological unit Not applicable
- Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0
- Affected Population Falco peregrinus (peregrine falcon)
- Outbreak 2 - Jyogaike park, Kato city, HYOGO
- Date of start of the outbreak 11/02/2011
- Outbreak status Resolved (11/02/2011)
- Epidemiological unit Not applicable
- Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0
- Affected Population Captive wild animal: Cygnus olor (mute swan)
- Outbreak 3 - Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, KYOTO
- Date of start of the outbreak 16/02/2011
- Outbreak status Resolved (16/02/2011)
- Epidemiological unit Not applicable
- Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0
- Affected Population Falco peregrinus (peregrine falcon)
- Outbreak 4 - Midorigaoka, Oita city, OITA
- Date of start of the outbreak 09/02/2011
- Outbreak status Resolved (09/02/2011)
- Epidemiological unit Not applicable
- Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0
- Affected Population Aix galericula (mandarin duck)
- Outbreak 5 - Kumano, Miyazaki city, MIYAZAKI
- Date of start of the outbreak 11/02/2011
- Outbreak status Resolved (11/02/2011)
- Epidemiological unit Not applicable
- Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0
- Affected Population Falco peregrinus (peregrine falcon)
- Outbreak 6 - Hirabaru-machi, Nobeoka city, MIYAZAKI
- Date of start of the outbreak 15/02/2011
- Outbreak status Resolved (15/02/2011)
- Epidemiological unit Not applicable
- Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0
- Affected Population Falco peregrinus (peregrine falcon)
- Outbreak 7 - Naga-cho, Naga-gun, TOKUSHIMA
- Date of start of the outbreak 08/02/2011
- Outbreak status Resolved (08/02/2011)
- Epidemiological unit Not applicable
- Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0
- Affected Population Strix uralensis (Ural owl)
- Outbreak 8 - Yabakei-machi, Nakatsu city, OITA
- Date of start of the outbreak 07/02/2011
- Outbreak status Resolved (08/02/2011)
- Epidemiological unit Not applicable
- Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 3 - 3 - 0 - 0
- Affected Population Aix galericula (mandarin duck)
- Outbreak 9 - Kamihetsugi, Oita city, OITA
- Date of start of the outbreak 15/02/2011
- Outbreak status Resolved (15/02/2011)
- Epidemiological unit Not applicable
- Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0
- Affected Population Ardea cinerea (grey heron)
- Outbreak 10 - Miyashita-cho, Fukushima city, FUKUSHIMA
- Date of start of the outbreak 10/02/2011
- Outbreak status Resolved (10/02/2011)
- Epidemiological unit Not applicable
- Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0
- Affected Population Cygnus columbianus (tundra swan)
- Outbreak 11 - Tokujiro-machi, Utsunomiya city, TOCHIGI
- Date of start of the outbreak 14/02/2011
- Outbreak status Resolved (14/02/2011)
- Epidemiological unit Not applicable
- Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0
- Affected Population Falco peregrinus (peregrine falcon)
- Outbreak 12 - Tokiwa park, Ube city, YAMAGUCHI
- Date of start of the outbreak 09/02/2011
- Outbreak status Resolved (09/02/2011)
- Epidemiological unit Not applicable
- Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0
- Affected Population Captive wild animal: Cygnus atratus (black swan)
- Outbreak 13 - Maruyamachirippu, Hamanaka-cho, HOKKAIDO
- Date of start of the outbreak 07/02/2011
- Outbreak status Resolved (07/02/2011)
- Epidemiological unit Not applicable
- Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0
- Affected Population Aythya marila (greater scaup)
- Outbreak 14 - Hichirippu, Hamanaka-cho, HOKKAIDO
- Date of start of the outbreak 21/02/2011
- Outbreak status Resolved (21/02/2011)
- Epidemiological unit Not applicable
- Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0
- Affected Population Cygnus cygnus (whooper swan)
- Outbreak 15 - Morotsukason, Higashiusuki-gun, MIYAZAKI
- Date of start of the outbreak 08/02/2011
- Outbreak status Resolved (08/02/2011)
- Epidemiological unit Not applicable
- Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0
- Affected Population Tachybaptus ruficollis (little grebe)
- Outbreak 16 - Izumi Crane Park, Izumi city, KAGOSHIMA
- Date of start of the outbreak 13/02/2011
- Outbreak status Resolved (13/02/2011)
- Epidemiological unit Not applicable
- Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0
- Affected Population Grus monacha (hooded crane)
- Outbreak 17 - Segai, Nichinan city, MIYAZAKI
- Date of start of the outbreak 14/02/2011
- Outbreak status Resolved (14/02/2011)
- Epidemiological unit Not applicable
- Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0
- Affected Population Aix galericula (mandarin duck)
- Outbreak 1 - Uki-machi, Isahaya city, NAGASAKI
- Summary of outbreaks
- Total outbreaks: 17
- Total animals affected: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
- Wild species - ... - 19 - 19 - 0 - 0
- Outbreak statistics: Species - Apparent morbidity rate - Apparent mortality rate - Apparent case fatality rate - Proportion susceptible animals lost*
- Wild species - ** - ** - 100.00% - **
- * Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
- ** Not calculated because of missing information
- Epidemiology
- Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
- Unknown or inconclusive
- Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
- Control measures
- Measures applied
- Screening
- Vaccination prohibited
- No treatment of affected animals
- Measures to be applied
- No other measures
- Measures applied
- Future Reporting
- The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.