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Hungary - Avian Flu in poultry - 2021

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  • Hungary - Avian Flu in poultry - 2021

    Avian flu has reappeared

    The presence of avian influenza virus was confirmed on Wednesday by the laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (N?bih) in farms keeping large numbers of turkeys in Kom?rom-Esztergom county. The authority took the necessary measures immediately, and the killing of the flocks was already started by the experts on suspicion.

    Due to migratory wild birds, the disease poses an increased risk to poultry flocks.


    In order to prevent the spread of the epidemic, the veterinary authority has already started killing the affected flocks, a total of about 90,000 turkeys, on suspicion.
    Specialists shall visit all poultry holdings in the 3 km radius protection zone and 10 km radius surveillance zone around the holdings and take samples if necessary.
    Transport restrictions also apply in the area.
    Mad?rinfluenza v?rus jelenl?t?t igazolta szerd?n a N?bih laborat?riuma Kom?rom-Esztergom megyei nagy l?tsz?m? pulyk?t tart? gazdas?gokban.
    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Avian influenza has also appeared on a large laying hen farm

    The laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (N?bih) also confirmed the presence of the avian influenza virus in another area, B?cs-Kiskun county. The eradication of the affected large number of laying hens in Round Church is already in progress and the authority has ordered the further measures necessary in such cases. Trade information is constantly updated on the N?bih website.

    In a large-scale laying hen farm in Roundegyh?za, avian influenza disease was suspected due to a large decrease in egg production and a drastic increase in the number of soft-shelled eggs.

    Veterinary experts immediately ordered the killing of the affected herd, a total of more than 101,000 laying hens. A protection zone with a radius of 3 km and a surveillance zone with a radius of 10 km have also been designated around the farm, where further investigations have been launched and transport restrictions have been put in place.
    ?jabb ter?leten, B?cs-Kiskun megy?ben is igazolta a mad?rinfluenza v?rus jelenl?t?t a Nemzeti ?lelmiszerl?nc-biztons?gi Hivatal (N?bih) laborat?riuma. Az ?rintett kerekegyh?zi nagy l?tsz?m? toj?ty?k?llom?ny felsz?mol?sa m?r folyamatban van ?s a hat?s?g a tov?bbi ilyenkor sz?ks?ges int?zked?seket is elrendelte. A kereskedelmet ?rintő inform?ci?k folyamatosan friss?lnek a N?bih oldal?n.
    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

