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Foot & Mouth Disease Status in Egypt

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  • Foot & Mouth Disease Status in Egypt

    Fayyoum Mr. Aelchorp *: ‬ Suhair said Dr. Hassan, director of veterinary medicine in Fayyoum prevention of foot and mouth disease that emerged in the number of cattle and buffalo in * ‬ 10 * ‬ farms among * ‬ 600 * ‬ farm in the province, or less than * ‬ 2 *. ‬ 5%

    * ‬ Fayyoum that
    is one of the * ‬ 8 * ‬ provinces where the disease appeared in Egypt in the last two years, such as Minya, Kafr El-Sheikh, Beni Suef, Sohag and Eastern *. ‬ referred to the Director-General that prevention is the use of the vaccine in the face of the Indian disease that it is for * ‬ 7 * ‬ strains or degrees of foot and mouth disease while the disease appeared in Egypt * ?‬ Aatartin *? ‬ only vaccines currently facing these Alaatartin and therefore there is no need for the use of the vaccine, especially that of India is very expensive *. ‬

  • #2
    Re: Foot & Mouth Disease Status in Egypt

    I would suspect this is based on some degree of fact, as recently as ten days ago. i read another article about a couple of farms with a few cases of foot and mouth disease in cattle.

    Translation: Arabic ? English
    شكاوى الفلاحين تكشف..
    خلاف بين "الأرض" و"الخدمات البيطرية" حول "الجلد العقدى"
    الأثنين، 9 نوفمبر 2009 - 14:38

    د.حامد سماحة رئيس الهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية
    كتب سيد محفوظ

    نشب خلاف حاد بين الهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية التابعة لوزارة الزراعة ومركز الأرض لحقوق الإنسان، بعد أن اتهم الأخير هيئة الخدمات بالتستر على إصابة الحيوانات بمحافظة كفر الشيخ بأمراض الجلد العقدى، والحمى القلاعية والسل البقرى.

    وأكد تقرير لمركز الأرض أن حالة من الذعر انتشرت بين الفلاحين ببعض بمراكز دسوق وسيدى سالم ومطوبس التابعة لمحافظة كفر الشيخ، بعد ارتفاع حالات الإصابة بمرض الجلد العقدى بمركز مطوبس إلى أكثر من 30 حالة خلال الشهر الماضى.

    وكذب د.حامد سماحة، رئيس الهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية، ما جاء بالتقرير، مؤكدا أن الهيئة لم يصلها أية تقارير من مديرية الطب البيطرى بكفر الشيخ تفيد بوجود حالات إصابة بالمرض وحتى الآن.

    وقال سماحة فى تصريحاته لليوم السابع إن الهيئة سترسل مذكرة إلى مديرية الطب البيطرى بمحافظة كفر الشيخ، للاستفسار عن شكاوى الفلاحين التى تؤكد انتشار أمراض الجلد العقدى والحمى القلاعية بين الحيوانات، مشيرا إلى أن الهيئة ستعد بيانا رسميا بذلك سواء أكان هناك حالات إصابة أم لا.

    فيما كشف مصدر مسئول بهيئة الخدمات البيطرية أن الهيئة لم تصلها أية تقارير أو شكاوى من وجود أمراض حيوانية، خاصة أن الهيئة تقوم بتحصين هذه الحيوانات سنويا.

    وكشف المصدر أنه فى حال ظهور حالات إصابة بمرض الجلد العقدى فقد تكون حالات فردية، وليست بصورة وباء، مؤكدا أن الحالات التى تظهر لها أسباب تتعلق باحتمالية عدم استجابة الحيوان نفسه للتحصين، وذلك بسبب إصابته بأمراض أخرى أو تعرض الحيوان إلى حالة إجهاض إذا كان أنثى، أو إذا كان الجهاز المناعى له مصاب أو متوقف عن استقبال جرعات التحصين.

    وأوضح المصدر احتمالية إصابة بعض الحيوانات حديثة الولادة التى لم تلحق بحملة التحصين ضد مرضى الحمى القلاعية والجلد العقد، لذا فقد عملت الهيئة على إجراء عمليات التحصين كل 6 أشهر بدلا من سنة.

    وأشار المصدر أن محافظة كفر الشيخ من المحافظات التى يتم متابعتها أولا بأول، كاشفا أن الهيئة أرسلت لها كميات كبيرة من اللقاحات منذ 3 شهور لتحصين الحيوانات ضد الحمى القلاعية والجلد العقدى، والسل وغيرها.

    Complaints of farmers reveal ..
    Disagreement between the "land" and "veterinary services" on the "LSD"
    Monday, November 9, 2009 - 14:38

    D. Hamed Samaha chairman of General Authority for Veterinary Services
    Mr. Mahfouz books

    Sharp disagreement broke out between the General Authority for Veterinary Services of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Center for Human Rights, after the latter accused the service of providing cover for injured animals in Kafr El-Sheikh lumpy skin disease, foot and mouth disease and bovine tuberculosis.
    The report of the Center of the Earth that a state of panic spread among the peasants of some centers Desouk and Sidi Salem and Motobos of the Governorate of Kafr El-Sheikh, after the high incidence of lumpy skin disease status Motobos to more than 30 cases during the last month.

    And d lie. Hamed Samaha, President of the General Authority for Veterinary Services, the report said, adding that the Commission not received any reports from the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine in Kafr El Sheikh stating the existence of cases of the disease until now.

    Samaha said in his remarks for the seventh day that the Authority would send a note to the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine in Kafr El-Sheikh, to inquire about the complaints of the peasants, which emphasizes the spread of lumpy skin disease and foot and mouth disease among animals, noting that the Commission will prepare a formal statement that whether there are cases or not.
    Uncovered official source of veterinary services that the Commission has not received any reports or complaints of animal diseases, especially as the body is to vaccinate the animals every year.

    The source revealed that in the case of an outbreak of lumpy skin disease may be individual cases, but not in B, confirming that the cases appear to reasons of lack of response probability of immunization the animal itself, because of injury or other diseases animal exposure to the case of abortion if a female, or if the immune system is infected or is turned off for receiving doses of immunization.

    The source potential injury to newborn animals, which did not catch up vaccination campaign against foot and mouth disease patients and the skin contract, so the authority has worked to conduct immunizations every 6 months instead of years.

    The source said that the Governorate of Kafr El-Sheikh governorate, which is the first follow-up first, revealing that the Commission has sent large quantities of vaccine for 3 months to vaccinate animals against FMD, LSD, tuberculosis and others.


    • #3
      Re: Foot & Mouth Disease Status in Egypt

      And educators accused of negligence committees immunization
      Foot and mouth disease caused the deaths of animals in Sohag
      Tuesday, December 1st, 2009 - 13:58

      The Minister of Agriculture Amin Abaza, wrote Mr. Mahfouz

      A number of farmers and breeders Center Juhayna Sohag Governorate, on the death of a large number of cattle and buffaloes, as a result of her mouth disease, vaccination committees accused of negligence and negligence in the course of immunization.

      The death educators large number of animals, in addition to a number of other immunizations as a result of abortion conducted by the committees of Veterinary Medicine a month ago.

      Farmers noted that the committees of Veterinary Medicine, one month before the process of annual immunization against foot and mouth disease, but were not observed when immunization change the "injection" is used, where the use of contaminated injection in immunized animals.

      The Veterinary Services had announced earlier in the immunization of all animals in the governorates against foot and mouth disease and Rift Valley, tuberculosis and others.

      On the other hand, Dr. Ibrahim Helmy Director General of Preventive Medicine to send the Veterinary Services, the Committee of veterinarians to the Red Sea, for the detection of dead sheep and the causes of the deaths.

      The Bendari for the seventh day that the Authority was informed officially two days ago, the existence of 140 sheep were found dead near the shores of the Red Sea, pointing out that once the flag of death of animals, veterinary doctors were sent for testing.

      He added that the Committee will inspect the bodies of dead animals, to find out why they died, before burial.
      Security agencies in the Red Sea had found 140 dead sheep on the coast beach town of Ras Gharib, and even within the Suez Governorate.


      • #4
        Re: Foot & Mouth Disease Status in Egypt

        Deficit in the vaccine "-mouth disease and Rift Valley"
        Monday, December 7, 2009 - 14:18

        Minister of Agriculture
        Mr. Mahfouz books

        An official source at the Veterinary Services Authority about the presence of severe disability in the amount of vaccines used in immunization of animals, "cattle, buffalo, sheep" against foot and mouth disease and Rift Valley and LSD.

        The source said that the veterinary directorates in the governorates suffer a severe shortage of these vaccines, which led to delays in immunization of animals and injuring a few of them FMD in Sohag and Bank two weeks ago.

        The source pointed out that the veterinary services requested in an official note from the laboratories in the preparation of vaccines need for the rapid preparation of vaccine is intended for these diseases, pointing out that these vaccines will arrive during the next ten days and the Veterinary Services will be distributed to provinces according to the needs of each.

        The source for the seventh day that the authority requested in the note about 16 million doses of vaccine for patients with foot and mouth disease and Rift Valley, pointing to the vaccines used are calibrated periodically, depending on the developments that occur to these diseases.

