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Poland to exterminate 200,000 wild boar to stop the spread of African Swine Fever - Mediareport

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  • Poland to exterminate 200,000 wild boar to stop the spread of African Swine Fever - Mediareport

    Poland to exterminate 200,000 wild boar - taking species to brink of extinction

    Poland's agriculture minister Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski claims the action needs to be taken to stop the spread of African Swine Fever (ASF) among domestic pigs

    Jan 9, 2019

    Poland is planning to cull almost the entire population of more than 200,000 wild boars in the country in a bid to stamp out deadly swine fever.

    Agriculture minister Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski claims the step is a necessary response to the spread of African Swine Fever (ASF) among domestic pigs which has reportedly limited Polish pork exports.

    The cull will start now and last until the end of February, with around 210,000 boars expected to be killed.

    Wild boars are a carrier of ASF and spread the virus which causes pigs to sweat blood profusely, leading to their eventual death.
    Even when an ASF carrier is put down, it can survive as long as two years in its habitat.

    However, according to local media, scientists have warned the government that the "extermination of wild boars will not bring a victory over the ASF".

    They have instead called for tighter sanitary and veterinarian surveillance in swine farming.
    Wild boar culls have become more routine as the ASF issue has been present since 2014.
    Poland's agriculture minister Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski claims the action needs to be taken to stop the spread of African Swine Fever (ASF) among domestic pigs
    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Poles protest govt plan for mass slaughter of wild boars

    Jan 9, 2019

    WARSAW, Poland — Thousands of Poles are protesting a government plan to hold a massive slaughter of wild boars as a way to stop the spread of the deadly African swine fever among farm pigs.

    Environmentalists say up to 200,000 wild boars, including pregnant females, could be killed across Poland by the end of January in the action approved by Poland’s veterinary and farming officials. They are petitioning officials to change the plan and scheduling street protests.


    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


    • #3
      vu le manque de qualit? des informations port?es ? la connaissance des personnes concern?es, exemple la plateforme esa, en France , je me demande si les r?dacteurs de Pig progress ne seraient pas bien inspir?s en faisant un texte , montrant ce qui est fait dans les pays usant du m?me tampon .

      J'ai retenu de vos liens ceci:

      L'union des chasseurs polonais PZL a indiqu? avoir abattu, ? la demande des minist?res de l'environnement et de l'agriculture, 164.000 sangliers depuis avril 2018, s'approchant du quota fix? ? 185.000 pour la saison 2018-2019.

      il est d'ailleurs demand? plus:

      L?abattage commencera maintenant et se poursuivra jusqu?? la fin du mois de f?vrier. Environ 210 000 verrats devraient ?tre tu?s.

      Cela signifierait que plus de 90% de la population de sangliers va dispara?tre des for?ts polonaises.
      Poland's agriculture minister Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski claims the action needs to be taken to stop the spread of African Swine Fever (ASF) among domestic pigs

      Donc, par exemple , en Allemagne, en zone indemne, il s'est et se fait quoi au niveau de la faune sauvage concern?e ?

      Comme il est admis , notamment , par ces textes : Handbook on African Swine Fever in wild boar and biosecurity during hunting

      Les barri?res frontali?res et leurs impacts sur les grands carnivores, les grands herbivores et la biodiversit?: perspective du droit international de la faune

      qu'il faut, pour mettre en oeuvre une d?marche soci?tale, une vraie communication neutre supra nationale, pour permettre un vrai d?bat constructif, ce me semblerait , un plus souhaitable ...

