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Puno: Alarm 200,000 alpaca and llamas could die/Request for help
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Spanish to English translation
Thousands of alpacas die from severe cold/pneumonia
Thu, 03/02/2011 - 7:34
The low temperatures recorded in the highlands of Arequipa caused the death from pneumonia than 5% of the 35 thousand alpacas , especially infants and pregnant in the district of San Antonio de Chuco , province of Caylloma.
The San Antonio district of Chuca is located 4,500 meters above sea level and from a few weeks ago withstand temperatures of 1.2 degrees.
Because of this the Regional Government of Arequipa has begun to distribute blankets and medicines to protect against rain and cold spell at 26 000 alpacas that still exist in the area. The people most affected by the death of livestock alpaca are Pillones and Vincocalla.
Puno: Alarm 200,000 alpaca and llamas could die/Request for help
February 22, 2011
LIMA | The ravages of continued low temperatures and snowfall hit the highlands of Puno region exposed to 200,000 camels they could die by this fact.
"In the region are approximately 200,000 camels that have suffered low temperatures, snow and hail" said the chairman of the bench camelids, Diego Castillo Shock.
The highlands of Carabaya, Nuno, and Masocruz Lampa are the locations where they are produced snow and hail damage to llamas and alpacas that do not have a place to shelter from the harsh cold.
"We need urgent veterinary care, and equally important is the construction of sheds in upland areas to protect animals from cold and rain," Castillo said Shockley.
Throughout the region are 38,000 camelid producers who are harmed by the intense cold that exposes the lives of their animals.