A strange article. Plague and anthrax are endemic and unfortunately widespread in Uganda, so they would certainly be attractive weapons to a bioterrorist. But smallpox has been eradicated worldwide (except in US and Russian and maybe a few other labs) and really is not a possiblility there.
Uganda's minister of health has announced that the nation's government has raised a full alert through its national disease surveillance network for any possible biological or chemical terrorist attack. The full alert follows recent threats by al Shaabab rebels in Somalia that they would hit back at the people Kampala and Bujumbura for their alleged role in the killing of civilians in Somalia. Much of Somalia's sourthern region is controlled by the al Shaabab, which also holds large parts of Mogadishu. The rebels goal is to overthrow the government and install a strict form of Islam. The group is purported to have between 2,000 and 3,000 fighters. Stephen Malinga, Uganda's minister of health, said that Uganda has already fully deployed its grassroots health networks to be on the lookout for any possible terrorist attacks. Malinga also said that the potential biological or chemical terrorist attacks could come in the form of disease epidemics such as plague, anthrax or small pox. Despite the increase in alertness for the potential bioattack, Malinga advised Ugandans to not panic, stating that the ministry of health is well equipped and ready to curtail any potential epidemics. In addition to the terror alert, Uganda has recently registered all of the Somalis living in Uganda.
Uganda's minister of health has announced that the nation's government has raised a full alert through its national disease surveillance network for any possible biological or chemical terrorist attack. The full alert follows recent threats by al Shaabab rebels in Somalia that they would hit back at the people Kampala and Bujumbura for their alleged role in the killing of civilians in Somalia. Much of Somalia's sourthern region is controlled by the al Shaabab, which also holds large parts of Mogadishu. The rebels goal is to overthrow the government and install a strict form of Islam. The group is purported to have between 2,000 and 3,000 fighters. Stephen Malinga, Uganda's minister of health, said that Uganda has already fully deployed its grassroots health networks to be on the lookout for any possible terrorist attacks. Malinga also said that the potential biological or chemical terrorist attacks could come in the form of disease epidemics such as plague, anthrax or small pox. Despite the increase in alertness for the potential bioattack, Malinga advised Ugandans to not panic, stating that the ministry of health is well equipped and ready to curtail any potential epidemics. In addition to the terror alert, Uganda has recently registered all of the Somalis living in Uganda.