Virus shuts down school
HEALTH officials yesterday closed the School for the Visually Impaired in Windhoek after 65 children and teachers took ill from an unidentified virus outbreak since Thursday.
Teachers at the school explained that symptoms include ?coughing, pain in the back, terrible headaches, dizziness, vomiting and fever?. By yesterday afternoon, the Ministry ordered the closure of the school until further notice.
Dr Jack Vries, chairperson of the National Health Emergency Management Committee (NHEMC), said by yesterday afternoon the illness remained unidentified.
He said the results should be available by this morning. Dr Vries confirmed that the current diagnosis is that it is a ?virus-like illness? with ?flu-like symptoms?.
Marillize Fransman, principal at the School for the Visually Impaired, confirmed yesterday that 65 children and four teachers have been infected by the unidentified virus since Thursday last week.
She praised the emergency response team at the Katutura State Hospital, whose assistance and response during the past few days she described as ?excellent?.
Fransman said a number of children began to complain of headaches on Wednesday and by Thursday the school was dealing with a full-blown health crisis, as one child after another fell ill. The virus quickly spread and infected teachers and children who don?t live in the hostel.Nomza Kleinert, principal at the adjacent School for the Hearing Impaired, confirmed that at least seven of the school?s children were sent for tests after they complained of similar symptoms yesterday.
She said the school is taking precautions to prevent a similar crisis as the neighbouring school is experiencing.
She said she was advised by health officials to prevent physical interaction as much as possible and to keep suspected cases isolated until further notice.