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Meningitis confirmed in Kisangani Congo

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  • Meningitis confirmed in Kisangani Congo

    DR Congo reports 10 students die of unknown disease 2009-12-02 16:39:56 Print

    KINSHASA, Dec. 2 (Xinhua) -- Ten students at Maikazo Institute in Tshopo district in Kisangani, the main town in Orientale province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), died in one week from an unknown disease, with meningitis-like symptoms, the Congolese radio reported on Tuesday.

    The last case of death came on Tuesday morning at the Mangobo general hospital, where three of these students had been admitted since Saturday, when nine others died a few hours after they had been taken to the hospital, Dr. Cecile Edambulu, chief medical doctor in Tshopo zone, told the radio.

    "The children had symptoms of headache, fever and convulsions. Upon arrival at the health center, they died. The symptoms that they showed made us think they were suffering from meningitis," Edambulu explained.

    According to hospital sources, similar cases were identified in Makiso and Mangobo districts in the neighborhood of Tshopo. The children had been taken to Mangobo and Kisangani hospitals, they reported.

    The provincial education minister, Polydore Latigo, has decided to momentarily close down Maikazo Institute.

    "This is a preventive measure to allow the administrative and medical authorities to carry out investigation on the situation," he said.

    The mayor of Kisangani has brought together all education and health partners in the town to find a way to curb the spread of the disease while awaiting the results of test on the samples taken to the capital Kinshasa and South Africa to determine the type of the virus.
    Last edited by Tonka; December 4, 2009, 12:13 PM. Reason: suspected to confirmed

  • #2
    Re: 10 students die of undiagnosed disease - meningitis suspected

    Apparently at least four more are still ill in hospital.

    Kisangani: 10 students die of unknown disease
    Province Orientale | Mardi 01 D?cembre 2009 ? 13:06:58 Province Orientale | Tuesday 01 December 2009 13:06:58

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    Dix ?l?ves de l'Institut Maikazo, dans la commune de la Tshopo, sont d?c?d?s en l'espace d'une semaine, d'une maladie suppos?e ?tre de la m?ningite. Ten students of the Institute Maikazo in common Tshopo died in the space of a week, a disease thought to be meningitis. Le dernier cas de d?c?s est intervenu mardi dans la matin?e. The latest death occurred Tuesday morning. L'infortun? figurait parmi les trois ?l?ves hospitalis?s ? l'h?pital g?n?ral de Mangobo, rapporte The unfortunate man was among three students admitted to General Hospital Mangobo, reports

    El?ves congolais Congolese Students
    Les neuf autres ?l?ves sont d?c?d?s le week-end dernier. The other nine students died the past weekend. Tous pr?sentaient les m?mes sympt?mes. All had the same symptoms. Des cas similaires seraient identifi?s dans les communes de Makiso et Mangobo, voisines ? la Tshopo, selon des sources hospitali?res. Similar cases were identified in common and Makiso Mangobo, adjacent to the Tshopo, hospital sources said. En effet, auparavant, les ?l?ves infect?s ont ?t? accueillis, malades, ? l'h?pital g?n?ral de r?f?rence de Mangobo et ? l'h?pital g?n?ral de r?f?rence de Kisangani. Indeed, before the infected students were allowed, patients, hospital general reference Mangobo and general referral hospital in Kisangani. Actuellement, quatre malades sont intern?s dans ces h?pitaux tandis que d'autres seraient dans des groupes de pri?re. Currently, four patients are confined in these hospitals while others are in prayer groups. Une rumeur circule selon laquelle le mauvais sort serait ? la base de ces d?c?s ? Kisangani. A rumor circulates that the curse would be the basis of these deaths in Kisangani.

    Le ministre provincial de l'Education, Polydore Latigo a d?cid? de fermer momentan?ment l'Institut Maikazo. The provincial Minister of Education, Polydore Latigo has decided to temporarily close the Institute Maikazo. Il s'agit d'une mesure pr?ventive qui permet ? l'autorit? politico-administrative et m?dicale de mener une enqu?te sur cette situation, at-il affirm? ? This is a preventive measure which allows the authority politico-administrative and medical investigate this situation, "he told

    Du c?t? m?dical, on affirme qu'il s'agirait de la m?ningite car tous les ?l?ves d?c?d?s ont pr?sent? des signes propres ? cette maladie. From the medical side, it says it would be the meningitis because all the students who died showed signs specific to this disease. ? Les enfants pr?sentaient les signes de c?phal?e, de fi?vre et des convulsions. "The children showed signs of headache, fever and convulsions. A peine arriv?s au centre de sant?, ils sont d?c?d?s. Just arrived at the health center, they died. Les signes qu'ils ont pr?sent?s nous font penser ? un syndrome de m?ningite ?, a d?clar? ? le docteur C?cile Edambulu, m?decin chef de zone de sant? de la Tshopo. The signs that we have presented suggest a syndrome of meningitis, said Dr. Cecile Edambulu, Medical Officer of Health area of the Tshopo.
    Entre temps, le maire de la ville de Kisangani a r?uni tous les partenaires du secteur ?ducatif et sanitaire de la ville afin de pr?venir la propagation de cette maladie dangereuse. Meanwhile, the mayor of the city of Kisangani has met all the partners in education and health of the city to prevent the spread of this dangerous disease.

    Copyright Radio Okapi Copyright Radio Okapi


    • #3
      Re: 10 students die of undiagnosed disease - meningitis suspected

      There is some discrepancy as to the number ill or killed, Apparently, some sources are reporting 15 deaths, others are reporting 6 deaths in 15 cases. Also, apparently preliminary tests have come back positive for meningitis. DRC has some decent labs - this will likely get confirmed in the next day or so.

      It is conceivable that the four hopitalizations in the above article were part of the 10 "deaths" and that the real fatality count might be six.

      Kisangani: unknown illness, the death toll rises
      Province Orientale | Mercredi 02 Décembre 2009 à 17:06:41 Province Orientale | Wednesday, 02 December 2009 17:06:41

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      Une maladie inconnue, assimilée toutefois à la méningite, continue à décimer la population à Kisangani. An unknown disease, treated with meningitis, however, continues to decimate the population in Kisangani. Le bilan de cette étrange maladie bien que présentant des ressemblances avec la méningite, a été revu à la hausse ce mercredi matin. The results of this strange disease although having similarities with meningitis has been revised upwards on Wednesday morning. De dix décès de l'Institut Maikazo, on est passé à 15, selon certains responsables sanitaires et l'autorité urbaine de Kisangani, rapporte Ten deaths Institute Maikazo, it rose to 15, according to some health officials and the city authority of Kisangani, reported

      Institut Maïkazo Institute Maïkazo
      Ce bilan est contredit par l'inspection provinciale médicale. This assessment is contradicted by the provincial medical inspectorate. Cette dernière parle de 6 décès et 9 cas d'hospitalisation.Certains malades sont actuellement hospitalisés ou gardés dans quelques groupes de prière ou confessions religieuses de la place, affirme la source. The latter speaks of 6 deaths and 9 cases of hospitalization. Some patients are currently hospitalized or kept in some prayer groups or religious denominations of the place, says the source.
      La situation sanitaire reste préoccupante. The health situation remains worrying. Le médecin inspecteur provincial, les médecins chefs de districts sanitaires et de zones de santé ainsi que quelques partenaires ont pris des mesures au cours d'une réunion technique tenue ce mercredi dans la matinée. The provincial medical inspector, chief medical officers of health districts and health zones and some partners have taken steps during a technical meeting this Wednesday morning. Parmi ces mesures, lla fermerture, jusqu' à nouvel ordre, de toutes les écoles de la ville. Among these measures, lla fermerture, until further order, all schools in the city. Cette mesure permettrait selon l'autorité, de prévenir les effets de contagion et de garantir beaucoup plus de sécurité, la prise en charge médicale des personnes hospitalisées ainsi que la sensibilisation de la population sur les cas suspects. This would according to the authority, to prevent contagion and to ensure more safety, the medical care of hospitalized patients and educating the public about suspected cases. Une fois décelés, ils doivent être conduits vers les centres de santé les plus proches. Once identified, they must be brought to health centers closest.
      D'après le médecin inspecteur provincial, le prélèvement médical effectué chez les malades et les premiers résultats laissent croire qu'il s'agit de la méningite bactérienne. According to the provincial medical inspector, sampling conducted among medical patients and preliminary results suggest that these bacterial meningitis. Toutefois, le médecin émet une certaine réserve : des résultats plus plausibles sont attendus dans les heures qui suivent pour déterminer avec exactitude la nature de cette maladie. However, the doctor makes a certain subject: the most plausible results are expected within hours to determine the exact nature of this disease.
      Entre-temps, le gouverneur de province a présidé dans ce mercredi, dans la matinée, une réunion à l'intention des responsables sanitaires et scolaires, les ministres provinciaux et les bourgmestres de différentes communes. Meanwhile, the provincial governor has presided in this Wednesday morning in a meeting for the health and school officials, provincial ministers and mayors of various municipalities. Objectif de la rencontre : mettre en place des dispositions susceptibles de freiner la propagation de cette maladie. Purpose of the meeting: to establish provisions that would curb the spread of this disease.


      • #4
        Re: 10 students die of undiagnosed disease - meningitis suspected

        This looks like an update of the previous article.

        Kinshasa: unknown disease in Kisangani, the Government undertakes
        RDC | Jeudi 03 Décembre 2009 à 13:53:01 DRC | Thursday, 03 December 2009 13:53:01

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        Le ministre de la Santé, Auguste Mopipi, a annoncé jeudi à Kinshasa une série de mesures pour combattre la maladie d'origine inconnue, mais similaire à la méningite, qui a déjà fait une dizaine de morts parmi les élèves dans la ville de Kisangani, en Province Orientale. The Minister of Health, Auguste Mopipi said Thursday in Kinshasa a series of measures to combat the disease of unknown origin, but similar to meningitis, which has already claimed dozens of lives among students in the city of Kisangani, in Province Orientale. Une équipe du ministère de la santé va descendre sur place dans quelques jours pour faire face à ce problème de santé publique, rapporte A team from the Ministry of Health will descend on site in a few days to address this public health problem, reported

        Institut Maïkazo Institute Maïkazo
        « Nous avons pris certaines mesures notamment l'implication urgente et étroite du ministre de la Santé publique pour aller apaiser les esprits à Kisangani, envoyer une équipe de l'INRB (l'Institut national de recherche biomédicale) pour les prélèvements et le diagnostic des germes responsables de cette maladie. "We have taken some measures such as urgent and close involvement of the Minister of Health to appease the spirits go to Kisangani, send a team of INRB (National Institute of Biomedical Research) for sampling and diagnosis of germs that cause the disease. Et surtout, un épidémiologiste pour administrer des soins à ceux qui sont atteints », a déclaré le ministre Mopipi au sortir d'une réunion avec les députés originaires de la Province Orientale. And most importantly, an epidemiologist for administering care to those affected, "said Minister Mopipi emerging from a meeting with MPs from the Eastern Province. Si tous les moyens sont réunis, dès samedi déjà les premières mesures seront appliquées, at-il expliqué . If all methods are combined, as of Saturday already the first steps will be implemented, he said.
        La délégation des députés conduite par Pierre Hubert Moliso estime que le gouvernement ne devrait pas trainer les pieds, au regard de la psychose qui s'est emparée de la population. The delegation of MPs led by Pierre Hubert Moliso believes the government should not drag their feet, under the psychosis that has gripped the population.

        Pour rappel, dix élèves de l'Institut Maikazo, dans la commune de la Tshopo, à Kisangani sont décédés en l'espace d'une semaine, d'une maladie supposée être de la méningite. To recall, ten students of the Institute Maikazo in common Tshopo Kisangani died in the space of a week, a disease thought to be meningitis. Le bilan de cette étrange maladie a été revu à la hausse mercredi. The results of this strange disease has been revised upwards on Wednesday. De dix décès de l'Institut Maikazo, on est passé à 15, selon certains responsables sanitaires. Ten deaths Institute Maikazo, it rose to 15, according to some health officials. Des chiffres contredits par l'inspection provinciale médicale. The figures contradicted by the provincial medical inspectorate. Cette dernière a parlé de 6 décès et 9 cas d'hospitalisation. The latter spoke of 6 deaths and 9 cases of hospitalization. Certains malades sont actuellement hospitalisés ou gardés dans quelques groupes de prière ou confessions religieuses de la place, affirme la source. Some patients are currently hospitalized or kept in some prayer groups or religious denominations of the place, says the source.

        La situation sanitaire reste préoccupante The health situation remains worrying
        Le médecin inspecteur provincial, les médecins chefs de districts sanitaires et de zones de santé ainsi que quelques partenaires ont pris des mesures au cours d'une réunion technique tenue ce mercredi dans la matinée. The provincial medical inspector, chief medical officers of health districts and health zones and some partners have taken steps during a technical meeting this Wednesday morning. Parmi ces mesures, la fermeture, jusqu' à nouvel ordre, de toutes les écoles de la ville. Among these measures, the closure until further notice, all city schools. Cette mesure permettrait selon l'autorité, de prévenir les effets de contagion et de garantir beaucoup plus de sécurité, la prise en charge médicale des personnes hospitalisées ainsi que la sensibilisation de la population sur les cas suspects. This would according to the authority, to prevent contagion and to ensure more safety, the medical care of hospitalized patients and educating the public about suspected cases. Une fois décelés, ils doivent être conduits vers les centres de santé les plus proches. Once identified, they must be brought to health centers closest. D'après le médecin inspecteur provincial, le prélèvement médical effectué chez les malades et les premiers résultats laissent croire qu'il s'agit de la méningite bactérienne. According to the provincial medical inspector, sampling conducted among medical patients and preliminary results suggest that these bacterial meningitis. Toutefois, le médecin émet une certaine réserve : des résultats plus plausibles sont toujours attendus pour déterminer avec exactitude la nature de cette maladie. However, the doctor makes a certain subject: the most plausible results are still awaited to determine the exact nature of this disease.

        Copyright Radio Okapi Copyright Radio Okapi


        • #5
          Re: 10 students die of undiagnosed disease - meningitis suspected

          A slightly description of symptoms is given here, but the counts are not clear. Both descriptions include headache, but this one adds vomiting and myalgias, whereas the other one included fever and convulsions. It is likely all five symptoms are present, and all five symptoms could be symptoms of meningitis. This says that 12 of the 15 (dead? or ill?) are students.

          03-12-2009 12:32

          RDC DRC
          Doença estranha mata 15 pessoas em Kisangani Strange disease kills 15 people in Kisangani

          Kinshasa - Quinze pessoas das quais doze alunos do Instituto Maikazo, situado na comuna do Tshopo, em Kisangani, capital da província Oriental ( República democrática do Congo - RDC) eo seu prefeito dos estudos morreram no espaço de uma semana de uma doença não identificada até aqui, noticiou hoje (quinta-feira) a Agência congolesa de imprensa (ACP), citada pela AFP. Kinshasa - Fifteen people including twelve students Maikazo Institute, located in the municipality of pumping units in Kisangani, capital of Orientale province (Democratic Republic of Congo - DRC) and the prefect of studies died within a week of an unidentified disease until here, reported today (Thursday) the Congolese Press Agency (GPA), quoted by AFP.

          Responsáveis sanitários e autoridade urbana de Kisangani, que deram a informação quarta-feira à imprensa na província Oriental, comunicaram que os sintomas desta doença aparentam à meningite. Responsible health authority and urban Kisangani, who gave the information Wednesday to press in Orientale province, reported that the symptoms of this disease appear to meningitis.

          Trata-se, precisou, de vomitos, dores de cabeça e fraqueza generalizada a nível dos membros inferiores (pernas). It is stated in vomiting, headache and generalized weakness at lower limbs (legs).

          O paciente morre dois dias depois do aparecimento dos primeiros sintomas. The patient died two days after the onset of symptoms. Esta doença suscitou um pânico geral na província onde a câmara municipal de Kisangani ordenou a suspensão momentânea dos cursos em toda a cidade, esperando precisões dos especialistas em matéria de saúde. This disease has led to a general panic in the province where the town hall of Kisangani ordered the temporary suspension of courses throughout the city, waiting for details of experts in health.


          • #6
            Re: 10 students die of undiagnosed disease - meningitis suspected

            And now we get "stiff neck" as a symptom. This is almost certainly meningitis. Note the mention of witchcraft - locals are accusing the principal of committing witchcraft against his students - never a good sign when trying to treat an outbreak. And the refusal of parents to take kids to the hospital (last line) might be increasing the CFR in this outbreak.

            I have corrected a small translation error.

            The link contains a picture of some of the school students - this is an elementary school, not a technical school or college as I had originally thought.

            Deaths of 12 students at the Institute Maikazo: witchcraft or epidemic?
            3 décembre 2009 par Boyomais, Leki ya Kisangani Lu 214 fois 2 commentaires Envoyer par E-mail December 3, 2009 by Boyoma, Leki ago Kisangani Read 214 times 2 Comments Send by E-mail

            En 5 jours, soit du 27 novembre au 2 décembre 2009, 12 élèves de l'Institut Maikazo situé sur la 17ème avenue dans la Commune de la Tshopo, ont trouvé la mort dans des conditions quasi identiques. In 5 days, from November 27 to December 2, 2009, 12 students of the Institute Maikazo located on 17th Avenue in the City of Tshopo have died in almost identical conditions. Deux thèses s'affrontent dans les rues boyomaises pour tenter d'expliquer cette situation. Two conflicting theories in the streets boyomaises to try to explain this situation.

            Pour certains, c'est purement et simplement de la sorcellerie. For some it is purely and simply witchcraft. « Ce sont des sacrifices des sorciers, lesquels interviennent à l'approche de chaque fin de l'année », soutient Bi Théresa qui al'habitude de vendre ses cacahouètes devant cette école. "These are the sacrifices of witches, are carried at the approach end of each year," says Theresa Bi which is used to sell peanuts at this school. Pour Edourdo Kombozi, il s'agir bien d'un phénomène mystique : « N'oubliez pas qu'au début de cette année scolaire, le gouverneur a procédé à la permutation des chefs d'établissements scolaires et l'ancien préfet de l'Institut Maikazo avait difficilement accepté cette mesure. For Edourdo Kombozi, it is indeed a mystical phenomenon: "Remember that earlier this school year, the governor proceeded to swap the heads of schools and former prefect of the Institute Maikazo had hardly accepted the position. Voilà pourquoi, il s'en prend aujourd'hui aux écoliers et même à son remplaçant qui, lui aussi, est gravement malade ». Therefore, he takes to school now and even to replace that, too, is seriously ill. "

            La thèse officielle parle plutôt d'une épidémie. The official story rather speaks of an epidemic. « Tous les élèves décédés ou encore malades présentent des signes cliniques de la méningite : céphalées, raideur de la nuque, vomissements, fièvres », atteste un médecin chef de zone de la place. "All students who died or are ill with clinical signs of meningitis: headache, neck stiffness, vomiting, fevers, [the zone's] head doctor certifies. Dans le registre des mesures préventives, l'autorité urbaine vient de suspendre momentanément les enseignements dans les établissements scolaires de la ville de Kisangani, en attendant d'y voir clair sur cette épidémie. In the register of preventive measures, the city authority has temporarily suspended lessons in schools in the city of Kisangani, waiting to see clearly on this epidemic.

            Dans l'entre-temps, des rumeurs les plus folles se propagent dans la ville comme une drainée de poudre ; les écoliers boyomais vivent dans une panique généralisée. In the meantime, the wildest rumors spread in the city drained as a powder; Boyoma schoolchildren living in a panic.

            Les églises dites de réveil voient dans cette situation confuse une occasion de renflouer leurs caisses. The so-called churches are awakening in this confusing situation an opportunity to replenish their coffers. Les pseudos hommes de Dieu disent être les seuls à détenir la solution face à ce problème. The pseudo men of God say they alone possess the solution to this problem. Ils font croire aux familles des victimes que le remède se trouve uniquement dans la prière, la seule arme contre ce qu'ils qualifient d'esprit de mort. They believe the victims' families that the remedy lies only in prayer, the only weapon against what they call the spirit of death. Ainsi, des enfants malades vident les hôpitaux. So sick children empty the hospitals. Certains parents refusent de les conduire dans les centres de santé, au profit des églisettes qui, bien évidemment, réclament une « petite contribution volontaire » en échange d'un hypothétique miracle. Some parents refuse to take them in health centers in favor of the little church, which, of course, require a "small voluntary contribution" in exchange for an unlikely miracle.


            • #7
              Re: 10 students die of undiagnosed disease - meningitis suspected

              Type C meningococcal meningitis confirmed. Please change the word "suspected" in the thread title to "confirmed".

              Although DRC is a poor country, the high level of background disease (cholera, malaria, typhoid, VHF, etc.) has caused them to invest in quality labs, and as a result, outbreaks usually get diagnosed quickly.

              Kisangani: 10 dead Institute Maikazo is meningitis
              Province Orientale | Vendredi 04 Décembre 2009 à 14:09:23 Province Orientale | Friday, 04 December 2009 14:09:23

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              Ce qui n'était encore qu'une supposition a été confirmée. This was still an assumption has been confirmed. La maladie qui a causé la mort d'une dizaine d'élèves de l'Institut Maikazo le week-end dernier et au début de cette semaine à Kisangani est la méningite à méningocoque du type C à forme épidémique. The disease which killed a dozen students of the Institute Maikazo the weekend and early this week in Kisangani is meningococcal type C meningitis in epidemic form. La nouvelle a été annoncée vendredi à par le maire de Kisangani, le docteur Guy Shilton Baendo. The news was announced Friday by Mayor Kisangani, Dr. Guy Baendo Shilton.

              Ville de Kisangani Kisangani
              Le maire de Kisangani appuie sa déclaration sur le résultat d'analyse de test rapide de l'inspection médicale provinciale sur des échantillons prélevés à Kisangani. The mayor of Kisangani supports his statement on the analytical result of rapid test for the medical inspection of the provincial samples from Kisangani. « Comme l'épidémie est déjà là et l'agent causal connu, le gouverneur va entrer en contact avec le ministre de la Santé à qui revient l'attribution de déclarer une épidémie. "As the epidemic is already there and known causative agent, the Governor will come into contact with the health minister who has the award to declare an epidemic. Dès que l'épidémie est déclarée, nous allons l'attaquer par tous les moyens possibles. Once the epidemic is declared, we will attack it by every means possible. On pourra prévoir une campagne de vaccination pour toute la population vulnérable », a déclaré le docteur Guy Shilton Baendo à There may be a vaccination campaign for all the vulnerable population, "said Dr. Guy Shilton Baendo to
              Le docteur Guy Shilton Baendo a rappelé les mesures déjà prises localement pour faire face à cette épidémie de méningite. Dr. Guy Shilton Baendo recalled the measures already taken locally to address this epidemic of meningitis. D'après lui, la prise en charge avait déjà commencé après la réunion de crise tenue au siège de l'exécutif provincial. According to him, the management had already begun after the crisis meeting at the headquarters of the provincial executive. Cette réunion avait regroupé les médecins chefs de zone de santé de la ville de Kisangani, les bourgmestres, les responsables de l'Enseignement primaire, secondaire et professionnel et les dirigeants des confessions religieuses. The meeting had brought together the heads of doctors health zone of the city of Kisangani, mayors, leaders of Primary, Secondary and Vocational Education and leaders of religious denominations. A l'issue de cette réunion, un protocole de prise en charge médicale avait été établi et les partenaires ont fourni des médicaments, a indiqué le maire de Kisangani, Guy Shilton Baendo. Following this meeting, a protocol for medical management had been established and the partners have provided drugs, said the mayor of Kisangani, Guy Baendo Shilton.

              Pour rappel, dix élèves de l'Institut Maikazo, dans la commune de la Tshopo, à Kisangani sont décédés en l'espace d'une semaine, d'une maladie qui était alors supposée être de la méningite. To recall, ten students of the Institute Maikazo in common Tshopo Kisangani died in the space of a week, a condition was assumed to be meningitis. Le bilan de cette étrange maladie avait été revu à la hausse mercredi. The results of this strange disease had been revised upwards on Wednesday. De dix décès de l'Institut Maikazo, on est passé à 15, selon certains responsables sanitaires. Ten deaths Institute Maikazo, it rose to 15, according to some health officials. Des chiffres contredits par l'inspection provinciale médicale. The figures contradicted by the provincial medical inspectorate. Cette dernière avait parlé de 6 décès et 9 cas d'hospitalisation. The latter had spoken of 6 deaths and 9 cases of hospitalization.
              Certains malades sont actuellement hospitalisés ou gardés dans quelques groupes de prière ou confessions religieuses de la place. Some patients are currently hospitalized or kept in some prayer groups or religious denominations of the place.

              Copyright Radio Okapi Copyright Radio Okapi


              • #8
                Re: 10 students die of undiagnosed disease - meningitis suspected

                Although Radio Okapi is usually the best source for tracking DRC, here is a confirmation from a second source (that actually references Radio Okapi).


                A dozen students Congolese die of meningitis
                Une dizaine d'?tudiants sont morts depuis le week-end dernier ? Kisangani (nord-est de la R?publique d?mocratique du Congo) d'une maladie qui s'est av?r?e ?tre la m?ningite, a rapport? vendredi la radio onusienne Okapi. A dozen students have died since the last weekend in Kisangani (north-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo) a disease that has proven meningitis, reported Friday the UN radio Okapi.

                Ces ?l?ves de l'institut Maikazo sont d?c?d?s des suites d'une m?ningite ? m?ningocoque du type C ? forme ?pid?mique, a indiqu? le maire de Kisangani, le docteur Guy Shilton Baendo. These students of the institute Maikazo have died from meningitis meningococcal type C epidemic form, said the mayor of Kisangani, Dr. Guy Baendo Shilton. Le maire fonde sa d?claration sur le r?sultat d'analyses de test rapide effectu?e sur des ?chantillons par l'inspection m?dicale de la province Orientale, dont Kisangani est le chef-lieu. The mayor based his statement on the outcome of analysis of the rapid test performed on samples by the medical inspection of the Province Orientale, Kisangani, which is the county seat.

                "Comme l'?pid?mie est d?j? l? et l'agent causal connu, le gouverneur va entrer en contact avec le ministre de la Sant? ? qui revient l'attribution de d?clarer une ?pid?mie. D?s que l'?pid?mie est d?clar?e, nous allons l'attaquer par tous les moyens possibles. On pourra pr?voir une campagne de vaccination pour toute la population vuln?rable", a d?clar? le docteur Shilton ? Radio Okapi, parrain?e par l'ONU. "As the epidemic is already there and known causative agent, the Governor will come into contact with the health minister who has the award to declare an epidemic. As soon as the epidemic is declared, we are the attack by all possible means. We can provide a vaccination campaign for all the vulnerable population, "said Dr. Shilton Radio Okapi, sponsored by the UN. Selon lui, des mesures ont d?j? prises localement pour faire face ? cette ?pid?mie de m?ningite. He said steps have already been taken locally to address this epidemic of meningitis.

                Une dizaine d'?tudiants de l'Institut Maikazo, dans la commune de la Tshopo, ? Kisangani sont d?c?d?s en l'espace d'une semaine, d'une maladie qui ?tait alors suppos?e ?tre de la m?ningite. A dozen students from the Institute Maikazo in common Tshopo Kisangani died in the space of a week, a condition was assumed to be meningitis. Le nombre de d?c?s restait toutefois peu pr?cis vendredi: quinze selon certains responsables sanitaires, alors que l'inspection provinciale m?dicale n'a reconnu que six d?c?s et neuf cas d'hospitalisation. The number of deaths remained unclear Friday, however, fifteen by some health officials, while the provincial medical inspectorate has acknowledged that six deaths and nine cases of hospitalization. (belga/cb) (belga / bf)


                • #9
                  Re: 10 students die of undiagnosed disease - meningitis confirmed

                  This article missed that fact that meningitis has been confirmed, but gives more information about the school itself, and also mentions it believes that the case count is 23 cases, with 15 deaths.

                  Case counts in this outbreak may be unreliable for several reasons, though.

                  CONGO: Unidentified illness kills 15 pupils at church-run school
                  By ENS staff, December 04, 2009

                  [Episcopal News Service] A mysterious illness has swept through a school in the Anglican Diocese of Kisangani, Congo, causing the death of 15 pupils and hospitalizing eight more, according to Archbishop Henri Isingoma of the Anglican Church of the Congo.
                  The Maikazo Institute, located in Tshopo, is a pilot school run by the Kisangani diocese.

                  The provincial government has closed the school and a police force deployed to protect the buildings from potential arsonists, said Bishop Lambert Funga of Kisangani, in an email to church partners.

                  According to Isingoma, Funga met the regional governor to request the school's protection and discuss a plan of action to combat the epidemic and determine its origin. Isingoma said the remainder of pupils and teachers were being examined for possible signs of the illness.

                  While the cause of the illness is unknown, health officials in Kisangani have said that the disease's symptoms have included headaches, fever and convulsions and are similar to those connected with meningitis, according to reports.


                  • #10
                    Re: 10 students die of undiagnosed disease - meningitis confirmed

                    And one more confirmation, just for good measure. The fact that this is a church-run school explains the strange statement about treating patients in prayer groups. I hope that is just a method of isolation, and does not imply that prayer is being used in place of antibiotic treatment.

                    05.12.09 Victims in Kisangani did have meningitis (Congo Forum)

                    KISANGANI ? Op het Institut Maikazo, een school in de stad Kisangani, stierven onlangs tien leerlingen. Kisangani - At the Institut Maikazo, a school in the city of Kisangani, died just ten students. Nu blijkt dat de leerlingen wel degelijk stierven aan de gevolgen van meningitis, zoals al vermoed werd. Now that the students really died from the effects of meningitis, as has been suspected. De burgemeester van Kisangani, dr. Guy Shilton Baendo, maakte het nieuws vrijdag bekend. The mayor of Kisangani, Dr Guy Baendo Shilton, the news was announced Friday.

                    Volgens Radio Okapi steunt de burgemeester zijn uitspraken op tests die de medische inspectie van de Oostelijke Provincie uitvoerde. According to Radio Okapi support the mayor are statements that medical tests on inspection of the Eastern Province exported. De burgemeester zal nu contact opnemen met de minister van Volksgezondheid, die moet beslissen of er sprake is van een epidemie. The mayor will now contact the Health Minister, who must decide whether there is an epidemic.

                    ?Zodra er officieel een epidemie is, zullen we die met alle mogelijke middelen bestrijden.? Shilton Baendo denkt aan een inentingscampagne voor kwetsbare groepen. "Once an epidemic is officially, we will fight by all means." Shilton Baendo thinking of a vaccination campaign for vulnerable groups.

                    Eerder was er al een crisismeeting op de zetel van het provinciebestuur. Previously there had been a crisis meeting at the headquarters of the provincial government. Artsen, burgemeesters, vertegenwoordigers van het onderwijs en mensen uit de kerkgemeenschappen namen aan het crisisoverleg deel. Doctors, mayors, representatives of education and people from the churches took part in the crisis talks.

                    Het Institut Maikazo ligt in Tshopo, een gemeente van Kisangani. The Institute is located in Maikazo Tshopo, a town of Kisangani. Op die school stierven dus tien leerlingen. That school is ten students died. Ondertussen liep het aantal doden als gevolg van de ziekte al op tot 15, meldden sommige bronnen uit de gezondheidszorg. Meanwhile, the number of deaths from the disease at all to 15, some sources reported health. De provinciale medische inspectie houdt het voorlopig op zes doden en negen pati?nten in het ziekenhuis. The provincial medical inspection at the Provisional six dead and nine patients in the hospital.

                    Sommige pati?nten liggen in het ziekenhuis. Some patients are in hospital. Anderen worden 'bewaakt' door kerken en gebedsgroepen. Others are "guarded" by churches and prayer groups.

                    ? CongoForum, 05.12.09 ? Congo Forum, 05.12.09


                    • #11
                      Re: 10 students die of undiagnosed disease - meningitis confirmed

                      And that's what I had feared. Instead of treating these patients with antibiotics to fight the bacterial meningitis, local "quacks" used chanting and prayer to fight a supposed curse. Needless to say, that won't cure meningitis, and is a tragic loss of life.

                      Kisangani: meningitis, the government threatened to punish quacks
                      Province Orientale | Sant? | Samedi 05 D?cembre 2009 ? 11:29:14 Province Orientale | Health | Saturday, 05 December 2009 11:29:14

                      Votre nom : Your name:

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                      Email du destinataire : Send to:

                      Hits : Hits:
                      Le conseil des ministres s'est pench?, vendredi, entre autres, sur la confirmation de la maladie m?ningite qui fait rage ? Kisangani. The Cabinet has discussed Friday include the confirmation of meningococcal disease raging in Kisangani. Le gouvernement de la RDC met alors en garde tous les charlatans ? Kisangani qui d?tournent les enfants malades de centres des soins appropri?s pour des pr?tendues incantations dans l'esprit de les gu?rir miraculeusement de cette ?pid?mie, qui a caus? la mort d'une dizaine d'?l?ves de l'Institut Maikazo. The DRC government is then in charge all the quacks in Kisangani who rob children of patients appropriate care centers for allegedly chanting in the spirit of the miraculous cure of this epidemic, which killed a dozen d 'Students of the Institute Maikazo. Cette mise en garde est lanc?e contre les propagateurs de la rumeur qui attribuait cette maladie ? un mauvais sort. This warning is issued against the propagators of the rumor which attributed the disease to a curse. Les services de la police et de la justice sont instruits pour r?primer ces inciviques. The services of police and justice are taught to suppress these uncivil. C'est ce qu'a d?clar? le porte-parole du gouvernement, Lambert Mende, la Radiot?l?vision nationale congolaise (RTNC), rapporte This was stated by the spokesman of the government, Lambert Mende, Congolese National Radio and Television (TRNC), reports


                      • #12
                        Re: 10 students die of undiagnosed disease - meningitis confirmed

                        And we have a citywide meningitis outbreak. At least 100 cases with 17 deaths. Please change the title to simply "Meningitis outbreak in Kisangani, DRC" (and maybe move the thread to the Meningitis forum). DRC is, as the article suggests, right in the middle of the African meningitis belt.

                        A ProMed post is likely forthcoming.

                        Situation Update No. 1
                        On 08.12.2009 at 12:18 GMT+2

                        An outbreak of meningitis that killed more than a dozen students from the same school last week has spread throughout the city of Kisangani, in central Democratic Republic of Congo, officials said Monday. The strain of the meningococcal C, which was confirmed last week, had infected at least 100 people throughout the port city on the Congo River, said the Minister of Health, August Mopipi, on 7 December. He visited the city to assess what local leaders have called an "epidemic". By 6 December, according to hospital officials and the UN radio service in Kisangani, 17 had died from the bacterial infection, all students at the local Maikazo Technical Institute. "It's a source of hope that this deadly disease remains curable," Mopipi said, adding that more than 40 of the cases had been cured. The minister said the government was working on distributing vaccinations, but warned they could be “prohibitively” expensive. According to Kisangani mayor Guy Shilton, crisis meetings between hospitals, local government authorities and religious leaders had been organized and an "emergency protocol" had been put in place, providing for the distribution of drugs. “Once the epidemic is declared, we will attack it in every way possible,” Shilton said. The first fatalities took place at the Maikazo Technical Institute when nine students from the school died at end-November after being checked into the local hospital. According to the UN, doctors said the patients all had signs of meningitis, but it could not be confirmed. A 10th student died a week ago, and the school was closed down by the state minister of education. "It's a preventative and temporary measure," said Minister Polydor Latigo, "but we need to investigate the problem safely." Andre Kitenge, a press officer for the UN in Kisangani, said that while all deaths related to the outbreak were from the school, cases in other parts of Kisangani were "prevalent". Kisangani, one of the largest cities in the Congo, lies in the middle of Africa's "meningitis belt". During the dry season, it infects hundreds more people than the global average of three per 100,000. According to the World Health Organization, an affordable vaccine is supposed to be on the way, but for poor and densely populated areas such as Kisangani, it still poses a serious threat. An outbreak of meningitis at the beginning of 2009 across the "belt" infected nearly 25,000, according to the UN, and killed more than 1,500.


                        • #13
                          Re: Meningitis confirmed in Kisangani Congo


                          Meningitis that killed Congo schoolchildren spreads
                          Dec 08, 2009 02:05 PM

                          The meningitis outbreak that claimed the lives of at least 17 children at a school in the Democratic Republic of Congo is spreading across the country.

                          The meningitis outbreak that claimed the lives of at least 17 children at a school in the Democratic Republic of Congo is spreading across the country.

                          Meningococcal C, which was confirmed last week, had infected at least 100 people throughout the port city of Kisangani, in central Democratic Republic of Congo. Minister of Health, August Mopipi, visited Kisangani, one of the country?s largest cities, yesterday to weigh up what local leaders are calling an epidemic.

                          Seventeen pupils at the local Maikazo Technical Institute had died from the bacterial infection by Sunday, health officials and local radio reports said. After tenth pupil died a week ago at the Mangobo general hospital, the state minister of education shut down the school. "It's a source of hope that this deadly disease remains curable," Mopipi said, adding that more than 40 of the cases had been cured. The government is working on distributing vaccinations, but the Minister of Health warned that they could be too expensive. Crisis meetings have been arranged this week between hospitals, local government authorities and religious leaders and an "emergency protocol" had been put in place, so that drug treatment could be handed out."Once the epidemic is declared, we will attack it in every way possible," Kisangani mayor Guy Shilton, told Reuters news service.

                          The first fatalities took place at the Maikazo Technical Institute when nine students from the school died at end-November after being checked into the local hospital. According to the UN, doctors said the patients all had signs of meningitis, but it could not be confirmed. A 10th student died a week ago. While all deaths related to the outbreak were from the school, cases in other parts of Kisangani were "prevalent," said a United Nations spokesperson in the city. Kisangani, is in the middle of Africa's "meningitis belt".

                          Meningitis, an inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord, can be caused by infection with a bacterium or virus. An affordable vaccine is supposed to be on the way, according to the World Health Organization. But for poor, densely populated areas such as Kisangani, it still poses a serious threat. An outbreak of meningitis at the beginning of 2009 across the "belt" infected nearly 25,000, according to the UN, and killed more than 1,500. DR Congo was left it in the grip of a humanitarian crisis by a five-year conflict between government forces and rebels. The fighting claimed an estimated three million lives, either as a direct result of fighting or because of disease and malnutrition.


                          • #14
                            Re: Meningitis confirmed in Kisangani Congo

                            Kisangani: meningitis, Auguste Mopipi seeking approximately U.S. $ 200 000 to organize the response
                            Province Orientale | Mercredi 09 D?cembre 2009 ? 12:13:33 Province Orientale | Wednesday, 09 December 2009 12:13:33

                            Votre nom : Your name:

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                            Nom du destinataire : Name of recipient:

                            Email du destinataire : Send to:

                            Hits : Hits:
                            ? Il nous faut 200 000 dollars am?ricains pour ex?cuter en deux mois un plan ad?quat de riposte contre l'?pid?mie de la m?ningite. "We need 200 000 dollars U.S. to run in two months an adequate response against the epidemic of meningitis. Ce plan pr?voit notamment la mise en place du syst?me de surveillance ?pid?miologique ainsi que la prise en charge th?rapeutique des malades ?. This plan includes the establishment of epidemiological surveillance system and the therapeutic care of patients. D?claration du ministre de la Sant? Auguste Mopipi dans un point de presse hier mardi ? Kisangani, au terme d'une mission d'?valuation de la situation sanitaire dans la ville, rapporte Statement by the Minister of Health Auguste Mopipi in a briefing last Tuesday in Kisangani, following an assessment mission of the health situation in the city, reports

                            Auguste Mopipi Augustus Mopipi
                            Pour Auguste Mopipi, cette proposition sera soumise ? la d?lib?ration du conseil des ministres ? Kinshasa pour une ?ventuelle intervention. For Augustus Mopipi, this proposal will be submitted for deliberation by the Council of Ministers in Kinshasa for possible intervention.
                            En attendant, le ministre de la Sant? dit avoir pris un certain nombre de mesures et fait des recommandations au comit? local de crise et au gouvernement central. Meanwhile, the Health Minister said he had taken a number of measures and makes recommendations to the local crisis committee and the central government. ? Ces mesures se d?crivent en termes des recommandations qui sont en fait des exhortations au comit? de crise provincial ? poursuivre dans la m?me lanc?e. "These measures are described in terms of recommendations are made exhortations to provincial crisis committee to continue the momentum. Il ya des recommandations aussi ? l'endroit du gouvernement central pour que tr?s rapidement, on puisse envoyer une ?quipe m?dicale pour l'encadrement m?dical, les besoins se faisant sentir ici ?, a d?clar? le ministre. There are also recommendations to the location of the central government very soon, we could send a medical team to the medical staff, the need is being felt here, "said the minister.

                            Le premier responsable de la sant? en RDC s'est propos? de demander ? l'Ex?cutif national de poursuivre le plaidoyer en vue de l'acquisition des vaccins et la mise en ?uvre de l'op?ration de vaccination. The head of health in the DRC has proposed to request the National Executive to pursue advocacy for the acquisition of vaccines and implementation of the vaccination campaign. Cela, at-il reconnu, est une n?cessit?, non seulement pour le personnel m?dical, mais aussi pour la population jeune, scolaire qui doivent ?tre immunis?s contre ce fl?au (la m?ningite). This, he acknowledged, is a necessity not only for medical personnel, but also for young people, school must be immunized against it (meningitis). C'est une mani?re efficace d'?radiquer l'?pid?mie, at-il ajout?. It is an effective way to eradicate the epidemic, "he added.
                            Par ailleurs, le ministre a recommand? la lev?e de la mesure de suspension des enseignements dans les ?coles d?s ce mercredi. Furthermore, the Minister has recommended lifting the suspension of teaching in schools from Wednesday. Enfin, selon le rapport m?dical officiel sur la m?ningite, plus de 115 cas ont ?t? notifi?s dont 14 d?c?s d?clar?s. Finally, as the official medical report on meningitis, more than 115 cases have been reported including 14 deaths reported. Une cinquantaine de malades en traitement ont ?t? gu?ris et 72 autres suivent encore des soins dans des structures sanitaires de r?f?rence de Kisangani. Fifty patients undergoing treatment were cured and 72 others still follow care in health facilities reference Kisangani.

                            Pour rappel, en fin novembre 2009, dix ?l?ves de l'Institut Maikazo, dans la commune de la Tshopo, ? Kisangani sont d?c?d?s en l'espace d'une semaine, d'une maladie qui ?tait alors suppos?e ?tre de la m?ningite. To recall, in late November 2009, ten students of the Institute Maikazo in common Tshopo Kisangani died in the space of a week, a condition was assumed to be meningitis. Le bilan de cette ?trange maladie avait ?t? revu ? la hausse le lendemain. The results of this strange disease had been revised upward the next day. Mais ces chiffres ont ?t? contredits par l'inspection provinciale m?dicale. But these figures were contradicted by the provincial medical inspectorate. Cette derni?re avait parl? de 6 d?c?s et 9 cas d'hospitalisation. The latter had spoken of 6 deaths and 9 cases of hospitalization.


                            • #15
                              Re: Meningitis confirmed in Kisangani Congo

                              And we get a ProMed EAFR post (a little late).

                              ProMED-EAFR:East Africa

                              Most Recent Alert
                              View printable version
                              Published Date
                              2009-12-09 13:27:51
                              PRO/EAFR> Meningitis, meningococcal - Congo DR: (Orientale)
                              Archive Number
                              Full Text
                              ************************************************** ****************
                              Date: Tue Dec 8 2009
                              Source: UN Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN) [edited]
                              Youth are on the move. As technology has developed and the world has become a smaller place, young people are travelling more than ever in search of work, education, and health services.

                              An outbreak of meningitis that killed more than a dozen students from
                              the same school last week [week of 30 Nov 2009] has spread throughout
                              the city of Kisangani, in central Democratic Republic of Congo,
                              officials said Monday [7 Dec 2009].

                              The strain of the meningococcal C, which was confirmed last week, had
                              infected at least 100 people throughout the port city on the Congo
                              River, said the Minister of Health, August Mopipi, on 7 Dec 2009. He
                              visited the city to assess what local leaders have called an "epidemic".

                              By 6 Dec 2009, according to hospital officials and the UN radio
                              service in Kisangani, 17 had died from the bacterial infection, all
                              students at the local Maikazo Technical Institute.

                              "It's a source of hope that this deadly disease remains curable,"
                              Mopipi said, adding that more than 40 of the cases had been cured.
                              The minister said the government was working on distributing
                              vaccinations, but warned they could be "prohibitively" expensive.

                              According to Kisangani mayor Guy Shilton, crisis meetings between
                              hospitals, local government authorities, and religious leaders had
                              been organized and an "emergency protocol" had been put in place,
                              providing for the distribution of drugs. "Once the epidemic is
                              declared, we will attack it in every way possible," Shilton said.

                              The 1st fatalities took place at the Maikazo Technical Institute when
                              9 students from the school died at end-November 2009 after being
                              checked into the local hospital. According to the UN, doctors said
                              the patients all had signs of meningitis, but it could not be
                              confirmed. A 10th student died a week ago, and the school was closed
                              down by the state minister of education. "It's a preventative and
                              temporary measure," said Minister Polydor Latigo, "but we need to
                              investigate the problem safely."

                              Andre Kitenge, a press officer for the UN in Kisangani, said that
                              while all deaths related to the outbreak were from the school, cases
                              in other parts of Kisangani were "prevalent". Kisangani, one of the
                              largest cities in the Congo, lies in the middle of Africa's
                              "meningitis belt". During the dry season, it infects hundreds more
                              people than the global average of 3 per 100 000.

                              According to the World Health Organization, an affordable vaccine is
                              supposed to be on the way, but for poor and densely populated areas
                              such as Kisangani, it still poses a serious threat. An outbreak of
                              meningitis at the beginning of 2009 across the "belt" infected nearly
                              25 000, according to the UN, and killed more than 1500.

                              Communicated by:

                              [This report of a new meningococcal meningitis outbreak in Kisangani
                              in the Democratic Republic of Congo signals the beginning of the
                              meningitis season for countries lying in the meningitis belt.

                              The transmission of the disease is favoured by dry dusty conditions,
                              which coincide with the beginning of the dry season. As seen in the
                              current report, crowded settings like schools increase the risk of
                              outbreaks and therefore discouraging of social gatherings including
                              school closure contributes greatly to containment of outbreaks.
                              Control of new outbreaks relies heavily on a very sensitive
                              surveillance system for cases to enable laboratory confirmation,
                              serogroup identification, and initiation of recommended treatment.

                              All identified cases should be treated with either single dose of
                              chloramphenicol in oil or ceftriaxone. Vaccination is the most
                              effective way of controlling outbreaks especially if the outbreak is
                              caused by any of the serogroups for which vaccines exist, that is,
                              serogroups A, C, Y, and W135. Vaccination is done for all areas with
                              a population of at least 30 000 that exceed the epidemic threshold of
                              10 cases per 100 000 and the neighboring areas that exceed the alert
                              threshold of 5 cases per 100 000 population. Access to vaccines in
                              the affected areas is usually coordinated by the International
                              Coordinating Group on meningitis vaccines.

                              The HealthMap/ProMED-mail interactive map showing Kisangani in the
                              Democratic Republic of Congo is available at
                     A map of the African bacterial
                              meningitis belt can be found at
                     - Mod.JFW]

                              [Background information on meningococcal meningitis is available from
                              the general ProMED-mail list. The postings below can be found at
                     - Mod JFW]

                              Meningitis, meningococcal - Nigeria (03) 20090509.1731
                              Meningitis, meningococcal - Chad (02) 20090424.1544
                              Meningitis, meningococcal - Chad 20090416.1439
                              Meningitis, meningococcal - Nigeria (02): WHO 20090305.0916
                              Meningitis, meningococcal - Uganda (04) 20090220.0716
                              Meningitis, meningococcal - Nigeria: WHO 20090220.0709
                              Meningitis, meningococcal - Uganda (03): (AW, HO, MC) 20090123.0304
                              Meningitis, meningococcal - Uganda (02): (MSI) 20090120.0249
                              Meningitis, meningococcal - Uganda: (ARU,HOI) 20090115.0170]
                              ProMED-EAFR mailing list

