Hat-tip Pathfinder. The link itself contains links to four (!) other undiagnosed fatal outbreaks in this prison. However, the symptoms this time might suggest something more serious, such as pneumonic plague.

Un détenu à la prison Munzenze de Goma. Une maladie inconnue sévit à la prison centrale de Bunia dans la Province Orientale. Elle a causée six décès en deux semaines. Cette maladie a pour symptômes principaux une forte fièvre et la toux. La promiscuité et le surpeuplement de la prison serait à la base de cette maladie, selon l’infirmier titulaire de la prison, Ndrudro Makuru.

Bunia: 6 Central Prison inmates die of unknown disease
published 8 hours ago, 2 minutes | Last update September 8, 2012 at 12:51 | under News, Bunia, Justice, Eastern Province, Regions, Health, Society.
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A Prison of Munzenze Goma.View at PicasaUn Prison Munzenze Goma.
An unknown disease rampant in the Bunia Central Prison in Orientale Province. It has caused six deaths in two weeks. This disease has major symptoms high fever and cough. Overcrowding and prison overcrowding would be the basis of the disease, according to the nurse holds the prison Ndrudro Makuru. It calls for the acceleration of the process of transfer of suspected al `General Hospital in Bunia for better medical care.
The last death due to the disease was two days. According to the nurse holds the Bunia Central Prison, Ndrudro Makuru, the disease is manifested by high fever, severe cough and acute respiratory infections. Ndrudro Makuru adds that infected people die after two days.

The nurse holds the Bunia prison demand accelerating the evacuation procedure for suspected cases to the general hospital in Bunia. He argues that promiscuity and poor hygiene are the basis of this situation. The same notice, the Director of the Bunia Central Prison advocates for de-bottlenecking of the correctional institution.

Overcrowding and overpopulation are issues that are not new in the Bunia Central Prison. On 15 July, the Vice-Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Sakina Binti Selemani, had deplored the conditions of detention in prison houses most of the Eastern Province in which the central prison in Bunia. After a mission to make an inventory of prisons in the province, it noted that overcrowding arises most acutely in the prison house of Bunia.

In October 2010, twenty miners had escaped from the central prison in Bunia. Overcrowding, dilapidated prison infrastructure, poor prison conditions were cited as key factors in Bunia escapes as in other prison facilities in the DRC.

The local NGO human rights Pax Dei had said in a press release published Aug. 26, 2009 that 27 prisoners had died since the beginning of this year 2009 in Bunia Central Prison. According to the president of the NGO, including the deaths were due to malnutrition, lack of hygiene and promiscuity.