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Angola: 37 cases of H1N1 so far, 23 cases of (actual) plague

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  • Angola: 37 cases of H1N1 so far, 23 cases of (actual) plague

    Hat-tip Pathfinder. Plague is endemic in Africa, so this shouldn't be that surprising. It is surprising that the H1N1 surveillance is so poor that almost as many plague cases have been confirmed as H1N1.

    Angola: 621 people bitten by dogs and cats

    Un chien - Photo d'illustration web (figaro) A dog - photo illustration web (bbc)

    Au total, 621 personnes ont ?t? mordues par des chats et des chiens en Angola ces deux derni?res semaines, mais le nombre de cas de peste dans le pays africain ne bouge pas et se maintient ? 23 cette ann?e, a annonc? mercredi ? Luanda le directeur de l'institut des services v?t?rinaires, Antonio Jos?. In total, 621 people were bitten by cats and dogs in Angola over the past two weeks, but the number of cases of plague in the African country does not move and remains at 23 this year, said Wednesday in Luanda the Director Institute of Veterinary, Jos? Antonio.

    Lors d'une r?union de la commission minist?rielle contre la peste, Antonio Jos? a d?clar? aux journalistes qu'aucun nouveau cas de peste humaine n'a ?t? rapport?, et que le nombre de cas confirm?s ne bouge pas et se maintient ? 23, gr?ce notamment ? la campagne nationale de vaccination contre la peste. At a meeting of the Ministerial Committee against the plague, Jos? Antonio told reporters that no new case of human plague were reported, and the number of confirmed cases did not move and remains at 23, thanks including the national campaign of vaccination against plague.

    L'officiel a indiqu? que 47408 animaux ont ?t? vaccin?s depuis le d?but de la campagne dans l'ensemble du pays, sauf dans les provinces de Luanda, Lunda Norte et Lunda Sul, mais les autorit?s sanitaires envisagent de lancer la campagne de vaccination dans les trois provinces restantes dans un avenir proche. The official said that 47,408 animals have been vaccinated since the beginning of the campaign throughout the country except in the provinces of Luanda, Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul, but health officials plan to launch the vaccination campaign in remaining three provinces in the near future.

    Les 23 cas confirm?s de peste ont ?t? enregistr?s de janvier ? mars dans le pays, dont neuf dans la capitale Luanda, qui abrite pr?s d'un tiers des 18,5 millions d'habitants du pays. The 23 confirmed cases of plague have been recorded from January to March in the country, including nine in the capital Luanda, home to nearly one third of the 18.5 million inhabitants.

    Aucun cas de peste n'a ?t? enregistr? ? ce jour cette ann?e dans les provinces de Cabinda, Cunene, Huila, Kuando Kubando, Lunda Norte, Lunda Sul, Malanje, Moxico, Namibe et Za?re, selon les statistiques officielles. No cases of plague have been recorded so far this year in the provinces of Cabinda, Cunene, Huila, Kuando Kubando, Lunda Norte, Lunda Sul, Malange, Moxico, Namibe and Zaire, according to official statistics.

    Les autorit?s sanitaires ont ajout? qu'aucun cas de grippe A/ H1N1 n'a ?t? rapport? ? ce jour cette ann?e, et que le nombre de personnes ayant contract? le virus n'a pas boug? et se maintient ? 37. Health officials added that no cases of influenza A / H1N1 has been reported so far this year, and that the number of people who contracted the virus has not changed and remains at 37. (Xinhua) (Xinhua)

  • #2
    Re: Angola: 37 cases of H1N1 so far, 23 cases of (actual) plague

    3/24/10 3:16 PM

    H1N1 flu epidemiological situation still stable

    Luanda - Angola's Health minister, Jos? Van-D?nem, on Tuesday here said H1N1 flu epidemiological situation in the country is still stable, in comparison to last week, with a total of 37 new cases out of the 469 probed, Angop has learnt.

    "This week in Angola was not recorded any case of A flu, such as in the previous period.

    So, we should seize this opportunity to keep watchful with regard to this illness in the country", said to the press Jos? Van-D?nem, at the end of a meeting of the Interministerial Commission on this illness.

    Commenting on the African continent, the Cabinet minister said 34 countries officially reported 17,547 cases of H1N1 flu, claiming 167 lives.
    Twitter: @RonanKelly13
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