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Algeria - A "strange flu" confirmed by Pasteur Institute as seasonal flu

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  • Algeria - A "strange flu" confirmed by Pasteur Institute as seasonal flu

    machine translation

    Strange flu kills six people in the valley
    Ibrahim. P
    No tags for this article
    01/28/2013 (last updated: 28/01/2013 at 20:45 )


    Registration Shaheed Hospital emergency bin Omar Jilani Valley, after recording the sixth case of death the interests of infectious diseases, as a result of a strange disease is not recognized despite all analyzes are conducted at the level of laboratories available in the state. According to a specialist, the symptoms of the disease is in a severe cold affects the patient, in addition to the great irritation in the chest at the level of the patient's lungs makes in the case where it is difficult to breathe, one of the signs of a deadly flu disease.

    According to injuries of the deceased, the first man in the second decade of life, inhabited municipality valley, not exceeding in the hospital 24 hours full to die, and then followed in a matter of weeks 3 women, one of them from the municipality of Al-Bayada, in my forties, did not pass on their survival in hospital Twenty-four hours, increase the another Vahrgel the same symptoms of the disease.

    At the level of interest infectious diseases hospital Central Valley, has been elevated status Taari in higher grades, were requiring all workers the department need to wear masks, and took blood samples from the deceased to a laboratory Pasteur Paljza?raasma, intent analysis to determine the causes of death in light discreetly fully by interests Health Valley, fear of creating a state of panic among citizens. Knowing that there are a large number of families recorded cases of simple flu due to climate change and big cold wave in the state. Which is reflected by the long queues when doctors in public hospitals properties, but there is overcrowding in the various public and private clinics.

  • #2
    Re: Algeria - A report of a "strange flu" killed 6 people - hospital workers required to wear masks

    machine translation

    And death 3 Algeria kind "strange" from influenza

    Many cases of this flu appeared about a month ago through various municipalities mandate of the valley
    Algeria - Qena

    State health authorities said Algerian valley, on Wednesday, for the deaths of at least three people after a strange type of infection influenza , and said that three other people admitted intensive care after the onset of symptoms.

    Local sources said that experts from the Pasteur Institute in Algiers, conducting laboratory tests to determine the type of flu and the virus is causing.

    She explained that many cases of this flu appeared about a month ago through various municipalities mandate of the valley, which is located in the southeast of the country, and intensified two weeks ago where wounded dozens of people, and triggered a panic among the population who were quick to transfer their patients to clinics specializing in respiratory diseases and therapeutic centers.

    جريدة الشرق, موقع إخباري قطري شامل يعرض الأخبار المحلية والدولية على مدار الساعة. تغطية لأخر أخبار الاقتصاد القطري والخليجي والدولي، والمستجدات السياسية على الساحة المحلية والدولية، وأخبار الرياضة والتكنولوجيا والمنوعات.


    • #3
      Re: Algeria - A report of a "strange flu" killed 6 people - hospital workers required to wear masks

      El Oued: A virus infects and kills 3 people 3 others
      on 30.01.13 | 10:14

      Informed sources said that during the past two weeks three people were killed and three others are in the resuscitation department of infectious diseases hospital in El Oued, following a disease whose symptoms are a virulent flu.

      Medical sources confirmed the news stating that the dead people were transported in serious condition to the hospital, a dry cough, high fever and difficulty breathing.

      Adding that the exact cause of death remains unknown. People died, including a woman, were aged 49, 47 and 28 years old, lived in common Hassani Abdelkarim El Oued and Bayadha.

      Regarding the three other victims, our source said they are aged between 40 and 58 years old and come from the town of El Oued and that of Mih Ouensa.

      Our source also said that blood samples of the victims of "this strange virus" were sent to the Pasteur Institute for further analysis.
      Last edited by sharon sanders; January 30, 2013, 08:45 AM. Reason: added date and red highlight


      • #4
        Re: Algeria - A report of a "strange flu" killed 6 people - hospital workers required to wear masks

        This article is about the seasonal flu and then it talks about the "strange disease".

        13 deaths due to seasonal flu in a matter of months!
        Date Published:
        29 K 2 2013 - 23:30:00


        ...In a related context, known bin Omar Jilani Hospital Valley high alert, after recording the fifth case of death the interests of infectious diseases, as a result of a strange disease is not recognized, although all analyzes are conducted at the level of laboratories available in the state.

        According to a specialist, the symptoms of the disease was in a severe cold affects the patient, in addition to the great irritation in the chest at the level of the lungs, making the patient's condition makes it difficult to breathe, one of the signs of acute influenza illness. As taught him'' day'', Van deaths seasonal influenza, touched a young man in the second decade of life, inhabited municipality valley remained in the hospital less than 24 Hours, throes followed within a week 3 women from the municipality-Bayada 43 years, in addition to the death of another man died the same symptoms of the disease .

        and the level of interest infectious diseases hospital Central Valley, was lifted a state of emergency to the highest levels, has been mandatory for all workers the department should wear protective masks, with the conversion of blood samples from deceased patients to a laboratory Pasteur capital, in order to re-analysis may be that is an explanation of the disease and find a vaccine for it.

        The situation in light discreetly fully by health interests Valley, fear creating a state of panic among the public, with the knowledge that a large number of families hit by flu simple due to climate change, and the cold wave to the huge state, which is reflected by the long queues at doctors properties in public hospitals. ....
        Last edited by sharon sanders; January 30, 2013, 08:43 AM. Reason: added sentence at top and article header


        • #5
          Re: Algeria - A report of a "strange flu" killed 6 people - hospital workers required to wear masks

          A strange cold kills 3 people and wounding 3 others in the valley will
          Wednesday, January 30, 2013 the valley: Khalifa Fied

          Medical sources confirmed the valley that flu strange decimated so far at least by 3 people, and introduced 3 others to intensive care, was dismissed interests of infectious diseases hospital bin Omar Jilali, after first death recorded since more than a week, and already published'' news '' in a timely manner.
          According to the same sources, the spread of this flu appeared about a month ago through various municipalities state, but they intensified two weeks ago, injuring dozens of people and triggered a panic among the population, who were quick to transfer their patients to clinics specializing in respiratory diseases and centers hospital.
          The deaths recorded until yesterday in the old man 49 years of municipal Hassani Abdelkrim, and old woman 47 years from the municipality of Bayada and another man aged 28 years from the district February 18 district martyrs municipality of the state capital, the first deaths were recorded.
          She explained with sources that hospital bin Omar Jilali still witnessing high alert due to the presence of 3 cases similar in the interest of recovery, and the ages of people between 58 and 40 years old, one of the neighborhood boys Ahmed Municipality valley, and the other two from the Municipality of illiteracy and NSH.
          The same sources said that he was sent blood samples from the deceased and the injured to the Pasteur Institute in the capital to detect the disease in order to deal with medical.
          She noted it is noted that the deceased and the injured are not a class of children, but of the elderly in general. The income of these to the hospital in an advanced state of the disease symptomatic severe coughing, high fever and bottlenecks at the level of the respiratory tract.


          • #6
            Re: Algeria - A report of a "strange flu" killed 6 people - hospital workers required to wear masks

            The following article indicates 8 confirmed (?) H1N1 fatalities in "the valley":

            It is not clear whether this is the "strange flu" referenced in this thread, or this is due to something else.


            • #7
              Re: Algeria - A report of a "strange flu" killed 6 people - hospital workers required to wear masks

              It's also true that - according FluNet - 25 on 47 clinical samples tested positive for Influenza A H1N1pdm09 during week 3/13. ILI activity is stated as widespread.


              • #8
                Re: Algeria - A report of a "strange flu" killed 6 people - hospital workers required to wear masks

                9 deaths and 20 serious injury swine flu panic large
                مديرية الصحة بالوادي متكتمة وتجبر الأطباء على الأقنعة Valley Health Directorate and secretive force doctors to masks
                9 وفيات و20 إصابة خطيرة بأنفلونزا الخنازير وحالة هلع كبيرة 9 deaths and 20 serious injury swine flu panic large
                منذ 5 ساعة 54 دقيقة Since 5 hours 54 minutes
                وفاء س Wafa Q
                أعلنت مصالح مديرية الصحة والسكان بالوادي الطوارئ في مختلف المراكز الإستشفائية ببلديات المنطقة عقب ورود أنباء عن انتقال فيروس خطير أدى لوفاة عدد من المرضى بالمستشفى المركزي تقول مصادر الجديد أنه فروس أنفلونزا الخنازير والذي ينتقل بشكل سريع للغاية ويهدد الأطفال الرضع والنساء على وجه الخصوص لنقص المناعة لديهم . Declared interests Directorate of Health and Population Valley Emergency in various centers hospital municipalities region following reports of transmission of a dangerous virus led to the death of a number of patients in hospital central sources say new because Fros swine flu, which moves very rapidly and threatens to infants and women, in particular for HIV to have.

                وأوضحت مصادر الجديد أن عدد الوفيات بسبب أنفلونزا الخنازير مقدر بتسعة وفيات ونحو 20 حالة إصابة خطيرة منهم من وضع بداخل أجنحة خاصة خوفا من نقل العدوى وأيضا هنالك من تم نقلهم لمصلحة الأمراض المعدية خوفا من اتساع رقعة المرض لباقي المرضى الآخرين. And new sources pointed out that the number of deaths due to swine flu is destined to nine deaths and about 20 cases of serious injury put them inside the special wards for fear of infection and also there were transferred for the benefit of infectious diseases for fear of the expansion of the disease to the rest of the other patients.

                وأجبرت مديرية الصحة جميع الأطباء والممرضين على إرتداء الألبسة الواقية خوفا من انتقال العدوى لهم أو نقلها لبعض المرضى الماكثين في المستشفيات، كما سارع بعض أهالي المرضى لأخذ مرضاهم من المستشفى خوفا من العدوى وتنقل الكثير من أهالي المرضى فور سماعهم للخبر للمستشفى للاطمئنان عن مرضاهم. And forced the Department of Health all doctors and nurses to wear protective clothing for fear of contagion them or move them to some patients الماكثين in hospitals, also rushed some people sick to take their patients from the hospital for fear of infection and the movement of a lot of people sick soon as they heard the news of the hospital to check on their patients.

                وقد أخذت مديرية الصحة عينات من المصابين وتمّ نقلها على جناح السرعة لمعهد باستور لتحليلها ومعرفة الدواعي الحقيقية لهذا الفيروس الخطير، وذكرت مصادر الجديد أيضا أن فرقة خاصة تابعة للدرك الوطني من الناحية العسكرية الرابعة تعتزم التنقل للمستشفى المركزي بقصد معاينة الحالات وأخذ إجراءات إستعجالية من قبل السلطات الوصية. Having taken the Directorate of Health samples from patients were transferred quickly to the Pasteur Institute to analyze and find out reasons true for this dangerous virus, sources said New also a special squad belonging to the National Gendarmerie in terms of the fourth military plans to move to the central hospital in order preview cases and take action urgency by the authorities Commandment .

                وتحدث هذه التطورات بعدما أصبح الأنفلونزا حديث الساعة بولاية الوادي هذه الأيام والذي فرض حالة من الطوارئ على مستوى المستشفى المركزي بن عمر الجيلاني ومستشفى البشير بن ناصر في ظل تكتم غريب خيم على مديرية الصحة عقب تسجيل حالة الوفاة السادسة وارتفاعها إلى ثمانية عن أعراض مشابهة لأعراض أنفلونزا الخنازير حسب مصادر الجديد، هذا المرض هو عبارة عن مرض تنفسي يصيب الخنازير، يسببه فيروس أنفلونزا من نوع "I" ويمكن أن ينتشر بسرعة، ويمكن أيضا أن ينتقل إلى الإنسان خاصة عند الاتصال المباشر مع الحيوانات المصابة به وأعراضه تتمثل في قيء وإسهال، ويعتبر المصاب بالفيروس معديا طوال بقاء الأعراض لديه وكذلك لمدة أسبوع بعدها، ولكن الأطفال والمراهقين قد ينقلون العدوى لفترة أطول. He spoke these developments after it became influenza talk time state valley these days, which imposed a state of emergency at the hospital level central bin Omar Jilani and Bashir Hospital bin Nasser under discreetly strange tents on the Department of Health after recording the event of death sixth rise to eight from symptoms similar to symptoms of swine flu According to sources the new, this disease is a respiratory disease that affects pigs, caused by a virus influenza type "I" and can spread quickly, and can also be transmitted to humans, especially when direct contact with animals infected and the symptoms are in vomiting and diarrhea, and is infected with the virus contagious throughout the survival of the symptoms as well as to display for a week later, but children and adolescents may infectious for a longer period.

                وفي زيارة قامت بها الجديد لمستشفى البشير بن ناصر وجدنا أنه يفتقد إلى أدنى الضروريات الصحية والبيئية المفروض تواجدها في هذه المؤسسة الإستشفائية أين أكد لنا بعض المرضى أن الوضع مزري ومتردي صار يعرفه هذا المرفق الصحي، قد يهيأ المناخ المناسب لانتشار العدوى من هذا المرض الفتاك نظرا لغياب كل شروط النظافة والرقابة، في الوقت الذي طلبنا فيه توضيحا عن وجود حالات تعاني من أعراض غريبة أو حالات وفاة سجلت بالمستشفى جراء تأثرها بمرض غريب قد تتشابه مع أنفلونزا الخنازير إلا أننا قوبلنا بالرفض لأسباب إدارية على حد قولهم لنجد أنفسنا كإعلاميين وسط زحمة من المصادر غير المؤكدة عن الفيروس، وهو ما دفع بشريحة واسعة من المواطنين لمطالبة جميع السلطات المعنية وعلى رأسها مديرية الصحة التي تعد المسؤول الأول بالتحرك العاجل للكشف عن مصداقية انتشار هذا المرض وذلك من أجل أخذ الحيطة والحذر حسب تعبيرهم. In a visit to the new hospital Bashir bin Nasser and found that it lacks minimum necessities of health and environmental imposed its presence in this institution hospital where assured us some patients that the situation مزري and worsening became known that the health facility, has a handsome environment for the spread of infection from the deadly disease in the absence of Each hygiene and control, at which time we asked the explanation for the existence of cases suffering from symptoms of strange or deaths recorded in hospital as a result affected by disease Ghraib may resemble with swine flu but we we received rejected for administrative reasons, they say to find ourselves Kaalamyin Central Traffic sources uncertain virus, which prompted the chip and a wide range of citizens to demand that all the relevant authorities and the head of the Directorate of Health, which is primarily responsible for urgent action to detect the credibility of the spread of this disease in order to take caution by expressing.

                من جانب آخر كشف النائب البرلماني داسي موساوي في اتصال هاتفي بالجديد أنه يتابع ملف أنفلونزا الخنازير متحدثا عن خيوط أولية عن الفيروس سيتم كشفها لاحقا ،ونقل النائب داسي بأنه سينسق مع باقي زملاءه بغية مسائلة الحكومة ممثلة في وزيرها الأول عن وضعية الصحة بالجنوب وبوادي سوف تحديدا لتجنيب السكان مثل هذه الأمراض الخبيثة ،وجاء تخوف هذه الأوساط خوفا من تنقل الفيروس لبعض الولايات المجاورة أو الدول الشقيقة خاصة تونس التي يزور مواطنيها يوميا الولاية بغرض التسوق. On the other hand revealed MP Dacey Moussaoui telephone novelty that follow file swine flu speaking for clues initial virus will be detected later, and the transfer of MP Dacey that will coordinate with the rest of his colleagues in order to question the government, represented in its minister first on the status of health in the south and Bawadi will specifically to spare population such as this malignant disease, and this fear came circles for fear of transmitting the virus to some neighboring states or sisterly countries, especially Tunisia, which is visiting its citizens daily state for the purpose of shopping.


                • #9
                  Re: Algeria - A report of a "strange flu" killed 6 people - hospital workers required to wear masks

                  Valley: the deaths of two people suspected of being infected with seasonal flu

                  Wednesday, January 30, 2013 10:25 last updated: Wednesday, 30 January 2013 15:00

                  كشفت مصالح المؤسسة العمومية للصحة الجوارية بن عمر الجيلاني بولاية "الوادي" عن تسجيلها وفاة شخصينبن ، امراة في العقد الخامس من عمرها وشاب في الثلاثينات ، جراء الإنفلونزا الموسمية ، فيما لا يزال مريضان تحت العناية المركزة ومريضان آخران تم عزلهما بمصلحة الأمراض المعدية . Revealed the interests of the institution of public health الجوارية bin Omar Jilani state "valley" for recording the death Chksaneben, a woman in the fifth decade of life and young people in their thirties, due to seasonal flu, while still two patients under intensive care and two patients two were isolated interests of infectious diseases.

                  وأوضح مدير المؤسسة العمومية للصحة الجوارية كريم عزيرو أن المرضى جاءوا في حالة متقدمة من المرض الا أن المرضى الموضوعون تحت المراقبة الطبية قد بدأوا يتماثلون للشفاء . The director of the public health institution الجوارية cream Aziro that patients come in an advanced state of the disease, but the patients Modoon under medical surveillance had begun recovering.

                  وحول الأسباب المؤدية الى وفاة المريضين أوضح الأخصائي بمصلحة التخدير والإنعاش عباس فاتح محلو ان المغطيات الطبية المتوفرة لا تسمح بإثبات أن الأنفلونزا الموسمية كانت السبب المباشر لوفاتهما، الى حين أن تثبت التحاليل الطبية لمعهد باستور ذلك وذكرت مصادر محلية ان خبراء معهد "باستور" ، في العاصمة الجزائرية يجرون التحاليل المخبرية اللازمة لتحديد نوع الانفلونزا والفيروس المتسبب فيها. On the causes leading to the death of two patients explained specialist interests anesthesia and recovery Abbas Light Mahlo that Amottiyat available medical does not allow to prove that the seasonal flu was the direct cause of وفاتهما, until proven medical analysis of the Pasteur Institute that Local sources said that experts Institute "Pasteur", in the capital Algerian conducting laboratory tests to determine the type of flu virus causing it.


                  • #10
                    machine translation

                    Led to the death of three people in the valley
                    Pasteur Institute confirmed that the injuries caused by seasonal flu

                    Thursday, January 31, 2013 the valley: Khalifa Fied

                    According to hospital sources the interests of health in the valley that influenza exotic, which caused panic among patients and citizens and killed three people and introduced others to the intensive care interests infectious diseases hospital bin Omar Jilali, is seasonal flu, according to results of the analyzes conducted by the Laboratory of the Pasteur Institute in Algiers on samples Blood taken from the blood of



                    • #11
                      Re: Algeria - A "strange flu" confirmed by Pasteur Institute as seasonal flu

                      Can we send this thread to ProMED? They just issued this:

                      Published Date: 2013-02-03 15:50:12
                      Subject: PRO/EDR> Undiagnosed respiratory infection - Algeria: (EO) fatal, RFI
                      Archive Number: 20130203.1527486

                      ************************************************** ***********************************
                      A ProMED-mail post
                      ProMED is the largest publicly-available surveillance system conducting global reporting of infectious diseases outbreaks. Subscribe today.

                      ProMED-mail is a program of the
                      International Society for Infectious Diseases
                      The International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) brings together a network of individuals from around the world.

                      Date: Wed 30 Jan 2013
                      Source: El Watan (Algerie) [in French, machine trans. edited]

                      Reliable sources have reported that during the past 2 weeks, 3 people have died as a consequence of a suspected virulent, flu-like virus infection. Three others were similarly affected and survived after resuscitation in the Infectious Diseases Department of the El Wadi Hospital. Medical sources have confirmed this report and further stated that the deceased were admitted to hospital in serious condition, with a dry cough, high fever, and difficulty in breathing, adding that the exact cause of death remains unknown.

                      The dead patients included one woman and were 49, 47 and 28 years of age living in Hassani Abdelkarim, El Oued, and Bayadha. Our source stated further that blood samples from the victims of "this strange virus" have been sent to the Pasteur Institute for further analysis.

                      The 3 surviving patients were between 40-58 years of age and originated from El Oued province.

                      [Byline: Rezzag Salem Youce]

                      Communicated by:
                      ProMED-mail <>

                      [The information provided is not sufficient to identify the virus involved, if indeed these cases of severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) are caused by virus infection. The outcome of the diagnostic tests at the Algerian Pasteur Institute is awaited. The affected victims and patients appear to be unrelated and to originate from different communities, which suggests that they may be particularly vulnerable individuals affected by a relatively common respiratory virus.

                      According to the current WHO Global Influenza update: "Algeria, Israel, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and Pakistan have noted increases in influenza activity. In the Northern Africa region, Tunisia also reported transmission increases. Algeria, The Islamic Republic of Iran, and Iraq reported mostly influenza A(H1N1)pdm09."

                      El Oued is located 400 miles southeast of Algiers (the capital city of Algeria), near the Tunisian border. The population of El Oued was 139 362 as of the 1998 census.


                      • #12
                        Re: Algeria - A &quot;strange flu&quot; confirmed by Pasteur Institute as seasonal flu

                        Can we send this thread to ProMED?
                        ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                        ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                        • #13
                          Re: Algeria - A &quot;strange flu&quot; confirmed by Pasteur Institute as seasonal flu

                          Thank you.

                          Published Date: 2013-02-04 17:58:24
                          Subject: PRO/EDR> Undiagnosed respiratory infection - Algeria (02): (EO) influenza
                          Archive Number: 20130204.1529067

                          ************************************************** *******************
                          A ProMED-mail post
                          ProMED is the largest publicly-available surveillance system conducting global reporting of infectious diseases outbreaks. Subscribe today.

                          ProMED-mail is a program of the
                          International Society for Infectious Diseases
                          The International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) brings together a network of individuals from around the world.

                          Date: Mon 4 Feb 2013
                          Source: [machine trans. edited]

                          The Pasteur Institute in Algiers has confirmed that the deaths of 3 people attributed to a strange, undiagnosed respiratory infection were the result of seasonal flu virus infection.

                          According to hospital sources, the undiagnosed respiratory infection responsible for the deaths of 3 people, general panic, and the admission of others to the intensive care unit at Omar Jilali Infectious Diseases Hospital were consequences of seasonal influenza virus infection. Samples of blood from others have been taken for further analysis.

                          communicated by:
                          Gert van der Hoek
                          Senior Moderator

                          [ProMED-mail thanks Gert van der Hoek for this rapid response to our request for information.

                          According to the current WHO Global Influenza Update, released on 1 Feb 2013, influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 is the predominant influenza virus in the area and likely to be responsible for the outbreak of respiratory disease in Algeria. - Mod.CP


                          • #14
                            Re: Algeria - A &quot;strange flu&quot; confirmed by Pasteur Institute as seasonal flu

                            Hat-tip Pathfinder. Eight H1N1 fatalities in a single village is a bit unusual.

                            Le blog Reflexiondz propose des conseils et des actualités sur le monde du business, du marketing et de l'entrepreneuriat.

                            TAMANRASSET: A mysterious disease kills eight people
                            Eight people have died of a mysterious illness in a village Tinzaouatine south of the wilaya of Tamanrasset. The information was reported by Algeria-Patriotic health sources.

                            These people who have contracted a virus whose symptoms are similar to flu, died after being admitted to the health center of the city of Tinzaouatine. The death of these patients has led to a panic in the city and villages Tinzaouatine, fearing a disease from Mali, with refugees who fled the war. A medical source Tamanrasset contacted by us, told us he was a severe influenza type A H1N1 as the one who took the life of two people last week in the province of tiziouzou. A specialized medical team was dispatched to ascertain the situation and confirm the diagnosis by doctors health center Tinzaouatine. If the diagnosis is confirmed, specific measures should be taken, including the vaccination of the population against the flu to prevent an epidemic in the region, which would spread throughout the country. The vaccine against seasonal flu is also effective against H1N1.


                            • #15
                              Re: Algeria - A &quot;strange flu&quot; confirmed by Pasteur Institute as seasonal flu

                              This isn't a machine translation issue; the original French really does say "bird flu". But it has to be an error....

                              It killed four people in El Oued and Tizi Ouzou
                              Alert to bird flu!

                              We certainly all heard of H1N1. But it is said that this disease is far from reaching us. The reality is completely different. This epidemic is already in our walls and even comes to a third victim.

                              February 5, 2013, The Courier of Algeria
                              Last Sunday, in effect, a new death was recorded in the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou. A pregnant woman died of the virus.

                              This is the fourth victim, caused by the flu after two cases identified at the end of last week, at El-Oued. The victim had caught the virus in unknown conditions, given that health officials do not give much information about this disease.

                              This is the second death in the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou. Apparently, this city is the most affected by this new contamination, and it comes after two other deaths in the wilaya of El Oued. But officials continue to say that this is a seasonal flu it is true that the flu this year is particularly severe, but not enough to cause death.

                              Djamel Chaghetmi, Director of Health, said during a conference at the headquarters of the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou no influenza viruses particularly virulent'''' at the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou is to report .

                              Chaghetmi said the flu caused by the H1N1 virus, included in the group of influenza Class A'' has become a seasonal flu vaccine is available and''. So, the Algerian authorities encourage citizens to get vaccinated against seasonal flu.

                              And they completely neglect the swine flu, for fear of causing panic among citizens. They do not cease to remember that the vaccine against seasonal flu is available in all wilayas, and until the end of the winter season.

                              But it is difficult to convince the Algerians to be vaccinated. We should also remember that people who suffer from chronic illnesses, children, the elderly, and pregnant women are most vulnerable to this disease and the risk of death is very high among them.

                              Remember, swine flu appeared, a few years ago, and has caused many deaths across the world. But, paradoxically, Algeria had been spared at this time. However, in 2013, it is quite the contrary, H1N1 seems to be giving back, but only in Algeria, where we are already the fourth victim.

                              The swine flu vaccine had caused a great hype. Many people believed that H1N1 is a conspiracy on the part of major laboratories worldwide to sell the vaccine, and that out of the economic crisis. But it is difficult to confirm anything, about this subject, since the investigations so far have brought nothing new.

                              From this point of view, all arguments are permitted, especially that Algeria is a country that has earned a reputation for spending, not to mention, when it comes to international markets.

                              Lamia Boufassa

