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GUINEA-BISSAU - Government Plan - Portuguese and English

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  • GUINEA-BISSAU - Government Plan - Portuguese and English

    Portuguese - Minist?rio da Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural - Minist?rio da Sa?de P?blica - Comit? Nacional de Preven??o e de Luta contra a Gripe Avi?ria - Plano Estrat?gico Nacional de Preven??o e de Luta contra a Gripe das Aves - Bissau, Mar?o 2006


    1 Introdu??o

    2 Contexto e justifica??o
    2.1 As disposi??es postas em pr?tica para prevenir uma eventual epidemia da gripe
    das aves na Guin?-Bissau
    2.2 Caracter?sticas da Gripe das Aves
    2.2.1 Defini??o
    2.2.2 Etiologia
    2.2.3 Modo de Transmiss?o
    2.2.4 Sinais cl?nicos
    2.2.5 Diagn?stico
    2.2.6 Reparti??o geogr?fica
    2.2.7 Meios de luta

    3 An?lise dos riscos da gripe das aves na Guin?-Bissau

    4 Objectivos do Plano
    4.1 Objectivo Geral
    4.2 Objectivos espec?ficos
    4.3 Resultados esperados
    4.4 Zonas de interven??o e dura??o

    5 Vigil?ncia e seguimento epidemiol?gico
    5.1 Vigil?ncia passiva
    5.2 Vigil?ncia activa

    6 Programa de forma??o e comunica??o
    6.1 Estrat?gias
    6.2 Forma??o
    6.3 Comunica??o

    7 Programa de urg?ncia de luta contra a gripe das aves
    7.1 Suspens?o tempor?ria das importa??es de aves
    7.2 Refor?o do controlo veterin?rio e m?dico nas fronteiras
    7.3 Profilaxia m?dica
    7.4 Profilaxia sanit?ria
    7.4.1 Antes do aparecimento da doen?a
    7.4.2 Em caso de aparecimento de focos da doen?a
    7.4.3 Em caso de aparecimento de focos de gripe das aves a n?vel das aves selvagens
    7.4.4 Em caso de contamina??o humana
    7.5 Fundo de indemniza??o em caso de abate sanit?rio
    7.6 Equipa de Interven??o urg?ncia

    8 Or?amento



    Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - Ministry of Public Health -
    National Committee of Prevention and Fight against Avian Flu - National Strategic Plan of Prevention and Fight against Avian Flu - Bissau, March 2006


    1 Introduction

    2 Context and justification
    2.1 Arrangements put into practice to prevent a possible epidemic of avian flu in
    2.2 Characteristics of the Avian Flu
    2.2.1 Definition
    2.2.2 Aetiology
    2.2.3 Mode of Transmission
    2.2.4 Clinical signs
    2.2.5 Diagnosis
    2.2.6 Geografical distribution
    2.2.7 Control measures

    3 Avian flu risk analysis in the Guinea-Bissau

    4 Plan Objectives
    4.1 General Objective
    4.2 Specific objectives
    4.3 Expected results
    4.4 Intervention zones and duration

    5 Epidemiological surveillance and follow up
    5.1 Passive surveillance
    5.2 Active surveillance

    6 Programme of education and communication
    6.1 Strategies
    6.2 Education
    6.3 Communication

    7 Emergency programme for the fight against avian flu
    7.1 Temporary suspension of poultry imports
    7.2 Strenghtening of the veterinary and medical control of the boarders
    7.3 Medical profilaxys
    7.4 Sanitary Profilaxys
    7.4.1 Before the disease introduction
    7.4.2 In case of appearance of focus of disease
    7.4.3 In case of introduction of avian flu focus at the level of wild birds
    7.4.4 In case of human contamination
    7.5 Compensation fund in case of sanitary slaughter
    7.6 Emergency Intervention team

    8 Budget