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DRC - Ituri: outbreak of skin disease? in the Tobola health area (Mambasa) - Yaws identified

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  • sharon sanders

    Yaws is a skin disease you get from the bacteria Treponema pallidum pertenue. You get it through contact with the broken skin of someone who has it. It causes skin growths that can spread and cause serious damage to your skin, bones and tissues if left untreated. Antibiotics can cure yaws but can’t reverse extensive damage.


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  • Pathfinder
    Translation Google

    Yaws, a disease that can lead to permanent deformation, comes to Mambasa

    AUGUST 1, 2024

    The disease of unknown origin that Mambasa has warned about has a name. Since the beginning of July, the head doctor of the Mambasa health zone has warned about ten cases of a disease of unknown origin in the health areas of Tobola and Makolo. This new threat to Mambasa is called Yaws.

    Yaws is a tropical disease caused by a bacterium, the treponema Treponema pallidum pertenue. It is a chronic non-venereal infection that is not fatal, but can lead to permanent mutilation or deformation since it affects the bones, joints, cartilage as well as chronic infections.

    As of July 10, the occurrence of the wound was rather close to Bululi ulcer. Out of 10 samples taken from two categories, the analysis done at the RPR was positive for 6 cases, announced in Bunia, on Tuesday, July 30, the head of the Provincial Health Division. After the clinical assessment, the argument weighed more on Yaws than Bululi ulcer.
    Verite Johnson

      La maladie d'origine inconnue dont Mambasa a alerté sur l'existence a un nom. Depuis début juillet, le médecin chef de zone de santé de Mambasa a

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  • DRC - Ituri: outbreak of skin disease? in the Tobola health area (Mambasa) - Yaws identified

    Translation Google

    Ituri: An “epidemic of wounds” reported in the Tobola health area (Mambasa)

    By : actu7
    July 13, 2024

    A kind of plague epidemic is hitting several rural villages in the Tobola health area, in the Mambasa health zone, in Ituri province. A local organization that is warning of this "epidemic" is calling on the relevant authorities to act urgently.

    According to the coordinator of the non-governmental organization Action for Peace and Integral Development (ApidDRC), several dozen villagers have gaping wounds on their bodies, especially on the lower limbs. Quoting the victims, Trésor Anditaji reports that these wounds appear, in the first phase, like galls. Once scratched, they degenerate. Trésor Anditaji calls on the health authorities to look into this issue.

    "(…) The situation is very alarming. After a raid on four camps far from each other, we found residents completely stunned and almost abandoned with gaping wounds. Some whose lower limbs are attacked by these wounds, can no longer walk and therefore their life becomes complicated (…) We call on the health authorities to take this threat very seriously, to conduct a mission in this area as soon as possible", declared Trésor Anditaji during his address to the press.

    No medical source has yet commented on this illness, which is more akin to a "bubonic epidemic". The next few hours will be decisive...

    Andy Kambale Matuku, in Mambasa

    Une sorte d'épidémie des plaies frappe plusieurs villages champêtres de l'aire de santé de Tobola, dans la zone de santé de Mambasa, dans la province de

    Action for Peace and Integral Development Democratic Republic of Congo
    Health Alarm Cries for the Pygmies of BETANANA Village This Friday 07/12/2024

    Dear community members and health authorities, We, at the NGO ApidDRC, are sounding an urgent cry of alarm regarding the critical situation within the BETANANA village, located in the Mambasa health zone, TOBOLA health area. The inhabitants, including children, women and men, are seriously affected by a series of skin diseases whose origin remains unknown. From a certain time, our teams on the ground have observed an alarming increase in cases of skin diseases among the local population. The symptoms include persistent plagues, severe infections and a general deterioration of health in many individuals. Children, in particular, are among the most vulnerable and suffer devastating consequences on their physical well-being and development.
    This situation does not allow victims to practice their subsistence activities of hunting, fishing and gathering for the survival of their homes. GnTkRaZG76FHkFxmgHNwhVYUYzsLWNNJUnJTPgAVvKWZGol&id =100084820519991&locale=cs_CZ·