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South Korea COVID-19 Cases - 22,055 cases; 331 deaths

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    46 additional cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Korea
    • Date2020-02-23 17:42
    • Update2020-02-23 17:42
    • DivisionDivision of Risk Assessment and International Cooperation
    • Tel043-719-7553
    • 1,615

    As of 16:00, 23 February, 2020, 46 additional cases have been confirmed, compared to this morning (09:00, 23 February).
    (since 3 January)
    Confirmed cases
    Suspected cases
    being tested
    tested negative
    As of 09:00, 23 Feb.
    As of 16:00, 23 Feb.
    * The 38thcase, a Korean female, born in 1963, is linked with Shincheonji(Regious sect). The cause of death(date: Feb. 23) is under investigation

    The 46 newly confirmed cases are classified into the clusters as follows.
    (Religious sect)
    Under investigation
    The interim classification is based on the reporting location, which may change according to the further epidemiological investigation.


    • 'Corona 19' medical staff continues to infect… Risk of secondary damage, including emergency patients (general)

      2020.02.23 20:30
      As the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) spreads across the country, the damage of medical workers working on the front lines to stop corona 19 is continuing.

      Cases of secondary and third-stage infections of medical personnel in the situation where the emergency departments and related facilities of major hospitals and clinics where the medical staff who visited or contacted the corona were visited were closed, and the local emergency medical system was disturbed. The voice of concern is growing as it continues.
      Currently, among 99 workers including Daenam Hospital medical staff, 46 are self-isolating and 53 are treating general patients at the hospital.

      In fact, half of the medical staff is a collateral emergency in which patients cannot be cared for.

      In response, the Central Accident and Remediation Headquarters has decided to convert Qingdao Daenam Hospital into a quarantine quarantine treatment hospital and introduce medical personnel and respiratory physicians at the National Mental Health Center.


      • Corona 19 alarm 'severe'… Influence on daily life such as limiting large-scale events

        Edit 2020.02.23 20:46
        Avoiding domestic and foreign travel products… Aircraft and passenger ship operations can also be adjusted.
        The government has actually raised the crisis alert to the critical stage, and established the Central Disaster Safety Countermeasure headquartered by the Prime Minister to establish a pan-governmental response system and postpone the opening of elementary and secondary schools nationwide for a week. Went out.

        According to the Infectious Disease Risk Management Standard Manual, the Ministry of Education considers school closures, suspensions and school closures at the critical stage.

        The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism can prohibit large-scale events and take measures to demand the suppression of domestic and international travel products.

        The Department of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport may coordinate aircraft reductions or operations.

        It is also possible to restrict the operation of railways, public transportation and cargo.

        The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries may reduce passenger ships, adjust operations or restrict ship operations.

        Immigration restrictions on foreign sailors are also available.

        In addition, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety will encourage the production of treatment for infectious diseases, and the Ministry of Strategy and Finance will organize and support the national budget for responding to infectious diseases.

        First of all, the central disaster safety countermeasures department may restrict the use of multi-dense facilities or group events to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

        The Central Disaster Safety Response Headquarters can make quick decisions on the service, environment and activities of schools, businesses, public and private organizations.


        • (8th LD) S. Korea ups alert to highest level as virus cases spike to 602, death toll at 6

          National 22:49 February 23, 2020
          The sixth victim of the novel virus was a patient at Daenam Hospital in the southeastern city of Cheongdo, where the country's first COVID-19 fatality took place and more than 110 people, including nine medical staff, were found to be infected.

          The 59-year-old man was confirmed to be infected on Wednesday and died at Dongguk University in Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang Province, while being treated for the disease.

          The fifth death was reported from the southeastern city of Daegu, where more than 300 people traced to church services are confirmed to have contracted the virus.

          The 56-year-old woman died at Kyungpook National University Hospital, while being treated for the novel coronavirus.

          The fourth victim was confirmed to be infected on Wednesday. The 57-year-old patient suffered from serious pneumonia before being infected with the virus.


          • USFK COVID-19: Updated February 23, 2020

            By USFK Public Affairs | Feb. 23, 2020
            USFK Update:

            February 23, 2020 at 6:45 p.m.

            South Korea has reported the COVID-19 virus has been confirmed in 17 major provinces and cities, including Seoul, Daegu, Busan, Chinhae and now Pyeongtaek - all cities that are near USFK military bases - and has raised the virus alert level to "serious," the highest in their four-tier system.

            The following Pyeongtaek locations are off-limits as they were known visitation spots of the confirmed patient: Champon Time Restaurant (짬뽕타임), McDonald’s Pyeongtaek SK Branch(맥도날드평택SK점), Hyundai Hyangchon Mart(현대 향촌마트), Nogaldae Potato Soup Restaurant(노걸대감자탕경기평택점) and Hill & Top Sports Climbing(힐앤토클라이밍).

            As previous stated, USFK has implemented strong preventative control measures, and wants to ensure everyone is doing their part to help control the virus spread:

            Follow and practice strict hygiene procedures including wash hands often with soap and water, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available, avoid touching your face or eyes with unwashed hands, cough or sneeze into your sleeve or elbow and not hands, avoid handshaking, clean frequently used common areas, and most importantly, if you are feeling sick or ill, stay home - do not go to work or school - avoid exposure with others and seek medical treatment.

            February 23, 2020 at 3:30 p.m.

            There remains zero confirmed cases of USFK personnel with COVID-19 despite the rise in confirmed South Korean cases to more than 550 patients. USFK leadership and staff have strong preventative control measures in place.

            Out of a strong abundance of caution and utilizing the USFK Commander's authorities to protect the force, the risk for USFK peninsula-wide personnel and installations remains MODERATE. Use the following health protection measures when the risk is MODERATE:

            - Avoid handshaking and close of unnecessary contact with others
            - Avoid large groups
            - Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available
            - Clean all common-use items
            - Avoid travel or contact with others while sick
            - if feeling sick or ill, avoid going to work, school or exposure to large gatherings and seek medical treatment

            Good hygiene practice is the best preventive measure to controlling the spread of viruses. We must protect the force and our community by maintaining our "Fight Tonight" readiness!



            • US soldiers fighting to keep virus from base at ground zero of South Korean crisis

              • By KIM GAMEL | STARS AND STRIPESPublished: February 23, 2020

              CAMP WALKER, South Korea — U.S. soldiers wearing face masks and gloves wielded thermometers instead of guns as the military fought to keep a deadly virus from spreading to this base in the middle of South Korea’s hardest-hit area.

              The central government raised the alert to its highest level on Sunday as the number of confirmed cases of the new coronavirus soared past 600, with five deaths.

              The outbreak has spread rapidly since hitting the southeastern city of Daegu and surrounding areas last week, prompting growing concern for the local Army garrison with more than 9,000 American soldiers, family members and other personnel.

              Soldiers have been banned from nonessential off-post travel to and from the base, and were told Sunday not to shake hands with anyone.
              Civilians have been encouraged to follow the same guidance. Base entry restrictions have been tightened to forbid most visitors, although authorized South Koreans were allowed to come to work.

              Col. Edward Ballanco, the garrison’s commander, said precautions were necessary but there was no reason to panic.

              “We don’t know of a single American or Korean who has tested positive who has stepped foot on a U.S. installation,” he told Stars and Stripes during an interview at his office on Saturday. “And that remains true here in Daegu, even with the outbreak.”

              The garrison, which oversees Camp Walker and several other installations in the region, also has implemented health checks at the gates. Soldiers screen all entrants with a questionnaire about possible exposure to the respiratory virus and temperature checks.

              However, the military lacks the ability to do its own testing for coronavirus on post so suspected cases have to be sent to local hospitals.

              Officials were struggling to facilitate the needs of a community finding itself essentially on lockdown.

              Face masks with the ability to filter pathogens were disappearing from the shelves of base stores within an hour of delivery.

              Schools that were shuttered last week were to remain closed at least through Friday as a precautionary measure, the Department of Defense Education Activity said late Sunday. Ballanco said earlier that online classes were being considered as an alternative.

              Chaplains held virtual church s...



              • Originally posted by Commonground View Post
                In response, the Central Accident and Remediation Headquarters has decided to convert Qingdao Daenam Hospital into a quarantine quarantine treatment hospital and introduce medical personnel and respiratory physicians at the National Mental Health Center.


                The government plans to move up to four hospitals dedicated to infectious diseases (Andong, Pohang, Gimcheon, Uljin Medical Center) in Daegu-Gyeongbuk to secure up to 900 beds. In addition, it decided to secure 10,000 beds by designating a dedicated hospital for each treatment of mild patients. Park Nung-hoo, Minister of Health and Welfare, said, "A week to 10 days will be a significant factor that will determine the spread of Corona 19."
                As of 11 pm on the 23rd, there were 618 patients with Corona19. About 300 of these were found to be related to the Sincheonji Jesus Bridge (Shincheonji). According to Daegu City, more than 1,200 people in the Shinchon area said they had suspected symptoms. As the test progresses, the number of confirmed patients will increase. In addition, the first child to confirm infants and infants, including 16 months and 4 years old girls. The death toll increased to six. One of these patients was unknown in the outbreak network.


                • from the above link:

                  According to Kyungnam-do on the 23rd, doctors and nurses were confirmed corona19 for two consecutive days at Hanyang University Hanyang Changwon Hospital.

                  After the nurse was confirmed the first day before, the doctor who had contacted the nurse in the hospital also showed positive corona19 on the final test.

                  Hospital infections were virtually paralyzed when medical staff were infected.

                  In Daegu and Qingdao, where a large number of confirmed patients existed, medical staff infections were probably a serious problem.

                  At Daegu Catholic University Hospital, he was confirmed as a Corona19 doctor after a nurse.

                  The doctor was found to have been infected while working in the same ward as a nurse who was diagnosed with Shincheonji on the 20th.

                  The hospital self-contained all 13 doctors and 47 nurses who contacted the examiner and quarantined the building.

                  At the South Nam Hospital in Qingdao, Gyeongsangbuk-do, where four people died, four nurses and three caregivers were confirmed.


                  • The Korea Herald

                    [Breaking] South Korea reports 161 more cases of new coronavirus, total now at 763
                    "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."


                    • Cumulative: 763 cases and 7 deaths

                      코로나바이러스감염증-19 국내 발생 현황(일일집계통계, 9시 기준)
                      • 작성일2020-02-24
                      • 최종수정일2020-02-24
                      • 담당부서중앙방역대책본부 총괄팀
                      • 연락처043-719-9064
                      • 43,794

                      코로나바이러스감염증-19 국내 발생 현황(9시 기준)

                      □ 질병관리본부 중앙방역대책본부(본부장 정은경)는 ‘20년 2월 24일 09시 현재, 전일 16시 대비 확진환자 161명이 추가로 확인되었다고 밝혔다.

                      < 참고. 국내 신고 및 관리 현황 (2.24일 09시 기준, 1.3일 이후 누계) >

                      구분 총계 확진환자현황 검사현황
                      격리해제 격리 중 사망 검사 중 결과 음성

                      16시 기준
                      26,179 602 18 579 5 25,577 8,057 17,520

                      09시 기준
                      28,615 763 18 738 7 27,852 8,725 19,127
                      증감 +2,436 +161 0 +159 +2* +2,275 +668 +1,607

                      * 2.23일 사망 (55번째 환자, 1961년생 남자, 청도 대남병원 관련 사례, 사망 관련성 조사 중



                      • (LEAD) S. Korea reports 7th death from coronavirus

                        All Headlines 10:47 February 24, 2020
                        (ATTN: ADDS details in last 5 paras)

                        SEOUL, Feb. 24 (Yonhap) -- South Korea has reported one more death from the new coronavirus that emerged in China, bringing the nation's death toll to 7.

                        A 62-year-old man, who is tied to a hospital in the southeastern county of Cheongdo, died of the virus on Sunday, health authorities said.

                        Over 110 people including nine medical staff, at the Daenam Hospital have been confirmed to be infected with COVID-19, with five victims of the potentially fatal illness reported or linked to the hospital, which has been in cohort isolation to stem further spread.


                        • Source:

                          Han Jun's new crown virus confirmed cases increased to 11
                          Scrolls February 24, 2020 10:37

                          South Korea's Yonhap News Agency, February 24. South Korea's Ministry of National Defense stated on the 24th that as of 8:00 am on the same day, the number of confirmed cases of infection with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) by the South Korean troops was 4 more than the previous afternoon, and the cumulative diagnosis increased to 11 8 Army, 1 Navy, 1 Air Force, 1 Marine Corps.

                          The previous day, three soldiers of the Pocheon Army Forces in Gyeonggi-do and one cadre of the Daegu Army Forces were diagnosed with the new crown virus. It is speculated that these four cases should have been infected by other confirmed persons in the camp. In view of the characteristics of collective life, once cross-infection occurs in the army, it can easily evolve into a collective infection, causing concern among all parties. People from the Ministry of National Defense said that the four new cases were currently in quarantine due to close contact with those diagnosed in the army, and epidemiological investigations are needed for cross infection.

                          Han Jun's first confirmed patient was a soldier working in the Jeju Naval Force. He was diagnosed 20 days after leaving for Daegu to return to Jeju and return to the team. As of the 23rd, a total of more than 7,700 people have been quarantined. (Finish)


                          • Corona 19 Confirmation 833 people… 8th death


                            The Central Defense Response Headquarters reported that the number of new Corona 19 patients increased by 70 from 9 am as of 4 pm. A total of 231 new patients were added that day, including 161 am, and the number of domestic patients increased to 833. In addition, one patient was being treated at Kyungpook National University Hospital. It is the eighth in Korea.

                            Among the total confirmed patients, the number of patients in Daegu and Gyeongbuk increased to 681. The number of confirmed Shincheon Daegu Churches was 456 as of this morning. The association of new patients in the afternoon has not been confirmed.

                            Four patients, 9, 13, 15, and 20, were cured and released from containment, increasing to 22.

                            The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals the status of new corona patients twice a day at 10 am (9 am) and 5 pm (4 pm). By Kim Hee-guk

                            중앙방역대책본부(방대본)는 24일 오후 4시 기준 코로나19 신규환자가 오전 9시보다 70명 증가했다고 밝혔다. 오전 161명을 포함해 이날 하루 신규환자는 총..


                            • Translation: [2 reports] Health authority "one more death from Kyungpook National University Hospital… related to South Nam Hospital"

                              Enter 2020.02.24 17:45 Edit 2020.02.24 17:45

                              Another patient who was confirmed for a new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) and was inpatient at Daegu Kyungpook National University Hospital died.

                              Health authorities said the patient died at 4:11 pm.

                              The patient is reported to be related to Qingdao Daenam Hospital.

                              If the patient is officially identified as a Corona 19-related patient, he will be the 8th corona 19-related death in Korea.

                              /yunhap news


                              • CNN: Novel coronavirus cases top 79,000 amid worsening outbreaks in South Korea and Italy

                                Updated 0939 GMT (1739 HKT) February 24, 2020

                                South Korea's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced on Monday that 70 additional coronavirus cases have been confirmed, bringing the country's total to 833.

                                Chinese President Xi Jinping has warned the novel coronavirus is the worst public health crisis facing the country since its founding, as new outbreaks continued to expand in South Korea and Italy, raising fears of a global pandemic.

