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South Korea COVID-19 Cases - 22,055 cases; 331 deaths
Coronavirus Infection-19 Domestic Outbreak Status (As of March 16, 00:00)
Created 2020-03-16
Last modified date 2020-03-16
Department in charge Central Management Team
Contact 043-719-9064
Coronavirus Infection-19 Domestic Outbreak Status (As of March 16, 00:00)
□ The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Headquarters for Disease Control and Prevention (Director Eun-Kyung Jeong) announced that as of March 16, 0, the total number of confirmed patients was 8,236, of which 1,137 were quarantined. The number of new confirmed patients was 74, and the number of patients who were in quarantine decreased as the number of releases increased by 303.
Coronavirus Infection-19 Domestic Outbreak Status (As of March 17, 00:00)
Created 2020-03-17
Last modified date 2020-03-17
Department Central Defense Headquarters chonggwaltim
Contact 043-719-9064
Coronavirus Infection-19 Domestic Outbreak Status (As of March 17, 00:00)
□ The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Headquarters for Disease Control and Prevention (Director Eun-Kyung Jung) announced that as of March 17, 0,320, the total number of confirmed patients was 8,320. The number of new confirmed patients was 84, and the number of patients in quarantine decreased as the number of quarantine releases increased by 264.
In South Korea, an incident of corona spread to 46 people with holy water sprayed in a church.
Registered: Mar 17, 2020 16:43 PM
...On March 8, a special ceremony was held at the church in Seongnam, South Korea, to prevent coronation. 90 people attended and worshiped. At the end of the worship, everyone was given the same bottle of holy water. It is said that the bottle was asked to pour the holy water into the mouth.
At this point the walkers became ill. Tests have been conducted on sick people as the corona spreads around the world. In the end, the government has announced that Corona's impact has been confirmed to 46 people, including his wife, who is one of the victims.
Number Of Confirmed COVID-19 Cases In South Korea Rises By 152 To 8,565 - KCDC
Fahad Shabbir 15 minutes ago Thu 19th March 2020 | 07:10 AM
SEOUL (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 19th March, 2020) The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in South Korea has risen by 152 to 8,565 over the past day, the Health Ministry's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) said on Thursday.
The death toll has risen from 84 to 91 within the same period of time, according to the KCDC...
Coronavirus Infection-19 Domestic Outbreak Status (As of March 19, 00:00)
Created 2020-03-19
Last Modified Date 2020-03-19
Department's Central Defense Response Headquarters General Team
Contact 043-719-9064
Coronavirus Infection-19 Domestic Outbreak Status (As of March 19, 00:00)
□ The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Headquarters for Disease Control and Prevention (Director Eun-Kyung Jung) announced that as of March 19 at 00:00, the total cumulative number of confirmed patients was 8,565, of which 1,947 were quarantined. The number of new confirmed patients was 152, and the number of patients in quarantine decreased as the number of quarantine increased by 407.
New clusters of Chinese coronavirus emerged in Seoul and Daegu this week, sparking fears of a resurgence in cases in South Korea.
Gyeonggi Province — which surrounds Seoul, South Korea’s capital and most populous city — reported 15 new cases of the virus on Wednesday, raising the total number in the province to 277. Daegu, a southeastern city at the epicenter of the nation’s outbreak, reported 70 new infections at a nursing home this week....
S.Korea reports 147 new infections of coronavirus, 8 more deaths
March 21, 2020 (Mainichi Japan)
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- South Korea has reported 147 new infections of the coronavirus and eight more deaths, bringing its totals to 8,799 cases and 102 deaths.
South Korea's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said 327,509 people have been tested for COVID-19 as of Saturday and 2,612 people have been released from hospitals.
The country's infections have slowed from early March, when it reported around 500 new cases per day, mostly from the worst-hit city of Daegu and surrounding areas in the country's southeast...
Coronavirus Infection-19 Domestic Outbreak Status (Regular Briefing)
□ The Center for Disease Control and Prevention at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Director Eun Kyung Jung) announced that as of March 21, 0, the total number of confirmed patients was 8,799, of which 2,612 were quarantined. The number of new confirmed patients was 147, and the number of quarantine releases increased by 379.
South Korea has displayed some significant amount of "catch up" mortality. At the height of the outbreak the apparent cfr was 0.6-0.7%, but as the number of new cases drops and the lagging deaths catch up, this has risen to 1.2%. - Ro
Twitter: @RonanKelly13
The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.
New virus infections up again; cluster outbreaks, imported cases in focus
March 21, 2020
SEOUL, March 21 (Yonhap) -- South Korea saw a slight uptick in daily new infections of the novel coronavirus on Saturday as the country braced for sporadic cluster infections and a rise in imported cases.
The 147 new cases, which were detected Friday, brought the nation's total infections to 8,799, according to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC). It was so far the second highest number of new cases this week following 152 new cases identified on Wednesday.
Of the 147 new cases, 69 are in Daegu and 40 are in North Gyeongsang, the KCDC said. The total number of confirmed cases in Daegu and North Gyeongsang, the two epicenters of the virus outbreak here, stood at 6,344 and 1,243, respectively.
Other major provinces and cities have also reported some infections, with Seoul identifying 15 additional cases and its surrounding Gyeonggi Province adding 12 more cases.
The country's death toll has surpassed 100 since it reported its first fatality a month ago.
As of 2 p.m., 104 people, mostly elderly patients with underlying illnesses, have died from the respiratory virus that emerged in China late last year, the KCDC said, adding that 62 virus patients are currently in critical condition.
About 57 percent of the country's confirmed cases have been linked to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus religious sect here.
The pace of daily new infections has shown marked signs of slowing since the second week of this month as health authorities completed extensive testing of 210,000 Shincheonji followers at the center of the rapid spread.
But the authorities are still on high alert over new clusters of infections, including at a call center in Seoul's Guro district and nursing hospitals in Daegu and surrounding North Gyeongsang Province.
Clusters of infections accounted for 80.7 percent of the total confirmed cases.
The KCDC said so far 148 cases have been founded to be linked to the call center in Seoul's Guro Ward, while 42 cases have been tied to Bundang Jesaeng Hospital in Seongnam, south of Seoul.
A total of 64 people have been infected at a nursing hospital in Daegu's Dalseong County, including 54 new cases identified on Friday. A nursing hospital in Gyeongsan, North Gyeongsang Province, has so far reported 35 cases.
With cluster infections continue to emerge, South Korean Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun released a public message strongly urging people to suspend religious events and halt the operation of indoor sports and entertainment facilities for the next 15 days.
He added that the government could issue an administrative order to ban mass gatherings if its guidelines are not followed.
The total number of imported virus cases rose by six to 23.
To better control imported cases, South Korea will require all arrivals from European nations to get tested for the virus and self-isolate for two weeks starting Sunday, even if they receive negative test results. South Korea already tightened border checks for all people coming from abroad earlier this week.
Yoon Tae-ho, a senior health ministry official who is in charge of containment measures, said the government has prepared temporary shelters that can house a total of 1,000 travelers from Europe where they can stay and wait for test results.
South Korea has yet to consider conducting virus tests on arrivals from North American regions where COVID-19 cases are increasing rapidly.
Of the 80 people who arrived in South Korea on Thursday from virus-hit Iran, one tested positive for COVID-19 and was transferred to a hospital, according to Yoon. Other 79 evacuees were ordered to self-isolate at a temporary shelter in Seongnam, south of Seoul, he said.....
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea reported 98 new coronavirus cases on Sunday, maintaining a downward trend in daily infections, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.
The daily tally brought national infections to 8,897 while the death toll remained unchanged at 104. It marked the 11th day in a row the country has posted new infections of around 100, compared with the peak of 909 cases recorded on Feb. 29.
But Seoul officials urged facilities to stay closed and citizens to maintain social distancing, as concerns of imported cases and new outbreaks around small clusters persisted.
Of the new cases, 43 were from the hardest-hit city of Daegu, while 26 were traced to the greater Seoul area where small outbreaks from hospitals and workplaces have been reported.
"The only security we have is our ability to adapt."
○ As of 0:00, 23 March 2020, a total of 8,961 cases (including 144 imported cases) have been confirmed, of which 3,166 cases have been discharged from isolation. Newly confirmed cases are 64 in total.
○ Epidemiological links have been found for 81.1% of the total cases; 18.9% are either under investigation or sporadic cases. More details on the epidemiological links within each province or city are shown in Table 2.
○ From Guro-gu call center in Seoul, 4 additional cases (11th floor = 1; contacts = 3) were confirmed. The current total is 156 confirmed cases since 8 March. (11th floor = 94; 10th floor = 2; 9th floor = 1; contacts = 59)
○ From Grace River Church in Gyeonggi Province, 4 additional cases were confirmed. The current total is 70 confirmed cases since 9 March. Investigation on recently visited locations and contact tracing of the newly confirmed cases is underway.
○ In Daegu, testing has been completed for every person at high-risk facilities. On 22 March, 4 additional cases were confirmed from 2 convalescent hospitals.
○ Starting 22 March, the KCDC is conducting COVID-19 diagnostic testing for every inbound traveler entering from Europe. On the first day (22 March), of the 1,442 inbound travelers from Europe, 152 were symptomatic and were quarantined and tested at airport quarantine facility. The other 1,290 travelers were asymptomatic and were moved to a temporary living facility to be tested, 6 of whom returned home after their test results returned negative at 19:00 yesterday. Remaining test results are pending. Travelers who test negative will enter home quarantine (Korean citizens and foreigners with domestic residence) or strengthened active monitoring (foreigners on a short-term trip). Confirmed but mild cases will be transferred to Life Treatment Centers. Severe confirmed cases will be transferred to hospitals by emergency transportation. Travel histories of all inbound travelers will be provided to healthcare providers via the International Traveler Information System (DUR/ITS) for reference.
○ Noting that 14 of the 64 (21.9%) new confirmed cases are imported cases, the KCDC urged international travelers to practice extra caution and care. The KCDC strongly recommended that all non-urgent international travel plans be canceled or postponed. Persons who are unable to avoid traveling for a critical reason are advised to refrain from visiting any enclosed facilities or healthcare facilities. Upon entering Korea, they should voluntarily disclose any symptoms and their international travel history and follow appropriate guidelines and instructions, including minimizing movement and physical interpersonal contact for 14 days.
○ Any person who suspect onset of COVID-19 symptoms are advised to call the KCDC call center (1339) or local call centers (area code + 120), ask a local public health center, or visit a screening facility, before visiting a regular healthcare provider directly. All persons who visit a screening center should arrive wearing a mask and in their own car if possible, and disclose their international travel history to the healthcare professionals.
○ The KCDC also advised employers to ensure that employees returning from international business trips do not return to their office for the first 2 weeks upon their return.
○ In light of the continued emergence of outbreaks in various venues such as religious facilities and workplaces, the KCDC urged everyone to participate in enhanced social distancing campaign for the next 15 days (22 March – 5 April). Citizens are advised to stay home as much as possible other than for going to work, visiting a healthcare provider, and purchasing necessities. Working citizens are asked to maintain a distance during lunch breaks, refrain from using break rooms and other social venues, and pay closer attention to maintaining personal hygiene (e.g. washing hands). Employers are advised to implement various methods of minimizing person-to-person contact for employees, such as work-from-home and flexible hours systems. Those who show symptoms should be advised not to show up at work. Workers who develop symptoms mid-day should be sent home immediately. The government has limited the operation of high-risk facilities including religious facilities, some indoor fitness facilities, and nightlife venues. Venues that remain in operation must strictly adhere to infection prevention measures (e.g. disinfecting, ventilation, distancing, mask wearing) set by the authorities.
○ The KCDC thanked Korean citizens for their active cooperation in the efforts to prevent and limit the transmission of COVID-19 and asked citizens to participate in the concentrated social distancing campaign until 5 April.
○ Citing the recent incidents of misinformed use of salt water sprays and methanol, the KCDC stated that the spread of COVID-19-related misinformation (“infodemic”) is posing a threat to the safety of citizens and stressed that it is important to check the reliability of the sources of the information they receive from word of mouth, social media, online videos and forums, and news media. The KCDC asked citizens who come across suspicious COVID-19-related information to check the sources of information and confirm the validity of information by utilizing resources such as official websites of KCDC and the Ministry of Health and Welfare and infectious disease call center (1339).
○ As part of the 15-day enhanced social distancing measures for 22 March – 5 April, starting today, the daily afternoon press briefings will be conducted without face-to-face interaction. During the question and answer time, reporters will ask questions via online group chat room. The questions will be delivered in real time and will be answered verbally during the briefing session as much as possible in a continued effort to maintain transparent communication.
Twitter: @RonanKelly13
The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.