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P.E.I. confirms first case of COVID-19
Brandon Young
Web Writer
...In a tweet, the Government of PEI confirmed the province had its first positive case of COVID-19, announcing that the case involves a woman who returned from travelling...
P.E.I. identifies third case of COVID-19
Allan April
Videojournalist/Web Writer
Published Sunday, March 22, 2020 5:13PM ADT Last Updated Sunday, March 22, 2020 5:48PM ADT P.E.I. identifies third case of COVID-19
HALIFAX -- Prince Edward Island has identified a third positive case of COVID-19, chief public health officer Dr. Heather Morrison announced during a press conference on Sunday.
All three cases have been travel related. The latest case is a woman in her 20's from Queens County, who had been travelling Spain and arrived back in Canada on March 14, flying into Toronto.
Morrison says the woman self isolated in a hotel upon arriving in Toronto, and on March 16 she flew from Toronto to Moncton on WestJet flight 3456, which left Toronto at 8:35 a.m. and arrived in Moncton at 12:05 p.m. The woman then drove to P.E.I. and when she arrived home was self-isolated and tested...
Morrison expects rise in hospitalizations from COVID-19, urges continued social distancing
Stu Neatby
Published: 3 hours ago
Updated: 17 minutes ago
Although the number of cases of coronavirus (COVID-19 strain) in P.E.I. remained at three on Tuesday, Chief Health Officer Heather Morrison said she expects the numbers to rise.
Morrison repeated the importance of self-isolation for international and inter-provincial travelers and of social distancing for all. She said if Islanders are able to keep up these measures, it will limit the number of cases of the coronavirus locally....
NL Surpasses 100 COVID-19 Cases, One Person Hospitalized in Eastern Region
March 27, 2020 03:07 pm
P.E.I.'s top doctor recommends schools remain closed until at least May 11
Leigha Farnell
Published Friday, March 27, 2020 1:55PM ADT Last Updated Friday, March 27, 2020 3:08PM ADT
As of Friday, the total number of COVID-19 cases on the island is nine.
HALIFAX -- Dr. Heather Morrison, Prince Edward Island’s chief public health officer, says there are no new cases of COVID-19 to report at this time.
While there are still only nine cases of COVID-19 on the island, Morrison is recommending that schools remain closed until at least May.
"Today I'm recommending to government that schools stay closed until, at a minimum, May 11, for in-person learning, and this will be re-evaluated as we get closer to that date,” said Morrison during a news conference Friday...
7 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed on P.E.I. bringing total to 18
Nearly 600 tests come back negative
Sam Juric ? CBC News ? Posted: Mar 30, 2020 12:41 PM AT | Last Updated: 21 minutes ago
Seven new cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed on P.E.I. bringing the total to 18, chief public health officer Dr. Heather Morrison said at Monday's afternoon briefing.
The new cases are four women and three men ranging in age from their 20s to 70s.
"As we continue to see our numbers in P.E.I. grow I will continue to stress the importance of social distancing, physical distancing and self-isolation," Morrison said.
She said nearly 600 tests have come back negative...
3 new positive COVID-19 cases bring P.E.I. total to 21
All 3 related to international travel, and all have been self-isolating
Shane Ross ? CBC News ? Posted: Mar 31, 2020 1:00 PM AT | Last Updated: 7 minutes ago
Dr. Heather Morrison, P.E.I.'s chief public health officer, has announced three new cases of COVID-19, bringing the total to 21 on the Island.
All three are related to international travel, and all have been self-isolating, Morrison said during a briefing on Tuesday.
One is a man in his 20s, one is a woman in her 30s and one a woman in her 40s...
Total of 22 COVID-19 cases now confirmed on P.E.I. with 1 new case Thursday
The new case is related to international travel and is self-isolating
Sam Juric ? CBC News ? Posted: Apr 02, 2020 12:15 PM AT | Last Updated: 30 minutes ago
One new case of COVID-19 has been confirmed on P.E.I., bringing the total to 22, said chief public health officer Dr. Heather Morrison in a news briefing Thursday afternoon.
The new case is related to international travel. The Queens County man is in his 50s and is self-isolating..
3 new cases of COVID-19 on P.E.I., including 1st case related to interprovincial travel
P.E.I.'s chief public health officer says the province has received 449 negative tests back
Tony Davis, Nicola MacLeod ? CBC News ? Posted: Apr 08, 2020 12:32 PM AT | Last Updated: an hour ago
There are three new cases of COVID-19 on Prince Edward Island, P.E.I.'s chief public health officer Dr. Heather Morrison said at Wednesday's two news briefings.
Morrison said two of the new cases — a man in his 20s and a woman in her 70s — are related to international travel and self-isolated when they returned. The third case is a man in his 50s and is the province's first case related to interprovincial travel.
The chief public health officer said all three cases are at home and doing well.
The province received 449 negative cases back from the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg. There have been 25 cases in total on P.E.I. with 17 cases considered recovered.
"I think we all are breathing a sigh of relief with these results in many ways, because it again currently indicates there is no widespread community transmission on P.E.I.," she said...