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Alberta: COVID-19 cases - 15,093 cases; 247 deaths

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  • Alberta: COVID-19 cases - 15,093 cases; 247 deaths


    Alberta reports first presumptive case of COVID-19
    News conference scheduled for Alberta legislature at 5:30 p.m.
    CBC News ? Posted: Mar 05, 2020 4:58 PM MT | Last Updated: 22 minutes ago

    Alberta has reported its first presumptive case of COVID-19, also known as the novel coronavirus, the provincial government said Thursday afternoon.

    Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta's chief medical officer of health, will provide an update on the case at 5:30 p.m. Thursday in a news conference at the Alberta legislature...

  • #2

    Alberta confirms second presumptive COVID-19 case; two Calgary ATB branches closed
    Sammy Hudes
    Updated: March 6, 2020

    A second presumptive case of coronavirus has been identified in Alberta, Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Deena Hinshaw said late Friday afternoon.

    The man in his 40s is from the Edmonton Zone, which extends throughout Alberta’s capital region. He returned to Canada on Feb. 28 following a business trip to the U.S., including visits to Illinois, Michigan and Ohio.

    “This person had a travel-related infection,” said Hinshaw.

    Meanwhile, Alberta’s first presumptive case of the virus, a woman in her 50s who is believed to have contracted COVID-19 while aboard the Grand Princess cruise ship in California, was identified Friday as an ATB Financial employee who lives in the City of Calgary...


    • #3
      Two new presumptive COVID-19 cases in Alberta

      Alberta’s chief medical officer of health has announced the province’s third and fourth presumptive cases of novel coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19.

      One case is a male in his sixties who lives in the Edmonton zone, while the other is a woman in her thirties from the Calgary zone.

      Both cases are travel-related and they are recovering in isolation at home with support from public health officials.

      “I want Albertans to understand that our public health measures are doing precisely what they were intended to do: detect new cases and take immediate action. These individuals have been isolated and actions are being taken to prevent the infection from spreading. Given the global spread of COVID-19, it is likely that new cases will continue to be detected in the days ahead. While the current risk of exposure to the virus remains low in Alberta, this may change in the coming weeks.” Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of Health

      “The health system is taking every available measure to respond to COVID-19. This is a very fast moving, constantly changing situation, but Alberta is working closely with the rest of Canada to protect the public health. I want to express my deep appreciation for the many health-care providers who are mobilizing to address the risks of COVID-19.” Tyler Shandro, Minister of Health

      The third presumed case of COVID-19 is a man who had recently been on a Grand Princess Cruise before returning to Alberta on Feb. 21.

      The fourth presumed case is a close contact of someone who had recently travelled in Europe, including visits to Ukraine, Turkey and the Netherlands.

      Public health investigations into these new cases have already begun. Close contacts are being identified and asked to self-isolate for 14 days. Health officials will actively monitor these individuals for symptoms during this time.

      While the risk of catching COVID-19 within the province remains low at this time, Alberta continues widespread testing and aggressive public health measures.

      All returning travellers are being asked to monitor their health and, if they experience symptoms, to immediately self-isolate and call Health Link 811. This applies only to returning travellers who are symptomatic with fever, or cough.

      All Albertans are encouraged to visit for guidance around prevention, testing and other useful information.

      Quick facts
      • The risk in Alberta is considered low at this time.
      • The most important measure that Albertans can take to prevent COVID-19 is to practise good hygiene.
        • This includes cleaning your hands regularly, avoiding touching your face, coughing or sneezing into your elbow or sleeve, disposing of tissues appropriately, and staying home and away from others if you are sick.
      • Anyone who has health concerns or is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 linked to recent travel should contact Health Link 811 to see if follow-up testing is required.


      • #4

        Alberta announces more coronavirus cases; at least 59 in Canada have COVID-19
        Bob Weber
        The Canadian Press
        Published March 8, 2020
        Updated 2 hours ago

        Alberta announced its first confirmed case of the novel coronavirus Sunday, along with more presumptive cases, officially making it the fourth province to be dealing with COVID-19.

        Dr. Deena Hinshaw, the province’s medical officer of health, said the confirmed case is a man in his 40s from the Edmonton area. Although he recently travelled to several U.S. states, Hinshaw said the source of the infection is more likely to have been a travel companion who had previously been a passenger on the Grand Princess cruise ship.

        The companion is now a confirmed case in British Columbia.

        That cruise ship is heading to a California port with 237 Canadians still on board. Two passengers and 19 crew members have tested positive for the virus, but their nationalities haven’t been disclosed.

        In Alberta, Hinshaw announced that one of two previously presumptive cases has now been confirmed, and that there are two more presumptive cases...


        • #5

          Alberta facing three more COVID-19 cases, officials say
          Rosa Saba
          By Rosa SabaCalgary Bureau
          Mon., March 9, 2020timer1 min. read

          CALGARY—Alberta has three new cases of COVID-19, bringing the total to seven provincewide.

          Officials announced the new cases in a Monday morning statement. More details were be provided later in the day...


          • #6

            There are now seven confirmed cases of the virus in Alberta. These individuals are all recovering in isolation at home with support from public health officials.
            “These cases were detected thanks to the aggressive public health measures and expanded testing that we have put in place. By acting quickly to isolate close contacts of COVID-19 cases, we help prevent the virus’s spread and protect Albertans. While additional cases will likely be detected in the coming days, Albertans can trust that we are doing everything we can to protect their health.”
            Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of Health
            “Alberta and the rest of Canada are working extremely hard to detect and isolate COVID-19 to limit the spread in our communities. I have every faith in our dedicated health-care providers and remind all Albertans that medical experts still consider the risk level to be low in our province.”
            Tyler Shandro, Minister of Health
            Case 5 is a woman in her seventies who lives in the Edmonton zone. She is a close contact of an Edmonton zone man with COVID-19, who was announced on March 8. She was also on-board a Grand Princess Cruise before returning home on Feb. 21. Her symptoms started after returning to Alberta.
            Case 6 is a man in his thirties from the Calgary zone. He is a close contact of the Calgary zone woman announced as a case of COVID-19 on March 8. He had travelled to Ukraine, Netherlands and Turkey and returned to Alberta on March 2. His symptoms started after his return.
            Case 7 is a woman in her fifties from the Calgary zone. She was on-board the MS Braemar cruise ship from Feb. 11 to March 4. She developed symptoms after her return home and was tested at an assessment centre on March 8.
            Public health investigations into these new cases are underway. Close contacts have been identified and are being asked to self-isolate for 14 days. These individuals will be monitored for symptoms during this time.
            All cases of COVID-19 announced in Alberta are now confirmed. Positive samples tested by Alberta laboratories no longer require further confirmation from the National Microbiology Laboratory.
            Alberta continues to ask all returning travellers from outside Canada to monitor their health and, if they experience symptoms of fever or cough, to immediately self-isolate and call Health Link 811.
            Anyone who is feeling ill should stay home and not visit hospitals, long-term care facilities or supportive living accommodations. People in these locations are at the highest risk of complications from COVID-19, influenza and other respiratory viruses.
            Albertans are strongly encouraged to visit for advice on preparing for COVID-19, testing and other useful information.
            Quick facts

            • The current risk of being exposed to COVID-19 in Alberta is low.
            • The most important measure that Albertans can take to prevent COVID-19 is to practise good hygiene.
              • This includes cleaning your hands regularly, avoiding touching your face, coughing or sneezing into your elbow or sleeve, disposing of tissues appropriately, and especially staying home and away from others if you are sick.
            • Anyone who has health concerns or is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 linked to recent travel should contact Health Link 811 to see if followup testing is required.


            • #7
              Seven new cases of COVID-19 confirmed

              Alberta’s chief medical officer of health has announced seven new cases of novel coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19.

              On this page:
              There are now 14 confirmed cases in Alberta, and all of them are travel-related.
              These new cases of COVID-19 are all recovering in isolation at home with support from public health officials. One previously announced individual is currently receiving treatment in hospital. This person had a pre-existing chronic condition.
              “While new cases are always concerning, Albertans should know that increases are expected as we work aggressively to limit the virus’s spread. We are all in this together. Every one of us has a role to play in protecting our families, friends and fellow Canadians. The precautionary measures you take now will help shield yourself and others, especially seniors and people with pre-existing medical conditions, from this virus.”
              Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of Health
              “Alberta is well-prepared for this challenge, and our system continues to respond quickly and effectively to every confirmed case. I want to thank all of our health professionals for their continued dedication. We will ensure that our public health professionals and the health system overall have the resources they need to protect Albertans, now and in the days ahead.”
              Tyler Shandro, Minister of Health
              Three of the new cases are from the Edmonton zone. They involve a male in his seventies and a female in her sixties who had travelled together, and a female in her thirties who had also recently travelled outside of Canada.
              The other four new cases are from the Calgary zone. They involve a male in his fifties, two females in their thirties and a female in her forties.
              The travellers had returned from visiting a range of countries, including France, the Netherlands, Egypt, Iran, Taiwan, Germany, Malaysia, Trinidad and Tobago, Panama, the Philippines and the United States. Several of the cases visited more than one country on their trip. One individual was also on the same MS Braemar cruise ship in the Caribbean as a case announced March 9.
              As part of Alberta’s COVID-19 response, public health teams are already identifying and notifying anyone who came into close contact with these individuals. All close contacts displaying symptoms are being tested. Even those not displaying symptoms will self-isolate for 14 days to prevent any possible spread if they were to display symptoms in the future.
              The risk level in Alberta is currently low, though this may change in the coming weeks...


              • #8
                Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw issued the following statement for Albertans on March 11:
                “Today, I am here to give an update on COVID-19, including an announcement that five new cases have been confirmed in our province. However, I first want to speak on the World Health Organization’s decision to officially declare COVID-19 a global pandemic earlier today.

                “This is an important designation, and one that reflects the seriousness of this virus. COVID-19 is not like other threats we have seen in the past few decades. It is more severe than seasonal influenza, and more contagious than viruses like SARS.

                “It can be contained, as has been shown in other countries like Singapore, but it will take an effort of all of us to do so. This means we must continue preparing for the potential that our risk in Alberta will change.

                “In the meantime, we will continue to identify and isolate any new cases confirmed in the province, and are ensuring that Alberta’s health system is preparing for every possible scenario.

                “To date, there have been 19 confirmed cases in Alberta. This includes the five new cases that we confirmed last night and earlier today. All are travel-related.

                “One of these confirmed cases involves a male in the Edmonton Zone whose symptoms started on March 6. He underwent a procedure that was not related to COVID-19 at the Misericordia Hospital on March 6 and 7. He tested positive for COVID-19 on March 9 and is now self-isolating.

                “Any staff or patients who were potentially exposed at this location will be directly contacted by public health. There is no risk to patients or staff at the hospital at this time.

                “I want to be clear that there is no need for anyone else who may have attended the Misericordia or other hospital sites to be concerned or take additional action. Anyone considered to be at risk is being directly contacted by AHS.

                “All necessary precautions will be taken to support their health. If you are not contacted by AHS, you are not at risk at this time. We are sharing this information as we are committed to being transparent with Albertans, and informing them of key developments as they unfold.

                “The other four cases that we have confirmed involve three cases from the Calgary Zone and one from Central Zone. They are all now recovering in isolation at home.

                “These cases had recently returned from travel in a variety of countries, including Iran, Egypt, Spain, Washington State and Mexico. As I have previously mentioned, while we know where these individuals have travelled, it is too early to know the country or exact location where they actually contracted the virus.

                “Today’s declaration from the WHO is a sign of what we have been stressing for many days: The global situation is changing rapidly, and we all need to take steps to protect our own health and the health of those around us.

                “Based on this evolving information, Alberta is now asking all travellers returning from Italy to self-isolate for 14 days have passed since their last visit. All returning travellers at Canadian airports, including those in Edmonton and Calgary, will receive screening starting on Friday and be advised of the need to self-isolate.

                “In advance of this formal screening, I want to ask all Albertans who returned from Italy in the last two weeks to self-isolate at home until 14 days have passed since they were last there.

                “In addition to this, all travelers returning to Alberta from anywhere outside Canada should consider limiting attendance at large public gatherings, and most importantly, should closely monitor themselves for any symptoms such as fever or cough.

                “If they experience symptoms, they should immediately self-isolate if they get these symptoms, and call Health Link at 811 for assessment and testing.

                “The sooner we can detect cases, the sooner we can isolate an individual and, if needed, launch a detailed investigation to find out if anyone they have been in contact with is at risk.

                “We are working hard to manage wait times on Health Link. While I know it can be frustrating to wait on the phone, this is the best way to receive assessment and follow-up testing, if needed.

                “We are also recommending at this time that anyone over the age of 65 and those with chronic health conditions not travel outside Canada, as the global risk is increasing rapidly and it is difficult to predict which travel destinations may put people at risk. Even Albertans who are not in these risk groups should think carefully about their travel plans, and the possibility they may be exposed to the virus while traveling.

                “Another action we are taking at this time is moving forward with our plans to support family doctors with personal protective equipment.

                “With the increase in global spread, and travel related cases in the province, we want to be sure that family doctors have access to personal protective equipment in a time when they are having difficulty ordering these supplies from their usual providers.

                “Alberta Health Services zones will be working with primary care networks to move this forward, with priority given to those family doctors who are doing testing for COVID-19 in their offices.

                “Right now, I know many Albertans feel overwhelmed with the amount of information available in the news, online and in social media.I want to encourage all Albertans to access reliable information about what is happening, and do their part to stop the spread rumours and inaccurate speculation.

                “COVID-19 is going to test our health system and emergency preparedness, but our system is preparing for that test. In the coming days and weeks, we will continue to implement aggressive public health measures to detect and isolate new cases.

                “We will continue to update our webpage – – twice daily. We will continue to hold regular updates and share information with Albertans.

                “The risk of exposure to the virus is currently low in Alberta. That is a good thing, but it may change in coming weeks. If it changes, we will alert you. And we will continue doing everything possible to protect the health and well-being of everyone in our province.

                “The health of Albertans is, and always will be, our top priority.”


                There are now 19 confirmed cases in Alberta, all travel-related. One patient continues to recover in hospital, while all others are in isolation at home.
                “Today, the World Health Organization officially declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Alberta has been actively planning for every possible scenario. We know that COVID-19 is going to test our health system and emergency preparedness, but our system is preparing for that test. While the risk of exposure is still low in Alberta, all partners are working together to limit the spread of COVID-19 and protect the health of Albertans.” Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of Health
                “Alberta’s health system is actively preparing for every possible scenario. Having visited an AHS emergency coordination centre and Health Link 811, and having toured stockpiles of personal protective equipment, sanitizers and other supplies, I’ve seen first-hand that our health system is working very hard to protect the health of Albertans.” Tyler Shandro, Minister of Health
                One of the confirmed cases involves an Edmonton man in his thirties who recently returned from international travel and started experiencing symptoms a number of days after returning. He received previously scheduled, unrelated treatment at Misericordia Hospital on March 6 and 7, before testing positive for COVID-19 on March 9. He is now self-isolating.

                Any staff or patients who were potentially exposed at this location are being directly contacted by public health. There is no risk to any patients or staff at the hospital at this time.

                The other confirmed cases involve a man in his twenties and two women in their thirties from the Calgary zone. A female in her thirties from Central zone has also tested positive for COVID-19.

                The five newly confirmed cases had returned from visiting a range of countries, including Iran, Egypt, Spain, Mexico and the United States.

                Alberta continues widespread testing and aggressive public health measures.

                Effective immediately, Alberta will now be asking any travellers who have visited Italy in the last 14 days to self-isolate until two weeks have passed since that visit. These individuals should stay home and away from others, even if they are feeling well. Similar precautions are already in place for travellers returning from Iran and Hubei province, China.

                All travellers returning from outside Canada should monitor their health for 14 days after coming home. If they develop symptoms, they should self-isolate immediately and call Health Link 811.

                While the risk of catching COVID-19 within the province remains low at this time, this may change in the future.

                All Albertans are encouraged to visit for the latest information, guidance and resources.
                Last edited by Shiloh; March 12, 2020, 03:51 PM.


                • #9

                  Effective immediately, the Alberta government is asking all large gatherings or international events in the province to be cancelled and advising Albertans against travel outside of the country.

                  Four new cases of COVID-19 have now been confirmed in Alberta, bringing the total number in the province to 23, all travel-related. One patient continues to recover in hospital, while all others are in isolation at home.
                  “We are doing everything possible to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our province. The virus is spreading rapidly and is now a global threat. We are implementing these new measures to slow its spread and limit the risks in the weeks ahead. Protecting the health of Albertans is, and always will be, our top priority.” Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of Health
                  “The coming weeks are vital in our fight to protect Alberta from COVID-19. These are serious steps, and ones we do not take lightly. I am calling on every Albertan and organization to assist our public health efforts and do their very best to comply with the public health guidance. It is critical that Albertans come together to do our part in keeping Albertans healthy and safe.” Tyler Shandro, Minister of Health
                  New public health restrictions

                  Alberta is asking organizers to cancel any events that have more than 250 attendees. This includes large sporting events, conferences and community events. It does not extend to places of worship, grocery stores, airports or shopping centres.

                  Any event that has more than 50 attendees and expects to have international participants, or involves critical infrastructure staff, seniors, or other high-risk populations should also be cancelled.

                  Events that do not meet these criteria can proceed, but risk mitigation must be in place, such as sanitizer stations and distancing between attendees.

                  At this time, schools and daycares can remain open but steps should be taken to ensure that no more than 250 individuals are in the same room at any given time.

                  Travel outside of the country is not being recommended at this time. Given the rapid global spread of the virus, it is no longer possible to assess health risks for the duration of the trip.

                  New cases of COVID-19

                  Four additional cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in the province. One of the confirmed cases is a two-year-old child from the Calgary zone who is now recovering at home.

                  The child who has tested positive for COVID-19 returned with their family from a vacation in Florida and developed mild symptoms once in Alberta. The child attended a local daycare from March 2-6 and tested positive on March 11.

                  The child is expected to make a full recovery.

                  As soon as the case tested positive, health officials took immediate action to protect the health of Albertans. On the advice of Alberta Health Services, the daycare has temporarily closed to limit exposure to the virus. All close contacts are self-isolating for 14 days while being monitored by health officials.

                  Any Albertan who has not been contacted directly by Alberta Health Services is not at risk.

                  The other three newly confirmed cases involve a woman in her thirties, a male in his fifties, and a woman in her seventies. They are all from the Calgary zone.

                  The travellers returned from travelling in Jordan, Egypt, France, Germany, and the United States, specifically Florida.

                  All Albertans are encouraged to visit for the latest information, guidance and resources.
                  Related information


                  • #10
                    New cases of COVID-19

                    ...Six additional cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed, bringing the total number of cases in the province to 29. All cases are travel-related.

                    One of the cases involves a man from the Edmonton zone who recently attended a conference in Vancouver and was notified that a positive case had attended the same conference. After returning, the individual visited a number of dental offices. As soon as this case tested positive, health officials took immediate action to protect the health of Albertans. All contacts who may have been at risk of exposure have been contacted for follow-up assessment and testing.

                    The other cases are in the Calgary zone and include a returning traveller from Florida, and four household contacts of a previously confirmed case.

                    All new cases are now self-isolated at home and expected to make a full recovery.
                    “This latest case of an individual who contracted COVID-19 at a conference indicates the risk of large mass gatherings, especially when they might involve international participants. This confirms our recommendation on mass gatherings was the right approach. We will continue to take any steps necessary to protect your health.” Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of Health...


                    • #11


                      COVID-19: 10 new cases in Alberta brings provincial total to 39
                      Author of the article:
                      Postmedia News

                      ...Two of the cases have been admitted to intensive care. Eight of the cases related to international travel.


                      • #12

                        Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw issued the following statement for Albertans on March 14:
                        Today, I am here to give an update on COVID-19, and announce that 10 new cases have been confirmed, bringing the total number of cases in the province to 39.

                        "Six of the new cases are in Calgary Zone and four are in Edmonton Zone.

                        "Two of the new cases, one in Edmonton Zone and the other in Calgary Zone, have been admitted into intensive care. All other new cases are self-isolating at home and expected to make a full recovery.

                        "Eight of the cases have been confirmed to be related to international travel or previous confirmed cases. Travel histories include a dental conference in Vancouver, Las Vegas, Switzerland, Germany, Spain and Pakistan. Investigations are ongoing on the remaining two cases.

                        "I know many Albertans may be alarmed at the increasing number of cases in Alberta. As I’ve said before, we need to get used to a new normal.

                        "The reality is that we can expect cases of COVID-19 to continue in Alberta, and around Canada, for months.

                        "We have taken aggressive measures to limit the acceleration of spread, but we will not be able to completely stop it.

                        "I want to emphasize that we cannot be complacent. We must be vigilant.

                        "And we must look out for each other by practicing good hygiene and employing other preventative measures, such as social distancing where appropriate.

                        "We will continue to closely monitor the situation, and take additional steps as necessary. When it comes to protecting the health of Albertans, we will continue to consider all options.

                        "If we are to be successful in preventing the spread, we will also need your help.

                        "First, I want to emphasize the importance of following all public health guidance for travel.

                        "Travel outside of Canada is not recommended at this time. We also ask that any travellers returning from outside of Canada after March 12 to self-isolate for 14 days after their arrival in Canada.

                        "Monitor for symptoms, and should they occur, please complete the online self-assessment tool on the AHS website.

                        "I would like to return to my comments yesterday about schools, and the decision to keep schools remain open at this time.

                        "I understand that parents are concerned about their children going to school.

                        "And, they, along with teachers and school administrators and boards have questions and concerns.

                        "I cannot emphasize enough the time and discussion that continues about this decision.

                        "If we do make the decision to close schools, we will be considering long-term closure.

                        "This pandemic will not end in a matter of weeks, and there won’t be a clear opportunity to re-open schools, likely until September at the earliest.

                        "I appreciate that each province is considering its own approach to school closures and this varies considerably.

                        "A few provinces have determined to close schools at this time.

                        "However, we have also seen other jurisdictions, such as Singapore, be successful in preventing the spread of COVID-19—without having to close schools.

                        "I am carefully monitoring Alberta’s situation on a minute-by-minute basis.

                        "I am prepared to consider all options including directing the closure of an individual school, a group of schools, a school division, or all in the province if the situation warrants it.

                        "In the meantime, we will continue to work with schools, who remain a critical front-line partner in helping limit the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses in educating our children on the importance of good hygiene practices.

                        "Earlier today, I had a productive meeting with representatives from Alberta’s school boards, school authorities, and education stakeholders to explore ways we can equip them to adjust operations in response to COVID-19.

                        "We have shared a new guideline to help schools and childcare centres to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This guideline is also available online. I have already taken feedback from my meeting this morning, and Alberta Health is revising the guideline to address what we heard.

                        "Additionally, starting today, we will be posting the flight information for any flight, or portion of a flight where passengers may have been exposed to COVID-19. We are focusing our public health follow up on local confirmed cases and contacts, and will not be directly contacting Albertans who were on these flights. We are asking for Albertans to help us by checking this information.

                        "Online flight information includes the flight number, date and any seats that might be at risk of exposure to COVID-19.

                        "At-risk passengers are encouraged to self-isolate and monitor for symptoms for 14 days after arrival in Canada. Other passengers are not required to self-isolate but should monitor for symptoms as a precaution.

                        "Given the rapid spread of COVID-19, we are seeing more and more flights with passengers confirmed to have the virus. If you have recently returned to Alberta by air, I strongly encourage you to visit the Alberta government website and self-isolate if you are found to be at risk of exposure.

                        "Before I conclude, I would like to mention a change in my daily reporting.

                        "Given the number of cases daily, we will be reporting more aggregated data online going forward.

                        "We will continue to notify you if there are exceptional circumstances, such as if a case involves a high-risk individual.

                        "This change will help our surveillance and testing teams to focus their efforts where it matters.

                        "Finally, I would like to thank Albertans for their uptake of the self-assessment tool we announced yesterday.

                        "In the span of 24 hours, we have seen well over 300,000 Albertans complete self-assessments.

                        "By using the self-assessment tool you have helped to ease the pressure on Health Link 811 phone lines.

                        "Thank you to everyone for doing their part—big or small—to help us keep Albertans safe and healthy.

                        "The health of Albertans is, and always will be, our top priority."


                        • #13

                          COVID-19: Indications of community spread in Alberta, 17 new cases, all classes cancelled
                          Author of the article: Stephanie Babych
                          Publishing date: 3 minutes ago

                          There are 17 new cases of COVID-19 in Alberta, and because there are indications of community spread, the government is implementing more aggressive measures to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus, the province’s chief medical officer of health announced Sunday afternoon.

                          These are the first cases in the province that aren’t directly linked to international travel which is why the government is taking extra precautions by indefinitely cancelling K-12 classes, post-secondary classes and daycare, limiting visitation at senior care facilities and banning meetings, including religious gatherings, according to Dr. Deena Hinshaw during a press conference.

                          “It is crucial that we continue to limit the spread of COVID-19,” said Hinshaw.

                          Of the 17 new cases, 14 of those diagnosed are in the Calgary zone and three are in the Edmonton zone. This brings the total in the province to 56 and is the highest increase of confirmed cases within 24 hours...


                          • #14

                            74 confirmed coronavirus cases in Alberta; cases detected in all health zones
                            By Phil Heidenreich Global News
                            Posted March 16, 2020 6:57 pm
                            Updated March 16, 2020 7:14 pm

                            Speaking to reporters via video conferencing because she is self-isolating while experiencing cold symptoms, the province’s chief medical officer of health said Monday that for the first time, there are confirmed novel coronavirus cases now in all Alberta Health zones.

                            Dr. Deena Hinshaw said there were 18 new cases of COVID-19, bringing the total number to 74 across the province...


                            • #15

                              Alberta confirms 23 new cases of COVID-19, bringing total to 97
                              Diego Romero
                              Digital Journalist
                              Published Tuesday, March 17, 2020 11:34AM MDT Last Updated Tuesday, March 17, 2020 4:53PM MDT

                              EDMONTON -- There are 23 new cases of COVID-19 in Alberta, the largest day-over-day increase yet in the province.

                              Out of the 12,258 Albertans who have tested for COVID-19, 97 have the virus. There are 70 cases in the Calgary zone, 20 in the Edmonton zone, three in the Central zone, three in the South zone and one in the North zone.

                              Five patients remain in hospital, while all others are self-isolating at home...

