7th case of COVID-19 diagnosed in B.C.
Latest case is a close contact of a woman who was diagnosed last week
Karin Larsen ? CBC News ? Posted: Feb 24, 2020 9:18 AM PT | Last Updated: 9 minutes ago
A seventh case of COVID-19 has been diagnosed in British Columbia.
Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said the new case is a man in the Fraser Health region who is related to a young woman who was diagnosed with the novel coronavirus last week after she had travelled back to Vancouver from Iran...
7th case of COVID-19 diagnosed in B.C.
Latest case is a close contact of a woman who was diagnosed last week
Karin Larsen ? CBC News ? Posted: Feb 24, 2020 9:18 AM PT | Last Updated: 9 minutes ago
A seventh case of COVID-19 has been diagnosed in British Columbia.
Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said the new case is a man in the Fraser Health region who is related to a young woman who was diagnosed with the novel coronavirus last week after she had travelled back to Vancouver from Iran...