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Australia - 2019-nCov Daily cases exceed 10,000 and hundreds told positive covid results were negative by NSW laboratory

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  • Australia - 2019-nCov Daily cases exceed 10,000 and hundreds told positive covid results were negative by NSW laboratory

    JANUARY 25, 2020

    The Prime Minister has conceded more cases of the deadly coronavirus are likely to emerge after a Chinese national in Melbourne became the country’s first confirmed case, with a further two “probable cases” identified in NSW and another nine Australians quarantined in hospitals in Sydney and Brisbane.

    The suspected carriers in NSW – two men aged between 30 and 60 who had recently travelled to the epicentre of the outbreak in Wuhan, China – have been isolated in Westmead Hospital and were undergoing extensive testing for a second day on Saturday.

    A further nine people – four in NSW and five in Queensland – are also being treated in isolation wards amid rising concerns they may also have contracted the coronavirus.

    NSW chief health officer Kerry Chant said the two men suspected of carrying the disease into Sydney had arrived on a plane from Wuhan.
    Last edited by kiwibird; December 27, 2021, 06:14 AM.

  • #2
    Coronavirus: first Australian case confirmed in Victoria as five people tested in NSW
    Victorian health minister says Chinese national in Melbourne is first confirmed case in Australia

    Ben Doherty

    Fri 24 Jan 2020 20.36 ESTFirst published on Fri 24 Jan 2020 19.28 EST

    A man in his 50s in Melbourne has become the first confirmed case of novel coronavirus in Australia.

    Victoria’s health minister, Jenny Mikakos, said the man, a Chinese national, arrived in Melbourne at 9am on Sunday 19 January on China Southern Airlines Flight No CZ321 from Guangzhou.

    The man tested positive early on Saturday morning.

    Twitter: @RonanKelly13
    The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


    • #3


      Victorian Health Minister Jenny Mikakos said this afternoon that a case of the respiratory condition had been confirmed in a man who last week returned from China.

      It’s the first confirmed case in Australia.


      • #4
        First novel coronavirus case in Victoria
        25 Jan 2020

        Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Services has confirmed the first Australian case of the 2019 novel coronavirus.

        The man in his 50s, a visitor from China, is in a stable condition with the respiratory illness. He was confirmed as positive at 2.15am today following a series of tests.

        The patient is being treated in an isolation room at Monash Medical Centre Clayton in accordance with recommended infection control procedures.

        He had been in the city of Wuhan, China in the two weeks prior to the onset of his illness.

        Department of Health and Human Services public health experts have interviewed the patient and have determined that he arrived in Australia on the morning of January 19 from Wuhan to Melbourne via Guangzhou. The first leg was on CZ3706 and he came into Melbourne on China Southern Airlines flight CZ321.

        He has spent his time since arrival with relatives at their home. Close contacts are being provided support and education and monitored closely for signs or symptoms of illness.

        The Department is working closely with the Commonwealth Government and we have agreed that Victorian and Commonwealth officials will be stationed at Melbourne Airport to support and inform passengers arriving from China.

        Passengers who were on the flight with the current patient will be contacted.

        A hotline will be established to provide more information if anyone has questions.

        Victorians and visitors returning from Wuhan City or other locations with cases have been advised to closely monitor their health.

        Any people who develop symptoms of fever and breathing difficulty or cough within 14 days of travel to Wuhan City or other locations with confirmed cases should seek medical help immediately and advise of their travel history.

        The Department has issued a Chief Health Officer’s alert to hospitals and GPs on novel coronavirus and provided advice about the symptoms. An updated alert will be issued later today.

        Victoria has well-established systems to respond to ill travellers. Federal health authorities have said the risk of transmission in Australia from novel coronavirus remains low.


        Any people who have developed symptoms of fever and breathing difficulty or cough within 14 days of travel to Wuhan City or other locations with confirmed cases should seek medical help immediately.

        Hands should be washed regularly with soap and water and respiratory and cough etiquette should be observed at all times. If you feel sick, avoid contact with others.

        Before attending a GP or emergency department people should call ahead and mention their recent travel and symptoms.

        GPs and emergency departments should ensure a travel history is taken for all patients presenting with symptoms of pneumonia, isolate and place a respiratory mask on any travellers on arrival at the department or clinic.
        Twitter: @RonanKelly13
        The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


        • #5
          h/t @MackayIM

          Total in Australia is now 4.

          Three cases of coronavirus confirmed in NSW, one in Victoria as death toll rises in China



          All three NSW cases are being treated in hospitals across Sydney.

          They are men aged in their 30s, 40s and 50s and contracted the illness in China.

          Chief Medical Officer Dr Kerry Chant says she does not believe they were contagious on the flight to Australia as their symptoms did not become apparent until they were in Sydney.



          • #6
            First novel coronavirus case in Victoria

            25 January 2020

            Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Services has confirmed the first Australian case of the 2019 novel coronavirus.
            Acting Chief Health Officer Dr Angie Bone said the man, in his 50s, a visitor from Wuhan, China, was confirmed positive on January 25 following a series of tests.

            He has spent his time since arrival with relatives at their home. Close contacts are being provided support and education and monitored closely for signs or symptoms of illness.

            The Department is working closely with the Commonwealth and other states and territories to ensure Victoria continues to be ready to respond in the event of any further cases.

            “Any Victorians returning from Wuhan with symptoms of fever and breathing difficulty or cough should seek medical help,” Dr Bone said.

            “Hands should be washed regularly with soap and water and respiratory and cough etiquette should be observed at all times.

            “Before attending a GP or emergency department they should call ahead and mention their recent travel and symptoms.

            “General Practitioners and Emergency Departments should ensure a travel history is taken for all patients presenting with symptoms of pneumonia, isolate and place a respiratory mask on any travellers from Wuhan on arrival to the department or clinic.”


            • #7
              Our response to novel coronavirus 2019

              NSW Health is responding to an outbreak of a novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), first diagnosed in China in December 2019. Information about this new disease is on the NSW Health fact sheet

              As of 7pm 25 January 2020, there are three confirmed cases for 2019-nCoV in NSW and four cases under investigation. The risk of infection here is considered low.

              We have implemented a range of measures to promptly identify cases of novel coronavirus infection and prevent transmission in NSW.

              Our response:

              Updated GPs, pharmacists, emergency departments, and the broader health system on the situation as it evolves to enable possible cases to be rapidly identified, diagnosed and managed
              Developed diagnostic tests through our Public Health laboratories to rapidly diagnose cases
              Managing any possible cases with appropriate infection control and public health measures to minimise the risk to health care workers and the community
              Supported the Commonwealth to provide advice and assess travellers for illness on the direct flight from Wuhan to Sydney on 23rd January
              Provided regular updates to the community, through media briefings, media release and social media including in Mandarin
              We are confident these measures have led to the report of cases under investigation. To date none of these have been novel coronavirus.

              We are working with NSW Ambulance to transfer anyone under investigation for 2019-nCoV safely, without risking transmission of infection to ambulance or other health care personnel. Similarly our hospitals are able to protect healthcare workers and other personnel, patients and visitors.

              A range of resources are available for the public and health professional. Two alerts have been sent to general practitioners and emergency departments. Updated alerts​ will be continued to be distributed as required.

              Infection with 2019-nCoV is now notifiable under the NSW Public Health Act 2010, so doctors and pathology laboratories are required to notify NSW Health of all people suspected to have this infection.

              Should a person living in or visiting NSW be confirmed to have 2019-nCoV infection, NSW Health has procedures in place to identify people who have been in contact with the confirmed case. Those people will be monitored and managed to prevent any further spread of the infection, should they be found to also have 2019-nCoV infection.

              Page Updated: Saturday 25 January 2020
              Contact page owner: Communicable Diseases


              • #8
                Update on novel coronavirus in Australia

                Joint release with the Chief Medical Officer about the novel coronoavirus cases in Australia.

                Date published:
                26 January 2020
                Media type:
                Media release
                General public

                Four cases of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) have now been confirmed in Australia – one in Victoria and three in New South Wales.

                The first case was confirmed in Victoria yesterday, with the three in New South Wales confirmed later in the day.

                The Commonwealth Department of Health is in close contact with Victorian and NSW health authorities and has notified the World Health Organization of the cases.

                All four cases are men who flew to Australia on separate flights from China between 6 January and 20 January. All four had either spent time in Wuhan, China, or been in close contact with someone from Wuhan.

                The virus originated in mainland China, and the overwhelming majority of cases are there. The only clear evidence of human-to-human transmission is in the Hubei province, where the City of Wuhan is located.

                Minister for Health, Greg Hunt, said NSW and Victorian authorities are taking all necessary precautions to limit the transmission of the virus.

                “Australia has processes in place to identify and treat cases such as the novel coronavirus, including isolation facilities in each state and territory,” Minister Hunt said.

                “Yesterday I convened a meeting of State and Territory Health Ministers to coordinate the ongoing national action and response.”

                “As a consequence the Government has written to doctors’ groups today to provide them with updated information and advice.”

                “The Commonwealth is working closely with Victoria and New South Wales to facilitate contact tracing of individuals who may have been in contact with these men since they arrived in Australia or on the relevant flights.”

                “This will include contacting individuals in close contact with the four confirmed cases, and providing other passengers with advice on what to do if they begin feeling unwell,” Minister Hunt said.

                Australian Chief Medical Officer, Professor Brendan Murphy, said Victorian and NSW authorities had acted swiftly, following strict protocols.

                “All four affected patients have been placed in isolation. I understand the men are stable and doing well,” Professor Murphy said.

                Professor Murphy also acknowledge that other cases may be confirmed in Australia over the coming days or weeks.

                “Symptoms include fever, coughing, sore throat, vomiting and difficulty breathing. Difficulty breathing is a sign of possible pneumonia and requires immediate medical attention,” Professor Murphy said.

                In response to the emerging situation the Australian Government has taken immediate action which has been based on the best available evidence and advice:

                Minister Hunt convened a meeting of State and Territory Health Ministers on 25 January to coordinate the ongoing national action and response.
                DFAT has raised the level of travel advice for Wuhan and Hubei Province in China to ‘level 4 – do not travel’ and has issued a Smartraveller bulletin on the virus outbreak. The advice level for China as a whole has not changed.
                Border measures are already in place to detect travellers who are unwell coming into the country.
                While Chinese authorities have now stopped all traffic from Hubei province, as an added precaution, the Australian Government is ensuring that all flights from other parts of China will be met and all passengers provided with information on arrival.
                Information is also on display at all major international ports around Australia, with instructions on what to do if travellers have symptoms or if symptoms develop.
                Human coronavirus with pandemic potential is now a Listed Human Disease under the Biosecurity Act 2015, enabling the use of enhanced border measures.
                The Department of Health has provided primary and community health care workers and Emergency Departments in Australia with updated advice.
                If people think they have been exposed to the novel coronavirus and have serious concerns about their health, they should immediately contact their local health professional and they can also ring healthdirect on 1800 022 222 to receive a health assessment by a registered nurse.

                Further information is available at:

                NSW Public Health Unit: 1300 066 055
                Victorian Department of Health and Human Services: 1300 651 160



                • #9
                  Coronavirus: Westmead Hospital treating fifth Australian case

                  Monday, 27 January 2020 12:45 pm

                  NSW authorities have confirmed the fifth Australian case of the deadly coronavirus.

                  The latest patient is a 21-year-old who has been isolated in Westmead Hospital.

                  The woman travelled on a direct flight from Sydney to Wuhan.

                  NSW chief health officer Dr Nicole Chant said the patient developed some symptoms about 24 hours after arriving in Sydney, they became worse so she took herself to hospital.
                  Four patients in NSW and one in Victoria have now been diagnosed with the virus after an outbreak centred in the Chinese city of Wuhan.


                  • #10
                    Chief Medical Officer's update at 27 January 2020 on novel coronavirus

                    Read the transcript of Professor Brendan Murphy's 27 January 2020 doorstop about novel coronavirus. Date published:
                    27 January 2020
                    Media type:
                    General public

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: [Inaudible] Four elsewhere in China. The average age of the deaths, the median age I should say is 71 and one half years, which suggests that they're in an elderly population in the main. Although there have been some young people in that group. There are 54 exported cases now in a range of countries, generally in small numbers. In Australia, there are now five confirmed cases: four in New South Wales, in Sydney, currently at Westmead Hospital and one in Melbourne in Monash Medical Centre. I'm advised that all five remain stable. There are a number of other Australians who have been tested and have been negative.

                    I've been regularly updating the Prime Minister, the Minister for Health, and Government on the developments. I think one thing we are noticing is that in China, whilst more than half the cases are still in the Hubei province, we are seeing increasing numbers across the other provinces in China. We still don't know whether those increasing numbers are due to people who've come from the Hubei province, left that province before it was locked down and developed symptoms. There is still no evidence yet of sustained human to human transmission outside of the Hubei province. In Australia, our focus, as I've said on many occasions, is the early detection of anyone who may have come from China, particularly the Hubei province, within the last two weeks; the incubation period being up to 14 days. And our message remains the same: if you develop flu-like symptoms, fever, cough, contact either your GP or your local emergency department, tell them before you come that you've had a relevant travel history to China and attend to be tested. The majority of people that have been tested turn out to be negative.

                    We have increased some of the border measures today. As we've previously advised, every flight from China now is being met by border security officers who are going on the plane and distributing information to every passenger trying to identify any unwell passengers. The airlines are also required to identify any unwell passengers and if they are unwell, there's a process of screening them. Every passenger on those flights from China is given an information sheet in Chinese and Mandarin, sorry, Mandarin and English and told to undertake, to watch themselves, and to contact their doctor or their emergency department should they develop symptoms over the following 14 days. In addition, because there are some people who could come from China via other countries, and other ports within 14 days, we are now making announcements in the arrivals halls of airports, again in English and Mandarin, pointing out that anyone who may have come from China from whatever flight or whatever port they're on, pointing out the risks and identifying that there is printed material available for them to collect at the airport if they have come from China so that all of the people who may have come from China can get that information.

                    Again, we have no evidence there's a risk to the Australian public. There's no human to human transmission that's been identified in this country. I convened this afternoon the Australian Health Protection Principle Committee and we have been looking at the data, and as I said, the concern, I think, is the number of cases outside of the Hubei province in China, and that's why we are starting to look at people who have come from parts of China other than Hubei as potentially at risk. Although, our focus still remains on that Hubei province of China, which is the epicentre and which is the only place where human to human transmission has been identified.

                    So I think I might leave it at that and be happy to take any questions.

                    QUESTION: There's huge numbers of Chinese travellers – 43 flights into Australia today. These messaging and pamphlets, is that really enough to kind of deter this?

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: Well, I think the important thing is that everybody who comes from China is aware of the risk. The risk is probably greater after they've arrived because most – all of the cases that have been identified to date were perfectly well when they arrived, but they have all presented to doctors or emergency departments on the basis of their knowledge of the risks. So, the most important thing is to get that information out there. So we feel that that is a proportionate measure.

                    QUESTION: Should we be quarantining these passengers when they arrive?

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: There is no evidence to suggest that- and I'm not aware of any first world country that's doing that. I don't think there's sufficient evidence of the risk. I think, as I said before, now that the Chinese Government has locked down the Hubei province, which is where the majority of these people have come from, it's quite hard to get out of China from those at-risk areas, and we think the risk of someone coming on current flights is probably very low. So you might be quarantining thousands of people for little benefit.

                    QUESTION: Do you think like Rome and other cities we should cancel Chinese New Year celebrations here?

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: We don't believe that there is any reason to cancel any public gatherings. There is no evidence of human to human transmission in Australia. Were there evidence of human to human transmission, that's a very different matter.

                    QUESTION: Because there were 11 people in Melbourne being tested today. Are those people now clear or?

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: I haven't got the final update. All I know is that as of half an hour ago, there were no other highly probable cases in Australia. But there are being people tested every day and there will be more probably that turn out to be positive.

                    QUESTION: Is that the same situation then in Perth? We were told there were four people in isolation there.

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: I think – I'm advised that one of the people being tested in Perth may be positive and the others look like they may be negative but that's still to be confirmed.

                    QUESTION: The Chinese Health Commission is now saying that people can be contagious during the incubation period. Is that something that you accept and does it change your response at all?

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: Again, the expert panels that met later today were not convinced of that at the moment. They were not convinced that evidence is being presented. It would be very unusual because this virus is similar to the SARS and MERS viruses and they were not infectious before symptoms. And the evidence that we've seen doesn't suggest there's clear proof of that. But we're urgently seeking urgent advice from the World Health Organization and international experts because if that were to be the case, it would have implications for how we do contact tracing.

                    QUESTION: Do you urge people to contact their GP's not emergency departments but another the message that the public is receiving, do not call or visit or GP, call this helpline. Is there a bit of a mix messaging, what should people be doing?

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: No, I think we are saying, if you're unwell. The hotline is if you want information generally just to find out about it and get general information. But if you have come back from China, particularly the Hubei Provence in the last two weeks and you develop a fever, cough or respiratory symptoms, you need to get tested. And that's when we say you should ring your general practitioner or your emergency department, say that you are someone who's recently returned from China, particularly Hubei Provence and ask for advice about coming in to be isolated and tested.

                    QUESTION: Were you told that there was a patron at the Australian Open, at the tennis yesterday that was taken off and is now in isolation. Do you know about this, can you tell us what the situation is?

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: I have no knowledge of that sorry.

                    QUESTION: So you don't know if the paramedic could be infected as well?

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: I have no knowledge of anything at the Australian Open. I'm sorry, I can try and find out.

                    QUESTION: New South Wales is now urging parents to not send their kids to school if they've been in contact with anyone who's a confirmed case. And there's also a petition circulating around Melbourne calling for any kids who have just come back from the area to not be sent to school for about two weeks. Are these reasonable responses.

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: So again the expert committee, that met earlier today, all of our viral and infectious disease experts, they have confirmed their position which is that any child that has been a contact of someone who has this disease should be excluded from school for 14 days. But children who are well who have not had any contact or any exposure to an infected person that may have come back from China, should not be excluded. That remains the position of every jurisdictional department at the moment.

                    QUESTION: What about advice to unis and more so to students.

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: So our advice to universities is again anyone who's come back from China, students particularly those who are from the Hubei Province, should be very aware of the risks. That they should monitor themselves and if they become unwell with any of these symptoms, they should do the same as anybody else. They should contact their GP or the university medical centre or the local hospital and go and be tested.

                    QUESTION: We understand that the relatives of people who have been in contact with the confirmed case in Victoria haven't all been tested, does that sound right to you? Or would all kind of immediate family – ?

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: [Interrupts] There probably isn't the basis to test people. What the public health authorities do is they closely monitor the direct contacts. Make sure that again a child wouldn't go to school, if they're not exposing health care facilities or public places and they would monitor them to see if they develop any symptoms. There probably isn't any value testing someone early on in the exposure.

                    QUESTION: Is testing an expensive process?

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: Testing is being done by public health laboratories at no cost to the consumers. So the governments collectively around the country are paying for testing.

                    QUESTION: But for governments, I guess my question is, are they holding off for, like a combined for a cost and reasonable – ?

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: [Interrupts] No government is holding off on costs. This is a public health issue of grave concern, and we have in Victoria, Victoria infectious diseases research lab, which is our major national centre is working 24 hours a day testing at the moment. So no expense is being spared for testing.

                    QUESTION: What's the median age of the Australians who have or the people in Australia who have tested positive for this virus.

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: So there are only five of them. The youngest is a university student, a female. The rest are all males and I can't remember exactly but I think they're ranging from about mid 30’s to about 60, but I would have to confirm that again, I haven't got that information with me today.

                    QUESTION: Do they have any other health problems or issues?

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: I'm advised that they are stable and they're not seriously unwell and I'm not aware of any other health conditions that they might have.

                    QUESTION: Could I just ask as well, there's many people who book and make GP appointments over the internet. I gather you're insisting that they pick up the phone?

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: We do not want people to book over the internet and just turn up to a GP's surgery. We want everybody who is unwell and has had the relevant travel history to notify the GP or the emergency department before they attend for testing.

                    QUESTION: Have all GP's been sort of briefed? And have you asked the AMA been able to reach all the GP's?

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: So just yesterday we, I wrote a personal letter to every GP and emergency physician. And the colleges, the relevant colleges circulated those through their networks, providing updates to them and providing messages. We've also provided mass information in the past but this was further messaging. The AMA, the college of GP's, the college of rural and remote medicine, the college of emergency medicine have been incredibly positive and cooperative in trying to get that message out. Just today, we've also sent a similar message to all of our pharmacists, because a lot of people who develop flu-like symptoms will attend pharmacies for advice and we're making sure that the pharmacists are aware of what advice to give, which is to recommend that the people call ahead to the GP or ED before they go and get tested.

                    QUESTION: I'm hoping you didn't send those letters via Australia Post?

                    BRENDAN MURPHY: We have electronic communications. Thanks Hannah, thanks very much everybody.


                    • #11
                      Coronavirus case confirmed in Victoria - bringing national total to six

                      A second case of coronavirus has been confirmed in Victoria.

                      The man, aged in his 60s, tested positive for the deadly virus on Wednesday morning, Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Dr Brett Sutton said at a press conference.

                      He had recently travelled to Wuhan - the epicentre of the outbreak - and became unwell two days after returning.

                      The Department of Health and Human Services says there is no evidence passengers or crew on board the flight to Melbourne are at risk of contracting the virus.

                      The man was treated by doctors at the Monash Medical Centre and was assessed as being well enough to stay at home - where he is currently in isolation.



                      • #12
                        Seven coronavirus cases confirmed across three Australian states

                        jan 29, 2020

                        A Chinese man has become the seventh case of coronavirus diagnosed in Australia.

                        Queensland chief health officer Jeannette Young said on Wednesday evening a 44-year-old man is currently isolated in Gold Coast University Hospital in Queensland.

                        “The man, who is from the city of Wuhan (Hubei Province), is stable,” she said.

                        A Victorian man became the sixth Australian diagnosed with coronavirus on Wednesday.

                        Victoria's Chief Health Officer Dr Brett Sutton told reporters on Wednesday afternoon the man in his 60s fell ill last Thursday.

                        A man is currently in hospital on the Gold Coast after being diagnosed with the virus.


                        • #13
                          Chinese national football team quarantined in Australia

                          jan 29, 2020

                          The Chinese women’s national football team has been quarantined in Australia over concerns about the spread of coronavirus, health officials said.

                          Queensland state chief health officer Jeannette Young said 32 people — including players and staff — had travelled through the virus-hit Chinese city of Wuhan a week ago.

                          The team will be kept in isolation in a Brisbane hotel until next Wednesday.

                          The group arrived in Brisbane on a flight from Shanghai on Tuesday before border officials placed them in isolation.

                          They are travelling with a team doctor and none has shown symptoms.

                          A total of 32 people — including players and staff – will be kept in isolation in a Brisbane hotel until next Wednesday.


                          • #14

                            Seventh Aust coronavirus case confirmed
                            Wednesday, 29 January 2020 11:40 am

                            The first case of coronavirus has been confirmed in Queensland as a 44-year-old Chinese national, bringing the national total to seven.

                            There are now four cases in NSW, two in Victoria and one in Queensland.

                            The state's chief health officer Dr Jeanette Young said the man has been isolated in Gold Coast University Hospital.

                            Authorities said the man is from Wuhan, the Chinese city where the virus first started infecting humans.

                            Vulnerable Australians trapped in Wuhan due to the outbreak will be evacuated to Christmas Island.

                            Health Officials issued new advice on Wednesday, saying anyone who had been in Hubei province needed to isolate themselves at home for 14 days...


                            • #15
                              Reports of third Victorian coronavirus case

                              jan 30, 2020

                              A third person has reportedly been diagnosed with the deadly coronavirus in Victoria, taking the national total to eight.

                              An eighth person has reportedly been diagnosed with the deadly coronavirus in Australia.

                              The Herald Sun reports a third case has been confirmed in Victoria in a Chinese national woman in her 40s.

                              She had been visiting Victoria and is in isolation at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.

                              The health department is yet to release a statement.

                              It comes after two Australians in China have been infected with coronavirus, Health Minister Greg Hunt confirmed earlier today.

                              Mr Hunt said they were being treated and were not seeking consular assistance at this stage.

                              They were in Guangdong province, not Hubei province where the majority of cases have been located.
                              An eighth person has reportedly been diagnosed with the deadly coronavirus in Australia.

