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BioRxiv: Discovery of a novel coronavirus associated with the recent pneumonia outbreak in humans and its potential bat origin

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  • bertrand789
    pour faire mieux entrevoir que ce dossier n'a pas que des composantes humaines et vu le manque totale d'information officielle: Coronavirus: rappels concernant l’importation de produits venant d’Asie

    ceci pourrait justifier d'un post s?par? ...

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  • bertrand789
    un document d'une qualit? rare , qui pourtant contient ceci : ." Started from a local fresh seafood market". Ceci me choque, car ce lieu c'est cela : 看看这家市场 你就知道为什么说它是武汉肺炎的发源地

    Regardez ce march? et vous savez pourquoi il serait le berceau de la pneumonie de Wuhan

    avec notamment ceci:
    "?gouts non nettoy?s depuis des milliers d'ann?es"

    Je pense que, par respect, pour toutes les fili?res de produits de la mer en Chine et ailleurs, ce genre de terminologie ne devrait pas ?tre en usage dans de tels documents . Ne rien dire de s?rieux sur le lieu d'origine et ce que cela peut induire , vu le su sur les populations animales, notamment des zones en quarantaine, cela en stresse plus d'un , dont moi .
    un peu d'histoire :

    Les ?leveurs de porcs dans les zones rurales obtiennent souvent des restes de restaurants dans les villes pour les utiliser comme bains de bœuf (sans les fermenter ? fond). Ainsi, m?me s'il n'existe aucune preuve directe de transmission du virus du SRAS de l'homme ? des porcs, un avertissement fort devrait ?tre ?mis pour emp?cher une telle pratique, ou des proc?dures r?glementaires devraient ?tre institu?es pour bloquer cette voie de propagation de la maladie ( 15).

    issu de Coronavirus associ? au SRAS transmis de l'homme au porc

    Je sais bien, que vu l'?pid?mie de peste porcine africaine, en cours en Chine, les lois imposent que l'alimentation des porcs soit maitris?e. Mais, et en particulier en p?riode de quarantaine, cela est et va vraiment ?tre en place ?

    Par rapport, au nombre de morts officiels , pour le cas du SRAS, cela correspond ? bien moins que le nombre de morts humains, chaque ann?e, en France, pour les influenzas...
    Si la communication de crise est un acte d'une tr?s grande difficult?, en Chine , comme ailleurs, franchement, des erreurs du type de celle cit?e, cela ne peut pas enfin ?tre stopp?e?

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  • BioRxiv: Discovery of a novel coronavirus associated with the recent pneumonia outbreak in humans and its potential bat origin

    Discovery of a novel coronavirus associated with the recent pneumonia outbreak in humans and its potential bat origin

    Zheng-Li Shi, Peng Zhou, Xing-Lou Yang, Xian-Guang Wang, Ben Hu, Lei Zhang, Wei Zhang, Hao-Rui Si, Yan Zhu, Bei Li, Chao-Lin Huang, Hui-Dong Chen, Jing Chen, Yun Luo, Hua Guo, Ren-Di Jiang, Mei-Qin Liu, Ying Chen, Xu-Rui Shen, Xi Wang, Xiao-Shuang Zheng, Kai Zhao, Quan-Jiao Chen, Fei Deng, Lin-Lin Liu, Bing Yan, Fa-Xian Zhan, Yan-Yi Wang, Gengfu Xiao

    Abstract Since the SARS outbreak 18 years ago, a large number of severe acute respiratory syndrome related coronaviruses (SARSr-CoV) have been discovered in their natural reservoir host, bats. Previous studies indicated that some of those bat SARSr-CoVs have the potential to infect humans. Here we report the identification and characterization of a novel coronavirus (nCoV-2019) which caused an epidemic of acute respiratory syndrome in humans, in Wuhan, China. The epidemic, started from December 12th, 2019, has caused 198 laboratory confirmed infections with three fatal cases by January 20th, 2020. Full-length genome sequences were obtained from five patients at the early stage of the outbreak. They are almost identical to each other and share 79.5% sequence identify to SARS-CoV. Furthermore, it was found that nCoV-2019 is 96% identical at the whole genome level to a bat coronavirus. The pairwise protein sequence analysis of seven conserved non-structural proteins show that this virus belongs to the species of SARSr-CoV. The nCoV-2019 virus was then isolated from the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of a critically ill patient, which can be neutralized by sera from several patients. Importantly, we have confirmed that this novel CoV uses the same cell entry receptor, ACE2, as SARS-CoV.

    Since the SARS outbreak 18 years ago, a large number of severe acute respiratory syndrome related coronaviruses (SARSr-CoV) have been discovered in their natural reservoir host, bats[1][1]-[4][2]. Previous studies indicated that some of those bat SARSr-CoVs have the potential to infect humans[5][3]-[7][4]. Here we report the identification and characterization of a novel coronavirus (nCoV-2019) which caused an epidemic of acute respiratory syndrome in humans, in Wuhan, China. The epidemic, started from December 12th, 2019, has caused 198 laboratory confirmed infections with three fatal cases by January 20th, 2020. Full-length genome sequences were obtained from five patients at the early stage of the outbreak. They are almost identical to each other and share 79.5% sequence identify to SARS-CoV. Furthermore, it was found that nCoV-2019 is 96% identical at the whole genome level to a bat coronavirus. The pairwise protein sequence analysis of seven conserved non-structural proteins show that this virus belongs to the species of SARSr-CoV. The nCoV-2019 virus was then isolated from the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of a critically ill patient, which can be neutralized by sera from several patients. Importantly, we have confirmed that this novel CoV uses the same cell entry receptor, ACE2, as SARS-CoV. [1]: #ref-1 [2]: #ref-4 [3]: #ref-5 [4]: #ref-7