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Egypt - Human H5N1 Confirmed / Suspected - December 15, 2008 to February 7, 2009
أعلنت وزارة الصحة والسكان الليلة الماضية عن وفاة حالة جديدة بمرض انفلونزا الطيور بأبوتيج بأسيوط اثر اصابتها بالفيروس نتيجة ذبحها طيوراً منزلية مصابة بالمرض.
The Ministry of Health and Population last night for the death of new cases of bird flu after the Bobotej Assiut infected with the virus by slaughtering domestic birds infected with the disease.
أكد د. He said. عبدالرحمن شاهين المستشار الإعلامي لوزير الصحة ان الضحية تدعي سميحة عبدالحافظ أحمد "16 سنة" من قرية الزرابي بمركز أبوتيج موضحاً أن هذه الحالة هي رقم 51 منذ ظهور المرض وأنها حالة الوفاة رقم 23 مشيرا إلي ان آخر حالة كانت في 15 ابريل الماضي.
Abdel Rahman Shaheen Media Advisor to the Minister of Health claims that the victim Abdalhafez Samiha Ahmed said "16 years" from the village of carpets status Obotej adding that this situation is No. 51 since the emergence of disease and death as No. 23 pointed out that the last case was April 15 last.
The Ministry of Health and Population of Egypt has announced a new human case of avian influenza A(H5N1) virus infection.
The case is a 16-year-old female from Assuit Governorate, Upper Egypt whose symptoms began on 8 December 2008.
She was initially hospitalized at the district hospital on 11 December and then transferred to the Assuit University Hospital on 13 December where she died on 15 December.
Infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus was diagnosed by PCR at the Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratory and subsequently confirmed by the US Naval Medical Research Unit No. 3 (NAMRU-3) laboratories on 15 December 2008.
Investigations into the source of her infection indicate a recent history of contact with sick and dead poultry.
Of the 51 cases confirmed to date in Egypt, 23 have been fatal.
Re: Egypt - Human - H5N1 Confirmed December 15, 2008 +
Cluster suspected ?
Quarantined For 15 Days The Deceased's Family In Assiut Bird Flu .. And Panic Control Of The Village
Mamdouh Thabet, wrote Sahar al-Hamadani, Mohamed Fayed 12-17-2008
Hatem mountain
Directorates imposed health and veterinary medicine at Assiut, the quarantine on the village of «carpet» Obotej city of Assiut, following the death of Salim Ahmed Samiha Abdalhafez «16 years» affected the safety of bird flu, decided to General Nabil Ezabi, Governor of Assiut, cashing of 10 thousand pounds To her family.
"Dr. Abd Al-Ahmed, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Health and Population of Assiut, for« Egyptian today »The deceased was last Friday, the heat transfer and diarrhea were admitted to a hospital Assiut, doctors could not diagnose the condition have been transferred to the University hospital« Section endemic diseases »have been taken And samples sent to labs central Cairo and the outcome was positive, where she died Saturday night, affected the safety of bird flu, as a result of contact with poultry, which is the education.
It had been a number of contacts from family members and neighbors in quarantine and medical observation since Sunday night, where blood samples were taken for testing and measuring regular temperature and cough for a period of 15 days, and demanded the prevention of domestic rearing of poultry.
The Abdalhafez Syed Ahmed «29 years», the brother of the deceased, the victim were not complaining of anything before, then hit the heat and severe cough, noting that they were raising chickens before 3 months, but Zbhoha after the death of some of them. The Abdalhafez admitted to hospital Obotej neglected in the treatment of his sister for 6 consecutive days.
He said: disease after my sister went to the Central Hospital Obotej the first day of Eid did not find doctors and nurses tried to give glucose only, and asked to bring them after the holiday so that doctors have arrived, and then developed their situation, so we went to the hospital again imposed remedy the pretext of having no Analyzes, and only gave us a speech conversion to a hospital in Assiut University, adding that when they arrived to the hospital, the doctors there blood tests and X on the chest and heart.
We told them what happened at the Central Hospital, Vobulgona that «the situation behind them and then took blood samples and sent them to laboratories in Cairo, the ministry». George and a state of panic and resentment the people of the village, some of them refused to allow their children to go to school once the news of the death «Samiha».
This was arrested fever and chest hospital in Mahala, and five people on suspicion of bird flu cluster, including four children and a woman, after their very high fever and severe bone pain and shortness of breath was immediately given the drug Tamiflu, samples were taken and sent to Central laboratory.
Re: Egypt - Human - H5N1 Confirmed / Suspected - December 15, 2008 +
EGYPT: First bird flu fatality in six months
18 Dec 2008 08:18:14 GMT
<!-- 18 Dec 2008 08:18:14 GMT ## for search indexer, do not remove -->Source: IRIN Reuters and AlertNet are not responsible for the content of this article or for any external internet sites. The views expressed are the author's alone.
<!-- AN5.0 article title end --><SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="/bin/js/article.js"></SCRIPT></SPAN><INPUT id=CurrentSize type=hidden value=13 name=CurrentSize> <!-- EGYPT: First bird flu fatality in six months --><!-- IRIN -->CAIRO, 18 December 2008 (IRIN) - Egypt suffered its first bird flu fatality in six months when a girl died on 15 December, bringing the death toll from the disease to 23.
(Read more bird flu reports
Health Ministry spokesman Abdel-Rahman Shahin told IRIN in Cairo the death was the first since April 2008.
"This indicates the high level of awareness the Health Ministry and media were able to raise among Egyptians handling poultry," Shahin said, adding: "Virus activity fluctuates every season and tends to be more active in the winter."
A government committee set up to combat bird flu echoed Shahin's comments on the success of the public awareness campaign, saying infection rates among domestic poultry had dropped sharply since the second week of January 2008 thanks to increased vaccination efforts.
Samiyah Salem, 16, from al-Zaraaby village in the southern Egyptian governorate of Asyut died after being admitted to Asyut University Hospital on 13 December with a high fever and breathing problems, hospital officials told IRIN. She contracted the disease after exposure to infected household poultry.
To date 51 people have been infected since the first poultry death attributed to the H5N1 virus in February 2006.
"Early diagnosis is the most important factor and determines whether the person will live or die," Nasr Qilini, a doctor, told IRIN. "Tamiflu vaccination is available at all hospitals and medical units across Egypt."
Medical experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) fear the H5N1 virus could mutate or combine with the highly contagious seasonal influenza virus, resulting in human-to-human transmission and a pandemic that could kill millions of people.
Of all the Middle East countries Egypt has been the hardest hit by avian flu, suffering its first human death from the disease in March 2006.
The Ministry of Health of Cambodia has announced a new confirmed case of human infection with the avian influenza virus A(H5N1). The case is a 19-year old male from the Kandal Province who developed symptoms on the 28th November and two days later was hospitalised. The presence of the virus was confirmed by the Institute Pasteur in Cambodia (the appointed National Influenza Centre for the country). The patient is still in hospital and the source of infection has not been identified yet but prophylaxis measures have already been provided to the close contacts of the case. Seven out of 8 cases of human avian influenza reported in Cambodia have been fatal, WHO reports.
Another case of avian influenza virus A(H5N1) has been confirmed by the Ministry of Health and Population of Egypt. This time the case was a teenage girl from the Assuit Governorate in Upper Egypt. Three days after the initial symptoms she was hospitalised and died four days later. The identification of the virus was carried out by means of PCR at the Egyptian Public Health Laboratory and confirmed later by the US Naval Medical Research Unit No. 3 (NAMRU-3) laboratories. Investigations into the source of the infection point to a recent history of contact with sick and dead poultry. Twenty three out of 51 cases reported in Egypt have been fatal, WHO reports.
ECDC Comment: (18/12/2008)
These cases are not exceptional. Both Cambodia and Egypt are countries where influenza A(H5N1) is considered established and endemic in birds. Certainly its proving difficult to eliminate. This is also a time of year when cases seem to be more frequent in recent years.
<cite cite="">ECDC Health Content</cite>
Re: Egypt - Human - H5N1 Confirmed / Suspected - December 15, 2008 +
New Suspected Case Of Infection From Bird Flu
Ceyhan wrote Ibrahim Khalifa, India 12-22-2008
Penha Hospital admitted detained Mohammed Mahmoud Mohammed (4 years) from the village of Arab sand of the Center for Quesna Mounovip on suspicion of being infected with bird flu.
And Dr. Hisham Atta, Deputy Minister of Health the government, was setting up an operation room to follow up any notifications received on the Directorate of suspected cases of bird flu,
The execution was the home of all domestic birds infected, through the committee, which was formed from the Directorate of Health and veterinary medicine, agriculture and Security Directorate, has been taking samples from nearby houses to be examined, taking a sample of children who were sent to central labs in Cairo for analysis.
Re: Egypt - Human - H5N1 Confirmed / Suspected - December 15, 2008 +
Egypt: One New Suspected Case of Avian Influenza
12/22/08 ARGUS--A national source reported a 4-year-old male suspect avian influenza (AI) case. The boy was hospitalized at the fevers? hospital in Al Minufiyah, where samples were taken and sent to the Cairo central laboratories for testing. All poultry in the child?s household were culled. A health official stated that an emergency room was prepared to respond to any suspected cases of AI in the district.
Re: Egypt - Human - H5N1 Confirmed / Suspected - December 15, 2008 +
Family admitted to bird flu ward in hospital and given tamiflu -
<table style="text-align: left; direction: ltr;"><tbody><tr><td class="nav" align="center"> Family of suspected infection
من 5 أفراد بأنفلونزا الطيور
5members from bird flu
</td></tr><tr><td class="auther" align="right">
الغربية- علي أبودشيش:
West - Ali Oboudecic:
</td></tr><tr><td align="right">
احتجز أمس مستشفي حميات المحلة عبدالستار فتحي "45 سنة" معاون بيطري "وزوجته وأبناءه الثلاثة" داخل القسم المخصص للحالات المشتبه في اصابتها بمرض انفلونزا الطيور وذلك بعد ظهور أعراض المرض عليهم من ارتفاع في درجات الحرارة وآلام شديدة بالمفاصل وسعال شديد حيث تم اعطاؤهم عقار التامفلو وسحب عينة من دمائهم وارسالها إلي المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة.
Hospital admitted yesterday detained Mahala Fathi Abdul Sattar, "45 years" associate veterinarian, "and his wife and his three sons" in the section devoted to cases of suspected bird flu, after the emergence of symptoms of high temperature and severe pain, severe cough and joints, where the drug was given and the withdrawal of Altamflo a sample of blood sent to the laboratory and the central Ministry of Health.
كما قامت لجنة من الطب البيطري بإعدام أكثر من عشرة من طيور البط كانت موجودة بحظيرة المنزل وتطهير المكان وفرض كردون أمني لحين وصول نتائج التحاليل لمعرفة مدي إصابتهم من عدمه.
It also has a committee of veterinary medicine to deathmore than a dozen ducks were Bhzirp the house and cleaning up the place and the imposition of Kerdoun security until the arrival of the results of tests to determine the extent of the injury or not.
Re: Egypt - Human - H5N1 Confirmed / Suspected - December 15, 2008 +
It appears that this veterinarian may have been involved in a culling of ducks. The translation is not 100% clear.
In addition, Egypt has extensive education campaigns about bird flu. Veterinarians have been trained regarding the proper precautions to employ when dealing with sick poultry.
Re: Egypt - Human - H5N1 Confirmed / Suspected - December 15, 2008 +
<table style="border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; direction: ltr;" id="autonumber2" border="0" bordercolor="#111111" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="640"><tbody><tr><td align="center" valign="middle">A new suspected case of bird flu in the lake <!--heade--></td></tr><tr><td>
البحيرة ـ تامر عبدالرءوف:
Tamer Abdul Rauf, the lake:
للاشتباه في إصابته بإنفلونزا الطيور, تم حجز عبدالله منجد إبراهيم35 سنة من قرية منشية مهنا بكوم حمادة بمستشفي حميات الإسكندرية بعد ظهور أعراض الإصابة بالمرض عليه. ونظرا لمخالطته الطيور التي تربيها زوجته أعلي سطح منزله, اشتبه الأطباء في حالته وتم تحويله إلي حميات الإسكندرية وأخذ عينات منه وإرسالها إلي المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة.
On suspicion of having bird flu, has been reserved Munjid Abdullah Ibrahim, 35, from the village of Kom Hamada Manshiyat Mihanna fevers Alexandria hospital after the emergence of the symptoms of the disease. In view of the coming flu, which has kept his wife, the highest roof of his home, doctors suspected in his case was transferred to Alexandria, admitted taking samples and sending them to labs central Ministry of Health.