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Egypt Using Same Hospital for Swine and Bird Flu Suspected Cases

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  • Egypt Using Same Hospital for Swine and Bird Flu Suspected Cases

    ?Egyptian today? 2 in a row penetrate Abbasiyah admitted for isolated cases of infected swine flu

    كتب طارق أمين ٨/ ٦/ ٢٠٠٩
    Tariq wrote the 6-8 / 2009 <table style="border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; direction: ltr;" align="right" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td align="center" valign="top">
    عندما كانت تستعد الطفلة مصرية الأصل أمريكية الجنسية مريم عصام فوزى ?١٢ سنة?، التى تم تسجيلها كأول حالة إصابة فى مصر بفيروس ?H١N١? المعروف بأنفلونزا الخنازير، لمغادرة مستشفى الحميات بالعباسية، يوم الجمعة الماضى، بعد شفائها تماماً من المرض القاتل، كان المستشفى العريق يستقبل عدداً من الحالات المحولة من مطار القاهرة للاشتباه فى إصابتها بالوباء،

    When it was originally an Egyptian American girl Mariam Essam Fawzi sex ?12 years?, which was the first recorded case of HIV infection in Egypt ?H1N1? Swine flu is known, to leave the hospital diets بالعباسية, on Friday last, to recover fully after the deadly disease, the hospital old received a number of cases transferred from Cairo airport on suspicion of being infected with the epidemic,
    كما كان المستشفى يستقبل حالات أخرى مشتبهاً فى إصابتها بالأنفلونزا، خصوصاً الفيروس الأكثر شراسة ?أنفلونزا الطيور?.

    The hospital also receives other cases suspected of being infected with influenza, especially the more vicious the virus ?avian flu?.
    ?المصرى اليوم? تجولت داخل مستشفى حميات العباسية، أعرق وأكبر مستشفيات مصر، كان الهدف هو التحدث مع السيدة ?هناء? التى ترافق ابنتها، ورصد خروج أول حالة مصابة بعد شفائها، والتعرف على الجهد الذى يقوم به المستشفى فى مواجهة الوباء الجديد وإجراءاته الاحترازية، اخترقنا عنبر (٢)، أثناء وجود ?مريم? بداخله، كان القسم معزولاً تماماً، وأبوابه الخارجية من الزجاج الألوميتال،

    ?Egyptian today? toured fevers Abbasiyah inside a hospital, the oldest and largest hospital in Egypt, the aim is to talk with Ms. ?Hana? accompanied by her daughter, and to monitor the situation with the first exit after the recovery, identification of the work done in the hospital in the face of the epidemic, and new precautionary procedures, Achterguena ward (2), while the ?Mary? inside section was completely isolated, and the external glass doors Alolomettal,
    أما أبواب الغرف الداخلية، فكانت موصدة تماماً، والقسم بشكل عام نظيف وهادئ، غير أن اللافت أن الممرضات كن لا يُظهرن أى اهتمام بارتداء الكمامات داخل القسم، وهو نفس ما تلمسه مع معظم الممرضات والعاملين بأحد أخطر المستشفيات على الإطلاق..

    The internal doors of rooms, was completely closed, and the section is in a clean and quiet, but it is interesting that the nurses were not shown any interest in the wearing of masks within the Section, which is the same as the touch with most of the nurses and hospital workers in one of the most serious at all ..
    ورغم تحويل عشرات الحالات المشتبه فى إصابتها بالوباء خلال الأسابيع الماضية، كانت مريم ?محجبة? وترقد على سرير نظيف داخل الغرفة رقم ٧ مكيفة، بالقرب منها سرير والدتها، التى كانت تترقب حضور شقيقها لاصطحابهما إلى ?كفر شبين?، مركز شبين القناطر، الذى لم تتمكنا من السفر إليه منذ قدومهما إلى القاهرة..

    Although the transfer of dozens of cases of suspected epidemic over the past few weeks, Mary was ?veiled? and lying on a bed in a clean room air-conditioned 7, near the bed, her mother, who was looking forward to attend her brother, escorted them to the ?Kafr Shebin?, Center for Shibin Qanatir, which did not unable to travel to Cairo since Kaddomanma ..
    فجر الاثنين الماضى، تحدثنا مع ?هناء? والدة مريم، لكنها رفضت الحديث أو التصوير مع ابنتها، احترامنا رغبتها، ورغم أن التحاليل أثبتت سلامة الأم، لكنها لم تكتم مخاوفها من إمكانية حملها المرض،

    The dawn of Monday, we talked with ?Hana? Mary, the mother, but refused to talk with her daughter or photography, our willingness, despite the fact that tests have proven the safety of the mother, but did not cover their fears of the possibility of carrying the disease,
    وهو نفس ما صرح به بعض الأطباء، خصوصاً أنها كانت ملاصقة لابنتها بالغرفة طوال فترة العلاج.

    This is the same as stated by some doctors, especially as it was adjacent to her room for the duration of treatment.
    بعد خروجنا مباشرة، سألتُ إحدى العاملات بالمستشفى عن عدم ارتدائها الماسك، فلم تقل سوى: ?خليها على الله?.
    Directly after the exit, she asked one of the hospital workers for not wearing Catcher, no less than: ?Khaliha of God?.


  • #2
    Re: Egypt Using Same Hospital for Swine and Bird Flu Suspected Cases

    Shocking...this could only lead to a crazy reassortment. Unbelievably bad science.


    • #3
      Re: Egypt Using Same Hospital for Swine and Bird Flu Suspected Cases

      Possibilities, Indonesia is also putting both in the same hospitals..different rooms of course.


      • #4
        Re: Egypt Using Same Hospital for Swine and Bird Flu Suspected Cases

        This translation is a bit easier to read:
        Al-Masry Al-Youm Penetrates Section II of Abbasseya Fever Hospital Allocated for Isolated Cases Infected with Swine Flu
        By Tarek Amin 8/6/2009

        The American girl of Egyptian origin Mariam Essam Fawzi, 12, who was recorded as the first case infected with H1N1 known as swine flu, left the Abbasseya Fever Hospital on Friday after she has fully recovered.

        The hospital continued to receive other cases transferred from Cairo Airport on suspicion of being infected with the epidemic, in addition to more cases on suspicion of avian flu.

        Al-Masry Al-Youm toured the Abbasseya Hospital, the oldest and largest hospital in Egypt, and talked with Ms. Hana, who was accompanying her daughter, to monitor the hospital's efforts in the face of the epidemic.

        We have penetrated Section II, where Mariam was isolated. The section was completely isolated. Its external doors were of glass and its internal doors that separate the rooms were closed. The section is clean and quiet, but the nurses were not wearing masks, despite the serious hazard.

        The veiled Mariam was lying on a clean bed in the air-conditioned room no.7. On the other bed was her mother, who was waiting for her sister to come and take them to Kafr Shebin in Shebin Al-Qanatir, where they were originally headed when they came to Cairo.

        On the dawn of Monday, we talked with Hana, Mariam's mother, who refused that we talk with her daughter or take pictures of her. We have abided to her orders.

        The mother was still worried even though the reports said she did not carry the virus.

        On our way out, we asked one of the hospital workers why she was not wearing a mask. "God protects me," she said.


        • #5
          Re: Egypt Using Same Hospital for Swine and Bird Flu Suspected Cases

          Originally posted by Nancy View Post
          We have penetrated Section II, where Mariam was isolated. The section was completely isolated. Its external doors were of glass and its internal doors that separate the rooms were closed. The section is clean and quiet, but the nurses were not wearing masks, despite the serious hazard.
          My question would be - even though the patients are isolated, are the caregivers isolating from the different sections? The lack of masks pretty much eliminates any true isolation. Foolish. Egypt & Indonesia really do continue to be my main areas of concern. They are big petri dishes just begging for a new mutant strain to pop out.


          • #6
            Re: Egypt Using Same Hospital for Swine and Bird Flu Suspected Cases

            Originally posted by Possibilities View Post
            Shocking...this could only lead to a crazy reassortment. Unbelievably bad science.
            They may not have a choice - they bring the patients to the location of the specialists and ventilators.
            Separate the wheat from the chaff


            • #7
              Re: Egypt Using Same Hospital for Swine and Bird Flu Suspected Cases

              They it is only a matter of time before reassortment happens, and we are doomed.

